OptimizeRx Delivers AI-Guided Privacy-Compliant Platform for Pharmaceutical Brand Marketing Amid Evolving Consumer Privacy Legislation

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OptimizeRx Corp. (Nasdaq: OPRX) has announced its continued commitment to helping pharmaceutical brands navigate the changing landscape of state-level consumer privacy legislation while executing nationwide marketing programs. The company's Micro Neighborhood® Targeting technology enables brands to maintain campaign scale and effectiveness while complying with evolving regulations.

Key points:

  • Nearly 50% of the US population is currently covered by state-level consumer data protection regulations, expected to grow to 62% in the next 18 months.
  • OptimizeRx's solutions help pharmaceutical marketers maintain campaign scale, reach hard-to-target patient populations, and ensure privacy-safe data handling.
  • The company's Dynamic Audience Activation Platform (DAAP) offers privacy-by-design techniques and tailored predictive marketing strategies.

OptimizeRx Corp. (Nasdaq: OPRX) ha annunciato il suo costante impegno ad aiutare i marchi farmaceutici a navigare nel cambiamento delle normative sulla privacy dei consumatori a livello statale, mentre eseguono programmi di marketing a livello nazionale. La tecnologia Micro Neighborhood® Targeting dell'azienda consente ai marchi di mantenere scala ed efficacia delle campagne rispettando le normative in evoluzione.

Punti chiave:

  • Quasi il 50% della popolazione statunitense è attualmente coperto da normative statali sulla protezione dei dati dei consumatori, ci si aspetta che questo numero cresca fino al 62% nei prossimi 18 mesi.
  • Le soluzioni di OptimizeRx aiutano i marketing farmaceutici a mantenere la scala delle campagne, raggiungere popolazioni di pazienti difficili da targetizzare e garantire una gestione dei dati sicura per la privacy.
  • La Piattaforma di Attivazione del Pubblico Dinamico (DAAP) della compagnia offre tecniche di privacy-by-design e strategie di marketing predittive personalizzate.

OptimizeRx Corp. (Nasdaq: OPRX) ha anunciado su continuo compromiso de ayudar a las marcas farmacéuticas a navegar por el cambiante panorama de la legislación sobre la privacidad de los consumidores a nivel estatal, mientras ejecutan programas de marketing a nivel nacional. La tecnología de Micro Neighborhood® Targeting de la compañía permite a las marcas mantener la escala y efectividad de las campañas mientras cumplen con las regulaciones en evolución.

Puntos clave:

  • Casi el 50% de la población de EE. UU. está actualmente cubierta por regulaciones de protección de datos de consumidores a nivel estatal, y se espera que este porcentaje crezca al 62% en los próximos 18 meses.
  • Las soluciones de OptimizeRx ayudan a los especialistas en marketing farmacéutico a mantener la escala de las campañas, alcanzar poblaciones de pacientes de difícil acceso y asegurar un manejo seguro de los datos en términos de privacidad.
  • La Plataforma de Activación de Audiencias Dinámicas (DAAP) de la compañía ofrece técnicas de privacidad por diseño y estrategias de marketing predictivo personalizadas.

OptimizeRx Corp. (Nasdaq: OPRX)는 제약 브랜드들이 주 수준의 소비자 프라이버시 법률이 변화하는 환경 속에서 국가적 마케팅 프로그램을 실행하는 데 도움을 주기 위한 지속적인 의지를 발표했습니다. 회사의 Micro Neighborhood® Targeting 기술은 브랜드가 변화하는 규정을 준수하면서 캠페인의 규모와 효과를 유지할 수 있도록 합니다.

주요 사항:

  • 현재 미국 인구의 거의 50%가 주 수준의 소비자 데이터 보호 규정에 의해 보호받고 있으며, 향후 18개월 내에 62%로 증가할 것으로 예상됩니다.
  • OptimizeRx의 솔루션은 제약 마케터들이 캠페인의 규모를 유지하고, 타겟팅하기 어려운 환자 집단에 도달하며, 프라이버시 보호 데이터 처리를 보장하는 데 도움을 줍니다.
  • 회사의 동적 청중 활성화 플랫폼(DAAP)은 프라이버시 설계를 기반으로 한 기술과 맞춤형 예측 마케팅 전략을 제공합니다.

