Oracle Helps Customers Build Smart and Responsive Supply Chains

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Oracle has unveiled new user experience (UX) enhancements for Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain & Manufacturing (SCM) to help organizations build smart and responsive supply chain operations. The updates leverage AI to increase workforce productivity, expand visibility, and accelerate processes. Key enhancements include:

1. Production Supervisor Workbench: Provides real-time insight into work orders and AI-powered shift reporting.
2. Maintenance Supervisor Workbench: Helps resolve maintenance issues faster and reduce asset downtime.
3. Order Management Enhancements: Enables mass actions on multiple order lines and AI-powered order acknowledgement emails.
4. Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Enhancements: Accelerates product development with improved search capabilities and new user interfaces.

These updates aim to help customers create more efficient and resilient supply chains that can adapt to economic conditions, control costs, and protect margins.

Oracle ha presentato nuovi miglioramenti all'esperienza utente (UX) per Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain & Manufacturing (SCM) per aiutare le organizzazioni a costruire operazioni di supply chain intelligenti e reattive. Gli aggiornamenti sfruttano l'IA per aumentare la produttività della forza lavoro, espandere la visibilità e accelerare i processi. Le principali migliorie includono:

1. Workbench del Supervisore di Produzione: Fornisce visibilità in tempo reale sugli ordini di lavoro e reportistica dei turni alimentata dall'IA.
2. Workbench del Supervisore di Manutenzione: Aiuta a risolvere più rapidamente i problemi di manutenzione e ridurre i tempi di inattività degli asset.
3. Miglioramenti nella Gestione degli Ordini: Consente azioni di massa su più linee d'ordine e email di conferma degli ordini assistite dall'IA.
4. Miglioramenti nella Gestione del Ciclo di Vita del Prodotto (PLM): Accelera lo sviluppo dei prodotti con capacità di ricerca migliorate e nuove interfacce utente.

Questi aggiornamenti mirano ad aiutare i clienti a creare supply chain più efficienti e resilienti che possano adattarsi alle condizioni economiche, controllare i costi e proteggere i margini.

Oracle ha presentado nuevas mejoras en la experiencia del usuario (UX) para Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain & Manufacturing (SCM) con el fin de ayudar a las organizaciones a construir operaciones de cadena de suministro inteligentes y receptivas. Las actualizaciones aprovechan la IA para aumentar la productividad de la fuerza laboral, ampliar la visibilidad y acelerar los procesos. Las principales mejoras incluyen:

1. Banco de trabajo del Supervisor de Producción: Proporciona información en tiempo real sobre las órdenes de trabajo y elaboración de informes de turnos impulsados por IA.
2. Banco de trabajo del Supervisor de Mantenimiento: Ayuda a resolver problemas de mantenimiento más rápido y a reducir el tiempo de inactividad de los activos.
3. Mejoras en la Gestión de Pedidos: Permite acciones masivas sobre varias líneas de pedido y correos electrónicos de confirmación de pedidos impulsados por IA.
4. Mejoras en la Gestión del Ciclo de Vida del Producto (PLM): Acelera el desarrollo de productos con capacidades de búsqueda mejoradas y nuevas interfaces de usuario.

Estas actualizaciones tienen como objetivo ayudar a los clientes a crear cadenas de suministro más eficientes y resilientes que puedan adaptarse a las condiciones económicas, controlar costos y proteger márgenes.

오라클은 오라클 퓨전 클라우드 공급망 및 제조(SCM)를 위한 사용자 경험(UX) 개선 사항을 발표하여 조직들이 스마트하고 반응성이 뛰어난 공급망 운영을 구축하도록 돕고자 합니다. 이 업데이트는 인공지능(AI)을 활용하여 인력의 생산성을 높이고, 가시성을 확장하며, 프로세스를 가속화합니다. 주요 개선 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 생산 관리자 작업 공간: 작업 지시에 대한 실시간 통찰력과 AI 기반의 교대 보고서를 제공합니다.
2. 유지보수 관리자 작업 공간: 유지보수 문제를 더 빠르게 해결하고 자산 가동 중단 시간을 줄이는 데 도움을 줍니다.
3. 주문 관리 개선 사항: 여러 주문 라인에 대해 대량 작업을 수행하고 AI 기반의 주문 확인 이메일을 지원합니다.
4. 제품 생애 주기 관리(PLM) 개선 사항: 향상된 검색 기능과 새로운 사용자 인터페이스를 통해 제품 개발을 가속화합니다.

