OpenText Appoints Fletcher Previn to Board of Directors
OpenText (NASDAQ: OTEX) has appointed Fletcher Previn to its board of directors. Previn currently serves as Senior Vice President & Chief Information Officer of Cisco Systems. He brings over 20 years of IT experience, including 15 years at IBM where he served as Global Chief Information Officer leading a team of 12,000+ IT professionals. The appointment aligns with OpenText's board refreshment strategy, focusing on skill-set diversity and expertise matching the company's growth and margin expansion goals. Previn holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Connecticut College and has extensive experience in IT modernization, software development, and agile transformation.
OpenText (NASDAQ: OTEX) ha nominato Fletcher Previn nel suo consiglio di amministrazione. Previn attualmente ricopre il ruolo di Vicepresidente Senior e Chief Information Officer di Cisco Systems. Porta con sé oltre 20 anni di esperienza nel settore IT, di cui 15 anni trascorsi in IBM, dove ha ricoperto il ruolo di Chief Information Officer globale, guidando un team di oltre 12.000 professionisti IT. Questa nomina è in linea con la strategia di rinnovamento del consiglio di OpenText, che si concentra sulla diversità delle competenze e sull'allineamento dell'expertise agli obiettivi di crescita e ampliamento dei margini dell'azienda. Previn ha conseguito una laurea in Arti presso il Connecticut College e possiede un'ampia esperienza nella modernizzazione IT, nello sviluppo software e nella trasformazione agile.
OpenText (NASDAQ: OTEX) ha nombrado a Fletcher Previn en su consejo de administración. Previn actualmente se desempeña como Vicepresidente Senior y Director de Información de Cisco Systems. Aporta más de 20 años de experiencia en IT, incluyendo 15 años en IBM, donde fue Director de Información global liderando un equipo de más de 12,000 profesionales de IT. Este nombramiento está alineado con la estrategia de renovación del consejo de OpenText, enfocándose en la diversidad de habilidades y en la alineación de la experiencia con los objetivos de crecimiento y expansión de márgenes de la empresa. Previn tiene una licenciatura en Artes del Connecticut College y cuenta con una amplia experiencia en modernización de IT, desarrollo de software y transformación ágil.
OpenText (나스닥: OTEX)는 플레처 프레빈을 이사회에 임명했습니다. 프레빈은 현재 시스코 시스템즈의 수석 부사장 겸 최고 정보 책임자로 재직 중입니다. 그는 20년 이상의 IT 경력을 가지고 있으며, 그 중 15년은 IBM에서 글로벌 최고 정보 책임자로서 12,000명 이상의 IT 전문가 팀을 이끌었습니다. 이번 임명은 OpenText의 이사회 갱신 전략과 일치하며, 이는 회사의 성장 및 이익 확대 목표에 맞춘 기술 세트 다양성과 전문성에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 프레빈은 코네티컷 대학에서 문학 학사를 취득했으며, IT 현대화, 소프트웨어 개발 및 애자일 전환에 대한 광범위한 경험을 가지고 있습니다.
OpenText (NASDAQ: OTEX) a nommé Fletcher Previn à son conseil d'administration. Previn occupe actuellement le poste de vice-président senior et de directeur de l'information chez Cisco Systems. Il a plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans le secteur des technologies de l'information, dont 15 ans chez IBM où il a été directeur de l'information mondial, dirigeant une équipe de plus de 12 000 professionnels des TI. Cette nomination s'inscrit dans la stratégie de renouvellement du conseil d'OpenText, axée sur la diversité des compétences et l'adéquation de l'expertise aux objectifs de croissance et d'expansion des marges de l'entreprise. Previn est titulaire d'un Bachelor of Arts de Connecticut College et possède une vaste expérience en modernisation IT, développement de logiciels et transformation agile.
OpenText (NASDAQ: OTEX) hat Fletcher Previn in seinen Vorstand berufen. Previn ist derzeit Senior Vice President und Chief Information Officer von Cisco Systems. Er bringt über 20 Jahre Erfahrung im IT-Bereich mit, darunter 15 Jahre bei IBM, wo er als globaler Chief Information Officer ein Team von über 12.000 IT-Fachleuten leitete. Die Berufung steht im Einklang mit der Strategie zur Erneuerung des Vorstands von OpenText, die sich auf Diversität in den Fähigkeiten und Expertise konzentriert, um die Wachstums- und Margenexpansionsziele des Unternehmens zu unterstützen. Previn hat einen Bachelor of Arts von der Connecticut College und verfügt über umfangreiche Erfahrung in der IT-Modernisierung, Softwareentwicklung und agilen Transformation.
- Strategic board appointment brings extensive IT leadership experience
- Addition of expertise in IT modernization and digital transformation
- Alignment with company's growth and margin expansion strategy
- None.
"I am very pleased to welcome Fletcher to the OpenText Board," said Tom Jenkins, Chair of the Board of Directors. "He is a highly qualified executive with over 20 years of experience in IT with extensive expertise in guiding large organizations through significant shifts and in driving agile transformation and modern ways of working, IT modernization, software development, and delivering productivity tools. Fletcher's appointment reflects the Board's ongoing commitment to board refreshment and skill-set diversity, as well as further aligning the qualifications and expertise of our directors with our strategy and significant growth and margin expansion opportunities."
Prior to joining Cisco, Mr. Previn spent 15 years at IBM, with his most recent role serving as their Global Chief Information Officer where he led a global team of more than 12,000 IT professionals. A systems engineer by training, Mr. Previn holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from
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