Oppenheimer Holdings Inc. Reports First Quarter 2024 Earnings

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Oppenheimer Holdings Inc. reported strong financial results for the first quarter of 2024, with net income of $26.1 million, an increase of 78.2% year-over-year, and revenue reaching $353.1 million, up by 9.8%. The company's positive performance was driven by growth in its investment banking franchise and Wealth Management business, supported by favorable macroeconomic conditions. Assets under management and administration reached record levels, leading to increased advisory fee revenue. The firm ended the quarter with record book value per share levels, positioning it well for future growth.

Oppenheimer Holdings Inc. ha riportato ottimi risultati finanziari per il primo trimestre del 2024, con un utile netto di 26,1 milioni di dollari, un aumento del 78,2% rispetto all'anno precedente, e un fatturato di 353,1 milioni di dollari, in crescita del 9,8%. Le prestazioni positive dell'azienda sono state sostenute dalla crescita della sua divisione di investment banking e dall'area del Wealth Management, supportate da condizioni macroeconomiche favorevoli. Gli asset in gestione e amministrazione hanno raggiunto livelli record, portando a un aumento delle entrate derivanti da commissioni di consulenza. La società ha chiuso il trimestre con valori record del valore contabile per azione, posizionandosi bene per una crescita futura.
Oppenheimer Holdings Inc. informó resultados financieros sólidos para el primer trimestre de 2024, con un ingreso neto de 26,1 millones de dólares, un incremento del 78,2% con respecto al año anterior, y los ingresos alcanzaron 353,1 millones de dólares, un aumento del 9,8%. El desempeño positivo de la compañía fue impulsado por el crecimiento en su franquicia de banca de inversión y el negocio de Gestión de Patrimonios, apoyado por condiciones macroeconómicas favorables. Los activos bajo gestión y administración alcanzaron niveles récord, lo que llevó a un aumento en los ingresos por tarifas de asesoramiento. La firma terminó el trimestre con niveles récord de valor en libros por acción, posicionándola bien para el crecimiento futuro.
오펜하이머 홀딩스 주식회사는 2024년 1분기에 강력한 재무 성적을 보고했습니다. 순이익은 2,610만 달러로 전년 대비 78.2% 증가하였고, 수익은 3억 5,310만 달러로 9.8% 상승하였습니다. 이 회사의 긍정적인 실적은 투자 은행 프랜차이즈와 부의 관리 사업의 성장에 의해 추진되었으며, 유리한 거시경제 조건에 의해 지원되었습니다. 관리 및 행정하의 자산은 최고 수준에 도달하여 자문 수수료 수입이 증가하였습니다. 회사는 주당 장부 가치의 최고 수준으로 분기를 마쳤으며, 이는 향후 성장을 위해 잘 위치하고 있습니다.
Oppenheimer Holdings Inc. a rapporté d'excellents résultats financiers pour le premier trimestre de 2024, avec un bénéfice net de 26,1 millions de dollars, en hausse de 78,2% par rapport à l'année précédente, et un chiffre d'affaires atteignant 353,1 millions de dollars, en augmentation de 9,8%. La performance positive de l'entreprise a été entraînée par la croissance de sa franchise de banque d'investissement et de son activité de Gestion de Patrimoine, soutenue par des conditions macroéconomiques favorables. Les actifs sous gestion et administration ont atteint des niveaux records, entraînant une augmentation des revenus liés aux frais de conseil. La firme a terminé le trimestre avec des niveaux record de valeur comptable par action, la positionnant bien pour une croissance future.
Oppenheimer Holdings Inc. verzeichnete starke Finanzergebnisse für das erste Quartal 2024, mit einem Nettogewinn von 26,1 Millionen US-Dollar, einem Anstieg um 78,2% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr, und einem Umsatz von 353,1 Millionen US-Dollar, was einem Anstieg von 9,8% entspricht. Die positive Entwicklung des Unternehmens wurde durch das Wachstum seines Geschäftsbereichs Investmentbanking und Vermögensverwaltung angetrieben, unterstützt durch günstige makroökonomische Bedingungen. Die verwalteten Vermögenswerte erreichten Rekordniveaus, was zu erhöhten Beratungsgebühreneinnahmen führte. Das Unternehmen beendete das Quartal mit Rekordwerten beim Buchwert pro Aktie und positioniert sich damit gut für zukünftiges Wachstum.
  • None.
  • None.


