King's College Hospital London Improves EHR Performance and Security with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

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King's College Hospital London in Dubai (KCH Dubai) has successfully migrated its Oracle Health Electronic Health Record (EHR) to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), becoming one of the first UAE-based health systems to do so. This migration has led to significant improvements in EHR performance, security, and usability. Key benefits include:

- 50% reduction in time to access patient information
- 20% reduction in time reviewing patient medical charts
- 25% overall reduction in time spent in the EHR
- Enhanced security through Oracle's real-time threat detection and monitoring
- Improved scalability to support future growth and technological advancements

These improvements are enabling KCH Dubai to streamline processes, enhance patient care, and prepare for future innovations in areas such as generative AI and population health.

Il King's College Hospital di Londra a Dubai (KCH Dubai) ha completato con successo la migrazione del suo sistema di Electronic Health Record (EHR) di Oracle verso Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), diventando uno dei primi sistemi sanitari degli Emirati Arabi Uniti a farlo. Questa migrazione ha portato a significativi miglioramenti nelle prestazioni, nella sicurezza e nella facilità d'uso dell'EHR. I principali vantaggi includono:

- Riduzione del 50% nel tempo necessario per accedere alle informazioni sui pazienti
- Riduzione del 20% nel tempo di revisione delle cartelle cliniche dei pazienti
- Riduzione complessiva del 25% del tempo trascorso nell'EHR
- Maggiore sicurezza grazie alla rilevazione e monitoraggio delle minacce in tempo reale di Oracle
- Migliorata scalabilità per supportare la crescita futura e i progressi tecnologici

Questi miglioramenti consentono a KCH Dubai di semplificare i processi, migliorare l'assistenza ai pazienti e prepararsi per le future innovazioni in aree come l'IA generativa e la salute della popolazione.

El King's College Hospital de Londres en Dubái (KCH Dubái) ha migrado con éxito su Registro Electrónico de Salud (EHR) de Oracle a Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), convirtiéndose en uno de los primeros sistemas de salud de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos en hacerlo. Esta migración ha llevado a mejoras significativas en el rendimiento, la seguridad y la usabilidad del EHR. Los principales beneficios incluyen:

- Reducción del 50% en el tiempo de acceso a la información del paciente
- Reducción del 20% en el tiempo dedicado a revisar las historias clínicas de los pacientes
- Reducción total del 25% en el tiempo invertido en el EHR
- Mayor seguridad a través de la detección y monitoreo de amenazas en tiempo real de Oracle
- Mejora en la escalabilidad para apoyar el crecimiento futuro y los avances tecnológicos

Estas mejoras están permitiendo a KCH Dubái optimizar procesos, mejorar la atención al paciente y prepararse para futuras innovaciones en áreas como la inteligencia artificial generativa y la salud poblacional.

런던의 킹스 칼리지 병원 두바이(KCH 두바이)는 자사의 오라클 건강 전자 건강 기록(EHR)을 오라클 클라우드 인프라(OCI)로 성공적으로 마이그레이션하여, UAE 기반의 헬스 시스템 중 하나로 자리 잡았습니다. 이번 마이그레이션은 EHR 성능, 보안성, 사용 편의성에서 상당한 개선을 이끌어냈습니다. 주요 혜택은 다음과 같습니다:

- 환자 정보 접근 시간 50% 감소
- 환자 의료 차트 검토 시간 20% 감소
- EHR에서 소요되는 전체 시간 25% 감소
- 오라클의 실시간 위협 탐지 및 모니터링을 통한 보안 강화
- 미래 성장 및 기술 발전을 지원하기 위한 확장성 향상

이러한 개선을 통해 KCH 두바이는 프로세스를 간소화하고, 환자 치료를 향상시키며, 생성적 AI 및 인구 건강과 같은 분야에서의 향후 혁신을 준비하고 있습니다.

