Oracle AI Agents Help Organizations Achieve New Levels of Productivity

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Oracle has announced the introduction of 50+ role-based AI agents within its Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite. These agents, powered by generative AI, are designed to automate repetitive tasks and enhance productivity across various business functions including finance, supply chain, HR, sales, marketing, and service.

The AI agents provide personalized insights, content, and recommendations within specific business processes and user roles. They aim to help employees and managers complete work more efficiently by automating end-to-end business processes. Key features include a shift scheduling assistant in HCM, a customer sales representative guide in SCM, a document IO agent in ERP, and a customer account researcher agent in CX.

This update demonstrates Oracle's commitment to integrating AI into its cloud applications, enabling customers to gain more value from their data and potentially transform how work is done in organizations.

Oracle ha annunciato l'introduzione di oltre 50 agenti AI basati su ruoli all'interno della sua Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite. Questi agenti, alimentati da AI generativa, sono progettati per automare compiti ripetitivi e migliorare la produttività in vari settori aziendali, tra cui finanza, supply chain, HR, vendite, marketing e servizi.

Gli agenti AI forniscono indicazioni personalizzate, contenuti e raccomandazioni all'interno di specifici processi aziendali e ruoli utente. Mirano ad aiutare dipendenti e manager a completare il lavoro in modo più efficiente automatizzando i processi aziendali end-to-end. Le funzionalità chiave includono un assistente alla pianificazione dei turni in HCM, una guida per rappresentanti di vendita clienti in SCM, un agente di documentazione IO in ERP e un agente ricercatore di account cliente in CX.

Questo aggiornamento dimostra l'impegno di Oracle nell'integrare l'AI nelle sue applicazioni cloud, consentendo ai clienti di ottenere più valore dai loro dati e potenzialmente trasformare il modo in cui si lavora nelle organizzazioni.

Oracle ha anunciado la introducción de más de 50 agentes de IA basados en roles dentro de su Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite. Estos agentes, impulsados por IA generativa, están diseñados para automatizar tareas repetitivas y mejorar la productividad en diversas funciones comerciales, incluyendo finanzas, cadena de suministro, recursos humanos, ventas, marketing y servicio.

Los agentes de IA proporcionan informes, contenido y recomendaciones personalizadas dentro de procesos comerciales específicos y roles de usuario. Tienen como objetivo ayudar a empleados y managers a completar el trabajo de manera más eficiente automatizando procesos comerciales de extremo a extremo. Las características clave incluyen un asistente de programación de turnos en HCM, una guía para representantes de ventas de clientes en SCM, un agente de IO de documentos en ERP y un agente investigador de cuentas de clientes en CX.

Esta actualización demuestra el compromiso de Oracle de integrar la IA en sus aplicaciones en la nube, permitiendo a los clientes obtener más valor de sus datos y potencialmente transformar la forma en que se trabaja en las organizaciones.

오라클은 50개 이상의 역할 기반 AI 에이전트를 오라클 퓨전 클라우드 애플리케이션 스위트에 도입한다고 발표했습니다. 이러한 에이전트는 생성 AI에 의해 구동되며, 재무, 공급망, 인사, 판매, 마케팅 및 서비스와 같은 다양한 비즈니스 기능에서 반복적인 작업을 자동화하고 생산성을 향상시키기 위해 설계되었습니다.

AI 에이전트는 특정 비즈니스 프로세스 및 사용자 역할 내에서 개인화된 인사이트, 콘텐츠 및 추천을 제공합니다. 이들은 직원과 관리자들이 업무를 더 효율적으로 수행하도록 돕기 위해 end-to-end 비즈니스 프로세스를 자동화하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 주요 기능으로는 HCM의 교대 근무 일정 도우미, SCM의 고객 판매 대표 안내서, ERP의 문서 IO 에이전트, CX의 고객 계좌 조사 에이전트가 있습니다.

이번 업데이트는 오라클이 클라우드 애플리케이션에 AI를 통합하겠다는 의지를 보여주며, 고객이 데이터에서 더 많은 가치를 얻고 잠재적으로 조직의 업무 방식을 변화시킬 수 있도록 합니다.

Oracle a annoncé l'introduction de plus de 50 agents IA basés sur des rôles au sein de sa suite d'applications cloud Oracle Fusion. Ces agents, alimentés par l'IA générative, sont conçus pour automatiser les tâches répétitives et améliorer la productivité dans diverses fonctions commerciales telles que la finance, la chaîne d'approvisionnement, les ressources humaines, les ventes, le marketing et le service.

Les agents IA fournissent des informations, du contenu et des recommandations personnalisés dans des processus commerciaux spécifiques et des rôles utilisateur. Ils visent à aider les employés et les managers à effectuer leur travail plus efficacement en automatisant les processus commerciaux de bout en bout. Les fonctionnalités clés incluent un assistant de planification des quarts dans HCM, un guide pour représentants des ventes clients dans SCM, un agent IO document dans ERP et un agent chercheur de comptes clients dans CX.