Oppenheimer Holdings Inc.'s reported increase in net income of roughly 78.2% over the prior year is a robust indicator of the firm’s financial health and operational efficiency. This surge suggests a well-managed cost structure and an ability to capitalize on favorable market conditions. The reported revenue growth of 9.8% also speaks well for the firm's revenue-generating capabilities, especially in their wealth management and investment banking segments.

Another key aspect to consider is the expansion of assets under management (AUM), which rose significantly, underpinning future recurring revenues from management fees. Moreover, record book value per share indicates a strong equity position, which could be a signal of intrinsic value growth beneficial to shareholders. However, investors should monitor the compensation expenses, which have increased, possibly due to strategic hires and wage inflation, a trend that if not matched by productivity gains could pressure margins in the future.

Lastly, the stock repurchase program indicates confidence by management in the company's valuation, potentially signaling a positive outlook. The execution of share repurchases can be accretive to earnings per share (EPS), which is a critical metric for investors. However, the capital used for buybacks is not available for other investments or acquisitions, presenting a trade-off.

The favorable macroeconomic conditions, coupled with improving capital markets as suggested by the firm, are beneficial not only for Oppenheimer Holdings but for the investment services industry at large. Increased volatility and higher volumes in fixed income markets, as seen in the firm's fixed income division, are often opportunities for trading revenues. However, the impact of potential Federal Reserve rate changes will be a pivotal factor to observe as it affects investment yields and client investment behavior.

It’s noteworthy that the wealth management business is prospering with rising equity markets—a trend that if prolonged, may continue to enhance client asset values and, consequently, management fees. The increase in private placement and underwriting transactions is particularly promising, suggesting that Oppenheimer’s investment banking division is well-positioned to capitalize on the current environment for capital raising.

An investor examining Oppenheimer's performance may find optimism in the company's ability to leverage rising markets, as evidenced by the growth in AUM and the uptick in advisory fee revenues. These parameters are key in assessing the sustained ability of asset managers to attract and retain capital. The firm's pre-tax margins in its Private Client and Asset Management segments improved, which should be seen positively as they reflect operational leverage and potentially enhanced profitability.

The declining bank deposit sweep income and the capital markets division reporting a pre-tax loss, albeit reduced from last year, are areas of concern. These factors could reflect broader industry trends that may warrant cautious evaluation of risk and strategy. Investors should also consider the increased effective tax rate, as it may influence net income going forward.

NEW YORK, April 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Oppenheimer Holdings Inc. (NYSE: OPY) (the "Company" or "Firm") today reported net income of $26.1 million or $2.50 basic earnings per share for the first quarter of 2024, an increase of approximately 78.2%, compared with net income of $14.6 million or $1.32 basic earnings per share for the first quarter of 2023. Revenue for the first quarter of 2024 was $353.1 million, an increase of 9.8%, compared to revenue of $321.7 million for the first quarter of 2023.

Albert G. Lowenthal, Chairman and CEO commented, "The Firm registered outstanding operating results for the first quarter of 2024, reflecting the solid performance of our investment banking franchise amidst an improving capital market and strong results from our Wealth Management business responding to the impact of rising equity markets. Our overall performance was favorably impacted by improving macroeconomic conditions, highlighted by the continued rise of the equity markets with the S&P 500 reaching record highs owing to positive economic data and expectations that the Federal Reserve will pivot to reducing rates in the second half of the year.

The stock market rally propelled assets under management within our Wealth Management business to all-time highs, which drove a large increase in AUM-based advisory fee revenue when compared with the prior year period.  We also saw encouraging signs of improvement in the capital raising environment, as our investment banking results were boosted by a meaningful uptick in the number of private placement and underwriting transactions in our pipeline that crystallized during the quarter. The still-high interest rate environment boded well for our fixed income division, which saw continued strength within its sales and trading revenue largely due to higher volumes and increased volatility. Higher rates also benefited several of our other interest-sensitive revenue streams, though we did see a pullback in FDIC sweep deposit balances which reduced these revenues. 

