Ooma AirDial, Advanced Solution for POTS Replacement, Now Available to the Public Sector Through Carahsoft

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Ooma, Inc. has partnered with Carahsoft Technology Corp. to make its Ooma AirDial®, a plain old telephone service (POTS) replacement solution, available to the public sector. Carahsoft will serve as Ooma's Master Government Aggregator®, offering the product through various government contracts. This partnership aims to help public sector agencies address the nationwide phase-out of analog copper-wire phone lines.

Ooma AirDial provides a wireless drop-in replacement for POTS lines, designed for regulatory compliance and offering advanced features like remote management and emergency call alerts. The solution is important for life-safety and physical security systems that still rely on POTS, such as elevator phones and fire alarm panels. This partnership positions Carahsoft and its resellers to assist government agencies in efficiently replacing POTS with more cost-effective and advanced systems.

Ooma, Inc. ha stretto una partnership con Carahsoft Technology Corp. per rendere disponibile al settore pubblico il suo Ooma AirDial®, una soluzione di sostituzione per il servizio telefonico POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service). Carahsoft agirà come Master Government Aggregator® di Ooma, offrendo il prodotto tramite vari contratti governativi. Questa collaborazione ha l'obiettivo di aiutare le agenzie del settore pubblico ad affrontare la fase di eliminazione delle linee telefoniche analogiche in rame a livello nazionale.

Ooma AirDial offre una sostituzione wireless per le linee POTS, progettata per essere conforme alle normative e con funzionalità avanzate come la gestione remota e gli avvisi di chiamata di emergenza. La soluzione è fondamentale per i sistemi di sicurezza e salvaguardia della vita che ancora dipendono da POTS, come i telefoni degli ascensori e i pannelli di allerta antincendio. Questa partnership posiziona Carahsoft e i suoi rivenditori per assistere le agenzie governative nel sostituire in modo efficiente le linee POTS con sistemi più economici e avanzati.

Ooma, Inc. se ha asociado con Carahsoft Technology Corp. para hacer disponible al sector público su Ooma AirDial®, una solución de reemplazo para el servicio telefónico tradicional (POTS). Carahsoft actuará como Master Government Aggregator® de Ooma, ofreciendo el producto a través de varios contratos gubernamentales. Esta asociación tiene como objetivo ayudar a las agencias del sector público a enfrentar la eliminación progresiva de las líneas telefónicas analógicas de cobre a nivel nacional.

Ooma AirDial proporciona un reemplazo inalámbrico para las líneas POTS, diseñado para cumplir con las normativas y ofreciendo características avanzadas como gestión remota y alertas de llamadas de emergencia. La solución es importante para los sistemas de seguridad y salvaguardia de la vida que aún dependen de POTS, como los teléfonos de ascensores y los paneles de alarmas contra incendios. Esta asociación posiciona a Carahsoft y a sus revendedores para ayudar a las agencias gubernamentales a reemplazar de manera eficiente POTS por sistemas más económicos y avanzados.

Ooma, Inc.는 Carahsoft Technology Corp.와 협력하여 공공 부문에서 Ooma AirDial®을 제공하게 되었습니다. 이는 일반 전화 서비스(POTS) 대체 솔루션입니다. Carahsoft는 Ooma의 마스터 정부 집합체(Master Government Aggregator®) 역할을 하며 다양한 정부 계약을 통해 제품을 제공합니다. 이 파트너십의 목적은 공공 부문 기관들이 아날로그 구리 선 전화선의 전국적 단계적 폐지에 대처하는 데 도움을 주는 것입니다.

Ooma AirDial은 POTS 선을 위한 무선 대체 솔루션을 제공하며, 규제 준수를 염두에 두고 설계되었으며 원격 관리 및 비상 호출 알림과 같은 고급 기능을 제공합니다. 이 솔루션은 엘리베이터 전화 및 화재 경고 패널과 같이 여전히 POTS에 의존하는 생명 안전 및 물리적 보안 시스템에 중요합니다. 이 파트너십은 Carahsoft와 그 리셀러들이 정부 기관이 POTS를 보다 비용 효율적이고 고급 시스템으로 효율적으로 대체하도록 지원할 수 있는 위치에 놓이게 합니다.

Ooma, Inc. s'est associé à Carahsoft Technology Corp. pour rendre son Ooma AirDial®, une solution de remplacement pour le service téléphonique traditionnel (POTS), disponible pour le secteur public. Carahsoft agira en tant que Master Government Aggregator® d'Ooma, offrant le produit par le biais de divers contrats gouvernementaux. Ce partenariat vise à aider les agences du secteur public à faire face à l'élimination progressive des lignes téléphoniques analogiques en cuivre à l'échelle nationale.