OptimizeRx Corp. (Nasdaq: OPRX) a annoncé son engagement continu à aider les marques pharmaceutiques à naviguer dans le paysage changeant de la législation sur la vie privée des consommateurs au niveau des États, tout en exécutant des programmes de marketing à l'échelle nationale. La technologie Micro Neighborhood® Targeting de la société permet aux marques de maintenir l'échelle et l'efficacité des campagnes tout en respectant les réglementations en évolution.

Points clés :

  • Près de 50 % de la population américaine est actuellement couverte par des réglementations sur la protection des données des consommateurs au niveau des États, ce chiffre devrait passer à 62 % au cours des 18 prochains mois.
  • Les solutions d'OptimizeRx aident les spécialistes du marketing pharmaceutique à maintenir l'échelle des campagnes, atteindre des populations de patients difficiles à cibler et garantir une gestion des données respectueuse de la vie privée.
  • La Plateforme d'Activation d'Audience Dynamique (DAAP) de l'entreprise propose des techniques de protection de la vie privée par conception et des stratégies de marketing prédictif sur mesure.

OptimizeRx Corp. (Nasdaq: OPRX) hat sein fortwährendes Engagement angekündigt, pharmazeutischen Marken dabei zu helfen, sich im sich verändernden Umfeld der Datenschutzgesetze auf Landesebene zurechtzufinden, während nationale Marketingprogramme umgesetzt werden. Die Technologie Micro Neighborhood® Targeting des Unternehmens ermöglicht es Marken, die Kampagnenskala und -effektivität aufrechtzuerhalten und gleichzeitig den sich entwickelnden Vorschriften zu entsprechen.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Fast 50% der US-Bevölkerung sind derzeit durch Datenschutzvorschriften auf Landesebene abgedeckt, dieser Anteil wird in den nächsten 18 Monaten voraussichtlich auf 62% ansteigen.
  • Die Lösungen von OptimizeRx helfen den pharmazeutischen Vermarktern, die Kampagnenskala zu erhalten, schwer erreichbare Patientengruppen anzusprechen und einen datenschutzgerechten Umgang mit Daten sicherzustellen.
  • Die Dynamische Zielgruppenaktivierungsplattform (DAAP) des Unternehmens bietet Datenschutz-Designtechniken und maßgeschneiderte prädiktive Marketingstrategien.
  • OptimizeRx's Micro Neighborhood® Targeting technology enables pharmaceutical brands to maintain nationwide campaign scale while complying with privacy regulations
  • The company's solutions help reach hard-to-target patient populations based on clinical signals
  • OptimizeRx's Dynamic Audience Activation Platform (DAAP) offers privacy-by-design techniques and tailored predictive marketing strategies
  • Increasing state-level privacy regulations may make it more difficult for healthcare marketers to deploy consistent engagement campaigns at scale
  • The changing regulatory landscape could potentially impact the effectiveness of pharmaceutical marketing strategies

OptimizeRx's Micro-Neighborhood® Targeting (MNT) technology stands out due to its ability to execute privacy-compliant, nationwide marketing campaigns. This is particularly relevant as more states implement their own consumer privacy regulations. The company's patented technology leverages hyper-local targeting capabilities, allowing pharmaceutical brands to maintain campaign scale and effectively reach hard-to-target patient populations. What makes this unique is the integration of clinical signals into targeting, which ensures that marketing efforts are not only compliant but also highly relevant to the audience. This technological edge is particularly important as the healthcare market becomes increasingly regulated.

From a technical perspective, OptimizeRx's approach to privacy-safe data handling is noteworthy. The use of privacy-by-design methods aligns with the increasing demand for data protection and regulatory compliance. This offers a significant competitive advantage, as it allows pharmaceutical companies to navigate the complex landscape of state-specific privacy laws while still achieving their marketing goals.

