Onity Group Announces Multiple Transactions to Accelerate Capital Restructuring

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Onity Group Inc. (NYSE: ONIT) has announced multiple transactions to accelerate its capital restructuring plans. Key points include:

  • Selling its 15% interest in MAV to Oaktree for approximately $49 million
  • Redeeming at least $150 million of Onity Notes in Q4 2024
  • Acquiring assets from Mortgage Assets Management (MAM) with an estimated net asset value of $55 million
  • Completing a securitization transaction resulting in $46.1 million of liquidity
  • Selling a portfolio of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac MSRs, reducing MSR debt by $73.4 million and receiving $26.5 million in cash
  • Purchasing and cancelling $23.5 million of PMC Notes at a discount

These transactions aim to reduce high-cost corporate debt, improve future income and cash flow, and strengthen Onity's position in reverse servicing.

Onity Group Inc. (NYSE: ONIT) ha annunciato molteplici operazioni per accelerare i suoi piani di ristrutturazione del capitale. I punti chiave includono:

  • La vendita della sua partecipazione del 15% in MAV a Oaktree per circa 49 milioni di dollari
  • Il rimborso di almeno 150 milioni di dollari di Onity Notes nel quarto trimestre del 2024
  • L'acquisizione di attivi da Mortgage Assets Management (MAM) con un valore netto stimato di 55 milioni di dollari
  • Il completamento di una transazione di cartolarizzazione che porta a 46,1 milioni di dollari di liquidità
  • La vendita di un portafoglio di MSR Fannie Mae e Freddie Mac, riducendo il debito MSR di 73,4 milioni di dollari e ricevendo 26,5 milioni di dollari in contante
  • L'acquisto e l'annullamento di 23,5 milioni di dollari di PMC Notes a un prezzo scontato

Queste transazioni mirano a ridurre il debito societario a basso costo, migliorare i futuri redditi e flusso di cassa, e rafforzare la posizione di Onity nel reverse servicing.

Onity Group Inc. (NYSE: ONIT) ha anunciado múltiples transacciones para acelerar sus planes de reestructuración de capital. Los puntos clave incluyen:

  • La venta de su participación del 15% en MAV a Oaktree por aproximadamente 49 millones de dólares
  • El rescate de al menos 150 millones de dólares en Onity Notes en el cuarto trimestre de 2024
  • La adquisición de activos de Mortgage Assets Management (MAM) con un valor neto estimado de 55 millones de dólares
  • La finalización de una transacción de titulización que resulta en 46,1 millones de dólares de liquidez
  • La venta de una cartera de MSR de Fannie Mae y Freddie Mac, reduciendo la deuda MSR en 73,4 millones de dólares y recibiendo 26,5 millones de dólares en efectivo
  • La compra y cancelación de 23,5 millones de dólares en PMC Notes a un descuento

Estas transacciones tienen como objetivo reducir la deuda corporativa de alto costo, mejorar futuros ingresos y flujos de efectivo, y fortalecer la posición de Onity en el servicio inverso.

Onity Group Inc. (NYSE: ONIT)는 자본 재구성 계획을 가속화하기 위해 여러 거래를 발표했습니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • MAV의 15% 지분을 Oaktree에 약 4,900만 달러에 판매
  • 2024년 4분기까지 Onity Notes에서 최소 1억 5천만 달러를 상환
  • 자산 가치가 약 5천5백만 달러인 Mortgage Assets Management(MAM)로부터 자산 인수
  • 4,610만 달러의 유동성을 생성하는 유동화 거래 완료
  • Fannie Mae와 Freddie Mac MSR의 포트폴리오 판매, MSR 부채 7천3백40만 달러 감소 및 2천650만 달러 현금 수령
  • 할인된 가격으로 2천350만 달러의 PMC Notes를 구매 및 취소

이러한 거래는 고비용 기업 부채를 줄이고, 향후 소득 및 현금 흐름을 개선하며, Onity의 역 서비스 위치를 강화하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Onity Group Inc. (NYSE: ONIT) a annoncé plusieurs transactions pour accélérer ses plans de restructuration du capital. Les points clés incluent :

  • Vente de sa participation de 15 % dans MAV à Oaktree pour environ 49 millions de dollars
  • Remboursement d'au moins 150 millions de dollars d'Onity Notes au 4ème trimestre 2024
  • Acquisition d'actifs de Mortgage Assets Management (MAM) avec une valeur nette estimée à 55 millions de dollars
  • Achèvement d'une opération de titrisation entraînant 46,1 millions de dollars de liquidités
  • Vente d'un portefeuille de MSR de Fannie Mae et Freddie Mac, réduisant la dette MSR de 73,4 millions de dollars et recevant 26,5 millions de dollars en espèces
  • Achat et annulation de 23,5 millions de dollars de PMC Notes à un prix réduit

Ces transactions visent à réduire la dette d'entreprise à coût élevé, à améliorer les revenus futurs et les flux de liquidités, et à renforcer la position d'Onity dans le service inversé.