Ooma AirDial fournit un remplacement sans fil pour les lignes POTS, conçu pour être conforme à la réglementation et offrant des fonctionnalités avancées telles que la gestion à distance et les alertes d'appel d'urgence. Cette solution est importante pour les systèmes de sécurité de la vie et de sécurité physique qui dépendent toujours de POTS, tels que les téléphones de secours en ascenseur et les panneaux d'alarme incendie. Ce partenariat positionne Carahsoft et ses revendeurs pour aider les agences gouvernementales à remplacer efficacement les POTS par des systèmes plus économiques et avancés.

Ooma, Inc. hat sich mit Carahsoft Technology Corp. zusammengeschlossen, um seine Ooma AirDial®, eine Ersatzlösung für den herkömmlichen Telefonservice (POTS), dem öffentlichen Sektor anzubieten. Carahsoft wird als Master Government Aggregator® von Ooma fungieren und das Produkt über verschiedene Regierungsverträge anbieten. Diese Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, den öffentlichen Stellen bei der bundesweiten Abschaffung von analogen Kupfertelefonleitungen zu helfen.

Ooma AirDial bietet einen kabellosen Ersatz für POTS-Leitungen, der für die Einhaltung von Vorschriften konzipiert ist und fortschrittliche Funktionen wie Fernverwaltung und Notrufbenachrichtigungen bietet. Die Lösung ist entscheidend für Lebenssicherheitssysteme und physische Sicherheitssysteme, die weiterhin auf POTS angewiesen sind, wie z. B. Aufzugtelefone und Brandmelder. Diese Partnerschaft positioniert Carahsoft und seine Wiederverkäufer, um Regierungsbehörden bei der effizienten Ablösung von POTS durch kostengünstigere und fortschrittlichere Systeme zu unterstützen.

  • Partnership with Carahsoft expands Ooma's reach in the public sector market
  • Ooma AirDial offers a solution for the nationwide phase-out of POTS lines
  • AirDial designed for regulatory compliance and includes advanced features
  • Potential for significant cost reduction for government agencies using AirDial
  • None.

Ooma's partnership with Carahsoft marks a significant development in the POTS replacement market. As legacy copper-wire phone lines are being phased out, Ooma AirDial offers a wireless alternative for critical systems like elevator phones and fire alarms. This solution addresses a pressing need in the public sector, where many essential services still rely on outdated POTS lines.

The partnership leverages Carahsoft's strong position in government procurement, potentially accelerating the adoption of POTS replacement technology in public agencies. This could lead to substantial cost savings for taxpayers, as Ooma AirDial promises to reduce monthly expenses compared to traditional POTS lines. Moreover, the advanced features like remote management and emergency call alerts represent a technological leap forward in this space.

However, the success of this venture will depend on the ease of implementation and the reliability of the wireless solution in critical safety applications. The public sector's adoption rate and any potential regulatory hurdles will be key factors to watch in the coming months.

This partnership positions Ooma to capture a significant share of the public sector POTS replacement market. With Carahsoft's extensive network and contract vehicles like SEWP V and NASPO ValuePoint, Ooma gains access to a vast customer base of government agencies. This could potentially accelerate Ooma's revenue growth in the coming years.

The timing is opportune, as the 'copper sunset' creates a pressing need for POTS alternatives. Ooma's focus on ease of installation and operation, coupled with cost savings, aligns well with public sector priorities. The comprehensive support offered, including pre-installation audits and professional installation, could be a strong differentiator in this market.

However, investors should note that the public sector sales cycles can be lengthy and adoption may not immediately reflect in financial results. Additionally, competition in this space is likely to intensify as other telecom players recognize the opportunity. Ooma's success will depend on its ability to execute effectively and maintain technological leadership in POTS replacement solutions.

SUNNYVALE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Ooma, Inc., a smart communications platform for businesses and consumers, today announced a partnership with Carahsoft Technology Corp., The Trusted Government IT Solutions Provider®. Under the agreement, Carahsoft will serve as Ooma’s Master Government Aggregator®, making its plain old telephone service (POTS) replacement products available to the public sector through Carahsoft’s reseller partners and NASA Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurement (SEWP) V, Information Technology Enterprise Solutions – Software 2 (ITES-SW2), National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) ValuePoint and OMNIA Partners contracts.

“We’re excited to partner with Carahsoft due to its exceptional reputation among public sector procurement managers and technology leaders,” said Chris Burgy, senior vice president of corporate development at Ooma. “Our goal for Ooma AirDial® has always been to make POTS replacement as easy and straightforward as possible, which meshes perfectly with Carahsoft’s mission of making its partners’ leading solutions more accessible to government customers.”

