OpenText Named One of the World's Best Companies by TIME Magazine for the Second Consecutive Year

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OpenText has been named one of the World's Best Companies by TIME Magazine for the second consecutive year. This recognition is based on Employee Satisfaction, Revenue Growth, and Sustainability (ESG). The company has also received several other accolades, including:

  • Forbes' World's Best Employers for three consecutive years
  • Forbes' World's Top Companies for Women in 2023
  • Canada's Best Employers for four years in a row
  • Canadian Business Innovation Award in 2024

OpenText's commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion remains strong. The company recently released its annual Corporate Citizenship Report, highlighting progress on its Zero-In Initiative. Key achievements include affirming commitment to responsible Business AI, prioritizing environmental impact, and reporting over 35,000 employee volunteer hours and $1.45 million in charitable donations in 2024.

OpenText è stata nominata una delle migliori aziende al mondo dalla rivista TIME per il secondo anno consecutivo. Questo riconoscimento si basa su soddisfazione dei dipendenti, crescita del fatturato e sostenibilità (ESG). L'azienda ha ricevuto anche altri riconoscimenti, tra cui:

  • Il titolo di migliori datori di lavoro al mondo di Forbes per tre anni consecutivi
  • Le migliori aziende al mondo per le donne nel 2023 secondo Forbes
  • I migliori datori di lavoro in Canada per quattro anni di fila
  • Premio Innovazione per Business in Canada nel 2024

Il forte impegno di OpenText per la diversità, l'equità e l'inclusione rimane saldamente radicato. Recentemente, l'azienda ha pubblicato il suo annuale Rapporto sulla Cittadinanza Aziendale, evidenziando i progressi del suo Zero-In Initiative. Tra i risultati chiave vi è l'affermazione dell'impegno verso un Business AI responsabile, la priorità all'impatto ambientale e la registrazione di oltre 35.000 ore di volontariato dei dipendenti, nonché $1,45 milioni in donazioni caritatevoli nel 2024.

OpenText ha sido nombrada una de las mejores empresas del mundo por la revista TIME por segundo año consecutivo. Este reconocimiento se basa en la satisfacción de los empleados, el crecimiento de los ingresos y la sostenibilidad (ESG). La compañía también ha recibido varios otros galardones, incluyendo:

  • Los mejores empleadores del mundo según Forbes durante tres años consecutivos
  • Las mejores empresas del mundo para mujeres en 2023 según Forbes
  • Los mejores empleadores de Canadá durante cuatro años seguidos
  • Premio a la Innovación Empresarial en Canadá en 2024

El compromiso de OpenText con la diversidad, la equidad y la inclusión sigue siendo fuerte. Recientemente, la empresa publicó su informe anual sobre Ciudadanía Corporativa, destacando los avances en su Iniciativa Zero-In. Los logros clave incluyen la afirmación del compromiso con una IA Empresarial responsable, la priorización del impacto ambiental y el reporte de más de 35,000 horas de voluntariado de empleados y $1.45 millones en donaciones caritativas en 2024.

OpenText세계 최고의 기업 중 하나로 TIME 매거진에 의해 두 번째로 연속 선정되었습니다. 이 인정은 직원 만족도, 수익 성장 및 지속 가능성 (ESG)를 기반으로 합니다. 회사는 또한 다음과 같은 여러 다른 수상을 받았습니다:

  • 포브스 선정 세계 최고의 고용주로 3년 연속 선정
  • 2023년 세계 여성 기업 최고 기업으로 포브스에 이름 올림
  • 캐나다 최고의 고용주로 4년 연속 선정
  • 2024년 캐나다 비즈니스 혁신 상 수상

OpenText의 다양성, 형평성 및 포용성에 대한 약속은 여전히 강력합니다. 최근 회사는 자사의 연례 기업 시민 의무 보고서를 발표하며, 제로-인 이니셔티브에 대한 진행 상황을 강조했습니다. 주요 성과에는 책임감 있는 비즈니스 AI에 대한 약속, 환경 영향 우선순위 정립, 2024년에 35,000시간 이상의 직원 자원봉사와 145만 달러의 자선 기부가 포함됩니다.

