World Quality Report 2024 shows 68% of Organizations Now Utilizing Gen AI to Advance Quality Engineering

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The 16th edition of the World Quality Report, titled 'New Futures in Focus', reveals significant developments in Quality Engineering (QE). Key findings include:

1. 68% of organizations are either actively using Generative AI (Gen AI) or have developed roadmaps for implementation.

2. 72% of respondents report faster automation processes due to Gen AI integration.

3. 82% of organizations have dedicated learning pathways for QE teams, but only 50% track their effectiveness.

4. Challenges in automating testing environments persist, with 57% lacking comprehensive strategies and 64% relying on legacy systems.

5. Only 25% of organizations measure the environmental impact of IT development, while 44% track testing activities' impact.

The report emphasizes the need for organizations to better align QE metrics with business outcomes and adopt comprehensive Green IT strategies.

La 16ª edizione del World Quality Report, intitolata 'Nuove Prospettive in Focus', rivela sviluppi significativi nell'Ingegneria della Qualità (QE). I principali risultati includono:

1. 68% delle organizzazioni stanno attivamente utilizzando l'IA Generativa (Gen AI) o hanno sviluppato piani per la sua implementazione.

2. 72% dei rispondenti segnalano processi di automazione più rapidi grazie all'integrazione della Gen AI.

3. 82% delle organizzazioni hanno percorsi di apprendimento dedicati per i team QE, ma solo 50% ne monitorano l'efficacia.

4. Le sfide nell'automatizzare gli ambienti di test persistono, con 57% che mancano di strategie complete e 64% che si affidano a sistemi obsoleti.

5. Solo 25% delle organizzazioni misurano l'impatto ambientale dello sviluppo IT, mentre 44% monitorano l'impatto delle attività di test.

Il rapporto sottolinea la necessità per le organizzazioni di allineare meglio i metriche QE con i risultati aziendali e adottare strategie complete di Green IT.

La 16ª edición del World Quality Report, titulada 'Nuevos Futuros en Foco', revela desarrollos significativos en la Ingeniería de Calidad (QE). Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

1. 68% de las organizaciones están utilizando activamente la IA Generativa (Gen AI) o han desarrollado hojas de ruta para su implementación.

2. 72% de los encuestados informan sobre procesos de automatización más rápidos debido a la integración de Gen AI.

3. 82% de las organizaciones tienen caminos de aprendizaje dedicados para los equipos de QE, pero solo 50% rastrean su efectividad.

4. Persisten los desafíos en la automatización de entornos de prueba, con 57% careciendo de estrategias integrales y 64% dependiendo de sistemas antiguos.

5. Solo 25% de las organizaciones miden el impacto ambiental del desarrollo de TI, mientras que 44% rastrean el impacto de las actividades de prueba.

El informe enfatiza la necesidad de que las organizaciones alineen mejor las métricas de QE con los resultados del negocio y adopten estrategias completas de TI Verde.

'새로운 미래에 집중'이라는 제목의 제16회 세계 품질 보고서에서는 품질 엔지니어링(QE)의 중대한 발전을 밝혀냈습니다. 주요 결과는 다음과 같습니다:

1. 68%의 조직이 현재 생성형 AI(Gen AI)를 적극적으로 사용하거나 구현을 위한 로드맵을 개발하고 있습니다.

2. 72%의 응답자가 Gen AI 통합 덕분에 자동화 프로세스가 더 빨라졌다고 보고했습니다.

3. 82%의 조직이 QE 팀을 위한 전용 학습 경로를 가지고 있지만, 50%만이 그 효과를 추적하고 있습니다.

4. 테스트 환경을 자동화하는 데 어려움이 여전하며, 57%는 포괄적인 전략이 부족하고 64%는 기존 시스템에 의존하고 있습니다.

5. 25%의 조직만이 IT 개발의 환경적 영향을 측정하고 있으며, 44%는 테스트 활동의 영향을 추적하고 있습니다.

이 보고서는 조직이 QE 지표를 비즈니스 성과와 더 잘 일치시킬 필요성과 포괄적인 그린 IT 전략을 채택할 필요성을 강조합니다.

La 16e édition du World Quality Report, intitulée 'Nouveaux Futurs en Focus', révèle des progrès significatifs dans l'Ingénierie de la Qualité (QE). Les résultats clés incluent :

1. 68% des organisations utilisent activement l'IA Générative (Gen AI) ou ont développé des feuilles de route pour sa mise en œuvre.