이러한 업데이트는 고객이 경제적 상황에 적응하고 비용을 관리하며 이윤을 보호하는 보다 효율적이고 탄력적인 공급망을 구축할 수 있도록 돕는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Oracle a dévoilé de nouvelles améliorations de l'expérience utilisateur (UX) pour Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain & Manufacturing (SCM) afin d'aider les organisations à construire des opérations de chaîne d'approvisionnement intelligentes et réactives. Les mises à jour tirent parti de l'IA pour accroître la productivité des employés, élargir la visibilité et accélérer les processus. Les principales améliorations comprennent :

1. Bureau du Superviseur de Production : Fournit des informations en temps réel sur les ordres de travail et des rapports de quarts alimentés par l'IA.
2. Bureau du Superviseur de Maintenance : Aide à résoudre les problèmes de maintenance plus rapidement et à réduire les temps d'arrêt des équipements.
3. Améliorations de la Gestion des Commandes : Permet des actions de masse sur plusieurs lignes de commande et des e-mails de confirmation de commande assistés par l'IA.
4. Améliorations de la Gestion du Cycle de Vie du Produit (PLM) : Accélère le développement de produits grâce à des capacités de recherche améliorées et de nouvelles interfaces utilisateur.

Ces mises à jour visent à aider les clients à créer des chaînes d'approvisionnement plus efficaces et résilientes pouvant s'adapter aux conditions économiques, contrôler les coûts et protéger les marges.

Oracle hat neue Benutzererlebnis (UX) Verbesserungen für Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain & Manufacturing (SCM) vorgestellt, um Organisationen beim Aufbau von intelligenten und reaktionsfähigen Lieferkettenoperationen zu unterstützen. Die Updates nutzen KI zur Steigerung der Produktivität der Belegschaft, zur Erweiterung der Sichtbarkeit und zur Beschleunigung von Prozessen. Zu den wichtigsten Verbesserungen gehören:

1. Produktionsleiter-Arbeitsplatz: Bietet Echtzeiteinblicke in Arbeitsaufträge und KI-gestützte Schichtberichte.
2. Wartungsleiter-Arbeitsplatz: Hilft dabei, Wartungsprobleme schneller zu lösen und die Ausfallzeiten von Anlagen zu reduzieren.
3. Verbesserungen im Bestellmanagement: Ermöglicht Massenaktionen auf mehreren Bestellzeilen und KI-gestützte Bestellbestätigungs-E-Mails.
4. Verbesserungen im Produktlebenszyklusmanagement (PLM): Beschleunigt die Produktentwicklung durch verbesserte Suchfunktionen und neue Benutzeroberflächen.

Diese Updates zielen darauf ab, Kunden dabei zu helfen, effizientere und widerstandsfähigere Lieferketten zu schaffen, die sich an wirtschaftliche Bedingungen anpassen, Kosten kontrollieren und Margen schützen können.

  • Introduction of AI-powered features to increase productivity and visibility in supply chain operations
  • Launch of Production Supervisor Workbench for real-time insight into work orders
  • Implementation of Maintenance Supervisor Workbench to reduce asset downtime
  • Enhancement of Order Management capabilities with mass action features and AI-powered emails
  • Improvement of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) with updated search capabilities and new user interfaces
  • None.

Oracle's latest UX enhancements to its Cloud SCM platform represent a significant leap in AI-driven supply chain management. The Production Supervisor Workbench and Maintenance Supervisor Workbench are particularly noteworthy, offering real-time insights and AI-powered reporting. These tools could dramatically improve operational efficiency and reduce downtime.

The Order Management Enhancements introduce mass action capabilities and AI-powered communications, which should streamline order processing and customer interactions. Meanwhile, the PLM Enhancements promise to accelerate product development cycles, a critical factor in today's fast-paced markets.

While these updates are impressive, their real-world impact will depend on seamless integration and user adoption. Oracle's quarterly update cycle suggests a commitment to continuous improvement, which is important in the rapidly evolving supply chain technology landscape.

Oracle's SCM enhancements come at a important time for the supply chain industry. With global economic uncertainties and ongoing supply disruptions, businesses are seeking more agile and intelligent solutions. These updates position Oracle favorably against competitors like SAP and Microsoft in the enterprise SCM market.

