Orexo´s Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting 2025

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Orexo has announced the formation of its Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) scheduled for May 8, 2025. The committee comprises four members: Henrik Kjaer Hansen (Chairman, appointed by Novo Holdings A/S), Claus Berner Møller (appointed by The Danish Labour Market Supplementary Pension, ATP), Stefan Hansson (private investor), and James Noble (Chairman of the Board of Orexo).

The Nomination Committee represents approximately 34 percent of the company's voting rights as of August 31, 2024. Their responsibilities include preparing proposals for the AGM regarding the Chairman of the meeting, Chairman of the Board, Board members, fees, auditor fees, and principles for the Nomination Committee's composition. Shareholders can submit proposals to the committee via email by March 7, 2025.

Orexo ha annunciato la formazione del suo Comitato Nomine in vista dell'Assemblea Generale Annuale (AGM) fissata per l'8 maggio 2025. Il comitato è composto da quattro membri: Henrik Kjaer Hansen (Presidente, nominato da Novo Holdings A/S), Claus Berner Møller (nominato dal Fondo Pensione Supplementare del Mercato del Lavoro Danese, ATP), Stefan Hansson (investitore privato) e James Noble (Presidente del Consiglio di Amministrazione di Orexo).

Il Comitato Nomine rappresenta circa 34 percento dei diritti di voto dell'azienda al 31 agosto 2024. Le loro responsabilità includono la preparazione di proposte per l'AGM riguardanti il Presidente della riunione, il Presidente del Consiglio di Amministrazione, i membri del Consiglio, le parcelle, le parcelle degli auditor e i principi riguardanti la composizione del Comitato delle Nomine. Gli azionisti possono presentare proposte al comitato tramite email entro il 7 marzo 2025.

Orexo ha anunciado la formación de su Comité de Nominaciones para la Junta General Anual (AGM) programada para el 8 de mayo de 2025. El comité está compuesto por cuatro miembros: Henrik Kjaer Hansen (Presidente, nombrado por Novo Holdings A/S), Claus Berner Møller (nombrado por el Fondo de Pensiones Complementario del Mercado Laboral Danés, ATP), Stefan Hansson (inversor privado) y James Noble (Presidente del Consejo de Administración de Orexo).

El Comité de Nominaciones representa aproximadamente el 34 por ciento de los derechos de voto de la empresa a fecha del 31 de agosto de 2024. Sus responsabilidades incluyen la preparación de propuestas para la AGM en relación con el Presidente de la reunión, el Presidente del Consejo, los miembros del Consejo, las tarifas, las tarifas de los auditores y los principios para la composición del Comité de Nominaciones. Los accionistas pueden presentar propuestas al comité por correo electrónico hasta el 7 de marzo de 2025.

오렉소는 2025년 5월 8일로 예정된 연례 주주총회를 위해 임명 위원회를 구성했다고 발표했습니다. 이 위원회는 네 명의 멤버로 구성됩니다: Henrik Kjaer Hansen (의장, Novo Holdings A/S에 의해 임명됨), Claus Berner Møller (덴마크 노동 시장 추가 연금 ATP에 의해 임명됨), Stefan Hansson (개인 투자자) 및 James Noble (오렉소 이사회 의장).

임명 위원회는 2024년 8월 31일 기준으로 회사의 의결권의 약 34% 를 차지합니다. 그들의 책임에는 AGM과 관련된 회의 의장, 이사회 의장, 이사, 수수료, 감사 수수료 및 임명 위원회의 구성 원칙에 대한 제안 준비가 포함됩니다. 주주들은 2025년 3월 7일까지 이메일을 통해 위원회에 제안을 제출할 수 있습니다.

Orexo a annoncé la formation de son Comité de Nominations pour l'Assemblée Générale Annuelle (AGM) prévue le 8 mai 2025. Le comité est composé de quatre membres : Henrik Kjaer Hansen (Président, nommé par Novo Holdings A/S), Claus Berner Møller (nommé par le Fonds de Prévoyance Complémentaire Danois, ATP), Stefan Hansson (investisseur privé) et James Noble (Président du Conseil d'Administration d'Orexo).

