Colorado First Responder Agencies Modernize Public Safety Systems with Oracle to Better Support Citizens and Staff
Archuleta County, Colorado's first responder agencies have implemented Oracle Public Safety Suite to modernize their emergency response systems. The cloud-based platform, launched in March 2024, connects police, sheriff, fire, and emergency medical services across 2,000 square miles of jurisdiction.
The new system replaces outdated infrastructure that previously inter-agency coordination. Key improvements include:
- Reduced booking process time from 45 to 15 minutes
- Real-time situational awareness and data sharing across agencies
- Enhanced mobile reporting capabilities for field officers
- Improved GIS coordination and mapping features
- Streamlined communication between five first response organizations
Built on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), the suite helps agencies meet CJIS Security Policy requirements while offering modern dispatch command center, communications, and records management solutions.
La contea di Archuleta, le agenzie di pronto intervento del Colorado hanno implementato Oracle Public Safety Suite per modernizzare i loro sistemi di risposta alle emergenze. La piattaforma basata sul cloud, lanciata a marzo 2024, collega polizia, sceriffi, vigili del fuoco e servizi medici di emergenza su un'area di giurisdizione di 2.000 miglia quadrate.
Il nuovo sistema sostituisce un'infrastruttura obsoleta che in precedenza ostacolava il coordinamento tra le agenzie. I principali miglioramenti includono:
- Riduzione del tempo di prenotazione da 45 a 15 minuti
- Consapevolezza situazionale in tempo reale e condivisione dei dati tra le agenzie
- Capacità di reporting mobile migliorate per gli agenti sul campo
- Miglioramento del coordinamento GIS e delle funzionalità di mappatura
- Comunicazione semplificata tra cinque organizzazioni di pronto intervento
Costituita su Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), la suite aiuta le agenzie a soddisfare i requisiti della Politica di Sicurezza CJIS offrendo soluzioni moderne per i centri di comando per le comunicazioni e la gestione dei registri.
El condado de Archuleta, las agencias de respuesta de emergencia de Colorado han implementado Oracle Public Safety Suite para modernizar sus sistemas de respuesta a emergencias. La plataforma basada en la nube, lanzada en marzo de 2024, conecta a la policía, al sheriff, a los bomberos y a los servicios médicos de emergencia en una jurisdicción de 2,000 millas cuadradas.
El nuevo sistema reemplaza una infraestructura obsoleta que anteriormente dificultaba la coordinación interagencial. Las mejoras clave incluyen:
- Reducción del tiempo de proceso de registro de 45 a 15 minutos
- Conciencia situacional en tiempo real y compartición de datos entre agencias
- Mejoras en las capacidades de informes móviles para los oficiales en el campo
- Mejor coordinación GIS y características de mapeo
- Comunicación optimizada entre cinco organizaciones de respuesta de emergencia
Construida sobre Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), la suite ayuda a las agencias a cumplir con los requisitos de la Política de Seguridad CJIS mientras ofrece soluciones modernas para el centro de mando de despacho, comunicaciones y gestión de registros.
아르추레타 카운티, 콜로라도의 응급 대응 기관들이 오라클 공공 안전 스위트를 도입하여 응급 대응 시스템을 현대화했습니다. 2024년 3월에 출시된 클라우드 기반 플랫폼은 2,000 제곱 마일의 관할권에서 경찰, 보안관, 소방서 및 응급 의료 서비스를 연결합니다.
새로운 시스템은 이전의 기관 간 조정을 방해하던 구식 인프라를 대체합니다. 주요 개선 사항은 다음과 같습니다:
- 예약 프로세스 시간 단축: 45분에서 15분으로
- 기관 간 실시간 상황 인식 및 데이터 공유
- 현장 경찰관을 위한 모바일 보고 능력 향상
- GIS 조정 및 매핑 기능 개선
- 다섯 개의 응급 대응 조직 간의 통신 간소화
오라클 클라우드 인프라 (OCI)를 기반으로 구축된 이 스위트는 기관들이 CJIS 보안 정책 요구 사항을 충족하도록 도와주며 현대적인 배치 명령 센터, 통신 및 기록 관리 솔루션을 제공합니다.
