New Research from OneStream Finds Broader, More Strategic CFO Remit Crucial to Business Growth and Investor Attention, Overshadowing Even the CEO
OneStream's Finance 2035 Initiative research reveals a shifting landscape for CFOs, emphasizing their crucial role in driving business strategy and growth. Key findings include:
- Investors increase investments by 2.6% (3.6% for large asset managers) when CFOs are seen as strategic growth drivers.
- 88% of investors and 65% of business leaders believe CFOs will become more important over the next decade.
- 80% of investors and 70% of business leaders anticipate harmonized global financial reporting standards.
- 67% of CEOs believe organizational success depends on CFOs.
- 78% of investors require CFOs to demonstrate technical, operational, and strategic competence.
- CFOs face challenges including cross-functional collaboration, legacy systems, and skills gaps.
- 74% of business leaders believe data will be their greatest asset by 2035, with AI reshaping finance functions.
La ricerca dell'iniziativa Finance 2035 di OneStream rivela un panorama in cambiamento per i CFO, evidenziando il loro ruolo cruciale nel guidare la strategia aziendale e la crescita. I risultati principali includono:
- Gli investitori aumentano gli investimenti del 2,6% (3,6% per i grandi gestori di attivi) quando i CFO sono percepiti come motori di crescita strategica.
- L'88% degli investitori e il 65% dei leader aziendali ritengono che i CFO diventeranno più importanti nel prossimo decennio.
- L'80% degli investitori e il 70% dei leader aziendali si aspettano standard di reporting finanziario globale armonizzati.
- Il 67% dei CEO ritiene che il successo organizzativo dipenda dai CFO.
- Il 78% degli investitori richiede ai CFO di dimostrare competenza tecnica, operativa e strategica.
- I CFO affrontano sfide come la collaborazione interfunzionale, i sistemi legacy e le lacune nelle competenze.
- Il 74% dei leader aziendali crede che i dati saranno il loro maggiore patrimonio entro il 2035, con l'IA che trasforma le funzioni finanziarie.
La investigación de la iniciativa Finance 2035 de OneStream revela un panorama cambiante para los CFO, destacando su rol crucial en la conducción de la estrategia empresarial y el crecimiento. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:
- Los inversores incrementan sus inversiones en un 2,6% (3,6% para grandes gestores de activos) cuando los CFO son vistos como impulsores estratégicos del crecimiento.
- El 88% de los inversores y el 65% de los líderes empresariales creen que los CFO se volverán más importantes en la próxima década.
- El 80% de los inversores y el 70% de los líderes empresariales anticipan estándares de informes financieros globales armonizados.
- El 67% de los CEO creen que el éxito organizacional depende de los CFO.
- El 78% de los inversores exige a los CFO que demuestren competencia técnica, operativa y estratégica.
- Los CFO enfrentan desafíos como la colaboración interfuncional, los sistemas heredados y las brechas de habilidades.
- El 74% de los líderes empresariales cree que los datos serán su mayor activo para 2035, con IA transformando las funciones financieras.
OneStream의 Finance 2035 이니셔티브 연구는 CFO를 위한 변화하는 환경을 밝혀내며 그들의 비즈니스 전략 및 성장 주도에서의 중요한 역할을 강조합니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
- CFO가 전략적 성장 촉진자로 인식될 때 투자자들은 투자 금액을 2.6% (대규모 자산 관리자에게는 3.6%) 증가시킵니다.
- 88%의 투자자와 65%의 비즈니스 리더는 CFO가 향후 10년 동안 더 중요해질 것이라고 믿고 있습니다.
- 80%의 투자자와 70%의 비즈니스 리더는 글로벌 재무 보고 기준의 조화를 예상합니다.
- 67%의 CEO는 조직의 성공이 CFO에 달려 있다고 믿습니다.
- 78%의 투자자는 CFO가 기술적, 운영적, 전략적 능력을 입증할 것을 요구합니다.
- CFO는 부서 간 협력, 레거시 시스템 및 기술 격차와 같은 도전에 직면해 있습니다.
- 74%의 비즈니스 리더는 2035년까지 데이터가 그들의 가장 큰 자산이 될 것이라고 믿으며, AI가 재무 기능을 재편하고 있습니다.
La recherche de l'initiative Finance 2035 de OneStream révèle un paysage changeant pour les CFO, mettant en avant leur rôle crucial dans la conduite de la stratégie commerciale et de la croissance. Les résultats clés incluent :
- Les investisseurs augmentent leurs investissements de 2,6% (3,6% pour les grands gestionnaires d'actifs) lorsque les CFO sont perçus comme des moteurs de croissance stratégique.
- 88% des investisseurs et 65% des dirigeants d'entreprise estiment que les CFO deviendront plus importants au cours de la prochaine décennie.
- 80% des investisseurs et 70% des dirigeants d'entreprise anticipent des normes de reporting financier mondial harmonisées.
- 67% des PDG estiment que le succès organisationnel dépend des CFO.
- 78% des investisseurs exigent des CFO qu'ils fassent preuve de compétences techniques, opérationnelles et stratégiques.
- Les CFO font face à des défis tels que la collaboration interfonctionnelle, les systèmes hérités et les lacunes de compétences.
- 74% des dirigeants d'entreprise estiment que les données seront leur plus grand atout d'ici 2035, l'IA transformant les fonctions financières.
Die Forschung der Finance 2035-Initiative von OneStream zeigt eine sich verändernde Landschaft für CFOs und betont deren entscheidende Rolle bei der Steuerung der Unternehmensstrategie und des Wachstums. Wichtige Ergebnisse sind:
- Investoren erhöhen ihre Investitionen um 2,6% (3,6% für große Vermögensverwalter), wenn CFOs als strategische Wachstumstreiber wahrgenommen werden.
