OpenText Report Raises Awareness for Consumer Digital Life Protection as Privacy Concerns Increase with Generative AI Use

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OpenText has released the results of Webroot's 2024 GenAI Consumer Trends and Privacy Report, revealing significant privacy concerns as generative AI usage becomes more widespread. Key findings include:

  • 39% of consumers use generative AI at least weekly
  • 90% are concerned or neutral about AI systems collecting their data
  • Only 27% use privacy tools to protect workplace information when using generative AI
  • 77% of parents are concerned about their children's privacy when using generative AI tools

The report emphasizes the need for straightforward privacy and security solutions as AI becomes more integrated into daily life. OpenText recommends active management of device privacy settings and comprehensive protection software to safeguard sensitive information from unauthorized access and exploitation.

OpenText ha pubblicato i risultati del Report sulle Tendenze dei Consumatori e sulla Privacy GenAI 2024 di Webroot, rivelando preoccupazioni significative per la privacy man mano che l'uso dell'IA generativa diventa sempre più diffuso. I principali risultati includono:

  • Il 39% dei consumatori utilizza l'IA generativa almeno settimanalmente
  • Il 90% è preoccupato o neutro riguardo ai sistemi di IA che raccolgono i loro dati
  • Solo il 27% utilizza strumenti di privacy per proteggere le informazioni aziendali durante l'uso dell'IA generativa
  • Il 77% dei genitori è preoccupato per la privacy dei propri figli quando usano strumenti di IA generativa

Il rapporto sottolinea la necessità di soluzioni di privacy e sicurezza semplici, poiché l'IA diventa sempre più integrata nella vita quotidiana. OpenText consiglia una gestione attiva delle impostazioni di privacy dei dispositivi e un software di protezione completo per garantire che le informazioni sensibili siano al sicuro da accessi non autorizzati e sfruttamenti.

OpenText ha lanzado los resultados del Informe sobre Tendencias de Consumidores y Privacidad GenAI 2024 de Webroot, revelando preocupaciones significativas sobre la privacidad a medida que el uso de la IA generativa se vuelve más generalizado. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • El 39% de los consumidores utiliza IA generativa al menos una vez a la semana
  • El 90% está preocupado o es neutral respecto a los sistemas de IA que recogen sus datos
  • Solo el 27% utiliza herramientas de privacidad para proteger información laboral al usar IA generativa
  • El 77% de los padres está preocupado por la privacidad de sus hijos cuando utilizan herramientas de IA generativa

El informe enfatiza la necesidad de soluciones de privacidad y seguridad sencillas a medida que la IA se integra más en la vida diaria. OpenText recomienda la gestión activa de la configuración de privacidad del dispositivo y software de protección integral para salvaguardar información sensible de accesos no autorizados y explotación.

OpenText는 Webroot의 2024 GenAI 소비자 동향 및 개인 정보 보호 보고서 결과를 발표하며, 생성 AI 사용이 더 보편화됨에 따라 사생활에 대한 심각한 우려가 있음을 밝혔다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 소비자의 39%가 최소 주 1회 생성 AI를 사용합니다
  • 90%는 AI 시스템이 개인 데이터를 수집하는 것에 대해 우려하거나 중립적입니다
  • 오직 27%만이 생성 AI 사용 시 직장 정보를 보호하기 위해 개인 정보 보호 도구를 사용합니다
  • 부모의 77%가 생성 AI 도구를 사용할 때 자녀의 개인 정보 보호에 대해 우려하고 있습니다

이 보고서는 AI가 일상생활에 더 통합됨에 따라 간편한 개인 정보 보호 및 보안 솔루션의 필요성을 강조합니다. OpenText는 장치 개인 정보 보호 설정을 적극적으로 관리하고 민감한 정보를 무단 접근 및 착취로부터 보호하기 위한 포괄적인 보안 소프트웨어를 권장합니다.

OpenText a publié les résultats du Rapport sur les tendances des consommateurs et la confidentialité GenAI 2024 de Webroot, révélant des préoccupations significatives en matière de confidentialité alors que l'utilisation de l'IA générative devient plus courante. Les principales conclusions incluent :

  • 39 % des consommateurs utilisent l'IA générative au moins une fois par semaine
  • 90 % sont préoccupés ou neutres quant à la collecte de leurs données par des systèmes d'IA
  • Seul 27 % utilisent des outils de confidentialité pour protéger les informations professionnelles lors de l'utilisation de l'IA générative
  • 77 % des parents s'inquiètent de la confidentialité de leurs enfants lors de l'utilisation d'outils d'IA générative

Le rapport souligne la nécessité de solutions de confidentialité et de sécurité simples à mesure que l'IA s'intègre davantage dans la vie quotidienne. OpenText recommande de gérer activement les paramètres de confidentialité des appareils et d'utiliser un logiciel de protection complet pour sauvegarder les informations sensibles contre les accès non autorisés et l'exploitation.

OpenText hat die Ergebnisse des Webroot Berichts über Verbrauchertrends und Datenschutz GenAI 2024 veröffentlicht, die erhebliche Datenschutzbedenken zeigen, da die Nutzung von generativer KI zunimmt. Wichtige Erkenntnisse umfassen:

  • 39% der Verbraucher nutzen generative KI mindestens wöchentlich
  • 90% sind besorgt oder neutral über KI-Systeme, die ihre Daten sammeln
  • Nur 27% nutzen Datenschutzwerkzeuge, um Unternehmensinformation bei der Verwendung von generativer KI zu schützen
  • 77% der Eltern sind besorgt über die Privatsphäre ihrer Kinder bei der Nutzung von generativen KI-Tools

Der Bericht hebt die Notwendigkeit klarer Datenschutz- und Sicherheitslösungen hervor, da KI zunehmend in das tägliche Leben integriert wird. OpenText empfiehlt, die Datenschutzeinstellungen der Geräte aktiv zu verwalten und umfassende Schutzsoftware zu verwenden, um sensible Informationen vor unbefugtem Zugriff und Ausbeutung zu schützen.

