Pick n Pay Achieves 95% Automation in Software Testing with OpenText AI innovation

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Pick n Pay Group, a major African retailer, has partnered with OpenText (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTEX) to revolutionize its software testing processes. By implementing OpenText DevOps Aviator, Pick n Pay has achieved 95% automation in software testing, reducing testing times by up to three days. This AI-driven solution has improved testing accuracy, increased coverage by 20%, and accelerated development cycles.

The partnership has enabled Pick n Pay to enhance its digital services for e-commerce customers, outperforming public AI platforms in precision and data protection. The implementation has resulted in a 95% increase in quality assurance and system integration testing, surpassing standard goals of 75% to 80%. This efficiency boost allows testers to focus on higher-priority tasks and has cut training time for junior testers by six weeks.

Pick n Pay Group, un importante rivenditore africano, ha collaborato con OpenText (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTEX) per rivoluzionare i suoi processi di test del software. Implementando OpenText DevOps Aviator, Pick n Pay ha raggiunto una automazione del 95% nei test del software, riducendo i tempi di test fino a tre giorni. Questa soluzione basata sull'IA ha migliorato l'accuratezza dei test, aumentando la copertura del 20% e accelerando i cicli di sviluppo.

La partnership ha consentito a Pick n Pay di migliorare i suoi servizi digitali per i clienti dell'e-commerce, superando le piattaforme pubbliche di IA in precisione e protezione dei dati. L'implementazione ha portato a un aumento del 95% nella qualità dell'assicurazione e nei test di integrazione del sistema, superando gli obiettivi standard del 75% all'80%. Questo aumento di efficienza consente ai tester di concentrarsi su compiti di maggiore priorità e ha ridotto il tempo di formazione per i tester junior di sei settimane.

Pick n Pay Group, un importante minorista africano, se ha asociado con OpenText (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTEX) para revolucionar sus procesos de pruebas de software. Al implementar OpenText DevOps Aviator, Pick n Pay ha logrado una automatización del 95% en las pruebas de software, reduciendo los tiempos de prueba hasta en tres días. Esta solución impulsada por IA ha mejorado la precisión de las pruebas, aumentando la cobertura en un 20% y acelerando los ciclos de desarrollo.

La asociación ha permitido a Pick n Pay mejorar sus servicios digitales para clientes de comercio electrónico, superando a las plataformas públicas de IA en precisión y protección de datos. La implementación ha resultado en un aumento del 95% en la calidad de las pruebas de aseguramiento y en las pruebas de integración de sistemas, superando las metas estándar del 75% al 80%. Este aumento de eficiencia permite a los evaluadores concentrarse en tareas de mayor prioridad y ha reducido el tiempo de capacitación para los evaluadores junior en seis semanas.

피크앤페이 그룹(Pick n Pay Group), 아프리카의 주요 소매업체가 OpenText (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTEX)와 협력하여 소프트웨어 테스트 프로세스를 혁신하였습니다. OpenText DevOps Aviator를 구현함으로써 피크앤페이는 소프트웨어 테스트의 95% 자동화를 달성하였고, 테스트 시간을 최대 3일 단축하였습니다. 이 AI 기반 솔루션은 테스트 정확성을 개선하고, 커버리지를 20% 증가시키며, 개발 주기를 가속화했습니다.

이 파트너십을 통해 피크앤페이는 전자상거래 고객을 위한 디지털 서비스를 향상시켰고, 공공 AI 플랫폼보다 정확성과 데이터 보호에서 우수한 성과를 보였습니다. 구현 결과는 품질 보증 및 시스템 통합 테스트에서 95% 증가를 이루어, 표준 목표인 75%에서 80%를 초과했습니다. 이러한 효율성 향상은 테스터들이 우선순위가 높은 작업에 집중할 수 있게 하였고, 주니어 테스터의 교육 시간을 6주 단축시켰습니다.

Pick n Pay Group, un important détaillant africain, s'est associé à OpenText (NASDAQ : OTEX, TSX : OTEX) pour révolutionner ses processus de test logiciel. En mettant en œuvre OpenText DevOps Aviator, Pick n Pay a atteint une automatisation de 95 % des tests logiciels, réduisant les délais de test de jusqu'à trois jours. Cette solution basée sur l'IA a amélioré la précision des tests, augmenté la couverture de 20 % et accéléré les cycles de développement.