Le King's College Hospital de Londres à Dubaï (KCH Dubaï) a migré avec succès son Dossier de Santé Électronique (EHR) Oracle vers Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), devenant ainsi l'un des premiers systèmes de santé basés aux Émirats Arabes Unis à le faire. Cette migration a entraîné des améliorations significatives en termes de performance, de sécurité et d'expérience utilisateur de l'EHR. Les principaux avantages incluent :

- Réduction de 50 % du temps d'accès aux informations sur les patients
- Réduction de 20 % du temps consacré à la révision des dossiers médicaux des patients
- Réduction globale de 25 % du temps passé dans l'EHR
- Sécurité renforcée grâce à la détection et à la surveillance des menaces en temps réel par Oracle
- Scalabilité améliorée pour soutenir la croissance future et les avancées technologiques

Ces améliorations permettent à KCH Dubaï de rationaliser ses processus, d'améliorer les soins aux patients et de se préparer aux innovations futures dans des domaines tels que l'IA générative et la santé populationnelle.

Das King's College Hospital London in Dubai (KCH Dubai) hat erfolgreich seine Oracle Health Electronic Health Record (EHR) auf Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) migriert und ist damit eines der ersten Gesundheitssysteme in den VAE, das dies getan hat. Diese Migration hat zu erheblichen Verbesserungen in der EHR-Leistung, Sicherheit und Benutzerfreundlichkeit geführt. Zu den wichtigsten Vorteilen gehören:

- 50% weniger Zeit für den Zugriff auf Patientendaten
- 20% weniger Zeit für die Durchsicht von Patientenunterlagen
- 25% insgesamt weniger Zeit, die im EHR verbracht wird
- Verbesserte Sicherheit durch die Echtzeit-Bedrohungserkennung und -überwachung von Oracle
- Verbesserte Skalierbarkeit zur Unterstützung zukünftigen Wachstums und technologischer Fortschritte

Diese Verbesserungen ermöglichen es KCH Dubai, Prozesse zu optimieren, die Patientenversorgung zu verbessern und sich auf zukünftige Innovationen in Bereichen wie generative KI und Bevölkerungsmedizin vorzubereiten.

  • 50% reduction in time to access patient information
  • 20% reduction in time reviewing patient medical charts
  • 25% overall reduction in time spent in the EHR
  • Improved system performance for over 1,000 concurrent users
  • Enhanced security through Oracle's real-time threat detection and monitoring
  • Increased scalability to support future growth and technological advancements
  • None.

King's College Hospital London in Dubai's migration to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) for its Electronic Health Record (EHR) system marks a significant technological advancement in UAE healthcare. The move has yielded impressive results, with a 50% reduction in patient information access time, 20% faster medical chart reviews and a 25% overall reduction in EHR interaction time.

These efficiency gains are important in a healthcare setting where every second counts. Faster access to patient information can lead to quicker diagnoses and treatment decisions, potentially improving patient outcomes. The reduced time spent on administrative tasks allows healthcare providers to dedicate more time to patient care, enhancing the overall quality of service.

From a technological standpoint, the migration to OCI offers several key benefits:

  • Improved scalability, essential for future growth and integration of new technologies
  • Enhanced security measures, critical in protecting sensitive patient data
  • Better performance, leading to smoother workflows and increased user satisfaction

The mention of potential future advancements in generative AI is particularly intriguing. This could pave the way for more sophisticated diagnostic tools, personalized treatment plans and predictive healthcare models. However, it's important to note that the implementation of AI in healthcare must be approached cautiously, with careful consideration of ethical implications and data privacy concerns.

Overall, this technological upgrade positions KCH Dubai at the forefront of healthcare innovation in the UAE, potentially setting a new standard for other healthcare providers in the region.

The implementation of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) at King's College Hospital London in Dubai represents a significant operational improvement in healthcare delivery. The reported efficiency gains are substantial:

  • 50% reduction in patient information access time
  • 20% faster medical chart reviews
  • 25% overall reduction in EHR interaction time

These improvements directly translate to enhanced operational efficiency. Faster access to patient information and quicker chart reviews mean that healthcare providers can see more patients in less time, potentially reducing wait times and improving patient satisfaction. The overall reduction in EHR interaction time frees up valuable resources, allowing staff to focus on more critical tasks.

