Oracle Introduces New AI-Driven Workflows to Help Organizations Automate the Complete Customer Service Lifecycle

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Oracle has introduced new AI-powered capabilities within Oracle Fusion Cloud Service and Oracle Fusion Cloud Field Service to enhance customer service efficiency and experience. These updates aim to increase productivity, improve understanding of customer issues, and streamline resolution processes.

Key features include:

  • An automated service agent that develops actionable plans for service representatives
  • Call and chat summarization using generative AI to produce accurate conversation summaries
  • Field service knowledge search augmentation leveraging large language models and semantic search capabilities

These AI-driven workflows are designed to reduce time-to-resolution, improve first-time fix rates, and ultimately enhance customer satisfaction. The new capabilities are part of Oracle Fusion Cloud Customer Experience (CX), a suite of applications for managing customer relationships.

Oracle ha introdotto nuove funzionalità supportate dall'IA all'interno del Servizio Cloud Oracle Fusion e del Servizio Field Oracle Fusion per migliorare l'efficienza e l'esperienza del servizio clienti. Questi aggiornamenti mirano a aumentare la produttività, migliorare la comprensione delle problematiche dei clienti e semplificare i processi di risoluzione.

Le caratteristiche principali includono:

  • Un agente di servizio automatizzato che sviluppa piani attuabili per i rappresentanti del servizio
  • Riassunto di chiamate e chat utilizzando l'IA generativa per produrre riassunti accurati delle conversazioni
  • Aumento della ricerca della conoscenza del servizio sul campo sfruttando grandi modelli linguistici e capacità di ricerca semantica

Questi flussi di lavoro guidati dall'IA sono progettati per ridurre il tempo di risoluzione, migliorare i tassi di primo intervento efficace e, in ultima analisi, aumentare la soddisfazione del cliente. Le nuove funzionalità fanno parte dell'Oracle Fusion Cloud Customer Experience (CX), una suite di applicazioni per gestire le relazioni con i clienti.

Oracle ha introducido nuevas capacidades impulsadas por IA dentro del Servicio en la Nube Oracle Fusion y del Servicio de Campo Oracle Fusion para mejorar la eficiencia y experiencia del servicio al cliente. Estas actualizaciones tienen como objetivo aumentar la productividad, mejorar la comprensión de los problemas de los clientes y optimizar los procesos de resolución.

Las características clave incluyen:

  • Un agente de servicio automatizado que desarrolla planes de acción para los representantes de servicio
  • Resumen de llamadas y chats utilizando IA generativa para producir resúmenes precisos de las conversaciones
  • Aumento de la búsqueda de conocimiento del servicio de campo aprovechando grandes modelos de lenguaje y capacidades de búsqueda semántica

Estos flujos de trabajo impulsados por IA están diseñados para reducir el tiempo de resolución, mejorar las tasas de resolución en el primer intento y, en última instancia, aumentar la satisfacción del cliente. Las nuevas capacidades son parte de Oracle Fusion Cloud Customer Experience (CX), un conjunto de aplicaciones para gestionar las relaciones con los clientes.

오라클은 고객 서비스 효율성과 경험을 향상시키기 위해 오라클 퓨전 클라우드 서비스와 오라클 퓨전 클라우드 필드 서비스 내에 새로운 AI 지원 기능을 도입했습니다. 이러한 업데이트는 생산성을 높이고, 고객 문제에 대한 이해를 개선하며, 해결 프로세스를 간소화하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 자동화된 서비스 에이전트가 서비스 담당자를 위한 실행 가능한 계획을 개발합니다
  • 통화 및 채팅 요약을 생성 AI를 사용하여 대화 요약을 정확하게 생성합니다
  • 현장 서비스 지식 검색 증강은 대규모 언어 모델과 의미 검색 기능을 활용합니다

이 AI 기반 워크플로우는 해결 시간을 단축하고, 첫 번째 수정 비율을 향상시키며, 궁극적으로 고객 만족도를 높이기 위해 설계되었습니다. 새로운 기능은 고객 관계 관리를 위한 애플리케이션 세트인 Oracle Fusion Cloud Customer Experience (CX)의 일부입니다.