From a financial standpoint, OptimizeRx's ability to offer a compliant and scalable marketing platform is a strong value proposition. The increasing number of states adopting consumer privacy laws presents a substantial market opportunity for the company. By ensuring compliance across various state regulations, OptimizeRx can attract more pharmaceutical clients looking to maintain the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. This can potentially lead to increased revenue streams and a stronger market position.

Investors should also note the strategic importance of the Dynamic Audience Activation Platform (DAAP). This platform not only aligns direct-to-consumer (DTC) and healthcare provider (HCP) marketing strategies but also uses predictive marketing strategies tailored to the pharmaceutical industry. Such innovations can drive long-term growth and sustainability for OptimizeRx, making it a compelling investment opportunity.

The rapid changes in consumer privacy legislation are reshaping the pharmaceutical marketing landscape and OptimizeRx appears well-positioned to lead this transformation. The fact that nearly 50% of the U.S. population is already covered by some form of state-level consumer data protection regulation, with this number expected to grow to 62% in the next 18 months, highlights the urgent need for compliance solutions. OptimizeRx's expertise and innovative technology address this critical need, enabling pharmaceutical brands to maintain and expand their campaign reach in a compliant manner.

Additionally, the integration of hyper-local targeting capabilities with clinical signals is a significant advancement. It allows for more precise and effective marketing, especially for patient populations that are hard to reach due to new regulations. By offering solutions that align both DTC and HCP marketing strategies, OptimizeRx not only ensures compliance but also enhances the overall effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

OptimizeRx Micro Neighborhood® Targeting enables pharmaceutical brands to maintain and expand campaign scale nationwide

WALTHAM, Mass., July 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OptimizeRx Corp. (the “Company”) (Nasdaq: OPRX), a leading provider of healthcare technology solutions helping life sciences companies reach and engage healthcare professionals (HCPs) and patients, today announced its continued commitment to partnering with pharmaceutical brands to navigate the rapidly changing landscape of state-level consumer privacy legislation while executing comprehensive marketing programs nationwide. This month Florida, Oregon, and Texas, representing just over 16% of the nation’s population, joined California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New York, Utah, Vermont, Virginia and Washington with existing consumer privacy laws. Today, nearly 50% of the US population is covered by some variation of a state-level consumer data protection regulation in addition to national HIPAA laws. That number will grow to 62% in the coming 18 months as privacy laws go into effect in Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Tennessee. This increase in privacy regulations, that are not analogous state-by-state, will make it more difficult for healthcare marketers to deploy consistent engagement campaigns at scale.

As the pharmaceutical industry faces an evolving consumer regulatory environment including new state laws to safeguard consumer privacy, some with strict provisions against the use of health data in advertising, healthcare advertisers must adapt their marketing strategies to comply with each state’s specific regulations. The changing landscape and state-by-state approach makes it particularly difficult for organizations to manage compliance with healthcare marketing in the US, and to create a geographically-unified engagement approach. OptimizeRx is leading the response to this transformation, offering unparalleled expertise, patented technology, and innovative solutions that enable pharmaceutical brands to reach their target audiences effectively and in compliance with privacy regulations. OptimizeRx partners with pharmaceutical brands to align direct-to-consumer (DTC) and healthcare provider (HCP) marketing strategies enabling privacy compliant nationwide campaigns.

"We understand the complexities and challenges that come with the changing consumer privacy legislation for pharmaceutical marketers, and we deliver innovative solutions that address those challenges," said Steve Silvestro, President of OptimizeRx. "We partner with life sciences brands to help them to maintain the scale and effectiveness of their marketing campaigns while adhering to stringent and rapidly evolving regulations. OptimizeRx’s solutions ensure the compliant execution of pharmaceutical marketing programs."