  • None.
  • None.

As generative AI usage becomes more widespread, two-thirds of respondents expressed concern about AI systems collecting their data 

WATERLOO, ON, Oct. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- OpenText™ (NASDAQ: OTEX), (TSX: OTEX) today released the results of Webroot's 2024 GenAI Consumer Trends and Privacy Report. The survey of over 1,000 U.S. consumers found that 39% of consumers use generative AI at least weekly, but significant privacy concerns persist, especially among parents. Additionally, while consumers have taken steps to protect their personal information, only 27% use privacy tools and settings to protect workplace information when using generative AI.

As artificial intelligence becomes more integrated into our daily lives, it's crucial for consumers to stay informed about its implications for privacy and data security. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), consumers are becoming a main target for AI fraud and recently announced five new cases of AI deception aimed at targeting consumer services. With AI systems often processing vast amounts of personal information, individuals must recognize the potential risks of data misuse and surveillance. Consumers can better protect their sensitive information from unauthorized access and exploitation through active management of their device privacy settings and installing comprehensive device, privacy and identity protection software such as Webroot Premium.

"The accessibility of generative AI has transformed how people engage with new technology in their personal and work lives," said Muhi Majzoub, executive vice president and chief product officer, OpenText. "These findings show that as personal and family AI use increases, it's essential to have straightforward privacy and security solutions and transparent data collection practices so everyone can use generative AI safely."

Findings from the survey include:

More consumers rely on generative AI as widespread use grows, but privacy concerns remain.

  • Generative AI usage is common, with 39% of respondents using AI at least weekly, and almost half (46%) are using it regularly. Text generation tools like ChatGPT dominate, with 62% ranking them as the most frequently used AI tool.
  • Generative AI use varies by age. Only 22% of respondents aged 20-30 and 25% of those aged 31-40 have never used generative AI, compared to 41% of respondents aged 41-50.
  • AI usage is expected to grow: Over half (56%) expect to increase AI usage in the next year, while nearly two-thirds (63%) expect growth in five years. Yet, 20% of respondents aged 41 to 50 years old don't use generative AI tools and never will.
  • However, concerns about AI's impact on privacy are significant: 90% of respondents are concerned or neutral about AI systems collecting their data, with two-thirds expressing concern.

Privacy tools and settings to protect data collection from generative AI systems are used more in personal life than in the workplace.

  • When asked if they have taken steps or used privacy tools and settings to protect personal information when using generative AI, 43% of respondents reported using privacy tools and settings, 32% are considering it, 16% do not know how to protect their information, and 9% do not and are not concerned.
  • Privacy tools and settings are underutilized at work: Only 27% of employed respondents use privacy tools and settings to protect workplace information when using generative AI.
  • For those who do use privacy tools and settings in the workplace, the most popular tools include password managers (64%), antivirus software (63%), VPNs (62%), ad blockers (61%), and identity theft protection (57%).
  • Personal protection is higher: 76% use strong, unique passwords, 69% regularly update software, and 64% use two-factor authentication to safeguard their data.

Parents are worried about their children's AI use. Over three-quarters of parents (77%) are concerned about their children's privacy when using generative AI tools.

  • About half (49%) of parents are very concerned, and only 8% are not concerned.
  • A majority of parents (52%) monitor their children's activity when using AI, while others rely on parental controls (50%) or educate their children on privacy (45%).
  • Generative AI has quickly become a concern for most parents, even surpassing video game use for some. When generative AI systems are compared to video games for collecting and using their children's personal data, 85% of parents are more concerned about generative AI or equally concerned about generative AI than video games.

To learn more about the findings of OpenText's 2024 Gen AI Consumer Trends and Privacy Report, view the blog. To learn more about protecting your online identity, visit Webroot's site here.

Survey Methodology
Webroot polled 1,014 consumers in the U.S. Of those surveyed, 30% are aged 20 to 30 years old, 35% are 31 to 40 years old, and 35% are 41 to 50 years old; 51% identify as female and 48% identify as male; 53% have children and 47% do not have children. Respondents come from diverse job roles: 8% are business owners or founders, 6% are in C-level positions, 4% are directors or VPs, 19% are managers or team leaders, 29% are individual contributors, and 34% are not employed. Of those who are owners or founders, 88% own a small business.

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What percentage of consumers use generative AI weekly according to OpenText's 2024 report?

According to OpenText's 2024 GenAI Consumer Trends and Privacy Report, 39% of consumers use generative AI at least weekly.

How many consumers are concerned about AI systems collecting their data?

The report shows that 90% of respondents are concerned or neutral about AI systems collecting their data, with two-thirds expressing concern.

What percentage of parents are worried about their children's privacy when using generative AI tools?

The survey found that 77% of parents are concerned about their children's privacy when using generative AI tools.

How many employed respondents use privacy tools to protect workplace information when using generative AI?

Only 27% of employed respondents use privacy tools and settings to protect workplace information when using generative AI.

What is the most frequently used AI tool according to OpenText's report?

Text generation tools like ChatGPT dominate, with 62% of respondents ranking them as the most frequently used AI tool.

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