Oracle a introduit de nouvelles capacités pilotées par l'IA au sein du Service Cloud Oracle Fusion et du Service de Terrain Oracle Fusion pour améliorer l'efficacité et l'expérience du service client. Ces mises à jour visent à augmenter la productivité, améliorer la compréhension des problèmes des clients et rationaliser les processus de résolution.

Les caractéristiques clés comprennent :

  • Un agent de service automatisé qui élabore des plans d'action pour les représentants du service
  • Résumé des appels et des chats utilisant l'IA générative pour produire des résumés de conversation précis
  • Augmentation de la recherche de connaissances en service de terrain utilisant de grands modèles de langage et des capacités de recherche sémantique

Ces flux de travail pilotés par l'IA sont conçus pour réduire le temps de résolution, améliorer les taux de résolution au premier passage et, en fin de compte, améliorer la satisfaction client. Les nouvelles capacités font partie de l'Oracle Fusion Cloud Customer Experience (CX), une suite d'applications pour gérer les relations avec les clients.

Oracle hat neue KI-gestützte Funktionen innerhalb des Oracle Fusion Cloud Service und des Oracle Fusion Cloud Field Service eingeführt, um die Effizienz und das Erlebnis des Kundenservice zu verbessern. Diese Aktualisierungen zielen darauf ab, die Produktivität zu steigern, das Verständnis für Kundenprobleme zu verbessern und die Lösungsprozesse zu optimieren.

Zu den wichtigsten Funktionen gehören:

  • Ein automatisierter Service-Agent, der umsetzbare Pläne für Servicemitarbeiter entwickelt
  • Zusammenfassungen von Anrufen und Chats, die generative KI nutzen, um präzise Zusammenfassungen von Gesprächen zu erstellen
  • Erweiterte Wissenssuche im Außendienst, die große Sprachmodelle und semantische Suchfähigkeiten nutzt

Diese KI-gesteuerten Arbeitsabläufe sind darauf ausgelegt, die Lösungszeit zu verkürzen, die Erstlösungsraten zu verbessern und letztendlich die Kundenzufriedenheit zu steigern. Die neuen Funktionen sind Teil der Oracle Fusion Cloud Customer Experience (CX), einer Suite von Anwendungen zur Verwaltung von Kundenbeziehungen.

  • Introduction of AI-powered capabilities to increase service efficiency
  • Automated service agent feature to reduce time-to-resolution
  • AI-driven call and chat summarization to improve accuracy in customer assistance
  • Field service knowledge search augmentation to enhance first-time fix rates
  • None.


Oracle's introduction of AI-driven workflows for customer service automation represents a significant leap in CRM technology. The new features in Oracle Fusion Cloud Service and Field Service leverage advanced AI capabilities, including generative AI and large language models, to enhance service efficiency and customer experience.

Key innovations include:

  • An automated service agent for faster issue resolution
  • AI-powered call and chat summarization
  • Enhanced knowledge search for field technicians

These advancements could potentially reduce operational costs and improve customer satisfaction for Oracle's clients. For investors, this could translate to increased competitiveness in the CRM market, particularly against rivals like Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics.

The timing is crucial, as businesses are increasingly seeking AI-powered solutions to streamline operations. Oracle's focus on practical AI applications in customer service aligns with market demands and could drive adoption of its Cloud CX suite, potentially boosting recurring revenue streams.

Oracle's new AI-driven customer service features represent a strategic move in the highly competitive CRM market. With a market cap of $477.8 billion, Oracle is positioning itself as an innovator in AI-powered enterprise solutions.

The CRM market is projected to reach $145.79 billion by 2029, with a CAGR of 12.5%. Oracle's AI enhancements could help capture a larger share of this growing market. The focus on improving efficiency and first-time fix rates is particularly appealing to enterprises looking to optimize their service operations and reduce costs.