Leveraging its patented Micro-Neighborhood® Targeting (MNT) technology, OptimizeRx delivers marketing campaigns for life sciences brands looking to reach and engage consumers while maintaining compliance within the evolving U.S. data privacy law landscape. This enables brands to:

  1. Maintain Campaign Scale: As more states adopt privacy regulations, OptimizeRx ensures that marketing campaigns remain scalable and effective across different regions.
  2. Reach Hard-to-Target Patient Populations: Hyper-local targeting capabilities, based on clinical signals, allow OptimizeRx to reach patient populations that are becoming increasingly difficult to target due to new regulations.
  3. Utilize Privacy-Safe Data Handling: OptimizeRx utilizes innovative, privacy-safe methods to handle health data, ensuring compliance with state-specific privacy laws.
  4. Align DTC and HCP Marketing Strategies: With new laws aimed at safeguarding personal information, a synchronized approach to how companies interact with consumers and HCPs is becoming more important to ensure compliant marketing strategies.

The OptimizeRx Dynamic Audience Activation Platform (DAAP) has solutions designed to address the unique needs of the pharmaceutical industry, including privacy-by-design MNT techniques and tailored predictive marketing strategies. The Company’s comprehensive engagement approach and alignment of HCP and DTC audiences ensures that healthcare advertisers can navigate the complexities of state-level privacy legislation without compromising the effectiveness of their campaigns.

About OptimizeRx

OptimizeRx provides trailblazing technology that fosters care-focused engagement between life sciences organizations, healthcare providers, and patients at critical junctures throughout the healthcare journey. With the ability to synchronize messaging across 2 million healthcare providers and over 240 million adults across a multitude of digital channels including a proprietary point-of-care network, OptimizeRx is changing the way life sciences engages with customers.

For more information, follow the Company on Twitter, LinkedIn or visit

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This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as “anticipates”, “believes”, “estimates”, “expects”, “forecasts”, “intends”, “plans”, “projects”, “targets”, “designed”, “could”, “may”, “should”, “will” or other similar words and expressions are intended to identify these forward-looking statements. All statements that reflect the Company’s expectations, assumptions, projections, beliefs or opinions about the future, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, statements relating to the Company’s growth, business plans, and future performance. These forward-looking statements are based on the Company’s current expectations and assumptions regarding the Company’s business, the economy, and other future conditions. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether because of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by applicable law. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties, some of which cannot be predicted, or quantified. Future events and actual results could differ materially from those set forth in, contemplated by, or underlying the forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties to which forward-looking statements are subject include, but are not limited to, the effect of government regulation, competition, and other risks summarized in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, its subsequent Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, and its other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

OptimizeRx Contact:
Andy D’Silva, SVP Corporate Finance  
Investor Relations Contact  
Ashley Robinson  
LifeSci Advisors, LLC  


How does OptimizeRx help pharmaceutical brands comply with consumer privacy legislation?

OptimizeRx uses its patented Micro-Neighborhood® Targeting technology and Dynamic Audience Activation Platform to help pharmaceutical brands maintain campaign scale, reach target audiences, and handle data in a privacy-safe manner while complying with evolving state-level privacy regulations.

What percentage of the US population is currently covered by state-level consumer data protection regulations?

According to OptimizeRx's announcement, nearly 50% of the US population is currently covered by some variation of state-level consumer data protection regulation, in addition to national HIPAA laws.

How is OptimizeRx (OPRX) addressing the challenges of varying state privacy laws for pharmaceutical marketing?

OptimizeRx (OPRX) is addressing these challenges by offering solutions that enable pharmaceutical brands to maintain campaign scale, reach hard-to-target populations, handle data safely, and align direct-to-consumer and healthcare provider marketing strategies while complying with state-specific privacy regulations.

What is the expected growth in US population coverage by state-level privacy laws according to OptimizeRx?

OptimizeRx reports that the coverage of state-level privacy laws is expected to grow from the current 50% to 62% of the US population in the coming 18 months as new privacy laws go into effect in several additional states.

OptimizeRx Corporation


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Health Information Services
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United States of America