OpenText Unveils Secure Cloud Evolution to Supercharge Managed Service Provider (MSP) Business Growth

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OpenText has announced a significant upgrade to its Secure Cloud platform, aimed at boosting growth for managed security providers (MSPs). The enhanced platform offers automated provisioning, improved product bundling, integrated task management, and advanced reporting and analytics capabilities. These features are designed to streamline MSP operations, allowing them to focus on customer growth and retention.

The update responds to market demands revealed in OpenText Cybersecurity's 2024 Global Managed Security Survey, which found that 56% of MSPs are chosen for their robust security services. Key enhancements include a modern interface with new MSP workflows, streamlined billing and invoicing, new cross-functional security solution bundles, and integration with leading platforms like ConnectWise, Kaseya, and Autotask. The platform now also offers OpenText MDR, Cork Cyber warranty, Pen testing, and Azure Virtual Desktop capabilities.

OpenText ha annunciato un importante aggiornamento della sua piattaforma Secure Cloud, mirato a favorire la crescita per i fornitori di sicurezza gestita (MSP). La piattaforma potenziata offre provisioning automatizzato, un bundling dei prodotti migliorato, gestione integrata delle attività e avanzate capacità di reporting e analisi. Queste funzionalità sono progettate per semplificare le operazioni degli MSP, permettendo loro di concentrarsi sulla crescita e fidelizzazione dei clienti.

L'aggiornamento risponde alle esigenze di mercato rivelate nel 2024 Global Managed Security Survey di OpenText Cybersecurity, che ha evidenziato come il 56% degli MSP siano scelti per i loro robusti servizi di sicurezza. Tra i miglioramenti chiave ci sono un'interfaccia moderna con nuovi flussi di lavoro per gli MSP, fatturazione e invoicing semplificati, nuovi pacchetti di soluzioni di sicurezza cross-funzionali e integrazione con le principali piattaforme come ConnectWise, Kaseya e Autotask. La piattaforma offre ora anche capacità di OpenText MDR, garanzia Cork Cyber, test di penetrazione e Azure Virtual Desktop.

OpenText ha anunciado una actualización significativa de su plataforma Secure Cloud, con el objetivo de impulsar el crecimiento de los proveedores de seguridad gestionada (MSP). La plataforma mejorada ofrece provisión automatizada, mejor agrupación de productos, gestión de tareas integrada y capacidades avanzadas de informe y análisis. Estas características están diseñadas para agilizar las operaciones de los MSP, permitiéndoles centrarse en el crecimiento y la retención de clientes.

La actualización responde a las demandas del mercado reveladas en la Encuesta Global de Seguridad Gestionada 2024 de OpenText Cybersecurity, que encontró que el 56% de los MSP son elegidos por sus robustos servicios de seguridad. Las mejoras clave incluyen una interfaz moderna con nuevos flujos de trabajo para MSP, facturación y facturación simplificadas, nuevos paquetes de soluciones de seguridad interfuncionales y la integración con plataformas líderes como ConnectWise, Kaseya y Autotask. La plataforma también ofrece ahora capacidades de OpenText MDR, garantía Cork Cyber, pruebas de penetración y Azure Virtual Desktop.

OpenText보안 클라우드 플랫폼의 중요한 업그레이드를 발표하였으며, 이는 관리형 보안 제공업체(MSP)의 성장을 촉진하는 데 목표를 두고 있습니다. 개선된 플랫폼은 자동화된 프로비저닝, 향상된 제품 번들링, 통합 작업 관리, 그리고 고급 보고 및 분석 기능을 제공합니다. 이러한 기능들은 MSP 운영을 간소화하여 고객 성장과 유치에 집중할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다.

이 업데이트는 OpenText 사이버 보안의 2024 글로벌 관리형 보안 조사에서 드러난 시장 요구에 대응하고 있으며, 조사에서는 56%의 MSP가 탄탄한 보안 서비스로 선택된다고 밝혔습니다. 주요 개선 사항으로는 새로운 MSP 워크플로우를 갖춘 현대적인 인터페이스, 간소화된 청구 및 송장 처리, 새로운 교차 기능 보안 솔루션 번들, 그리고 ConnectWise, Kaseya, Autotask와 같은 주요 플랫폼과의 통합이 포함됩니다. 또한 플랫폼은 현재 OpenText MDR, Cork Cyber 보증, 침투 테스트 및 Azure Virtual Desktop 기능도 제공합니다.