Le partenariat a permis à Pick n Pay d'améliorer ses services numériques pour les clients de l'e-commerce, surpassant les plateformes publiques d'IA en précision et en protection des données. La mise en œuvre a entraîné une augmentation de 95 % de l'assurance qualité et des tests d'intégration système, dépassant les objectifs standards de 75 % à 80 %. Ce gain d'efficacité permet aux testeurs de se concentrer sur des tâches de plus haute priorité et a réduit le temps de formation pour les testeurs juniors de six semaines.

Die Pick n Pay Group, ein großer afrikanischer Einzelhändler, hat sich mit OpenText (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTEX) zusammengeschlossen, um ihre Software-Testprozesse zu revolutionieren. Durch die Implementierung von OpenText DevOps Aviator hat Pick n Pay eine 95% Automatisierung in der Softwareprüfung erreicht und die Testzeiten um bis zu drei Tage verkürzt. Diese KI-gesteuerte Lösung hat die Testgenauigkeit verbessert, die Abdeckung um 20% erhöht und die Entwicklungszyklen beschleunigt.

Die Partnerschaft hat es Pick n Pay ermöglicht, seine digitalen Dienstleistungen für E-Commerce-Kunden zu verbessern und öffentliche KI-Plattformen in Bezug auf Präzision und Datenschutz zu übertreffen. Die Implementierung hat zu einem 95% Anstieg bei der Qualitätssicherung und Systemintegrationstests geführt, was die standardisierten Ziele von 75% bis 80% übertrifft. Dieser Effizienzschub erlaubt es den Testern, sich auf wichtigere Aufgaben zu konzentrieren und hat die Ausbildungszeit für Junior-Tester um sechs Wochen verkürzt.

  • Achieved 95% automation in software testing, reducing testing times by up to three days
  • Increased testing coverage by 20% on platform-specific scenarios
  • Elevated quality assurance and system integration testing by 95%, surpassing standard goals of 75-80%
  • Cut training time for junior testers by six weeks
  • Outperformed leading public AI platforms in precision and data protection
  • None.

Pick n Pay's adoption of OpenText DevOps Aviator marks a significant leap in software testing efficiency. The 95% automation rate and 20% increase in testing coverage are impressive metrics, showcasing the power of AI in streamlining development processes. The 80% accuracy in matching manual tester output is particularly noteworthy, as it validates the AI's reliability.

The system's ability to learn from private data sets addresses important data security concerns, giving it an edge over public AI platforms. This could be a game-changer for companies handling sensitive customer information. The reduction in manual testing time by up to three days and the six-week cut in training time for junior testers demonstrate tangible operational benefits that could significantly enhance Pick n Pay's agility in responding to market demands.

This partnership signals a growing trend in retail tech adoption, with potential ripple effects across the industry. The 95% increase in QA and system integration testing efficiency could set a new benchmark for competitors. Pick n Pay's success might trigger a wave of similar AI integrations in retail, potentially reshaping the competitive landscape.

For OpenText, this showcase of DevOps Aviator's capabilities could boost its market position in the AI-driven development tools sector. The superior performance against a leading public AI platform is a strong selling point that could attract more enterprise clients. However, the true test will be the long-term impact on Pick n Pay's customer satisfaction and online sales growth, which will be important metrics to watch in the coming quarters.

OpenText™ DevOps Aviator reduces manual testing time, boosts coverage, and accelerates development cycles, enhancing Pick n Pay's digital services

WATERLOO, Ontario, Aug. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Pick n Pay Group, a leading retailer with over 1,650 stores across seven African countries, has partnered with OpenText™ (NASDAQ: OTEX), (TSX: OTEX) to supercharge its software testing processes. By leveraging generative-AI and private large language models (LLM), Pick n Pay has automated 95% of its software testing, cutting testing times by up to three days and significantly improving its digital services for ecommerce customers.

Pick n Pay integrated OpenText's cloud-based value stream management (VSM) and DevOps platform, OpenText™ ValueEdge™, with the pioneering AI capabilities of OpenText™ DevOps Aviator, to meet the escalating customer demand for innovative digital shopping tools. By activating OpenText DevOps Aviator within its existing OpenText ValueEdge workspace, Pick n Pay unlocked a new era of efficient and precise software test automation, gaining a substantial information advantage to better serve its expanding online customer base.