2. 72% des répondants signalent des processus d'automatisation plus rapides grâce à l'intégration de Gen AI.

3. 82% des organisations ont des parcours d'apprentissage dédiés pour les équipes QE, mais seulement 50% suivent leur efficacité.

4. Les défis liés à l'automatisation des environnements de test persistent, avec 57% n'ayant pas de stratégies complètes et 64% s'appuyant sur des systèmes hérités.

5. Seules 25% des organisations mesurent l'impact environnemental du développement IT, tandis que 44% suivent l'impact des activités de test.

Le rapport souligne la nécessité pour les organisations d'aligner mieux les métriques QE sur les résultats commerciaux et d'adopter des stratégies complètes de Green IT.

Die 16. Ausgabe des World Quality Report mit dem Titel 'Neue Perspektiven im Fokus' zeigt bedeutende Entwicklungen im Bereich Qualitätsingenieurwesen (QE). Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse sind:

1. 68% der Organisationen nutzen aktiv Generative KI (Gen AI) oder haben Umsetzungspläne entwickelt.

2. 72% der Befragten berichten von schnelleren Automatisierungsprozessen durch die Integration von Gen AI.

3. 82% der Organisationen haben spezielle Lernpfade für QE-Teams, aber nur 50% verfolgen deren Effektivität.

4. Die Herausforderungen bei der Automatisierung von Testumgebungen bestehen weiterhin, wobei 57% keine umfassenden Strategien haben und 64% auf veraltete Systeme angewiesen sind.

5. Nur 25% der Organisationen messen die Umweltauswirkungen der IT-Entwicklung, während 44% die Auswirkungen von Testaktivitäten verfolgen.

Der Bericht betont die Notwendigkeit für Organisationen, QE-Metriken besser mit Geschäftsergebnissen in Einklang zu bringen und umfassende Green IT-Strategien zu übernehmen.

  • 68% of organizations are actively using or have roadmaps for Generative AI implementation
  • 72% of respondents report faster automation processes due to Gen AI integration
  • 82% of organizations have dedicated learning pathways for Quality Engineering teams
  • Only 50% of organizations track the effectiveness of their QE learning programs
  • 57% lack comprehensive test automation strategies
  • 64% rely on legacy systems, hindering automation efforts
  • Only 25% of organizations measure the environmental impact of their overall IT development


The World Quality Report 2024 reveals a significant shift in Quality Engineering (QE), with 68% of organizations now using or planning to use Generative AI. This adoption is primarily driven by its impact on test automation, with 72% reporting faster automation processes. The integration of Gen AI in QE is reshaping software development practices and necessitating a redefinition of quality engineering strategies.

However, challenges persist. 57% of respondents cite a lack of comprehensive test automation strategies, while 64% struggle with legacy system dependencies. These issues hinder the advancement of automation efforts. Additionally, there's a concerning lag in sustainability practices, with only 25% of organizations measuring the environmental impact of their IT development.

The report underscores the need for continuous upskilling, especially in Gen AI, Agile integration and cross-functional collaboration. While 82% of organizations have dedicated learning pathways, only half track their effectiveness, indicating a potential gap in skill development strategies.

The World Quality Report 2024 highlights a transformative trend in the software development industry, with Generative AI at the forefront. This shift has significant implications for companies like OpenText (OTEX) and their competitors in the enterprise information management space.

The widespread adoption of Gen AI in Quality Engineering (68% of organizations) suggests a growing market for AI-enhanced software development tools. For OpenText, this presents both an opportunity and a challenge. The company's ability to integrate Gen AI into its existing product suite and develop new AI-driven solutions could be important for maintaining market position and driving growth.

However, the report also reveals areas of concern. The lag in sustainability practices (only 25% measuring environmental impact) and challenges with legacy systems (64% of respondents) indicate potential areas for product development and service offerings. OpenText could leverage these gaps to differentiate its offerings and capture market share in the evolving enterprise software landscape.

Developer productivity and quality engineering has passed the tipping point of adopting generative AI to drive business success, says the 16th edition of the report

WATERLOO, ON, Oct. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- OpenText™, in collaboration with Capgemini and Sogeti (part of the Capgemini Group), today announced the findings of the 16th edition of the World Quality Report, "New Futures in Focus." The report reveals significant developments in Quality Engineering (QE), with a growing emphasis on the integration of Generative AI (Gen AI) and a notable shift in the skills required to excel in Agile development environments.

