Oracle Helps Elevate Supply Chain Efficiency with User Experience Enhancements

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Oracle has introduced new user experience (UX) enhancements to its Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain & Manufacturing (SCM) platform, leveraging the Oracle Redwood Design System. These updates aim to increase efficiency, accelerate operations, and improve supply chain resilience for procurement professionals, logistics managers, field service technicians, and product managers.

Key features include smart search for quick information retrieval, business rules for tailored page control, and Oracle Guided Journeys for customized workflows. Specific SCM enhancements comprise pricing rules for order management, field parts inventory for maintenance, structures view for product management, and guided task for mass component replacement.

These improvements are designed to help organizations empower users, connect supply chain processes seamlessly, and respond quickly to changing market conditions.

Oracle ha introdotto nuove miglioramenti dell'esperienza utente (UX) nella sua piattaforma Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain & Manufacturing (SCM), sfruttando il Oracle Redwood Design System. Questi aggiornamenti mirano a aumentare l'efficienza, accelerare le operazioni e migliorare la resilienza della catena di approvvigionamento per i professionisti degli acquisti, i manager della logistica, i tecnici di assistenza sul campo e i product manager.

Le funzionalità chiave includono ricerca intelligente per il recupero rapido delle informazioni, regole aziendali per il controllo personalizzato delle pagine, e Percorsi Guidati Oracle per flussi di lavoro personalizzati. Gli specifici miglioramenti SCM comprendono regole di prezzo per la gestione degli ordini, inventario di pezzi di ricambio per la manutenzione, visualizzazione delle strutture per la gestione dei prodotti e compiti guidati per la sostituzione di componenti in massa.

Questi miglioramenti sono progettati per aiutare le organizzazioni a potenziare gli utenti, connettere i processi della catena di approvvigionamento in modo fluido e rispondere rapidamente alle mutevoli condizioni di mercato.

Oracle ha presentado nuevas mejoras en la experiencia del usuario (UX) en su plataforma Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain & Manufacturing (SCM), aprovechando el Sistema de Diseño Oracle Redwood. Estas actualizaciones buscan incrementar la eficiencia, acelerar las operaciones y mejorar la resiliencia de la cadena de suministro para profesionales de adquisiciones, gerentes de logística, técnicos de servicio en campo y gerentes de producto.

Las características clave incluyen búsqueda inteligente para recuperar información rápidamente, reglas comerciales para el control personalizado de las páginas y Viajes Guiados de Oracle para flujos de trabajo personalizados. Las mejoras específicas en SCM incluyen reglas de precios para la gestión de pedidos, inventario de piezas de campo para mantenimiento, vista de estructuras para la gestión de productos, y tarea guiada para el reemplazo masivo de componentes.

Estas mejoras están diseñadas para ayudar a las organizaciones a empoderar a los usuarios, conectar sin problemas los procesos de la cadena de suministro y responder con rapidez a las condiciones cambiantes del mercado.

오라클은 오라클 레드우드 디자인 시스템을 활용하여 오라클 퓨전 클라우드 공급망 및 제조(SCM) 플랫폼에 새로운 사용자 경험(UX) 개선 사항을 도입했습니다. 이러한 업데이트는 조달 전문가, 물류 관리자, 현장 서비스 기술자 및 제품 관리자를 위해 효율성을 증가시키고 운영을 가속화하며 공급망 복원력을 향상시키는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

주요 기능에는 빠른 정보 검색을 위한 스마트 검색, 맞춤형 페이지 제어를 위한 비즈니스 규칙, 그리고 맞춤형 워크플로우를 위한 오라클 가이드 여정이 포함됩니다. 특정 SCM 개선 사항에는 주문 관리를 위한 가격 규칙, 유지 관리를 위한 현장 부품 재고, 제품 관리를 위한 구조 보기, 그리고 대량 부품 교체를 위한 안내 작업이 포함됩니다.

이러한 개선 사항은 조직이 사용자를 권한 부여하고, 공급망 프로세스를 원활하게 연결하며, 변화하는 시장 조건에 신속하게 대응할 수 있도록 돕기 위해 설계되었습니다.