Cette mise à jour démontre l'engagement d'Oracle à intégrer l'IA dans ses applications cloud, permettant aux clients de tirer plus de valeur de leurs données et potentiellement de transformer la façon dont le travail est réalisé dans les organisations.

Oracle hat die Einführung von über 50 rollenbasierten KI-Agenten innerhalb seiner Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite angekündigt. Diese Agenten, die von generativer KI betrieben werden, sind darauf ausgelegt, wiederkehrende Aufgaben zu automatisieren und die Produktivität in verschiedenen Geschäftsbereichen wie Finanzen, Lieferkette, HR, Vertrieb, Marketing und Service zu steigern.

Die KI-Agenten bieten personalisierte Einblicke, Inhalte und Empfehlungen innerhalb spezifischer Geschäftsprozesse und Benutzerrollen. Sie zielen darauf ab, Mitarbeitern und Managern zu helfen, Arbeiten effizienter zu erledigen, indem sie die End-to-End-Geschäftsprozesse automatisieren. Zu den Hauptfunktionen gehören ein Schichtplanungsassistent in HCM, ein Leitfaden für Kundenverkaufsmitarbeiter in SCM, ein Dokumenten-IO-Agent in ERP und ein Kundenkontoforscher-Agent in CX.

Dieses Update zeigt das Engagement von Oracle, KI in seine Cloud-Anwendungen zu integrieren, sodass Kunden mehr Wert aus ihren Daten ziehen und möglicherweise transformieren können, wie in Organisationen gearbeitet wird.

  • Introduction of 50+ role-based AI agents across various business functions
  • Automation of repetitive tasks, potentially increasing productivity
  • Personalized insights and recommendations for specific business processes
  • Integration of generative AI into Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite
  • Potential for significant improvements in work efficiency and business growth
  • None.

Oracle's announcement of 50+ AI agents integrated into its Fusion Cloud Applications Suite marks a significant leap in enterprise software automation. This move positions Oracle as a frontrunner in AI-driven business process optimization, potentially disrupting the enterprise software market.

The AI agents' ability to automate end-to-end processes across various business functions could lead to substantial productivity gains and cost reductions for Oracle's clients. This may translate into increased adoption of Oracle's cloud solutions, potentially boosting the company's market share and revenue streams.

However, the success of these AI agents will largely depend on their real-world performance and user adoption. If effective, this could set a new industry standard, forcing competitors to accelerate their AI integration efforts. Investors should monitor customer feedback and adoption rates as key indicators of the initiative's success and its impact on Oracle's financial performance.

While Oracle's AI agents promise significant productivity gains, they also raise important ethical considerations. The automation of complex tasks across finance, HR and customer service could lead to job displacement concerns, potentially affecting Oracle's public image and client relationships.

Moreover, the use of AI in sensitive areas like employee hiring and benefits analysis necessitates robust bias mitigation and transparency measures. Oracle must ensure these AI agents make fair, explainable decisions to maintain trust and comply with evolving AI regulations.

Investors should pay attention to Oracle's approach to AI governance and responsible AI practices. The company's ability to address these ethical challenges will be important for the long-term success and sustainability of this AI-driven strategy, potentially impacting investor confidence and regulatory compliance.

Oracle's integration of AI agents across its Fusion Cloud Applications Suite could significantly enhance its competitive position in the $500+ billion enterprise software market. This move aligns with the growing demand for AI-powered business solutions, potentially driving increased adoption of Oracle's cloud offerings.

Financially, this could translate to higher recurring revenue from cloud subscriptions and improved customer retention rates. If successful, we might see an acceleration in Oracle's cloud revenue growth, which stood at $11.8 billion (up 30%) in FY2023.

However, investors should also consider the R&D costs associated with developing and maintaining these AI agents. The impact on Oracle's margins in the short term will be an important metric to watch. Long-term success will depend on the company's ability to monetize these AI capabilities effectively and maintain a technological edge in an increasingly competitive market.

New specialized AI agents embedded in Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications help organizations reimagine how work is done across finance, supply chain, HR, sales, marketing, and service

LAS VEGAS, Sept. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Oracle CloudWorld -- Oracle today announced 50+ role-based AI agents within the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite that will help successfully execute frequent, repetitive tasks and allow employees and managers to focus their time on more strategic tasks and initiatives. Powered by the latest innovations in generative AI, the new agents help employees and managers complete their work more efficiently by fully automating end-to-end business processes and delivering personalized insights, content, and recommendations in the context of specific business processes and in support of specialized user roles. The new AI agents enable customers to reimagine how work is done and help achieve new levels of productivity across finance, supply chain, HR, sales, marketing, and service.

"The latest Oracle Fusion Applications updates showcase the power of a single integrated suite with AI embedded in end-to-end workflows enabling customers to gain more value from their data," said Steve Miranda, executive vice president of applications development, Oracle. "The new AI agents have the potential to completely change the way we work and do business. By enabling organizations to engage with business data in Oracle Fusion Applications in new and exciting ways, we can help our customers achieve new levels of productivity and unlock enormous business growth potential."

