Alfred Health Enhances Cancer Patient Care with Oracle Health

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Alfred Health, a leading Victorian healthcare network, has expanded its use of Oracle Health's Oncology electronic health record (EHR) solutions to enhance cancer patient care. This integration allows clinicians across Alfred Health's locations to access a single, comprehensive view of each patient's medical history, improving efficiency and care quality. Key benefits include:

1. Digitization of paper-based processes
2. Streamlined access to cancer treatment information
3. Enhanced clinical trial matching for patients
4. Improved pharmacy processes with barcode scanning
5. Integration with national Safescript program for high-risk medicines
6. Digitized immunization record sharing with the national registry

This implementation aims to save physicians' time, improve patient safety, and facilitate more informed care decisions across Alfred Health's in-patient and out-patient facilities.

Alfred Health, un'importante rete sanitaria vittoriana, ha ampliato l'uso delle soluzioni di registro elettronico della salute oncologica (EHR) di Oracle Health per migliorare la cura dei pazienti affetti da cancro. Questa integrazione consente ai medici delle diverse sedi di Alfred Health di accedere a una vista unica e completa della storia clinica di ciascun paziente, migliorando l'efficienza e la qualità delle cure. I principali vantaggi includono:

1. Digitalizzazione dei processi cartacei
2. Accesso semplificato alle informazioni sui trattamenti oncologici
3. Miglioramento dell'abbinamento ai trial clinici per i pazienti
4. Processo di farmacia migliorato con la scansione dei codici a barre
5. Integrazione con il programma nazionale Safescript per i farmaci ad alto rischio
6. Condivisione della registrazione delle vaccinazioni digitalizzate con il registro nazionale

Questa implementazione mira a risparmiare tempo ai medici, migliorare la sicurezza dei pazienti e facilitare decisioni di cura più informate nelle strutture di Alfred Health, sia per i pazienti ricoverati che ambulatoriali.

Alfred Health, una destacada red de atención médica en Victoria, ha ampliado su uso de las soluciones de registros electrónicos de salud oncológica (EHR) de Oracle Health para mejorar la atención de los pacientes con cáncer. Esta integración permite que los médicos en las ubicaciones de Alfred Health accedan a una vista única y completa del historial médico de cada paciente, mejorando la eficiencia y la calidad de la atención. Los beneficios clave incluyen:

1. Digitalización de procesos basados en papel
2. Acceso simplificado a información sobre tratamientos contra el cáncer
3. Mejora en la coincidencia de ensayos clínicos para los pacientes
4. Procesos de farmacia mejorados con escaneo de códigos de barras
5. Integración con el programa nacional Safescript para medicamentos de alto riesgo
6. Compartición de registros de inmunización digitalizados con el registro nacional

Esta implementación tiene como objetivo ahorrar tiempo a los médicos, mejorar la seguridad del paciente y facilitar decisiones de atención más informadas en las instalaciones de Alfred Health, tanto para pacientes internados como ambulatorios.

알프레드 헬스(Alfred Health)는 빅토리아의 주요 의료 네트워크로서 오라클 헬스(Oracle Health)의 종양학 전자 건강 기록(EHR) 솔루션 사용을 확대했습니다. 이 통합을 통해 알프레드 헬스의 여러 위치에 있는 임상의들은 각 환자의 의료 기록에 대한 단일하고 포괄적인 뷰에 접근할 수 있어 효율성과 치료 품질이 향상됩니다. 주요 이점은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 종이 기반 프로세스의 디지털화
2. 암 치료 정보에 대한 간소화된 접근
3. 환자에 대한 임상 시험 매칭 향상
4. 바코드 스캐닝을 통한 약국 프로세스 개선
5. 고위험 약물에 대한 국가 Safescript 프로그램과의 통합
6. 국가 등록부와의 디지털화된 예방접종 기록 공유

이 구현의 목표는 의사들의 시간을 절약하고, 환자의 안전을 개선하며, 알프레드 헬스의 입원 및 외래 시설에서 보다 정보에 기반한 치료 결정을 쉽게 하는 것입니다.