OpenText a annoncé une mise à niveau significative de sa plateforme Secure Cloud, visant à stimuler la croissance pour les fournisseurs de sécurité gérée (MSP). La plateforme améliorée propose un provisionnement automatisé, une meilleure combinaison de produits, une gestion intégrée des tâches et des capacités avancées de rapport et d'analyse. Ces fonctionnalités sont conçues pour rationaliser les opérations des MSP, leur permettant de se concentrer sur la croissance et la fidélisation des clients.

La mise à jour répond aux exigences du marché révélées dans le 2024 Global Managed Security Survey d'OpenText Cybersecurity, qui a révélé que 56 % des MSP sont choisis en raison de leurs services de sécurité robustes. Les améliorations clés comprennent une interface moderne avec de nouveaux flux de travail pour les MSP, une facturation simplifiée, de nouveaux ensembles de solutions de sécurité interfonctionnels et une intégration avec des plateformes leaders telles que ConnectWise, Kaseya et Autotask. La plateforme propose également des capacités de OpenText MDR, garantie Cork Cyber, tests de pénétration et Azure Virtual Desktop.

OpenText hat ein bedeutendes Upgrade seiner Secure Cloud-Plattform angekündigt, das darauf abzielt, das Wachstum für Managed Security Provider (MSPs) zu fördern. Die verbesserte Plattform bietet automatisierte Bereitstellung, verbesserte Produktbündelung, integriertes Aufgabenmanagement und fortschrittliche Berichts- und Analysefähigkeiten. Diese Funktionen sind so konzipiert, dass sie die MSP-Betriebe optimieren und es ihnen ermöglichen, sich auf das Wachstum und die Bindung von Kunden zu konzentrieren.

Das Update reagiert auf die Marktanforderungen, die in der 2024 Global Managed Security Survey von OpenText Cybersecurity offenbart wurden, wonach 56% der MSPs aufgrund ihrer robusten Sicherheitsdienste ausgewählt werden. Zu den wesentlichen Verbesserungen gehören eine moderne Schnittstelle mit neuen MSP-Workflows, vereinfachte Abrechnung und Rechnungsstellung, neue interdisziplinäre Sicherheitslösungsbündel sowie die Integration mit führenden Plattformen wie ConnectWise, Kaseya und Autotask. Die Plattform bietet jetzt auch OpenText MDR, Cork Cyber-Garantie, Pen-Tests und Azure Virtual Desktop Funktionen an.

  • Introduction of automated provisioning and integrated task management to streamline MSP operations
  • New product bundles for tailored, cross-functional security solutions
  • Integration with leading platforms like ConnectWise, Kaseya, and Autotask
  • Addition of new offerings including OpenText MDR, Cork Cyber warranty, Pen testing, and Azure Virtual Desktop
  • Platform already serves 100,000 small-to-medium businesses, indicating strong market presence
  • None.


OpenText's Secure Cloud platform evolution marks a significant step in empowering MSPs to streamline their security service offerings. The new features, including automated provisioning and integrated task management, address key operational pain points for MSPs. This could potentially increase adoption rates and customer retention for OpenText's solutions.

The addition of MDR services and cyber warranty through acquisitions and partnerships demonstrates OpenText's commitment to providing a comprehensive security suite. This move aligns with market demands, as evidenced by the 56% of MSPs chosen for their robust security services.

The platform's integration with major MSP tools like ConnectWise and Kaseya enhances its value proposition, potentially leading to increased market share. However, the impact on OpenText's revenue may take time to materialize as MSPs adapt to the new offerings and expand their customer base using these enhanced capabilities.

The enhancements to OpenText's Secure Cloud platform are strategically aligned with current market trends in managed security services. The global MSP market is experiencing rapid growth, driven by increasing cybersecurity threats and the complexity of IT environments.