The Company ended the quarter on a high note with record book value per share levels resulting from positive earnings and share repurchases. Our strong balance sheet and ample capital levels have us well-positioned for growth and to continue providing value-added investment services to our clients." 

Summary Operating Results (Unaudited)

('000s, except per share amounts or otherwise indicated)





$  353,138

$  321,679

Compensation Expenses

$  221,713

$  206,292

Non-compensation Expenses

$    93,970

$    96,338

Pre-Tax Income

$    37,455

$    19,049

Income Taxes

$    11,711

$      4,585

Net Income (1)

$    26,054

$    14,617

Earnings Per Share (Basic) (1)

$        2.50

$        1.32

Earnings Per Share (Diluted) (1)

$        2.37

$        1.22

Book Value Per Share

$      77.47

$      72.27

Tangible Book Value Per Share (2)

$      60.41

$      56.92

Private Client


$  213,033

$  203,421

Pre-Tax Income

$    68,151

$    54,456

Assets Under Administration (billions)

$      124.9

$      108.9

Asset Management


$    24,928

$    23,959

Pre-Tax Income

$      7,634

$      6,481

Assets Under Management (billions)

$        46.6

$        39.3

Capital Markets


$  112,083

$    90,282

Pre-Tax Income (Loss)

$    (6,702)

$  (15,477)

(1) Attributable to Oppenheimer Holdings Inc.

(2) Represents book value less goodwill and intangible assets divided by number of shares outstanding.


  • Increased revenue for the first quarter of 2024 was primarily driven by a significant improvement in private placement and underwriting-related fees generated by our investment banking business, higher advisory fees attributable to a rise in billable AUM as well as continued strength in fixed income sales and trading revenue.
  • Assets under administration and under management were both at record levels at March 31, 2024, benefiting from market appreciation and positive net asset flows.
  • Compensation expenses increased from the prior year quarter largely as a result of higher base salary expense associated with opportunistic new hires and inflationary pressures on wages in addition to higher production-related expenses.
  • Non-compensation expenses decreased from the prior year quarter primarily due to lower legal costs partially offset by higher interest expense.
  • Book value and tangible book value per share reached new record highs as a result of positive earnings and share repurchases.

Private Client

Private Client reported revenue for the current quarter of $213.0 million, 4.7% higher compared with a year ago mostly due to higher advisory fees driven by appreciation in AUM and an increase in commission revenue. Pre-tax income of $68.2 million in the current quarter resulted in a pre-tax margin of 32.0%. Financial advisor headcount at the end of the current quarter was 936 compared to 959 and 931 at the end of the first quarter of 2023 and fourth quarter of 2023, respectively.

('000s, except otherwise indicated)




$ 213,033



$ 52,794

$ 46,636

Advisory Fees

$ 88,876

$ 76,583

Bank Deposit Sweep Income

$ 36,685

$ 48,909


$ 20,196

$ 20,579


$ 14,482

$ 10,714

Total Expenses

$ 144,882




$ 95,074



$ 53,891

Pre-Tax Income

$ 68,151

$ 54,456

Compensation Ratio

51.2 %

46.7 %

Non-compensation Ratio

16.8 %

26.5 %

Pre-Tax Margin

32.0 %

26.8 %

Assets Under Administration (billions)

$   124.9

$    108.9

Cash Sweep Balances (billions)


$        4.4


  • Retail commissions increased 13.2% from a year ago primarily due to higher retail trading activity
  • Advisory fees increased 16.1% due to higher AUM during the billing period for the current quarter when compared to the first quarter of last year and increased net new client assets
  • Bank deposit sweep income decreased $12.2 million from a year ago due to lower cash sweep balances
  • Interest revenue was relatively flat with the prior year period
  • Other revenue increased from a year ago primarily due to increases in the cash surrender value of Company-owned life insurance policies, which fluctuates based on changes in the fair value of the policies' underlying investments

Total Expenses:

  • Compensation expenses increased 14.8% from a year ago primarily due to higher production related expenses
  • Non-compensation expenses decreased 33.7% from a year ago primarily due to lower legal costs

Asset Management

Asset Management reported revenue for the current quarter of $24.9 million, 4.0% higher compared with a year ago.  Pre-tax income was $7.6 million, an increase of 17.8% compared with the prior year period.