The new AI agents in Oracle Fusion Applications can seamlessly support employees and managers by providing data-driven guidance, making personalized recommendations, and completing tasks on their behalf.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Human Capital Management (HCM) AI agents include: 

  • Shift scheduling assistant: Helps organizations create, manage, and optimize employee shift schedules, while accommodating individual employee preferences and helping to address compliance regulations. For example, the agent can assist employees responsible for scheduling in understanding the policies related to an overscheduled shift and surface regulatory implications to consider.
  • Employee hiring advisor: Helps organizations source candidates with optimized campaigns, and assists hiring managers and recruiters in creating requisitions and offers reducing time to hire. For example, the agent can assist in completing formal requests for creating new positions, filling existing roles, and developing job offers that align with company policies. 
  • Benefits analyst: Helps organizations streamline access to employee benefits and enables employees to better understand and optimize their benefit packages, based on their individual needs. For example, the agent can help provide clarity on what is included in different benefits packages and even compare options to improve understanding on important benefit decisions.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Supply Chain & Manufacturing (SCM) AI agents include: 

  • Customer sales representative guide: Helps organizations enhance the customer experience by delivering personalized and contextual insights and recommendations for handling order queries. For example, the agent can provide insight into how delays or defects are handled under the organization's customer service policies, as well as recommendations for notifying the customer of any related impacts to their order.
  • Maintenance troubleshooting advisor: Helps organizations accelerate maintenance and expediate repairs by delivering personalized and contextual insights and recommendations for asset maintenance and repairs. For example, the agent can provide insight from equipment maintenance manuals around key troubleshooting topics, such as error codes, share possible causes and provide troubleshooting guidance.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) AI agents include:

  • Document IO agent: Helps organizations automate and simplify onboarding of complex integrations for third parties such as suppliers, customers, banks, government authorities, and logistics providers to increase efficiency and improve capture and generation of documents across all transactions, electronic channels, document standards, formats, and languages. For example, the agent can ingest images, or formatted documents such as PDFs, or electronic documents in different languages, standardize and map all attributes and convert these documents into requisitions, or invoices, or payment instructions ready for human review and approval.
  • Ledger agent: Helps organizations eliminate manual effort by identifying exceptions and anomalies in transaction data; efficiently monitor and analyze account balances, exceptions, and anomalies; and provide supporting details from subledgers with prompt-based natural language account analysis. For example, the agent can monitor and detect if revenue for a specific line-of-business is off forecast before the quarter end, facilitate prompt-based natural language inquiry for factors influencing revenue such as order delays, and then automate supporting true-up accrual journal entries.
  • Advanced prediction agent: Helps organizations support multivariate AI prediction models, leveraging financial and operational as well as external factors in predictive forecasting. For example, the agent can create data-driven revenue forecasts by leveraging internal and external data factors to uncover hidden patterns or trends, resulting in more timely and accurate cash forecasts.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Customer Experience (CX) AI agents include:

  • Customer account researcher agent: Provides sales teams with insights and automation in planning and research tasks so that they can dedicate more time to building relationships and driving account growth. For example, the agent can provide a seller with a summary of key information about the overall account health, identify opportunities for upselling and cross-selling, and view key stakeholder and corporate initiatives.
  • Contracts researcher agent: Enables sales teams to automate routine contract workflows and approvals so they can focus on selling rather than administrative tasks. For example, a seller can streamline contract authoring and the renewals process while facilitating compliance with vendor best practices.
  • Incentive compensation plan guide: Helps organizations communicate and motivate sales representatives to better align their behavior to the strategic intent from the C-suite. For example, a seller can view a clear explanation of a compensation plan to help maximize their earning potential at any time in the sales process.

Oracle Fusion Applications Suite enables organizations to take advantage of the cloud and the latest advancements in AI to break down organizational silos, standardize processes, and manage finance, HR, supply chain, and customer experience data on a single integrated cloud platform. With frequent updates throughout the year, Oracle Fusion Applications Suite helps organizations embrace continuous innovation and stay ahead of whatever comes next.

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What are the new AI agents announced by Oracle (ORCL) for its Fusion Cloud Applications Suite?

Oracle has announced 50+ role-based AI agents powered by generative AI, designed to automate repetitive tasks and enhance productivity across finance, supply chain, HR, sales, marketing, and service functions.

How do the new Oracle (ORCL) AI agents improve business processes?

The AI agents provide personalized insights, content, and recommendations within specific business processes, helping to automate end-to-end workflows and allowing employees to focus on more strategic tasks.

What are some examples of AI agents introduced in Oracle (ORCL) Fusion Cloud HCM?

Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM AI agents include a shift scheduling assistant, an employee hiring advisor, and a benefits analyst, all designed to streamline HR processes and improve employee experience.

How does Oracle (ORCL) plan to integrate these AI agents into existing customer workflows?

The AI agents are embedded within the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Suite, allowing for seamless integration into existing customer workflows across various business functions.

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