- 88% der Investoren und 65% der Unternehmensleiter glauben, dass CFOs im nächsten Jahrzehnt wichtiger werden.
- 80% der Investoren und 70% der Unternehmensleiter erwarten harmonisierte globale Standards für die Finanzberichterstattung.
- 67% der CEOs glauben, dass der organisatorische Erfolg von CFOs abhängt.
- 78% der Investoren verlangen von CFOs, dass sie technische, operationale und strategische Kompetenz nachweisen.
- CFOs stehen vor Herausforderungen wie funktionsübergreifender Zusammenarbeit, Altsystemen und Kompetenzlücken.
- 74% der Unternehmensleiter glauben, dass Daten bis 2035 ihr wichtigstes Gut sein werden, wobei KI die Finanzfunktionen umgestaltet.
- Investors increase investments by 2.6% (3.6% for large asset managers) when CFOs are seen as strategic growth drivers
- 88% of investors and 65% of business leaders believe CFOs will become more important over the next decade
- 80% of investors and 70% of business leaders anticipate harmonized global financial reporting standards
- 74% of business leaders believe data will be their greatest asset by 2035
- 69% of CFOs struggle to drive organizational strategy and growth due to expanding responsibilities
- 70% of CFOs face cross-functional collaboration
- 72% of CFOs are hindered by legacy systems and technology limitations
- 78% of CFOs experience a growing skills gap in the finance department
The OneStream research highlights a significant shift in the CFO's role, with far-reaching implications for investors and businesses. The finding that investors are willing to increase their initial investment by
The anticipated harmonization of global financial reporting standards by 2035 could streamline financial operations and improve comparability across markets. However, this also means CFOs will need to adapt to evolving regulatory landscapes. The emphasis on AI and technology as drivers of economic growth suggests that CFOs who can effectively leverage these tools may gain a competitive edge.
The expanded responsibilities of CFOs, including strategic vision, technology skills and capital allocation, present both opportunities and challenges. While this broader remit can lead to more influential CFOs, it also raises concerns about potential burnout and the need for upskilling. Companies that invest in modernizing their financial technologies and developing their finance teams' skills are likely to be better positioned for long-term success.
The research highlights a critical intersection between finance and technology that will shape business operations by 2035. The emphasis on unified data and AI as catalysts for transformation is particularly significant. With
The expectation that AI and automation will completely reshape finance functions by 2035 suggests a seismic shift in how financial operations are conducted. This transformation will likely lead to increased efficiency and more data-driven decision-making. However, it also underscores the need for CFOs and finance teams to develop strong technological competencies, particularly in AI and data analytics.
The identification of legacy systems as a major barrier to CFO effectiveness is a clear call to action for businesses to modernize their tech stack. Companies that successfully integrate advanced financial technologies and AI-driven tools are likely to see improvements in operational efficiency, strategic planning and overall financial performance.
Study finds the world's largest investors invest an additional
According to the report, Finance 2035: Return to Investment, leaders across business and investment communities anticipate a future defined by regulatory convergence and tech-powered gains where Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) take on a broader remit to drive business strategy, risk mitigation, and growth. Investors indicated that their firms place a premium on CFO competence, increasing their initial investment in an organization where the CFO was the main strategic growth driver by an average of
The report, based on insights from a survey of 2,000 global CFOs, CEOs, line of business leaders, and investors finds that investors identify the competence of the CFO as the most important factor when considering investing in a business, second only to market expansion and notably ranking above the competency of the CEO. And business leaders and investors envision a 2035 business climate where pressures and requirements place additional spotlight on the CFO role.
"Our research found that the large majority of investors believe the role of the CFO will be even more important in ten years than it is today," said Tom Shea, CEO of OneStream. "With persistent economic uncertainties and an evolving regulatory environment, CFOs already feel the pressure to steer the business towards growth. Our Finance 2035 Initiative sets a blueprint for how business leaders expect these dynamics will evolve in the future and creates a clear mandate for where Finance teams must focus their attention across skills, operating models and technology."
Nearly nine in ten investors (
Other insights from the report include:
Pressure mounts on CFOs to be "masters of everything"
A majority (
An overwhelming majority of CEOs say expectations on CFOs have multiplied over the past three to five years (
Investors pay a premium for strong CFO
Embracing this emerging CFO role has big implications. More than three quarters of investors (
Siloed structures, skills gaps and legacy technology prevent CFOs from reaching their potential
CFOs express a sense of urgency in addressing the top three barriers to their full effectiveness: limited cross-functional collaboration (
Unified data and AI will be a catalyst for transformation
Three quarters of business leaders (
About the study
OneStream worked with Man Bites Dog to design and conduct a global survey with 1,500 business leaders working in both large, enterprise organizations and mid-market businesses (with a minimum annual revenue of USD
The research was designed to include statistically relevant samples from OneStream's target countries and industries. Respondents were from the following countries:
Interviews were conducted in 2024 by research company Coleman Parkes. The survey data was supplemented with in-depth interviews with CFOs and business leaders.
To access more detailed findings of the research and download a complimentary copy of the report, please visit
About OneStream
OneStream is how today's Finance teams can go beyond just reporting on the past and Take Finance Further by steering the business to the future. It's the leading enterprise finance platform that unifies financial and operational data, embeds AI for better decisions and productivity, and empowers the CFO to become a critical driver of business strategy and execution.
We deliver a comprehensive cloud-based platform to modernize the Office of the CFO. Our Digital Finance Cloud unifies core financial and broader operational data and processes and embeds AI for better planning and forecasting, with an extensible architecture, so customers can adopt and develop new solutions, achieving greater value as their business needs evolve.
With over 1,400 customers, including
Jaclyn Proctor
Media & Analyst Relations Manager
+1 (770) 639-0522
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