Alfred Health, un réseau de soins de santé leader au Victoria, a élargi son utilisation des solutions de dossiers de santé électroniques (DSE) en oncologie d'Oracle Health pour améliorer la prise en charge des patients atteints de cancer. Cette intégration permet aux cliniciens de tous les établissements d'Alfred Health d'accéder à une vue unique et complète de l'historique médical de chaque patient, améliorant ainsi l'efficacité et la qualité des soins. Les avantages clés comprennent :

1. Digitalisation des processus sur papier
2. Accès simplifié aux informations sur les traitements du cancer
3. Amélioration de l'appariement des essais cliniques pour les patients
4. Amélioration des processus pharmaceutiques grâce à la numérisation des codes-barres
5. Intégration avec le programme national Safescript pour les médicaments à haut risque
6. Partage des dossiers de vaccination numérisés avec le registre national

Cette mise en œuvre vise à faire gagner du temps aux médecins, améliorer la sécurité des patients et faciliter des décisions de soins plus éclairées dans les établissements d'Alfred Health, qu'ils soient pour hospitalisés ou en ambulatoire.

Alfred Health, ein führendes Gesundheitsnetzwerk in Victoria, hat die Nutzung von Oracle Health's Onkologie-Elektronischen Gesundheitsakten (EHR) Lösungen erweitert, um die Versorgung von Krebspatienten zu verbessern. Diese Integration ermöglicht es den Ärzten an den Standorten von Alfred Health, auf eine einzige, umfassende Sicht auf die medizinische Geschichte jedes Patienten zuzugreifen, wodurch Effizienz und Pflegequalität gesteigert werden. Die wichtigsten Vorteile sind:

1. Digitalisierung papierbasierter Prozesse
2. Vereinfachter Zugang zu Informationen über Krebsbehandlungen
3. Verbesserte Zuordnung von klinischen Studien für Patienten
4. Verbesserte Apothekenprozesse durch Barcode-Scanning
5. Integration mit dem nationalen Safescript-Programm für Hochrisikomedikamente
6. Digitaler Austausch von Impfaufzeichnungen mit dem nationalen Register

Dieses Implementierung zielt darauf ab, die Zeit der Ärzte zu sparen, die Patientensicherheit zu verbessern und informiertere Pflegeentscheidungen in den Einrichtungen von Alfred Health für stationäre und ambulante Patienten zu erleichtern.

  • Integration of Oracle's Oncology EHR solutions with existing systems
  • Digitization of paper-based processes, potentially improving efficiency
  • Enhanced access to patient medical history for clinicians across locations
  • Improved clinical trial matching capabilities for cancer patients
  • Streamlined pharmacy processes with barcode scanning for medication safety
  • Integration with national Safescript program for monitoring high-risk medicines
  • Digitized immunization record sharing with the national registry
  • None.

Alfred Health's implementation of Oracle's Oncology EHR solutions marks a significant advancement in cancer patient care. This integration streamlines processes and enhances patient safety, potentially leading to improved outcomes. Key benefits include:

  • Centralized patient records, reducing time spent on administrative tasks
  • Enhanced clinical trial access, potentially accelerating treatment innovations
  • Improved medication management through barcode scanning and e-prescriptions

While this implementation doesn't directly impact Oracle's financials, it strengthens Oracle's position in the healthcare IT market. The success of this project could lead to increased adoption of Oracle's healthcare solutions, potentially boosting long-term revenue growth in this sector. However, investors should note that healthcare IT projects often have long sales cycles and implementation periods, so immediate financial impact may be

The integration of Oracle's Oncology EHR into Alfred Health's system represents a significant leap forward in cancer care coordination. By digitizing and centralizing patient records, this system enables more informed decision-making and potentially reduces medical errors. The seamless access to clinical trial information is particularly noteworthy, as it could accelerate patient enrollment in potentially life-saving studies. This feature may lead to faster drug development and improved treatment options in the long run. However, it's important to monitor how this system impacts actual patient outcomes and clinician workflow efficiency over time to fully assess its value in oncology care delivery.

