Oracle Helps Health Systems Optimize Management of Emergency Situations
Oracle Health has unveiled new emergency management capabilities in its health system operations suite, designed to help hospitals manage crisis situations more effectively. The enhanced features include improvements to Oracle Health Patient Flow, Clinical Operations Whiteboard, Transfer Center, and Command Center Dashboard.
The update focuses on streamlining mass patient transfers, bed management, and evacuation planning, allowing healthcare organizations to respond rapidly to emergency situations. Key improvements include batch action capabilities for bed management teams and dynamic bed visibility management. The new features will be available to existing health systems operations customers at no additional cost.
The development was done in collaboration with MedStar Health and BayCare Health, addressing previous inefficiencies in mass patient transfers that relied on manual processes. The enhanced system allows care teams to prioritize patient movements and maintain better situational awareness during crisis management.
Oracle Health ha svelato nuove funzionalità di gestione delle emergenze nel suo pacchetto operativo per i sistemi sanitari, progettate per aiutare gli ospedali a gestire le situazioni di crisi in modo più efficace. Le funzionalità potenziate includono miglioramenti a Oracle Health Patient Flow, alla Lavagna delle Operazioni Cliniche, al Centro Trasferimenti e al Dashboard del Centro di Comando.
Questo aggiornamento si concentra sull'ottimizzazione dei trasferimenti di pazienti in massa, della gestione dei letti e della pianificazione delle evacuazioni, consentendo alle organizzazioni sanitarie di rispondere rapidamente alle situazioni di emergenza. I miglioramenti chiave includono capacità di azione in batch per i team di gestione dei letti e una gestione dinamica della visibilità dei letti. Le nuove funzionalità saranno disponibili per i clienti esistenti dei sistemi operativi sanitari senza costi aggiuntivi.
Lo sviluppo è stato realizzato in collaborazione con MedStar Health e BayCare Health, affrontando le inefficienze precedenti nei trasferimenti di pazienti in massa che si basavano su processi manuali. Il sistema potenziato consente ai team di assistenza di dare priorità ai movimenti dei pazienti e mantenere una migliore consapevolezza situazionale durante la gestione delle crisi.
Oracle Health ha presentado nuevas capacidades de gestión de emergencias en su suite de operaciones de sistemas de salud, diseñadas para ayudar a los hospitales a manejar situaciones de crisis de manera más efectiva. Las características mejoradas incluyen mejoras en Oracle Health Patient Flow, la Pizarra de Operaciones Clínicas, el Centro de Transferencias y el Panel de Control del Centro de Mando.
La actualización se centra en optimizar las transferencias masivas de pacientes, la gestión de camas y la planificación de evacuaciones, permitiendo a las organizaciones de salud responder rápidamente a situaciones de emergencia. Las mejoras clave incluyen capacidades de acción por lotes para los equipos de gestión de camas y una gestión dinámica de la visibilidad de camas. Las nuevas funciones estarán disponibles para los clientes existentes de operaciones de sistemas de salud sin costo adicional.
El desarrollo se realizó en colaboración con MedStar Health y BayCare Health, abordando ineficiencias anteriores en las transferencias masivas de pacientes que dependían de procesos manuales. El sistema mejorado permite a los equipos de atención priorizar los movimientos de pacientes y mantener una mejor conciencia situacional durante la gestión de crisis.
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이 개발은 메드스타 헬스 및 베이케어 헬스와 협력하여 수동 프로세스에 의존했던 대규모 환자 이송의 이전 비효율성을 해결했습니다. 향상된 시스템은 의료 팀이 환자 이동을 우선시하고 위기 관리 중에 더 나은 상황 인식을 유지할 수 있도록 합니다.
Oracle Health a dévoilé de nouvelles capacités de gestion des urgences dans sa suite d'opérations pour systèmes de santé, conçues pour aider les hôpitaux à gérer les situations de crise plus efficacement. Les fonctionnalités améliorées comprennent des améliorations de Oracle Health Patient Flow, du Tableau des Opérations Cliniques, du Centre de Transfert et du Tableau de Bord du Centre de Commandement.
