OpenBench and ORIC Pharmaceuticals Launch Success-Driven Discovery Collaboration

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OpenBench and ORIC Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ORIC) have launched a collaborative effort to enhance early drug discovery for an undisclosed oncology target. The partnership aims to leverage OpenBench's AI-enabled success-driven small molecule discovery approach and structure-based machine learning platform to complement ORIC's resistance platform in targeting cancer-specific vulnerabilities.

Under the agreement, OpenBench will receive payment for identifying novel small molecule chemotypes that meet ORIC's specified activity and developability criteria. In return, ORIC gains exclusive rights to the discovered leads and access to OpenBench's proprietary screening technology for the target of interest. While specific financial terms were not disclosed, this collaboration represents a strategic move to combine OpenBench's innovative discovery platform with ORIC's expertise in addressing mechanisms of therapeutic resistance in oncology.

OpenBench e ORIC Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ORIC) hanno avviato uno sforzo collaborativo per migliorare la scoperta precoce di farmaci per un obiettivo oncologico non divulgato. La partnership mira a sfruttare l'approccio di scoperta di piccole molecole abilitato dall'IA e la piattaforma di machine learning basata sulla struttura di OpenBench per integrare la piattaforma di resistenza di ORIC nel mirare a vulnerabilità specifiche del cancro.

In base all'accordo, OpenBench riceverà un compenso per l'identificazione di nuovi chimotipi di piccole molecole che soddisfano i criteri di attività e sviluppabilità specificati da ORIC. In cambio, ORIC ottiene diritti esclusivi sui lead scoperti e accesso alla tecnologia proprietaria di screening di OpenBench per l'obiettivo di interesse. Sebbene i termini finanziari specifici non siano stati divulgati, questa collaborazione rappresenta una mossa strategica per combinare la piattaforma innovativa di scoperta di OpenBench con l'esperienza di ORIC nell'affrontare i meccanismi di resistenza terapeutica in oncologia.

OpenBench y ORIC Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ORIC) han lanzado un esfuerzo colaborativo para mejorar el descubrimiento temprano de fármacos para un objetivo oncológico no divulgado. La asociación tiene como objetivo aprovechar el enfoque de descubrimiento de pequeñas moléculas impulsado por IA y la plataforma de aprendizaje automático basada en la estructura de OpenBench para complementar la plataforma de resistencia de ORIC al apuntar a vulnerabilidades específicas del cáncer.

Según el acuerdo, OpenBench recibirá un pago por identificar nuevos quimios tipos de pequeñas moléculas que cumplan con los criterios de actividad y desarrollabilidad especificados por ORIC. A cambio, ORIC gana derechos exclusivos sobre los leads descubiertos y acceso a la tecnología de cribado propietaria de OpenBench para el objetivo de interés. Aunque no se divulgaron términos financieros específicos, esta colaboración representa un movimiento estratégico para combinar la plataforma de descubrimiento innovadora de OpenBench con la experiencia de ORIC en abordar los mecanismos de resistencia terapéutica en oncología.

OpenBenchORIC Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ORIC)은 공개되지 않은 종양학 표적을 위한 초기 약물 발견을 강화하기 위한 협력 노력을 시작했습니다. 이 파트너십은 AI 기반 성공 지향적 소분자 발견 접근 방식과 구조 기반 머신 러닝 플랫폼을 활용하여 ORIC의 저항 플랫폼을 보완하여 암 특유의 취약점을 타겟팅하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

계약에 따라 OpenBench는 ORIC의 특정 활동 및 개발 가능성 기준을 충족하는 새로운 소분자 화학 유형을 식별하는 대가로 대금을 받게 됩니다. 그 대가로 ORIC은 발견된 리드에 대한 독점 권리를 얻고 OpenBench의 독점 스크리닝 기술에 접근할 수 있게 됩니다. 구체적인 재정 조건은 공개되지 않았지만, 이 협력은 OpenBench의 혁신적인 발견 플랫폼과 ORIC의 종양학에서의 치료 저항 메커니즘 대응에 대한 전문 지식을 결합하는 전략적 움직임을 나타냅니다.

OpenBench et ORIC Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ORIC) ont lancé un effort collaboratif pour améliorer la découverte précoce de médicaments pour une cible oncologique non divulguée. Le partenariat vise à tirer parti de l'approche de découverte de petites molécules propulsée par l'IA et de la plateforme d'apprentissage automatique basée sur la structure d'OpenBench pour compléter la plateforme de résistance d'ORIC dans le ciblage des vulnérabilités spécifiques au cancer.

Dans le cadre de l'accord, OpenBench recevra un paiement pour l'identification de nouveaux chimiotypes de petites molécules répondant aux critères d'activité et de développement spécifiés par ORIC. En retour, ORIC obtient des droits exclusifs sur les leads découverts et un accès à la technologie de criblage propriétaire d'OpenBench pour la cible d'intérêt. Bien que les termes financiers spécifiques n'aient pas été divulgués, cette collaboration représente un mouvement stratégique visant à combiner la plateforme de découverte innovante d'OpenBench avec l'expertise d'ORIC dans l'élaboration des mécanismes de résistance thérapeutique en oncologie.