('000s, except otherwise indicated)




$      24,928

$      23,959

Advisory Fees

$      25,960

$      23,954


$       (1,032)

$               5

Total Expenses

$      17,294

$      17,478


$        6,424

$        7,615


$      10,870

$        9,863

Pre-Tax Income

$        7,634

$        6,481

Compensation Ratio

25.8 %

31.8 %

Non-compensation Ratio

43.6 %

41.2 %

Pre-Tax Margin

30.6 %

27.1 %

AUM (billions)

$          46.6

$          39.3


  • Advisory fee revenue increased 8.4% from a year ago due to increased management fees resulting from the higher net value of billable AUM during the quarter and increased net new client assets
  • Other revenue decreased $1.0 million from a year ago due to a decrease in the fair value of the positions held in private equity funds.

Assets under Management (AUM):

  • AUM increased to $46.6 billion at March 31, 2024, a new record high, which is the basis for advisory fee billings for April 2024
  • The increase in AUM was comprised of higher asset values of $7.1 billion on existing client holdings and a net contribution of $0.2 billion in new client assets

Total Expenses:

  • Compensation expenses were down 15.6% from a year ago which was due to decreases in incentive compensation
  • Non-compensation expenses were up 10.2% when compared to the prior year period mostly due to higher external portfolio management costs which are directly related to the increase in AUM

Capital Markets

Capital Markets reported revenue for the current quarter of $112.1 million, 24.1% higher when compared with the prior year period.  Pre-tax loss was $6.7 million compared with a pre-tax loss of $15.5 million a year ago.





$  112,083

$ 90,282

Investment Banking

$ 47,918

$ 36,281

Advisory Fees

$ 31,868

$ 27,937

Equities Underwriting

$ 13,179

$   7,343

Fixed Income Underwriting

$   2,447

$      897


$      424

$      104

Sales and Trading

$ 63,659

$ 53,379


$ 30,266

$ 31,686

Fixed Income

$ 33,393

$ 21,693


$      506

$      622

Total Expenses

$ 118,785

$ 105,759


$ 81,588

$ 76,796


$ 37,197

$ 28,963

Pre-Tax Loss


$ (15,477)

Compensation Ratio

72.8 %

85.1 %

Non-compensation Ratio

33.2 %

32.1 %

Pre-Tax Margin

(6.0) %

(17.1) %


Investment Banking

  • Advisory fees earned from investment banking activities increased 14.1% compared with a year ago due to higher transaction volumes, particularly in the healthcare industry
  • Equity underwriting fees increased 79.5% when compared with a year ago due to higher new issuance volumes
  • Fixed income underwriting fees were modestly higher than the prior year

Sales and Trading

  • Equities sales and trading revenue was relatively flat with the prior year
  • Fixed income sales and trading revenue increased 53.9% compared with a year ago primarily due to an increase in trading income attributable to higher volumes and market volatility

Total Expenses:

  • Compensation expenses increased 6.2% compared with a year ago primarily due to costs associated with opportunistic hiring and higher deferred compensation costs
  • Non-compensation expenses were 28.4% higher than a year ago primarily due to an increase in interest expense in financing trading inventories

Other Matters

(In millions, except number of shares and per share amounts)




Stockholders' Equity (1)

$       801.5

$       800.4

Regulatory Net Capital (2)

$       431.4

$       440.0

Regulatory Excess Net Capital (2)

$       412.6

$       418.0

Common Stock Repurchases


$           8.4

$           3.7

Number of Shares



Average Price

$       39.05

$       38.79

Period End Shares



Effective Tax Rate

31.3 %

24.1 %

(1) Attributable to Oppenheimer Holdings  Inc.

