OpenText Announces Voting Results for Election of Directors

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OpenText (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTEX) held its annual meeting of shareholders virtually on September 12, 2024. Shareholders representing 82.60% of outstanding common shares were present or represented by proxy. The meeting resulted in the re-election of ten directors to serve until the next annual meeting. Notable voting results include:

- Mark J. Barrenechea received the highest approval at 96.76%
- Robert Hau received near-unanimous support with 99.69% votes in favor
- David Fraser faced the most opposition with 14.54% votes against

Ann M. Powell decided not to stand for re-election. The company filed detailed voting results on SEDAR+ and EDGAR.

OpenText (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTEX) ha tenuto la sua assemblea annuale degli azionisti virtualmente il 12 settembre 2024. Gli azionisti che rappresentano l'82,60% delle azioni ordinarie in circolazione erano presenti o rappresentati per delega. L'incontro ha portato alla rielezione di dieci membri del consiglio che rimarranno in carica fino alla prossima assemblea annuale. I risultati di voto significativi includono:

- Mark J. Barrenechea ha ottenuto il massimo consenso con il 96,76%
- Robert Hau ha ricevuto un supporto quasi unanime con il 99,69% di voti a favore
- David Fraser ha affrontato la maggior opposizione con il 14,54% di voti contrari

Ann M. Powell ha deciso di non candidarsi nuovamente. L'azienda ha pubblicato risultati di voto dettagliati su SEDAR+ e EDGAR.

OpenText (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTEX) celebró su reunión anual de accionistas virtualmente el 12 de septiembre de 2024. Los accionistas que representan el 82.60% de las acciones ordinarias en circulación estuvieron presentes o representados por apoderados. La reunión resultó en la reelección de diez directores que servirán hasta la próxima reunión anual. Los resultados de votación destacados incluyen:

- Mark J. Barrenechea recibió la mayor aprobación con un 96.76%
- Robert Hau recibió un apoyo casi unánime con un 99.69% de votos a favor
- David Fraser enfrentó la mayor oposición con un 14.54% de votos en contra

Ann M. Powell decidió no presentarse a la reelección. La compañía presentó resultados de votación detallados en SEDAR+ y EDGAR.

OpenText (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTEX)는 2024년 9월 12일에 주주 연례 총회를 온라인으로 개최했습니다. 전체 보통주 82.60%를 대표하는 주주들이 참석하거나 위임되었습니다. 이번 회의에서는 다음 연례 회의까지 재임할 10명의 이사가 재선출되었습니다. 주목할 만한 투표 결과는 다음과 같습니다:

- Mark J. Barrenechea는 96.76%로 가장 높은 승인률을 기록했습니다.
- Robert Hau는 99.69%의 찬성표로 거의 만장일치의 지지를 받았습니다.
- David Fraser는 14.54%의 반대표를 받아 가장 많은 반대에 직면했습니다.

Ann M. Powell은 재선출에 나서지 않겠다고 결정했습니다. 회사는 SEDAR+와 EDGAR에 상세한 투표 결과를 제출했습니다.

OpenText (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTEX) a tenu sa réunion annuelle des actionnaires virtuellement le 12 septembre 2024. Les actionnaires représentant 82,60% des actions ordinaires en circulation étaient présents ou représentés par procuration. La réunion a abouti à la réélection de dix administrateurs qui serviront jusqu'à la prochaine réunion annuelle. Les résultats de vote notables incluent :

- Mark J. Barrenechea a reçu le taux d'approbation le plus élevé avec 96,76%
- Robert Hau a obtenu un soutien presque unanime avec 99,69% de voix en faveur
- David Fraser a rencontré la plus grande opposition avec 14,54% de voix contre

Ann M. Powell a décidé de ne pas se présenter à la réélection. La société a déposé des résultats de vote détaillés sur SEDAR+ et EDGAR.

