Oak Valley Community Bank Receives SBA Lending Accolades
Oak Valley Community Bank (NASDAQ: OVLY) has been named '2024 SBA 504 Most Active Bank' by Success Capital CDC, while their Vice President Rob Gildea received the '2024 SBA 504 Most Active Loan Officer' award. These recognitions cover lending activities across six California counties. The bank's achievements highlight its commitment to small business lending through the SBA 504 Program, which provides low down payment, fixed-rate financing for business owners to purchase or build facilities.
The bank operates through 18 branches across California, including locations in Oakdale, Turlock, Stockton, and other cities. The recognition ceremony was held in November, attended by key bank executives and commercial banking officers.
Oak Valley Community Bank (NASDAQ: OVLY) è stata nominata 'Banca più Attiva del 2024 per il Programma SBA 504' da Success Capital CDC, mentre il loro Vice Presidente Rob Gildea ha ricevuto il premio 'Funzionario di Prestito più Attivo del 2024'. Questi riconoscimenti riguardano le attività di prestito in sei contee della California. I risultati della banca evidenziano il suo impegno nel finanziamento delle piccole imprese attraverso il Programma SBA 504, che offre finanziamenti a basso pagamento iniziale e tasso fisso per i proprietari di aziende per acquistare o costruire strutture.
La banca opera attraverso 18 filiali in California, incluse sedi a Oakdale, Turlock, Stockton e altre città. La cerimonia di riconoscimento si è svolta a novembre, alla quale hanno partecipato i principali dirigenti della banca e funzionari del settore bancario commerciale.
Oak Valley Community Bank (NASDAQ: OVLY) ha sido nombrada 'Banco más Activo del 2024 para el Programa SBA 504' por Success Capital CDC, mientras que su Vicepresidente Rob Gildea recibió el premio 'Oficial de Préstamo más Activo del 2024'. Estos reconocimientos abarcan las actividades de préstamos en seis condados de California. Los logros del banco destacan su compromiso con el financiamiento de pequeñas empresas a través del Programa SBA 504, que proporciona financiamiento con bajo pago inicial y tasa fija para que los propietarios de negocios compren o construyan instalaciones.
El banco opera a través de 18 sucursales en California, incluidas ubicaciones en Oakdale, Turlock, Stockton y otras ciudades. La ceremonia de reconocimiento se llevó a cabo en noviembre, con la presencia de altos ejecutivos del banco y oficiales de banca comercial.
오크 밸리 커뮤니티 뱅크 (NASDAQ: OVLY)는 Success Capital CDC에 의해 '2024 SBA 504 가장 활동적인 은행'으로 선정되었으며, 부사장인 롭 길디아가 '2024 SBA 504 가장 활동적인 대출 담당자' 상을 받았습니다. 이 인정은 캘리포니아의 여섯 개 카운티에 걸친 대출 활동을 다룹니다. 이 은행의 성과는 SBA 504 프로그램을 통한 중소기업 대출에 대한 헌신을 강조하며, 이는 사업자들이 시설을 구매하거나 건축할 수 있도록 낮은 계약금과 고정 금리로 자금을 제공합니다.
이 은행은 오크데일, 털록, 스톡턴 등 여러 도시를 포함하여 캘리포니아 전역에 18개 지점을 운영하고 있습니다. 시상식은 11월에 개최되었으며, 은행 주요 임원들과 상업 은행 관계자들이 참석했습니다.
Oak Valley Community Bank (NASDAQ: OVLY) a été désignée 'Banque la plus active en 2024 pour le programme SBA 504' par Success Capital CDC, tandis que leur vice-président Rob Gildea a reçu le prix du 'Gestionnaire de prêts le plus actif en 2024'. Ces reconnaissances concernent les activités de prêt dans six comtés de Californie. Les réalisations de la banque soulignent son engagement envers le financement des petites entreprises grâce au programme SBA 504, qui offre un faible acompte et un financement à taux fixe pour les propriétaires d'entreprise souhaitant acheter ou construire des installations.
La banque opère à travers 18 agences en Californie, y compris des emplacements à Oakdale, Turlock, Stockton et d'autres villes. La cérémonie de reconnaissance a eu lieu en novembre, en présence de cadres clés de la banque et de responsables de la banque commerciale.