OpenBench und ORIC Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ORIC) haben eine Zusammenarbeit ins Leben gerufen, um die frühe Arzneimittelentdeckung für ein nicht bekanntgegebenes onkologisches Ziel zu verbessern. Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, OpenBenchs KI-gestützte, erfolgsorientierte Entdeckung kleiner Moleküle und die strukturbasierte Machine-Learning-Plattform zu nutzen, um ORICs Resistenplattform bei der Zielverfolgung von krebs-spezifischen Verwundbarkeiten zu ergänzen.

Im Rahmen der Vereinbarung erhält OpenBench eine Vergütung für die Identifizierung neuer chemischer Typen kleiner Moleküle, die den von ORIC festgelegten Aktivitäten und Entwicklungsanforderungen entsprechen. Im Gegenzug erhält ORIC exklusive Rechte an den entdeckten Verbindungen und Zugang zur proprietären Screening-Technologie von OpenBench für das jeweilige Ziel. Obwohl die spezifischen finanziellen Bedingungen nicht bekanntgegeben wurden, stellt diese Zusammenarbeit einen strategischen Schritt dar, um OpenBenchs innovative Entdeckungsplattform mit ORICs Fachkenntnissen zur Bekämpfung therapeutischer Resistenzen in der Onkologie zu verbinden.

  • Potential for accelerated drug discovery process in oncology
  • Access to OpenBench's AI-enabled platform and proprietary screening technology for ORIC
  • Exclusive rights to discovered leads for ORIC
  • Payment structure tied to successful identification of novel small molecule chemotypes
  • None.

This collaboration between OpenBench and ORIC Pharmaceuticals represents a strategic move in the oncology drug discovery space. By combining OpenBench's AI-driven platform with ORIC's expertise in targeting cancer resistance mechanisms, they're tackling a significant challenge in cancer treatment.

The partnership's focus on an undisclosed, potentially "undruggable" target is particularly intriguing. Success here could open new avenues for cancer therapy, addressing previously untreatable forms of the disease. However, investors should note that early-stage drug discovery is inherently risky, with a long path to potential commercialization.

While financial terms weren't disclosed, the success-based payment structure aligns incentives and could be favorable for both companies. For ORIC, this approach might help mitigate financial risk in early-stage research, potentially preserving capital for later-stage clinical programs.

OpenBench's use of structure-based machine learning for small molecule discovery is at the cutting edge of drug development technology. This approach can significantly accelerate the drug discovery process and potentially increase the success rate of finding viable drug candidates.

The "success-driven discovery approach" mentioned likely involves iterative learning and optimization, where the AI model improves its predictions based on experimental feedback. This could lead to more efficient use of resources and faster identification of promising compounds.

However, the effectiveness of AI in drug discovery is still being proven. Investors should watch for concrete results from this collaboration as a potential indicator of the technology's value in pharmaceutical R&D. Success here could position OpenBench as a valuable partner for other pharma companies, potentially leading to more collaborations.

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- OpenBench, Inc., a pioneer in AI-enabled success-driven small molecule discovery partnerships, today announced the launch of a collaboration with ORIC Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: ORIC), a clinical stage oncology company focused on developing treatments that address mechanisms of therapeutic resistance. The parties aim to apply OpenBench's success-driven discovery approach and structure-based machine learning platform to enrich early discovery efforts against an undisclosed target identified by ORIC's resistance platform to target cancer-specific vulnerabilities.

Under the terms of the agreement, OpenBench will receive payment upon the identification of novel small molecule chemotypes and the experimental confirmation that they meet certain activity and developability criteria defined by ORIC®. In exchange, ORIC will gain full and exclusive rights to discovered leads and access to OpenBench's proprietary screening technology with respect to the target of interest. Detailed financial terms were not disclosed.

"We are excited to join forces with the ORIC Pharmaceuticals team to enrich their early discovery efforts against an undruggable target," said OpenBench CEO James Yoder. "We are confident OpenBench's success-driven early discovery platform will complement ORIC's innovative approach to tackling therapeutic challenges."

About OpenBench

OpenBench is pioneering success-driven collaborations to bring rigor to AI-enabled early discovery. OpenBench bears the cost of virtual screening, custom synthesis, and experimental confirmation to ensure that the first dollar our partners spend is to purchase potent, developable leads. OpenBench's proprietary structure-based machine learning platform uniquely enables the success-driven model and has succeeded in finding quality, progressible chemical matter for more than 90% of targets we have taken on to date. To learn more, contact OpenBench at or visit

Contact: James Yoder,

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SOURCE OpenBench


What is the purpose of the collaboration between OpenBench and ORIC Pharmaceuticals?

The collaboration aims to enhance early drug discovery efforts against an undisclosed oncology target by combining OpenBench's AI-enabled success-driven small molecule discovery approach with ORIC's resistance platform to target cancer-specific vulnerabilities.

What will OpenBench receive from this collaboration with ORIC Pharmaceuticals?

OpenBench will receive payment upon the identification of novel small molecule chemotypes that meet certain activity and developability criteria defined by ORIC Pharmaceuticals.

What rights does ORIC Pharmaceuticals gain from this collaboration?

ORIC Pharmaceuticals gains full and exclusive rights to the discovered leads and access to OpenBench's proprietary screening technology for the target of interest.

When was the collaboration between OpenBench and ORIC Pharmaceuticals announced?

The collaboration between OpenBench and ORIC Pharmaceuticals was announced on September 17, 2024.

Oric Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


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