The focus on AI-driven insights and productivity improvements aligns with current market demands for more predictive and prescriptive analytics in supply chain management. The emphasis on user experience and real-time data could be a significant differentiator, potentially leading to increased market share for Oracle in the SCM space.

However, the true test will be in the implementation and ROI for customers. If Oracle can demonstrate tangible improvements in efficiency and cost savings, it could drive adoption and potentially impact their financial performance in the coming quarters.

New user experience enhancements in Oracle Fusion Cloud SCM increase productivity, expand visibility, and accelerate supply chain processes

LAS VEGAS, Sept. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Oracle CloudWorld -- To help organizations build smart and responsive supply chain operations, Oracle today announced new user experience (UX) enhancements within Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain & Manufacturing (SCM). The latest updates help customers leverage AI to increase workforce productivity, expand visibility, accelerate processes, and prioritize the next best action to drive results.

"Organizations are under pressure to create efficient and resilient supply chains that can quickly adapt to economic conditions, control costs, and protect margins," said Chris Leone, executive vice president, Applications Development, Oracle. "The latest enhancements to Oracle Cloud SCM help customers create a smarter, more responsive supply chain by enabling them to optimize planning and execution and improve the speed and accuracy of processes."

The latest updates to Oracle Cloud SCM include:

  • Production Supervisor Workbench: Helps organizations improve manufacturing performance by providing real-time insight into work orders and generative AI-powered shift reporting. With this new Smart Operations for Manufacturing capability in Oracle Fusion Cloud Manufacturing, production supervisors can achieve their work center's production goals by focusing on issues impacting operational performance.
  • Maintenance Supervisor Workbench: Helps organizations increase productivity and reduce asset downtime by resolving maintenance issues faster. With this new Smart Operations for Maintenance capability in Oracle Fusion Cloud Maintenance, supervisors can access a single view for scheduling and get real-time alerts on critical issues requiring immediate attention.
  • Order Management Enhancements: Help organizations increase operational performance by enabling users to quickly create and find orders, take actions, and engage customers. The latest enhancements to Oracle Fusion Cloud Order Management enable users to perform mass actions or updates on multiple order lines, take advantage of new search capabilities, review alternative fulfillment options, and leverage generative AI-powered order acknowledgement emails and order change history notes.
  • Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Enhancements: Help organizations accelerate product development and go-to-market by enabling users to quickly find items and configure critical objects and navigation paths to meet business-critical priorities. The latest enhancements to Oracle Fusion Cloud Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) include updated search capabilities, a new item catalog page and bill of materials (BOM) user interface, a new PLM navigator and landing page, and manufacturer management capabilities to improve supplier and component visibility.

Oracle Cloud SCM helps organizations seamlessly connect supply chain processes and quickly respond to changing demand, supply, and market conditions. With new features added every quarter, Oracle Cloud SCM helps customers create a resilient supply network and processes that can outpace change.

For additional information on Oracle Cloud SCM applications, visit

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What new features has Oracle (ORCL) added to its Cloud SCM platform in September 2024?

Oracle has added several new features to its Cloud SCM platform, including Production Supervisor Workbench, Maintenance Supervisor Workbench, Order Management enhancements, and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) improvements. These features leverage AI to increase productivity, expand visibility, and accelerate supply chain processes.

How does Oracle's (ORCL) new Production Supervisor Workbench improve manufacturing performance?

Oracle's new Production Supervisor Workbench improves manufacturing performance by providing real-time insight into work orders and generative AI-powered shift reporting. This helps production supervisors achieve their work center's production goals by focusing on issues impacting operational performance.

What are the benefits of Oracle's (ORCL) Order Management enhancements announced in September 2024?

Oracle's Order Management enhancements enable users to perform mass actions on multiple order lines, take advantage of new search capabilities, review alternative fulfillment options, and leverage generative AI-powered order acknowledgement emails and order change history notes. These improvements help increase operational performance and customer engagement.

How does Oracle (ORCL) aim to accelerate product development with its PLM enhancements?

Oracle's PLM enhancements aim to accelerate product development by providing updated search capabilities, a new item catalog page and bill of materials (BOM) user interface, a new PLM navigator and landing page, and manufacturer management capabilities. These features improve supplier and component visibility, helping organizations go to market faster.

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