"Our partnership with OpenText transcends conventional support," said Leon Van Niekerk, Head of Testing and Quality at Pick n Pay Group. "OpenText has been pivotal in our AI and digital transformation journey, demonstrating an intuitive understanding of our needs and seamlessly integrating solutions into our systems and workflows. With OpenText ValueEdge, we enhance visibility across projects, departments, and methodologies, transforming testing processes for improved accuracy, security, and efficiency. Now, with OpenText DevOps Aviator, we embrace a truly innovative and holistic DevOps approach that directly benefits our customers."

During the testing of 45 features, OpenText DevOps Aviator showcased remarkable accuracy, matching manual tester output 80% of the time and identifying overlooked test cases, enhancing testing coverage by 20% on platform-specific scenarios. Confident in OpenText DevOps Aviator's capabilities, Pick n Pay transitioned from manual test case creation to fully integrating AI-generated test cases into workflows, empowering testing teams to focus on higher-priority work.

Additionally, Pick n Pay pitted OpenText DevOps Aviator against a leading public AI platform using identical scenarios. OpenText DevOps Aviator emerged as superior, showcasing flawless precision due to its unique capability to learn and train exclusively on private data within Pick n Pay's information ecosystem. This ensures robust data protection and mitigates risks associated with customer data exploitation, unlike solutions relying on public, insecure data sets.

Since implementation, OpenText DevOps Aviator has revolutionized Pick n Pay's software test automation workflows. The organization has elevated test case generation, eliminating the need for manual writing. By engaging cutting-edge AI capabilities, quality assurance (QA) and system integration testing increased by 95%, surpassing Pick n Pay's standard goals of 75% to 80%. By saving up to three days previously spent on manual test case creation, OpenText DevOps Aviator accelerates the software development cycle, allowing testers to focus on exploratory testing and scenario analysis, optimizing resource utilization, enhancing overall efficiency, and elevating human potential within the organization. These positive outcomes translate directly into faster and more reliable digital services for Pick n Pay's customers.

With OpenText DevOps Aviator, Pick n Pay introduces automation early in the development process, reducing wait times for manual testing and achieving near-total automation for new feature testing. Immediate test case suggestions expedite onboarding for junior testers, cutting training time by six weeks - a crucial advantage for agile development teams.

"The demand for faster application delivery and early, frequent software testing has never been greater," said Muhi Majzoub, Executive Vice President and Chief Product Officer, OpenText. "OpenText DevOps Aviator is the ultimate solution for integrating AI into DevOps to optimize the software delivery lifecycle. Pick n Pay exemplifies how a true DevOps approach, combined with the rapid access to new AI-powered capabilities, can encourage modern, smarter ways of working, leading to unparalleled growth and success. We are excited to play a crucial role in their AI adoption journey and help deliver exceptional digital experiences to customers."

Van Niekerk concluded: "The positive impact of OpenText DevOps Aviator on Pick n Pay's software lifecycle drives interest in adopting this technology beyond the initial phase. Together with OpenText, we will integrate assets into one platform, further enhancing automation over the next 12 – 18 months. We are excited about the future with OpenText as our trusted partner and the unfolding of our AI-driven journey."

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How has OpenText DevOps Aviator improved Pick n Pay's software testing process?

OpenText DevOps Aviator has automated 95% of Pick n Pay's software testing, reducing testing times by up to three days, increasing testing coverage by 20%, and improving accuracy and efficiency in the development cycle.

What percentage of automation did Pick n Pay achieve in software testing with OpenText (OTEX)?

Pick n Pay achieved 95% automation in software testing using OpenText DevOps Aviator.

How did OpenText DevOps Aviator compare to public AI platforms in Pick n Pay's testing?

OpenText DevOps Aviator outperformed leading public AI platforms, showing flawless precision due to its ability to learn and train exclusively on private data within Pick n Pay's information ecosystem, ensuring better data protection.

What impact did OpenText (OTEX) solutions have on Pick n Pay's training time for junior testers?

The implementation of OpenText DevOps Aviator reduced training time for junior testers at Pick n Pay by six weeks, expediting the onboarding process for agile development teams.

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