Oak Valley Community Bank (NASDAQ: OVLY) wurde von Success Capital CDC zur 'aktivsten Bank 2024 im SBA 504-Programm' ernannt, während ihr Vizepräsident Rob Gildea den Preis für den 'aktivsten Darlehensbeamten 2024' erhielt. Diese Auszeichnungen beziehen sich auf die Kreditvergabe in sechs Landkreisen in Kalifornien. Die Erfolge der Bank unterstreichen ihr Engagement für die Kreditvergabe an kleine Unternehmen durch das SBA 504-Programm, das eine niedrige Anzahlung und eine feste Finanzierung für Unternehmensinhaber ermöglicht, um Einrichtungen zu kaufen oder zu bauen.
Die Bank betreibt 18 Filialen in Kalifornien, darunter Standorte in Oakdale, Turlock, Stockton und anderen Städten. Die Anerkennungszeremonie fand im November statt und nahm die Anwesenheit von wichtigen Bankmitarbeitern und Gewerbebankern in Anspruch.
- Recognition as most active SBA 504 lender in six California counties
- Strong presence with 18 branch network across California
- Demonstrated leadership in small business lending segment
- None.
OAKDALE, Calif., Dec. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Oak Valley Community Bank, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oak Valley Bancorp (NASDAQ: OVLY), was recognized by Success Capital – Certified Development Corporation as their “2024 SBA 504 Most Active Bank.”
In addition, Vice President, Commercial Banking Officer, Rob Gildea received the distinction of “2024 SBA 504 Most Active Loan Officer” in 2024. Both distinctions covered lending activity in San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Merced, Mariposa, Tuolumne, and Calaveras Counties.
Gildea has 35 years of commercial banking experience. He joined the Oak Valley lending team in 2020. “This award is a testament to both Rob’s SBA knowledge and his drive to support our small business community. By consistently providing access to vital capital, Rob has empowered numerous businesses to thrive and succeed,” stated Gary Stephens, EVP Commercial Banking Group.
The 504 Program provides loans for small business development. Success Capital offers low down payment, fixed-rate financing via the SBA 504 Loan Program for business owners to purchase or build facilities for their businesses. “We are honored by Success Capital’s acknowledgment of the bank’s efforts. These awards reflect our steadfast dedication to ensuring our small business community has the financial resources necessary for growth. They pay tribute to our lenders and loan processing team who make our SBA lending program a success,” stated Chris Courtney, CEO.
Success Capital held their award presentation in November recognizing Oak Valley Community Bank and other financial institution partners. The bank was represented by Commercial Banking Officers and others who contributed to their lending activity including Mike Rodrigues, EVP Chief Credit Officer, Gary Stephens, EVP Commercial Banking Group, Peter Brown, SVP Commercial Banking Group, and Commercial Banking Officers, Rob Gildea, Victoria Gaffney, and Kim Parco.
Oak Valley Community Bank
OVCB offers a variety of loan and deposit products to individuals and small businesses. They currently operate through 18 conveniently located branches: Oakdale, Turlock, Stockton, Patterson, Ripon, Escalon, Manteca, Tracy, Sacramento, Roseville, two branches in Sonora, three branches in Modesto, and three branches in their Eastern Sierra Division, which includes Bridgeport, Mammoth Lakes, and Bishop. For more information visit www.ovcb.com.
Success Capital – CDC
Since 1986, Success Capital has been helping small businesses throughout California secure favorable fixed-rate financing for real estate projects and equipment through the SBA 504, SBA 7(a), and other loan programs. Success Capital offers low down payment, fixed-rate financing via the SBA 504 Loan Program for business owners to purchase or build facilities for their businesses. For more information, visit www.successcapitalsba.com.
Oak Valley Community Bank
Chris Courtney, CEO
Rick McCarty, President & COO
Phone: (866) 844-7500
Success Capital CDC
Marsha Carr, President & CEO
Phone: (209) 521-9372

What awards did Oak Valley Community Bank (OVLY) receive in 2024?
How many branches does Oak Valley Community Bank (OVLY) currently operate?
What geographical area does OVLY's SBA 504 lending recognition cover?