Investors should note that while these features are promising, the real test will be in customer adoption and measurable improvements in service metrics. Oracle's ability to demonstrate ROI for clients using these AI tools will be important for long-term success and potential stock price appreciation.

New AI-powered capabilities increase service efficiency, reduce time-to-resolution, and improve the customer experience 

AUSTIN, Texas, Oct. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Oracle today announced new AI-powered capabilities within Oracle Fusion Cloud Service and Oracle Fusion Cloud Field Service that help service teams increase productivity, better understand customer issues, and serve their customers more effectively. The latest updates improve customer satisfaction by automatically identifying customer issues, recommending actions, streamlining resolution, and improving first-time fix rates.

"Service teams are expected to deliver consistent, on-demand, around-the-clock customer care and in this environment, every second of time saved helps improve the experience and build loyalty," said Jeff Wartgow, vice president, Oracle Service. "With these new capabilities, Oracle is adding AI-powered insights, authoring, and recommendations across the service lifecycle to help organizations more efficiently deliver service that elevates the entire customer experience."

Oracle Service and Oracle Field Service are a part of Oracle Fusion Cloud Customer Experience (CX), a connected suite of applications that helps organizations create, manage, serve, and nurture lasting customer relationships. Built with embedded AI and leveraging contextual service data, Oracle helps organizations automate the full customer service lifecycle. New capabilities include:

  • Automated service agent: Helps service teams quickly understand customer service requests and reduce time-to-resolution. For example, the new AI-powered automated service agent can review service-related tasks based on relevant context and customer history to then develop and deliver an actionable plan with recommended next steps for service representatives.
  • Call and chat summarization: Helps service representatives save time and improve accuracy when assisting customers. The new summarization capability uses generative AI to transcribe the customer conversation and produce an accurate summary of the call that can be shared with other service team members or supervisors as needed.
  • Field service knowledge search augmentation: Helps field service technicians fix customer issues faster and more accurately to reduce the need for repeat visits. The new Oracle Field Service knowledge search augmentation feature uses large language models (LLMs) and semantic search capabilities that understand natural language queries and use generative AI to provide guidance using articles and other resources.

"To improve service efficiency and allow service teams to focus on creating more meaningful customer interactions, it's important for organizations to lean into AI," said Aly Pinder, research vice president, IDC. "Oracle's new AI-powered service capabilities will help organizations increase responsiveness, quality, and the overall customer experience."

Part of Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite, Oracle Cloud CX helps organizations connect data and workflows across marketing, sales, and service to make every customer interaction matter. To learn how Oracle Cloud CX can help your organization improve the customer experience and build brand loyalty, please visit:

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Oracle offers integrated suites of applications plus secure, autonomous infrastructure in the Oracle Cloud. For more information about Oracle (NYSE: ORCL), please visit us at

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What new AI capabilities has Oracle (ORCL) introduced for customer service?

Oracle has introduced AI-powered features in Oracle Fusion Cloud Service and Oracle Fusion Cloud Field Service, including an automated service agent, call and chat summarization, and field service knowledge search augmentation. These aim to increase service efficiency and improve customer experience.

How does Oracle's (ORCL) new automated service agent work?

Oracle's new AI-powered automated service agent reviews service-related tasks based on context and customer history, then develops and delivers an actionable plan with recommended next steps for service representatives.

What is the purpose of Oracle's (ORCL) new call and chat summarization feature?

Oracle's new call and chat summarization feature uses generative AI to transcribe customer conversations and produce accurate summaries. This helps service representatives save time and improve accuracy when assisting customers.

How does Oracle's (ORCL) field service knowledge search augmentation benefit technicians?

Oracle's field service knowledge search augmentation uses large language models and semantic search capabilities to understand natural language queries and provide guidance using articles and other resources. This helps technicians fix customer issues faster and more accurately, reducing the need for repeat visits.

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