Alfred Health's adoption of Oracle's integrated EHR system aligns with broader healthcare policy trends towards digitization and interoperability. The implementation of e-prescriptions and integration with the national Safescript program demonstrates a commitment to improving medication safety and combating substance abuse. This approach could serve as a model for other healthcare networks, potentially influencing policy decisions and healthcare IT standards nationwide. The system's ability to share immunization records with the national registry is particularly relevant in the current public health landscape. While these advancements are promising, policymakers and healthcare leaders should closely monitor data privacy and security measures to ensure patient information remains protected in this increasingly digital healthcare environment.

Leading Victorian healthcare network integrates oncology and EHR solutions to deliver more informed care across its locations

AUSTIN, Texas and VICTORIA, Australia, Aug. 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Leading Victorian healthcare network, Alfred Health, has extended its long-standing Oracle Health footprint with Oracle's Oncology electronic health record (EHR) solutions to support care for cancer patients. By moving from paper-based processes to digitized records, primary care and specialty clinicians across Alfred Health's in and out-patient locations now have a single view of each patient's complete medical history. The integrated records not only promise to help save physicians' valuable time, but also help improve the safety and quality of care with a clear view into cancer patient's treatment plans, therapies, and current medications.

"Completely digitizing and making cancer treatment information easily available in our EHR makes guiding the overall treatment plan for patients more efficient," said Erica Tong, chief pharmacy information officer, Alfred Health.

Streamlining technology to further advance care
Beyond just record access, Alfred Health is leveraging Oracle EHR to help connect Alfred Health patients with more cancer clinical trial opportunities. Trials can be viewed directly in the EHR so clinicians can easily identify possible therapies and eligibility for patients. If a patient is already involved in a trial, their progress and details are tracked and documented within their overall health record.

Pharmacist processes are streamlined as well, helping prepare cancer patient treatment plans in more timely fashion, with order information being pushed directly from the EHR into the pharmacy management system. Barcodes are also generated for each treatment so nurses can scan to confirm the prescribed medication is going to the right patient and in the correct dose.

Prior to these cancer treatment enhancements, Alfred Health was the first hospital in the region to implement electronic prescriptions (eprescribe) within a hospital EHR to help make prescribing and dispensing medications more efficient and accurate. Patients now can receive prescriptions as a barcode via SMS or e-mail to be presented to a community pharmacy for dispensing. 

"Alfred Health has long been at the forefront of innovation in adopting technologies that break down the barriers to safer and more efficient care," said Seema Verma, executive vice president and general manager, Oracle Health and Life Sciences. "This recent implementation is especially unique and special as it not only helps caregivers more effectively treat cancer patients and manage medications over time through better access to information, but also helps them find and enroll in new, potentially life-saving therapies all within the EHR."

Alfred Health also worked with Oracle to enable support of the national Safescript program, a centralized database that allows prescribing and dispensing records for certain high-risk medicines to be transmitted in real-time. By integrating access to the national database with the Oracle EHR, clinicians can view prescription history directly in their existing workflows to help facilitate the early identification, treatment, and support for patients developing signs of dependence. Alfred Health also was one of the first hospitals in Australia to digitize immunization records sharing from the Oracle EHR to the national registry to help ensure vaccinations are consistently and accurately administered and tracked within any venue of care.    

Learn more about how Oracle Health is supporting healthcare customers in Australia at

About Alfred Health
Alfred Health provides a comprehensive range of healthcare services in Victoria through three hospital campuses, a large network of community programs and many statewide services.

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What new Oracle Health solutions has Alfred Health implemented for cancer care?

Alfred Health has implemented Oracle's Oncology electronic health record (EHR) solutions to enhance cancer patient care across its locations.

How does the Oracle EHR integration benefit cancer patients at Alfred Health?

The integration provides clinicians with a single view of each patient's complete medical history, improves access to treatment information, enhances clinical trial matching, and streamlines pharmacy processes for safer medication management.

What is the Safescript program that Alfred Health has integrated with Oracle EHR?

Safescript is a national centralized database that allows real-time transmission of prescribing and dispensing records for high-risk medicines. Integration with Oracle EHR allows clinicians to view prescription history directly in their workflows.

How does Alfred Health's Oracle EHR implementation support immunization record keeping?

Alfred Health has digitized immunization record sharing from the Oracle EHR to the national registry, ensuring vaccinations are consistently and accurately administered and tracked within any venue of care.

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