OpenText a été désignée comme l'une des meilleures entreprises du monde par le magazine TIME pour la deuxième année consécutive. Cette reconnaissance est basée sur la satisfaction des employés, la croissance des revenus et la durabilité (ESG). L'entreprise a également reçu plusieurs autres distinctions, dont :

  • Meilleurs employeurs au monde selon Forbes pendant trois années consécutives
  • Meilleures entreprises au monde pour les femmes en 2023 selon Forbes
  • Meilleurs employeurs au Canada pendant quatre années d'affilée
  • Prix d'Innovation en affaires au Canada en 2024

L'engagement d'OpenText en faveur de la diversité, de l'équité et de l'inclusion reste fort. L'entreprise a récemment publié son rapport annuel sur la citoyenneté des entreprises, soulignant les progrès de son Initiative Zero-In. Les principales réalisations incluent l'affirmation de son engagement envers une IA Business responsable, la priorité accordée à l'impact environnemental et le rapport de plus de 35 000 heures de bénévolat de la part des employés ainsi que 1,45 million de dollars de dons en 2024.

OpenText wurde zum zweiten Mal in Folge von TIME Magazine als eines der besten Unternehmen der Welt ausgezeichnet. Diese Anerkennung basiert auf Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit, Umsatzwachstum und Nachhaltigkeit (ESG). Das Unternehmen hat auch mehrere andere Auszeichnungen erhalten, darunter:

  • Forbes' beste Arbeitgeber der Welt für drei aufeinanderfolgende Jahre
  • Forbes' beste Unternehmen der Welt für Frauen im Jahr 2023
  • Kanadas beste Arbeitgeber seit vier Jahren in Folge
  • Kanadischer Innovationspreis im Jahr 2024

Das Engagement von OpenText für Vielfalt, Gleichheit und Inklusion bleibt stark. Das Unternehmen hat kürzlich seinen jährlichen Bericht über Unternehmensbürgerschaft veröffentlicht, der Fortschritte bei seiner Zero-In-Initiative hervorhebt. Zu den wichtigsten Errungenschaften gehören das Bekenntnis zu verantwortungsbewusster Business AI, die Priorisierung der Umweltwirkung und die Meldung von über 35.000 Stunden ehrenamtlicher Arbeit von Mitarbeitern sowie 1,45 Millionen Dollar an Spenden im Jahr 2024.

  • None.
  • None.

Recognition is the latest in a series of leader and employer awards received by the company

WATERLOO, ON, Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- OpenText™ (NASDAQ: OTEX), (TSX: OTEX) today announced that it has been included in the TIME World's Best Companies 2024 ranking. The award, presented by TIME and Statista, identifies top-performing companies across the globe based on three primary dimensions: Employee Satisfaction, Revenue Growth, and Sustainability (ESG). This is the second year in a row that OpenText has been named as one of the World's Best Companies by TIME.

"The OpenText vision is to be the best Information Management company in the world where information elevates every individual and every organization to be their best," said Mark J. Barrenechea, CEO & CTO of OpenText. "On behalf of our employees and customers, we are honored to be recognized by TIME as one of the World's Best Companies and are extremely grateful for those turning our vision a reality."

This acknowledgement from TIME is the latest in a series of accolades awarded to OpenText that distinguishes the company as both a leader and an employer-of-choice. Recent award wins include:

  • Recognition by Forbes as one of the World's Best Employers for three consecutive years, including ranking within the top 20% of all global companies in 2023.
  • Recognition by Forbes as the World's Top Companies for Women for the first time in 2023, a testament to our unwavering commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Being named as one of Canada's Best Employers four years in a row, as well as one of Canada's Best Employers for Diversity by Forbes for two consecutive years.
  • Receiving a 2024 Canadian Business Innovation Award as one of Canada's Most Innovative Companies.
  • Ranking on the Canada's Top 100 Employers ten times, including in 2024, and ranking for the first time on Canada's Greenest Employers list in 2024.