The World Quality Report 2024 surveyed organizations across various industries to capture the current trends in software engineering and developer best practices. Quality Engineering that was once defined as testing human-written software has now evolved with AI generated code. From the volume of code and test scripts that need to be generated, to how software chains have to be tested end-to-end, the need for redefinition of Quality Engineering is reshaping the focus and strategy of many testing and software engineering teams. The report emphasizes the increasing adoption of Gen AI and its impact on test automation, alongside the critical need for organizations to better align QE metrics with business outcomes to showcase its strategic value.

Key Findings from the Report Include:

  • Gen AI Dominates Quality Engineering Trends:
    The report shows 68% of organizations are either actively utilizing Gen AI (34%) or have developed roadmaps following successful pilot implementations (34%). Test automation is the leading area where Gen AI is making an impact, with 72% of respondents reporting faster automation processes as a result of Gen AI integration.

  • Upskilling Remains Crucial:
    While 82% of organizations report having dedicated learning pathways for their QE teams, only 50% actively track the effectiveness of these programs. The report stresses the importance of continuous learning, especially in skills such as Gen AI, Agile integration and cross-functional collaboration. 

  • Automation and Legacy System Challenges Persist:
    The report also uncovers the challenges many organizations face in automating their testing environments. A lack of comprehensive test automation strategies and reliance on legacy systems were identified by 57% and 64% of respondents, respectively, as key barriers to advancing automation efforts.

  • Sustainability and Green IT Priorities Lag Behind:
    Despite widespread recognition of sustainability as a top priority, the report finds that only 25% of organizations are measuring the environmental impact of their overall IT development, while 44% are tracking the impact of testing activities. Furthermore, only 34% of respondents are implementing efficient Quality Engineering practices to drive sustainability. The report calls for organizations to adopt comprehensive Green IT strategies and improve environmental impact measurement across the entire software development lifecycle.

"The insights from this year's World Quality Report emphasize the growing role of AI and emerging technology methodologies in Quality Engineering, but they also reveal a clear need for organizations to recognize and communicate QE's strategic value," said Muhi Majzoub, EVP and Chief Product Officer at OpenText. "As technology evolves, OpenText is dedicated to helping organizations integrate advanced software lifecycle management solutions with Gen AI while ensuring that Quality Engineering remains at the forefront of driving business success."

"Gen AI tools and solutions are clearly gaining adoption by quality engineers to assist them in their function and focus on higher-value-added tasks," said Mark Buenen, Global Leader, Quality Engineering and Testing at Sogeti. "This year's World Quality Report shows a striking shift with a large majority of respondents who are either actively using Gen AI in their QE processes or crafting implementation roadmaps. Beyond its proven impact on coding efficiency and quality, Gen AI has the potential to further accelerate the transformation of quality engineering and create new value for both clients and end users."

About the World Quality Report 2024:
Now in its 16th edition, the World Quality Report is an annual study that explores the latest trends, challenges, and future outlooks for Quality Engineering across industries. The report is based on extensive research and surveys with industry leaders to provide a comprehensive understanding of the software quality landscape.

World Quality Report 2024 research methodology:
The World Quality Report is the only global report analyzing application quality and testing trends. It has been produced annually since 2009. This year's edition has tracked and examined the most important trends and developments in Quality Engineering and Testing by surveying more than 1,750 senior executives across 33 countries and 10 sectors. The expert findings are complemented with commentary, examples and best practices from senior executives from various fortune 500 organizations, that participated in deep-dive interviews around these topics.

Download the full report at

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What percentage of organizations are using or planning to use Generative AI in Quality Engineering according to the World Quality Report 2024?

According to the World Quality Report 2024, 68% of organizations are either actively utilizing Generative AI (34%) or have developed roadmaps following successful pilot implementations (34%) in Quality Engineering.

How is Generative AI impacting test automation in Quality Engineering?

The report shows that 72% of respondents report faster automation processes as a result of Generative AI integration in test automation, making it the leading area where Gen AI is making an impact in Quality Engineering.

What are the main challenges in automating testing environments according to the World Quality Report 2024?

The main challenges in automating testing environments are a lack of comprehensive test automation strategies (reported by 57% of respondents) and reliance on legacy systems (reported by 64% of respondents).

How are organizations addressing sustainability in IT development according to the World Quality Report 2024?

The report finds that only 25% of organizations are measuring the environmental impact of their overall IT development, while 44% are tracking the impact of testing activities. Additionally, only 34% of respondents are implementing efficient Quality Engineering practices to drive sustainability.

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