(2) Attributable to Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. broker-dealer

  • The Board of Directors announced a quarterly dividend in the amount of $0.15 per share payable on May 24, 2024 to holders of Class A non-voting and Class B voting common stock of record on May 10, 2024
  • Compensation expense as a percentage of revenue was lower at 62.8% during the current period versus 64.1% during the same period last year due to revenue increasing by a higher rate than compensation expenses
  • The effective tax rate for the current period was 31.3% compared with 24.1% for the prior year period. The effective tax rate for the first quarter of 2024 was negatively impacted by permanent items and non-deductible losses in non-U.S. businesses.
  • The Company repurchased 214,723 shares of Class A non-voting common stock at an average price of $39.05 per share in the current period versus 95,055 shares of Class A non-voting common stock in the prior year period at a price of $38.79 per share.

Company Information

Oppenheimer Holdings Inc., through its operating subsidiaries, is a leading middle market investment bank and full service broker-dealer that is engaged in a broad range of activities in the financial services industry, including retail securities brokerage, institutional sales and trading, investment banking (corporate and public finance), equity and fixed income research, market-making, trust services, and investment advisory and asset management services. With roots tracing back to 1881, the Company is headquartered in New York and has 89 retail branch offices in the United States and institutional businesses located in London, Tel Aviv, and Hong Kong.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release includes certain "forward-looking statements" relating to anticipated future performance. For a discussion of the factors that could cause future performance to be different than anticipated, reference is made to Factors Affecting "Forward-Looking Statements" and Part 1A – Risk Factors in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.

Oppenheimer Holdings Inc.

Consolidated Income Statements (Unaudited)

('000s, except number of shares and per share amounts)

For the Three Months Ended

March 31,



% Change



$           95,850

$           86,697


Advisory fees




Investment banking




Bank deposit sweep income








Principal transactions, net








Total revenue





Compensation and related expenses




Communications and technology




Occupancy and equipment costs




Clearing and exchange fees












Total expenses




Pre-Tax Income




Income tax provision




Net Income

$           25,744

$           14,464


Less: Net loss attributable to non-controlling interest, net of tax




Net income attributable to Oppenheimer Holdings Inc.

$           26,054

$           14,617


Earnings per share attributable to Oppenheimer Holdings Inc.


$                2.50

$                1.32



$                2.37

$                1.22


Weighted average number of common shares outstanding









Period end number of common shares outstanding




                 * Percentage not meaningful

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SOURCE Oppenheimer Holdings Inc.


What were Oppenheimer Holdings Inc.'s first quarter 2024 earnings per share (EPS)?

Oppenheimer Holdings Inc. reported basic earnings per share of $2.50 for the first quarter of 2024.

How did Oppenheimer Holdings Inc.'s first quarter 2024 revenue compare to the same period in 2023?

Oppenheimer Holdings Inc.'s revenue for the first quarter of 2024 was $353.1 million, a 9.8% increase from the revenue of $321.7 million in the first quarter of 2023.

What were the assets under administration for Oppenheimer Holdings Inc. in the first quarter of 2024?

Oppenheimer Holdings Inc. had assets under administration of $124.9 billion in the first quarter of 2024.

What was the pre-tax income for the Private Client segment in the first quarter of 2024?

The Private Client segment reported a pre-tax income of $68.2 million in the first quarter of 2024.

What was the revenue for the Asset Management segment in the first quarter of 2024?

The Asset Management segment reported revenue of $24.9 million in the first quarter of 2024.

What was the pre-tax margin for the Capital Markets segment in the first quarter of 2024?

The Capital Markets segment had a pre-tax margin of (6.0)% in the first quarter of 2024.

What was the effective tax rate for Oppenheimer Holdings Inc. in the first quarter of 2024?

Oppenheimer Holdings Inc. had an effective tax rate of 31.3% in the first quarter of 2024.

Oppenheimer Holdings, Inc.


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