OpenText (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTEX) hat am 12. September 2024 seine jährliche Hauptversammlung der Aktionäre virtuell abgehalten. Aktionäre, die 82,60% der ausgegebenen Stammaktien vertreten, waren anwesend oder durch Vollmacht vertreten. Die Versammlung führte zur Wiederwahl von zehn Direktoren, die bis zur nächsten Hauptversammlung im Amt bleiben. Bemerkenswerte Abstimmungsergebnisse umfassen:

- Mark J. Barrenechea erhielt mit 96,76% die höchste Zustimmung
- Robert Hau erhielt fast einstimmige Unterstützung mit 99,69% der Stimmen für ihn
- David Fraser sah sich dem meisten Widerstand mit 14,54% der Gegenstimmen gegenüber

Ann M. Powell hat beschlossen, sich nicht zur Wiederwahl zu stellen. Das Unternehmen hat detaillierte Abstimmungsergebnisse bei SEDAR+ und EDGAR eingereicht.

  • High shareholder participation with 82.60% of outstanding shares represented
  • Strong support for most directors, with 9 out of 10 receiving over 90% approval
  • Near-unanimous support for Robert Hau with 99.69% votes in favor
  • David Fraser faced significant opposition with 14.54% votes against
  • Ann M. Powell's decision not to stand for re-election could indicate potential board instability

WATERLOO, ON, Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Open Text Corporation (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTEX) confirmed today that the nominees listed below were re-elected by shareholders at its annual meeting of shareholders (the "Meeting") held virtually today. The detailed results of the vote for the election of directors at the Meeting are set out below. Shareholders holding 221,529,725 common shares of the Company representing 82.60% of the outstanding common shares were present or represented by proxy at the Meeting.

On a vote by ballot, the following nominees were elected as a director of OpenText to serve until the next annual meeting of shareholders of OpenText or until their successors are duly elected or appointed:

Votes For

Votes Against

P. Thomas Jenkins


94.24 %


5.76 %

Mark J. Barrenechea


96.76 %


3.24 %

Randy Fowlie


93.20 %


6.80 %

David Fraser


85.46 %


14.54 %

Robert Hau


99.69 %


0.31 %

Goldy Hyder


95.92 %


4.08 %

Annette Rippert


95.93 %


4.07 %

Stephen J. Sadler


95.36 %


4.64 %

Katharine B. Stevenson


97.23 %


2.77 %

Deborah Weinstein


91.66 %


8.34 %

Prior to the Meeting, Ann M. Powell informed the Company of her decision not to stand for election as a director at the Meeting. The Board thanks Ms. Powell for her years of valuable service.

The results of other matters considered at the Meeting are reported in the Report of Voting Results as filed on SEDAR+ ( and Open Text's Form 8-K filed on EDGAR (, each of which will be filed on or about September 12, 2024.

About OpenText

OpenText™ is the leading Information Management software and services company in the world. We help organizations solve complex global problems with a comprehensive suite of Business Clouds, Business AI, and Business Technology. For more information about OpenText (NASDAQ/TSX: OTEX), please visit us at


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What was the shareholder turnout for OpenText's 2024 annual meeting?

Shareholders holding 221,529,725 common shares, representing 82.60% of the outstanding common shares, were present or represented by proxy at OpenText's (OTEX) 2024 annual meeting.

Who received the highest approval percentage in OpenText's 2024 director election?

Robert Hau received the highest approval percentage in OpenText's (OTEX) 2024 director election, with 99.69% of votes cast in his favor.

Which OpenText director faced the most opposition in the 2024 election?

David Fraser faced the most opposition in OpenText's (OTEX) 2024 director election, with 14.54% of votes cast against his re-election.

When will OpenText (OTEX) file the detailed voting results of its 2024 annual meeting?

OpenText (OTEX) will file the detailed voting results of its 2024 annual meeting on SEDAR+ and EDGAR on or about September 12, 2024.

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