Le comté d'Archuleta, les agences de premiers intervenants du Colorado ont mis en œuvre Oracle Public Safety Suite pour moderniser leurs systèmes de réponse aux urgences. La plateforme basée sur le cloud, lancée en mars 2024, relie la police, le shérif, les pompiers et les services médicaux d'urgence sur une juridiction de 2 000 milles carrés.
Le nouveau système remplace une infrastructure obsolète qui entravait auparavant la coordination inter-agences. Les améliorations clés comprennent:
- Réduction du temps de traitement des réservations de 45 à 15 minutes
- Conscience situationnelle en temps réel et partage de données entre les agences
- Capacités de reporting mobile améliorées pour les agents sur le terrain
- Amélioration de la coordination GIS et des fonctionnalités de cartographie
- Communication simplifiée entre cinq organisations de premiers intervenants
Bâtie sur Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), la suite aide les agences à répondre aux exigences de la Politique de Sécurité CJIS tout en offrant des solutions modernes pour le centre de commande de répartition, les communications et la gestion des dossiers.
Archuleta County, die Rettungsdienste in Colorado haben Oracle Public Safety Suite implementiert, um ihre Notfallreaktionssysteme zu modernisieren. Die cloudbasierte Plattform, die im März 2024 gestartet wurde, verbindet Polizei, Sheriff, Feuerwehr und medizinische Notdienste über eine Jurisdiktion von 2.000 Quadratmeilen.
Das neue System ersetzt veraltete Infrastruktur, die zuvor die interinstitutionelle Koordination behindert hat. Zu den wichtigsten Verbesserungen gehören:
- Reduzierung der Buchungszeit von 45 auf 15 Minuten
- Echtzeit-Situationsbewusstsein und Datenaustausch zwischen den Behörden
- Verbesserte mobile Berichtsfähigkeiten für die Einsatzkräfte vor Ort
- Verbesserte GIS-Koordination und Mapping-Funktionen
- Optimierte Kommunikation zwischen fünf Erstreaktionsorganisationen
Basierend auf Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) hilft die Suite den Behörden, die Anforderungen der CJIS-Sicherheitsrichtlinien zu erfüllen, während sie moderne Lösungen für das Dispatch-Befehlszentrum, die Kommunikation und das Management von Aufzeichnungen bietet.
- Implementation of cloud-based system improving operational efficiency
- 66% reduction in booking process time (from 45 to 15 minutes)
- Enhanced real-time data sharing and communication across multiple agencies
- Improved mobile capabilities allowing officers more time in the field
- None.
"Our agencies are responsible for 2,000 square miles, and the number of people in the region depends heavily on time of year and the tourists visiting," said Mike Le Roux, sheriff,
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With Oracle, the Sheriff's Office now also has the ability to complete reports using tablets in the field rather than spending shift time in the station writing reports, meaning more time spent in the community. In addition, the modern tools enable
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"With the Oracle Public Safety Suite, we have a real-time, complete view of where our officers are and everyone involved in an incident—from dispatchers to responders—has up-to-the-second access to all the information regarding the situation and can add additional information as it comes in," said William Rockensock, chief of police,
"Oracle has been a game changer for us in a number of ways, including providing new primary CAD mapping for critical GIS coordination across our county agencies," said Connie Cook, deputy chief for Pagosa Springs Medical Center EMS. "Additionally, the information we can now access and relay using Oracle's mobile data terminals has also provided immediate benefits in our ability to provide more effective patient care. As another example, we have greatly improved our efficiency through the flexibility to individually run customized reports without burdening dispatch."
"We continue to experience benefits from the Oracle CAD system that are helping to grow our capabilities and improve our community services in invaluable ways," said Liz Blizzard, emergency communications commander,
Created in partnership with first responders and law enforcement technology experts, the Oracle Public Safety Suite offers modern, cloud-based dispatch command center, personal and vehicle communications, and records and jail management solutions designed for efficiency and safety. Built on the performance and scalability of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), the suite is designed to help agencies meet their CJIS Security Policy requirements and enables agencies of all sizes to get up and running quickly to help lower costs and complexity.
"Our mission is to make work more efficient and productive for all first responders," said Steve Seoane, senior vice president and general manager of Oracle Local Government. "This comprehensive deployment of Oracle Public Safety Suite gives
Learn more about Oracle Public Safety Suite, visit
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