From an operational perspective, the cloud migration also offers several key advantages:

  • Improved scalability, allowing for easier expansion of services and facilities
  • Enhanced security measures, reducing the risk of data breaches and associated costs
  • Better system performance, leading to increased staff productivity and satisfaction

The mention of future advancements in areas such as generative AI suggests that KCH Dubai is positioning itself for long-term operational improvements. This forward-thinking approach could lead to further efficiencies in areas like resource allocation, predictive maintenance of medical equipment and optimized scheduling.

However, it's important to note that such significant technological changes often require substantial staff training and change management processes. The success of this implementation will largely depend on how well the staff adapts to the new system and leverages its capabilities.

Overall, this move demonstrates KCH Dubai's commitment to operational excellence and positions them as a leader in healthcare efficiency in the UAE market.

Cuts time to access critical patient information in half and significantly reduces time spent on administrative tasks

AUSTIN, Texas, July 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- King's College Hospital London, in Dubai (KCH Dubai), has become one of the first UAE-based health systems to migrate its Oracle Health Electronic Health Record (EHR) to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). With OCI, KCH Dubai is improving the security, performance, and usability of the EHR resulting in a better experience for its patients and providers. KCH Dubai is now providing more than 1,000 concurrent users across its facilities with access to more efficient workflows and improved system performance. Moving to the cloud has also provided the hospital network with the scalable foundation it needs to simplify integrations and meet its goal of innovating in critical areas such as population health.

Following its rapid migration to OCI, KCH Dubai is seeing positive results across the hospital including cutting the time it takes to access patient information by 50%, a 20% reduction in reviewing each patient's medical chart, and a 25% overall reduction in time spent in the EHR due to faster screen loads and transaction response times. The overall increased speed and responsiveness of the system is helping to streamline processes so clinicians can complete tasks more quickly and free up more time to spend with patients. The performance gains also enable more comprehensive and real-time updates to the patient record, which strengthens communication and care coordination across all caregivers to enhance patient care.

"With Oracle Health, we've seen substantial improvements in our clinical processes, including an increase in the system's speed and responsiveness and a noticeable deduction in the time spent reviewing patient charts across various specialties," said Kimberly Pierce, chief executive officer, KCH Dubai. "Oracle's cloud offering has the technological infrastructure we need to fully embrace future advancements in areas such as generative AI that will benefit our patients and how we deliver care while better supporting our practitioners."

With OCI, KCH Dubai can also now rely on Oracle's real-time threat detection and monitoring, autonomous systems, and team of experts to help protect its networks against the constantly changing cybercrime landscape. In addition, OCI will support scalability of healthcare technology as KCH Dubai expands with new facilities and specialties, ultimately growing its overall operation and capacity to care for its community.

"The combined power of OCI and our EHR is enabling KCH Dubai physicians to be more productive, waste less time in medical records, and refocus more time on patient care," said Seema Verma, executive vice president and general manager, Oracle Health and Life Sciences. "Moreover, they have the comprehensive platform to continually be able to plug-in the technologies they need to solve their toughest challenges and be more adaptable, predictive, and responsive to evolving healthcare needs."

Learn more about the benefits of OCI for healthcare customers at  

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What benefits has KCH Dubai experienced after migrating to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)?

KCH Dubai has seen a 50% reduction in time to access patient information, 20% reduction in time reviewing patient charts, 25% overall reduction in time spent in the EHR, improved system performance for over 1,000 concurrent users, enhanced security, and increased scalability for future growth.

How has the migration to OCI affected KCH Dubai's Electronic Health Record (EHR) system?

The migration has improved the EHR's security, performance, and usability, resulting in faster access to patient information, quicker screen loads, and faster transaction response times. This has streamlined processes and allowed clinicians to spend more time with patients.

What future technological advancements is KCH Dubai preparing for with OCI?

KCH Dubai is preparing to embrace advancements in areas such as generative AI and population health. The scalable foundation provided by OCI will support the integration of these technologies to benefit patients and improve care delivery.

How has the migration to OCI improved security for KCH Dubai's healthcare technology?

OCI provides KCH Dubai with real-time threat detection and monitoring, autonomous systems, and access to Oracle's team of experts to help protect its networks against the constantly changing cybercrime landscape.

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