Innovating for a sustainable, equitable, and inclusive future

"While some corporations are questioning their commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, OpenText is not," added Barrenechea. "Our culture centers on performance, fairness, and being practical. We strive to unlock the voice and potential in each of our employees, in the context of business, and believe this is essential to be a top innovator and performer."

Last month, OpenText released its annual Corporate Citizenship Report, providing a detailed update on its progress relating to the OpenText Zero-In Initiative, the company's guiding framework to achieving global impact goals related to the company's Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) commitments and program.

The report, which covers the company's fiscal year 2024 (July 1, 2023 – June 31, 2024), details the many actions that OpenText is taking to achieve its Zero-In goals relating to Zero Footprint, Zero Barriers, and Zero Compromise. Key highlights from the report include:

  • Affirming the company's commitment to responsible Business AI via the OpenText AI Bill of Obligations, as well as becoming one of the first signatories of Canada's Voluntary Code of Conduct on the Responsible Development and Management of Advanced Generative AI Systems.
  • Spotlighting the ways in which OpenText continues to prioritize and consider environmental impact on its path towards net-zero, including its commitment to company-wide emissions reduction initiatives that are in line with the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).
  • Showcasing the company's continued efforts relating to community impact and volunteerism, reporting more than 35,000 volunteer hours committed by employees in 2024 and over $1.45 million donated to charities around the world in alignment with several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Learn more about the OpenText Zero-In Initiative, including details on the company's Zero Footprint, Zero Barriers, and Zero Compromise goals, by reading the 2024 Corporate Citizenship Report:

About OpenText
OpenText™ is the leading Information Management software and services company in the world. We help organizations solve complex global problems with a comprehensive suite of Business Clouds, Business AI, and Business Technology. For more information about OpenText (NASDAQ/TSX: OTEX), please visit us at

Connect with us:
OpenText CEO Mark Barrenechea's blog
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Certain statements in this press release may contain words considered forward-looking statements or information under applicable securities laws. These statements are based on OpenText's current expectations, estimates, forecasts and projections about the operating environment, economies and markets in which the company operates. These statements are subject to important assumptions, risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict, and the actual outcome may be materially different. OpenText's assumptions, although considered reasonable by the company at the date of this press release, may prove to be inaccurate and consequently its actual results could differ materially from the expectations set out herein. For additional information with respect to risks and other factors which could occur, see OpenText's Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and other securities filings with the SEC and other securities regulators. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance upon any such forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made. Unless otherwise required by applicable securities laws, OpenText disclaims any intention or obligations to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Further, readers should note that we may announce information using our website, press releases, securities law filings, public conference calls, webcasts and the social media channels identified on the Investors section of our website ( Such social media channels may include the Company's or our CEO's blog, Twitter account or LinkedIn account. The information posted through such channels may be material. Accordingly, readers should monitor such channels in addition to our other forms of communication.

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What recognition did OpenText receive from TIME Magazine in 2024?

OpenText (OTEX) was named one of the World's Best Companies by TIME Magazine for the second consecutive year in 2024, based on Employee Satisfaction, Revenue Growth, and Sustainability (ESG).

How many years has OpenText been recognized as one of Canada's Best Employers?

OpenText (OTEX) has been recognized as one of Canada's Best Employers for four consecutive years, as reported in the press release.

What is OpenText's Zero-In Initiative?

OpenText's (OTEX) Zero-In Initiative is the company's guiding framework to achieve global impact goals related to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) commitments, focusing on Zero Footprint, Zero Barriers, and Zero Compromise.

How many volunteer hours did OpenText employees contribute in 2024?

OpenText (OTEX) reported that its employees contributed more than 35,000 volunteer hours in 2024, as part of the company's community impact and volunteerism efforts.

What amount did OpenText donate to charities in 2024?

OpenText (OTEX) donated over $1.45 million to charities around the world in 2024, aligning with several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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