Oracle a introduit de nouvelles améliorations de l'expérience utilisateur (UX) sur sa plateforme Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain & Manufacturing (SCM), en tirant parti du Système de Design Oracle Redwood. Ces mises à jour visent à augmenter l'efficacité, accélérer les opérations et améliorer la résilience de la chaîne d'approvisionnement pour les professionnels des achats, les responsables logistique, les techniciens de service sur le terrain et les chefs de produits.

Les caractéristiques clés comprennent une recherche intelligente pour un accès rapide à l'information, des règles commerciales pour un contrôle personnalisé des pages, et les Parcours Guidés Oracle pour des flux de travail sur mesure. Les améliorations spécifiques à la SCM comprennent des règles de tarification pour la gestion des commandes, un inventaire de pièces pour la maintenance, une vue des structures pour la gestion des produits, et une tâche guidée pour le remplacement en masse de composants.

Ces améliorations sont conçues pour aider les organisations à autonomiser les utilisateurs, connecter les processus de la chaîne d'approvisionnement de manière fluide et répondre rapidement aux conditions changeantes du marché.

Oracle hat neue Verbesserungen der Benutzererfahrung (UX) auf seiner Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain & Manufacturing (SCM) Plattform eingeführt, die das Oracle Redwood Design System nutzt. Diese Updates zielen darauf ab, die Effizienz zu steigern, die Abläufe zu beschleunigen und die Widerstandsfähigkeit der Lieferkette für Beschaffungsexperten, Logistikmanager, Servicetechniker im Außendienst und Produktmanager zu verbessern.

Wichtige Funktionen umfassen intelligente Suche zur schnellen Informationsbeschaffung, Geschäftsregeln für maßgeschneiderte Seitensteuerung und Oracle Guided Journeys für angepasste Workflows. Spezifische SCM-Verbesserungen beinhalten Preisregeln für das Auftragsmanagement, Teileinventar für die Wartung, Strukturansicht für das Produktmanagement und geleitete Aufgaben für den massenhaften Austausch von Komponenten.

Diese Verbesserungen sind darauf ausgelegt, Organisationen zu helfen, Benutzer zu befähigen, die Prozesse der Lieferkette nahtlos zu verbinden und schnell auf sich ändernde Marktbedingungen zu reagieren.

  • Introduction of UX enhancements to Oracle Cloud SCM to increase efficiency and accelerate operations
  • Implementation of smart search, business rules, and Oracle Guided Journeys to streamline processes
  • Addition of supply chain-specific features like pricing rules for order management and field parts inventory for maintenance
  • Quarterly updates to Oracle Cloud SCM to help customers create resilient supply networks
  • None.

Oracle's UX enhancements to its Cloud SCM platform represent a significant leap forward in supply chain management efficiency. The integration of the Oracle Redwood Design System brings consumer-grade usability to enterprise-level operations, potentially reducing training time and user errors.

Key features like smart search, business rules and Oracle Guided Journeys are poised to streamline processes across various supply chain functions. For instance, the smart search in Product Lifecycle Management could substantially reduce development cycle times, a critical factor in today's fast-paced market.

The new pricing rule builder in Order Management is particularly noteworthy, as it could lead to more dynamic and responsive pricing strategies, potentially increasing sales and profit margins. Overall, these updates position Oracle competitively in the SCM software market, potentially attracting new customers and encouraging existing ones to upgrade.

Oracle's UX enhancements come at a important time when supply chain efficiency is paramount due to global disruptions. This move aligns with the increasing demand for user-friendly, AI-assisted enterprise software. The focus on improving user experience could be a significant differentiator in the competitive SCM software market.

The introduction of features like field parts inventory for maintenance addresses specific pain points in service logistics, potentially opening new market segments or strengthening Oracle's position in existing ones. The structures view for product management could appeal to industries with complex product structures, such as manufacturing or electronics.

While these enhancements are positive, their impact on Oracle's market share and revenue will depend on successful implementation and customer adoption rates. Competitors like SAP and Microsoft are also investing heavily in SCM solutions, so Oracle will need to continue innovating to maintain its edge.