Le Comité de Nominations représente environ 34 pour cent des droits de vote de l'entreprise au 31 août 2024. Ses responsabilités incluent la préparation de propositions pour l'AGM concernant le Président de la réunion, le Président du Conseil, les membres du Conseil, les honoraires, les honoraires des auditeurs et les principes pour la composition du Comité de Nominations. Les actionnaires peuvent soumettre des propositions au comité par e-mail jusqu'au 7 mars 2025.

Orexo hat die Bildung seines Nominierungsausschusses für die Hauptversammlung (AGM), die für den 8. Mai 2025 angesetzt ist, bekannt gegeben. Der Ausschuss besteht aus vier Mitgliedern: Henrik Kjaer Hansen (Vorsitzender, ernannt von Novo Holdings A/S), Claus Berner Møller (ernannt von der Dänischen Arbeitsmarktzusatzpension, ATP), Stefan Hansson (privater Investor) und James Noble (Vorsitzender des Vorstands von Orexo).

Der Nominierungsausschuss vertritt etwa 34 Prozent der Stimmrechte des Unternehmens zum 31. August 2024. Zu ihren Aufgaben gehört die Vorbereitung von Vorschlägen für die AGM bezüglich des Versammlungspräsidenten, des Vorsitzenden des Vorstands, der Vorstandsmitglieder, der Gebühren, der Prüfungsgebühren und der Prinzipien für die Zusammensetzung des Nominierungsausschusses. Aktionäre können dem Ausschuss bis zum 7. März 2025 Vorschläge per E-Mail unterbreiten.

  • None.
  • None.

UPPSALA, Sweden, Oct. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The members of the Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting (AGM), that takes place on May 8, 2025, have been appointed and comprises of the following members:

  • Henrik Kjaer Hansen, (Chairman, appointed by Novo Holdings A/S)
  • Claus Berner Møller, (appointed by The Danish Labour Market Supplementary Pension, ATP)
  • Stefan Hansson, (private investor)
  • James Noble, (Chairman of the Board of Orexo)

The Nomination Committee represents approximately 34 percent of the number of votes in the company as of August 31, 2024.

The Nomination Committee will prepare proposals to the AGM regarding Chairman of the meeting, Chairman of the Board, Board members, Board member fees, any remuneration for committee work, and fees to the auditor, as well as principles for the composition of the Nomination Committee.

The Nomination Committee's proposals will be presented in the Notice of the AGM and on Orexo's website, Shareholders who want to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee can do this by sending an e-mail to (subject "Nomination Committee") at latest March 7, 2025.

Orexo AB (publ.)

Lena Wange, IR & Communications Director
Tel: +46 (0)18 780 88 00

About Orexo

Orexo is a Swedish pharmaceutical company with nearly 30 years of experience developing improved pharmaceuticals based on proprietary formulation technologies that meet large medical needs. On the US market, Orexo provides innovative treatment solutions for patients suffering from opioid use disorder and adjacent diseases. Products targeting other therapeutic areas are developed and commercialized worldwide with leading partners. Total net sales in 2023 amounted to SEK 639 million, and the number of employees to 116. Orexo is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm's main list and is available as an ADR on OTCQX (ORXOY) in the US.

For more information about Orexo please visit You can also follow Orexo on X, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

The information was submitted for publication at 8 am CET on October 4, 2024. 

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When is Orexo's Annual General Meeting 2025 scheduled?

Orexo's Annual General Meeting 2025 is scheduled for May 8, 2025.

Who are the members of Orexo's Nomination Committee for the 2025 AGM?

The Nomination Committee members are Henrik Kjaer Hansen (Chairman), Claus Berner Møller, Stefan Hansson, and James Noble.

What percentage of voting rights does the Nomination Committee represent for ORXOY?

The Nomination Committee represents approximately 34 percent of the voting rights in Orexo (ORXOY) as of August 31, 2024.

What is the deadline for shareholders to submit proposals to Orexo's Nomination Committee?

Shareholders can submit proposals to Orexo's Nomination Committee until March 7, 2025.



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