La mise à jour se concentre sur l'optimisation des transferts massifs de patients, de la gestion des lits et de la planification des évacuations, permettant aux organisations de santé de répondre rapidement aux situations d'urgence. Les améliorations clés incluent des capacités d'action par lots pour les équipes de gestion des lits et une gestion dynamique de la visibilité des lits. Les nouvelles fonctionnalités seront disponibles pour les clients existants des opérations de systèmes de santé sans coût supplémentaire.
Le développement a été réalisé en collaboration avec MedStar Health et BayCare Health, abordant les inefficacités précédentes des transferts massifs de patients qui reposaient sur des processus manuels. Le système amélioré permet aux équipes de soins de prioriser les mouvements des patients et de maintenir une meilleure conscience situationnelle pendant la gestion de crise.
Oracle Health hat neue Notfallmanagement-Funktionen in seiner Betriebssuite für Gesundheitssysteme vorgestellt, die darauf abzielen, Krankenhäuser bei der effektiveren Bewältigung von Krisensituationen zu unterstützen. Zu den verbesserten Funktionen gehören Verbesserungen an Oracle Health Patient Flow, dem Klinischen Operations-Whiteboard, dem Transferzentrum und dem Dashboard des Kommandozentrums.
Das Update konzentriert sich auf die Optimierung von Massentransfers von Patienten, Bettenmanagement und Evakuierungsplanung, sodass Gesundheitsorganisationen schnell auf Notfälle reagieren können. Zu den wichtigsten Verbesserungen gehören Batch-Aktionsmöglichkeiten für Bettenmanagement-Teams und dynamisches Bettenmanagement. Die neuen Funktionen stehen bestehenden Kunden der Gesundheitsbetriebssoftware ohne zusätzliche Kosten zur Verfügung.
Die Entwicklung erfolgte in Zusammenarbeit mit MedStar Health und BayCare Health und adressiert frühere Ineffizienzen bei Massentransfers von Patienten, die auf manuellen Prozessen basierten. Das verbesserte System ermöglicht es den Pflegeteams, die Bewegungen der Patienten zu priorisieren und während des Krisenmanagements ein besseres situatives Bewusstsein zu bewahren.
- New features offered at no additional cost to existing customers
- Partnership with major healthcare providers MedStar Health and BayCare Health
- Enhanced operational efficiency in emergency management
- None.
New capabilities in Oracle's health system operations suite give hospitals the agility to make fast, effective decisions to support patients and staff during traumatic events
Oracle Health's suite of health system operations solutions help optimize patient journeys across organizations by seamlessly coordinating critical resources throughout the care continuum so they can transform into real-time health systems. The new emergency management capabilities are planned to be available to all existing health systems operations customers at no cost.
"In moments where every second counts, technology must be an enabler, not inhibitor to swift and effective response—and this is exactly what we are delivering with these new health system operations capabilities," said Seema Verma, executive vice president and general manager, Oracle Health and Life Sciences. "These solutions deliver the agility and insight needed to manage and rapidly respond to evolving and potentially chaotic situations."
Previously, making mass patient transfers out of a unit or facility was inefficient, forcing teams to rely on manual, complex, and time-consuming processes, such as phone calls and written orders, to relocate patients to safer locations or make room to care for emergency victims. The new capabilities address this gap by enabling batch actions by bed management teams so they can manage large numbers of patients effectively and benefit from enhanced situational awareness.
Hospitals and health systems can also dynamically hide or unhide beds in Oracle Health Patient Flow to temporarily create and then remove disaster beds from view during normal operations, offering accurate and flexible bed management. Within Oracle Health Patient Flow, care teams can assign priorities and determine the order in which patients are moved, as well as see when a bed is assigned at the accepting facility. Nursing unit staff can also specify which beds are prioritized for new patient admissions. With these capabilities, staff can limit administrative tasks and focus on prioritizing the most critical patients during disaster response situations.
To see Oracle Health in action, join us at Booth #3221 at HIMSS in
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What new emergency management features has Oracle (ORCL) added to its health system operations suite?
How will Oracle's (ORCL) new health system capabilities benefit hospitals during emergencies?
Will existing Oracle (ORCL) health system customers need to pay for the new emergency management features?