As analog copper-wire phone lines, also known as POTS, are being phased out nationwide, the need for POTS replacements is becoming increasingly essential. Carriers are significantly increasing monthly rates for POTS lines while reliability is declining. Despite this, many life-safety and physical security systems – such as elevator phones, fire alarm panels, door entry systems, public safety phones and burglar alarms – still rely on POTS. Ooma AirDial ( offers a wireless drop-in replacement for these POTS lines, designed with regulatory compliance in mind. It significantly reduces monthly costs and includes advanced features such as remote management through an online portal and alerts for emergency calls.

“With the addition of Ooma AirDial to our offerings, Carahsoft and its reseller partners are well positioned to help public sector agencies respond to the impending ‘copper sunset’ of POTS with a turnkey solution that is easy to install, easy to operate and saves taxpayer dollars,” said Brandi Hiebert, sales manager for the mobility business unit at Carahsoft. “We’re impressed with Ooma’s dedication to assisting customers at every step of the POTS replacement journey, including pre-installation site audits, professional installation and comprehensive post-installation support. We look forward to enabling government agencies to efficiently replace their POTS with less costly, more advanced and effective systems.”

Ooma’s solution for POTS replacement is available through Carahsoft’s SEWP V contracts NNG15SC03B and NNG15SC27B, ITES-SW2 Contract W52P1J-20-D-0042 ITES-SW2 Contract W52P1J-20-D-0042, NASPO ValuePoint Master Agreement #AR2472 and OMNIA Partners Contract #R191902. For more information, contact the Carahsoft team at (844) 722-8436 or; or learn more about Ooma AirDial at

Carahsoft Technology Corp. is The Trusted Government IT Solutions Provider, supporting public sector organizations across federal, state and local government agencies and education and healthcare markets. As the Master Government Aggregator for its vendor partners, Carahsoft ( delivers solutions for public safety, cybersecurity, cloud, DevSecOps, artificial intelligence, customer experience and engagement, open source and more. Working with resellers, systems integrators and consultants, Carahsoft’s sales and marketing teams provide industry leading IT products, services and training through hundreds of contract vehicles.

Forward-Looking Statements

This release includes “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Statements in this press release that are not statements of historical or current fact constitute “forward-looking statements.” The forward-looking statements contained in this press release include, without limitation, statements related to the partnership with Carahsoft and the functionality, features and benefits of Ooma AirDial. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other unknown factors that could cause the actual results to be materially different from any future results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained herein are also subject generally to other risks and uncertainties that are described from time to time in Ooma’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including under Item 1A, “Risk Factors” in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended January 31, 2024, filed on April 2, 2024, and in its subsequent reports on Forms 10-Q and 8-K. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they are made. Ooma undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

About Ooma

Ooma (NYSE: OOMA) creates powerful connected experiences for businesses, consumers and service providers, delivered through smart cloud-based communications platforms and services. For businesses of all sizes, Ooma offers advanced voice and collaboration features including messaging, intelligent virtual receptionists and video meetings. Ooma’s all-in-one replacement for analog phone lines helps businesses maintain mission-critical systems by moving connectivity to the cloud. For consumers, Ooma’s residential phone service provides PureVoice HD voice quality, advanced features and integration with mobile devices. Learn more at or in Canada.


Mike Langberg at Ooma

(650) 566-6693


Matt Robison at Ooma

(650) 300-1480

Source: Ooma


What is Ooma AirDial and how does it relate to POTS replacement?

Ooma AirDial is a wireless drop-in replacement for plain old telephone service (POTS) lines. It's designed to replace analog copper-wire phone lines that are being phased out nationwide, offering a solution for life-safety and physical security systems that still rely on POTS, such as elevator phones and fire alarm panels.

How will the partnership between Ooma (OOMA) and Carahsoft benefit public sector agencies?

The partnership makes Ooma AirDial available to public sector agencies through Carahsoft's government contracts. This allows government agencies to efficiently replace their POTS lines with a more cost-effective and advanced system, helping them respond to the 'copper sunset' of POTS and potentially save taxpayer dollars.

What are the key features of Ooma AirDial for POTS replacement?

Ooma AirDial offers several key features for POTS replacement, including regulatory compliance design, remote management through an online portal, alerts for emergency calls, and significant monthly cost reduction compared to traditional POTS lines.

Through which government contracts will Ooma AirDial be available?

Ooma AirDial will be available through Carahsoft's NASA SEWP V, ITES-SW2, NASPO ValuePoint, and OMNIA Partners contracts, making it accessible to various public sector agencies.

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