Oracle Redwood Design System updates to Oracle Cloud SCM help customers increase efficiency, accelerate operations, and improve supply chain resilience

AUSTIN, Texas, Aug. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- To help organizations increase the efficiency of global supply chains, Oracle is introducing new user experience (UX) enhancements to Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain & Manufacturing (SCM). Built with the award-winning, consumer-grade Oracle Redwood Design System, the UX updates help procurement professionals, logistics managers, field service technicians, and product managers increase productivity and accelerate supply chain processes.

"Supply chain professionals are under pressure to move with speed and accuracy as they navigate numerous challenges in every step of the supply chain. In this high-stakes environment, a poor user experience can add to frustration, cause further delays, and add costs," said Chris Leone, executive vice president, applications development, Oracle. "With the latest Redwood user experience updates, Oracle Cloud SCM customers can increase the speed and accuracy of operations, reduce costs, and improve overall efficiency."

The Oracle Redwood Design System features common capabilities for Oracle Fusion Applications that help Oracle Cloud SCM customers enhance user experience, streamline processes, and increase productivity. These features include:

  • Smart search: Helps users quickly find, review, and edit information related to their role with enhanced keyword matching, comprehensive filters, and automatic suggestions. For example, with smart search capabilities in Oracle Product Lifecycle Management, organizations can quickly find component-level information, take action, and reduce development cycle times.
  • Business rules: Help users tailor and conditionally control pages based on specific criteria such as country and business unit. For example, with business rules in Oracle Order Management, organizations can create editing and defaulting logic to match specific order needs and optimize fulfillment.
  • Oracle Guided Journeys: Help users define customized workflows with contextualized, multi-format assistance during process execution. For example, with Guided Journeys in Self Service Procurement, organizations can reduce support costs and deliver an enhanced buying experience.

New supply chain-specific Redwood UX enhancements for Oracle Cloud SCM include:

  • Pricing rules for order management: Helps price administrators set up complex pricing rules and define eligibility based on the customer and item attributes. With a new pricing rule builder in Oracle Order Management, organizations can automate discounts and increase efficiency of sales promotions.
  • Field parts inventory for maintenance: Helps field service technicians manage parts inventory, reservations, transfers, and returns while working in the field. With the ability to view on-hand, available, and reserved parts across all field service locations in Oracle Service Logistics, organizations can optimize service efficiency, resolve issues faster, and improve the customer experience.
  • Structures view for product management: Helps product managers quickly analyze and validate bill of materials and component item information. With the ability to now toggle between levels within an item structure and apply filters in Oracle Product Lifecycle Management, organizations can increase the speed and accuracy of processes, and reduce new product information (NPI) cycle times.
  • Guided task for mass component replacement: Helps product managers perform a mass replacement of a component on one or more item structures. With a guided process for mass replacement (including reviews) in Oracle Product Lifecycle Management, organizations can improve user efficiency and reduce potential errors.

With the new user experience updates in Oracle Cloud SCM, organizations can empower users, seamlessly connect supply chain processes, and quickly respond to changing demand, supply, and market conditions. With new features added every quarter, Oracle Cloud SCM helps customers create a resilient supply network and processes that outpace change.

For additional information on Oracle Cloud SCM applications, visit

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What new features has Oracle (ORCL) added to its Cloud SCM platform?

Oracle has added user experience enhancements to its Cloud SCM platform, including smart search, business rules, Oracle Guided Journeys, pricing rules for order management, field parts inventory for maintenance, structures view for product management, and guided task for mass component replacement.

How do the new Oracle (ORCL) Cloud SCM features benefit supply chain professionals?

The new features help supply chain professionals increase productivity, accelerate supply chain processes, reduce costs, and improve overall efficiency. They enable users to find information quickly, tailor workflows, and manage complex tasks more effectively.

What is the Oracle Redwood Design System used in the Oracle (ORCL) Cloud SCM update?

The Oracle Redwood Design System is an award-winning, consumer-grade design system that provides common capabilities for Oracle Fusion Applications. It helps enhance user experience, streamline processes, and increase productivity in Oracle Cloud SCM.

How often does Oracle (ORCL) update its Cloud SCM applications?

Oracle adds new features to its Cloud SCM applications every quarter, helping customers create resilient supply networks and processes that can quickly adapt to changing demand, supply, and market conditions.

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