OpenText's move to offer a more comprehensive, integrated platform could potentially increase its average revenue per user (ARPU) and improve customer stickiness. The addition of MDR and cyber warranty services expands OpenText's total addressable market within the cybersecurity sector.

With 100,000 SMBs already using Secure Cloud, OpenText has a solid base to upsell these new services. However, the success of this platform evolution will depend on effective marketing, partner education and the ability to demonstrate clear ROI to MSPs and their end clients. The impact on OpenText's financials may not be immediate but could contribute to long-term growth if executed well.

New bundles, integrated task management and enhanced billing capabilities empower MSPs to deliver comprehensive security services with ease

WATERLOO, ON, Oct. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- OpenText™ (NASDAQ: OTEX), (TSX: OTEX) today announced a major evolution of its Secure Cloud platform, designed to drive growth for managed security providers (MSPs). With fresh features like automated provisioning, enriched product bundling, integrated task management and improved reporting and analytics, the platform streamlines MSP operations helping them focus on customer growth and retention.  

Recently, the OpenText Cybersecurity's 2024 Global Managed Security Survey revealed that 56% of MSPs and MSSPs are chosen by clients for their ability to deliver robust security services.  In response, OpenText Cybersecurity is simplifying the path for MSPs to deliver end-to-end security solutions through a single, unified platform.

"OpenText remains committed to empowering our channel partners to meet the evolving demands of today's market," said Sandy Ono, Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, OpenText. "We are a one-stop-shop for MSPs from email protection and data risk management to cyber warranty and managed detection and response (MDR). Following our acquisition of Pillr to expand into MDR and our new partnership with Cork to offer cyber warranty, we are now providing partners with a seamless, world-class platform they can easily service their customers with while staying ahead of today's cyber threats."

The expansion features:

  • Platform enhancements: A modern interface with new MSP workflows, integrated task management and a streamlined billing, payments and invoicing experience. This unified platform allows MSPs to manage, administer, and bill clients more efficiently, saving time and improved delivery.
  • New bundles: MSPs can now offer tailored, cross-functional security solutions with ease, thanks to new product bundles that include email risk management, compliance, data risk management and security.
  • All-in-One Platform: Secure Cloud now integrates seamlessly with leading platforms like ConnectWise, Kaseya, and Autotask. New offerings include OpenText MDR, Cork Cyber warranty, Pen testing and Azure Virtual Desktop, further expanding the platforms capabilities.

With 100,000 small-to-medium businesses already relying on Secure Cloud, these enhancements will enable MSPs to deliver even more comprehensive security services to a growing customer base.

Additional Resources:

  • To learn more about OpenText Cybersecurity for SMB, click here.
  • To learn more about the newly updated Secure Cloud platform, click here.
  • Also, for more information check out our blog here.

About OpenText Cybersecurity
OpenText Cybersecurity provides comprehensive security solutions for companies and partners of all sizes. From prevention, detection and response to recovery, investigation and compliance, our unified/end-to-end platform helps customers build cyber resilience via a holistic security portfolio. Powered by actionable insights from our real-time and contextual threat intelligence, OpenText Cybersecurity customers benefit from high-efficacy products, a compliant experience and simplified security to help manage business risk.

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What new features does OpenText's Secure Cloud platform offer for MSPs?

OpenText's Secure Cloud platform now offers automated provisioning, improved product bundling, integrated task management, enhanced reporting and analytics, a modern interface with new MSP workflows, streamlined billing and invoicing, and integration with leading platforms like ConnectWise, Kaseya, and Autotask.

How many small-to-medium businesses currently use OpenText's Secure Cloud platform (OTEX)?

According to the press release, 100,000 small-to-medium businesses already rely on OpenText's Secure Cloud platform.

What new security offerings are included in OpenText's Secure Cloud platform update?

The updated Secure Cloud platform now includes OpenText MDR (Managed Detection and Response), Cork Cyber warranty, Pen testing, and Azure Virtual Desktop capabilities.

What did OpenText's 2024 Global Managed Security Survey reveal about MSP selection?

The survey revealed that 56% of MSPs and MSSPs are chosen by clients for their ability to deliver robust security services.

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