Onity Group Inc. (NYSE: ONIT) hat mehrere Transaktionen angekündigt, um seine Kapitalrestrukturierungspläne zu beschleunigen. Die wichtigsten Punkte sind:

  • Verkauf seiner 15% Beteiligung an MAV an Oaktree für etwa 49 Millionen Dollar
  • Rückzahlung von mindestens 150 Millionen Dollar der Onity Notes im 4. Quartal 2024
  • Akquisition von Vermögenswerten von Mortgage Assets Management (MAM) mit einem geschätzten Nettowert von 55 Millionen Dollar
  • Abschluss einer Verbriefungstransaktion, die 46,1 Millionen Dollar an Liquidität generiert
  • Verkauf eines Portfolios von Fannie Mae und Freddie Mac MSRs, wodurch die MSR-Schulden um 73,4 Millionen Dollar reduziert werden und 26,5 Millionen Dollar in bar eingehen
  • Kauf und Stornierung von 23,5 Millionen Dollar in PMC Notes zu einem Rabatt

Diese Transaktionen zielen darauf ab, hochverzinsliche Unternehmensschulden zu reduzieren, zukünftige Einnahmen und Cashflow zu verbessern und die Position von Onity im Bereich Reverse Servicing zu stärken.

  • Sale of 15% interest in MAV to Oaktree for approximately $49 million
  • Redemption of at least $150 million of Onity Notes in Q4 2024
  • Acquisition of MAM assets with estimated net asset value of $55 million
  • Securitization transaction resulting in $46.1 million of liquidity
  • Sale of MSR portfolio reducing debt by $73.4 million and generating $26.5 million in cash
  • Purchase and cancellation of $23.5 million of PMC Notes at a discount
  • Payment of transaction fee to Oaktree estimated up to $16 million
  • Issuance of non-convertible, perpetual preferred stock with $52.7 million liquidation preference to Waterfall


This news is highly impactful for Onity Group and its investors. The company is undertaking a significant capital restructuring, which includes several key transactions:

  • Selling its 15% stake in MAV for $49 million
  • Acquiring assets from MAM with a net value of about $55 million
  • Completing a securitization transaction yielding $46.1 million in liquidity
  • Selling MSRs for $26.5 million in cash proceeds
  • Redeeming at least $150 million of high-cost corporate debt

These moves are designed to improve Onity's capital structure, reduce debt and enhance future income and cash flow. The company expects the MAM acquisition to be immediately accretive to earnings. The restructuring could significantly strengthen Onity's financial position and operational capabilities, particularly in reverse mortgage servicing. However, investors should note the complexity of these transactions and potential execution risks.

Onity's strategic moves signal a proactive approach to capital management and business growth. The company is leveraging its relationships with key partners like Oaktree and Waterfall to facilitate these transactions. Notable points for investors:

  • The MAV sale ensures Onity retains subservicing rights for a $52 billion portfolio for at least 5 years
  • The Oaktree deal includes favorable terms for debt redemption, potentially saving on interest costs
  • The MAM acquisition could strengthen Onity's position in the reverse mortgage market
  • The company is actively deleveraging, as evidenced by the $23.5 million PMC Notes repurchase

These actions demonstrate management's commitment to improving the company's financial health and competitive position. The market may view this positively, potentially leading to improved investor confidence and stock performance. However, the success of this restructuring will depend on smooth execution and realization of expected benefits.

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., Sept. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Onity Group Inc. (NYSE: ONIT) (“Onity” or the “Company”), a leading non-bank mortgage servicer and originator, today announced multiple transactions to accelerate its ongoing capital restructuring plans.

Oaktree Transactions

On September 30, 2024, Onity entered into definitive agreements with funds managed by Oaktree Capital Management, L.P. (“Oaktree”) to amend the agreements between the Company and Oaktree to provide for the following:

  • The Company will sell its 15% interest in MSR Asset Vehicle LLC (“MAV”) to Oaktree for a cash payment equal to adjusted book value upon closing plus $15 million, subject to certain adjustments (the “MAV Sale”). The total cash proceeds to be received by Onity upon consummation of the sale is currently expected to be approximately $49 million.
  • The MAV Sale is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2024 and is subject to certain closing adjustments and conditions, including regulatory approval, consummation of a debt financing that meets certain criteria (a “Debt Financing”) to refinance all the outstanding PHH Mortgage Corporation (“PMC”) 7.875% Senior Secured Notes due 2026 (“PMC Notes”) and other customary conditions.
  • The Company will remain the exclusive subservicer of the existing MAV portfolio, which had an unpaid principal balance of $52 billion as of August 31, 2024, for an initial term of five years and will subservice the majority of new MSRs acquired by MAV. MAV will also be subject to certain restrictions on near-term MSR sales for 36 months following the closing of the MAV sale.
  • Oaktree will waive the make-whole premium, which is currently due in connection with any optional redemption of senior secured notes due 2027 issued by Onity (the “Onity Notes”) on or prior to March 4, 2026, in connection with the redemptions described below.
  • The Company expects to redeem at least $150 million of Onity Notes during the fourth quarter of 2024 in accordance with the following requirements. The Company is required to redeem a principal amount of Onity Notes equal to (a) the proceeds from the MAV Sale at a redemption price equal to par plus accrued interest, and (b) the proceeds from (i) the MAM asset acquisition described below and the proceeds from any debt financing secured by the assets so acquired, (ii) the proceeds from the securitization transaction described below, and (iii) any remaining proceeds from a Debt Financing after refinancing the PMC Notes, in each case, at a redemption price equal to 102.5% plus accrued interest. In addition, the Company will have the option to redeem up to an additional $50 million principal amount of Onity Notes from other liquidity sources at a redemption price equal to 102.5% plus accrued interest.
  • Oaktree has also agreed to participate as an anchor investor in a Debt Financing depending upon the size and pricing of the financing.
  • Pursuant to the transaction agreement, upon pricing of a Debt Financing, the Warrants held by Oaktree will be amended to provide that upon their exercise the holders of the Warrants can elect the cash exercise option only with the consent of Onity and, without the consent of Onity, the exercise price can only be paid via the net share settlement option.
  • Onity has agreed to pay Oaktree a transaction fee in consideration of the above transactions that is estimated to be up to approximately $16 million depending on the size and pricing of the Debt Financing and certain other conditions.

Glen A. Messina, Chair, President and CEO of Onity Group, said, “We are pleased to announce the agreement with Oaktree that will enable a meaningful reduction of our highest cost corporate debt and the continuation of our relationship with MAV. We expect these transactions will contribute meaningfully to our holistic capital restructuring and improve future income and cash flow. Oaktree remains a valued strategic partner and important subservicing client. We thank them for their continued support, and we look forward to future opportunities.”

MAM Asset Acquisition

As previously announced, on July 26, 2024, Onity and PMC entered into a letter of intent with Waterfall Asset Management, LLC (“Waterfall”) to acquire substantially all assets of Mortgage Assets Management, LLC (“MAM”) with an estimated aggregate net asset value of approximately $55 million. In consideration of the acquired assets, Onity intends to issue to Waterfall non-convertible, perpetual preferred stock with an aggregate liquidation preference of approximately $52.7 million. The Company expects total cash from the transaction and future debt refinancing secured by the mortgage assets acquired from MAM will be approximately $46 million.

The Company continues to expect the transaction to be accretive to earnings and cash flow immediately upon closing, strengthen its position in reverse servicing, provide incremental asset management opportunities and improve its capital structure.

Onity expects to complete the MAM asset acquisition during the fourth quarter of 2024, subject to the receipt of regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions.

Securitization Transaction

On September 13, 2024, PMC completed the acquisition of reverse mortgage assets from a large financial institution and simultaneously securitized those and additional assets. To date, this transaction has resulted in $46.1 million of liquidity to PMC.

MSR Sale

On September 30, 2024, Onity sold a portfolio of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac MSRs to a third party. The sale transaction, expected to be completed by close of business September 30, 2024, will result in a $73.4 million reduction of the Company’s MSR debt and the receipt of cash proceeds of approximately $26.5 million, which Onity intends to use to pay down corporate debt.

Ongoing Debt Reduction

On September 18, 2024, PMC purchased and cancelled $23.5 million of PMC Notes at a discount to par as part of the Company’s deleveraging strategy.

Messina continued, “Our ability to take advantage of these attractive business opportunities is a direct result of continued strong and disciplined execution consistent with our strategy, financial objectives, and our commitment to create value for shareholders. We look forward to providing additional business updates on our third quarter earnings conference call.”

For additional information regarding these transactions, please see the Company’s Form 8-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on September 30, 2024.

About Onity Group

Onity Group Inc. (NYSE: ONIT) is a leading non-bank mortgage servicer and originator providing solutions through its primary brands, PHH Mortgage and Liberty Reverse Mortgage. PHH Mortgage is one of the largest servicers in the country, focused on delivering a variety of servicing and lending programs. Liberty is one of the nation’s largest reverse mortgage lenders dedicated to education and providing loans that help customers meet their personal and financial needs. We are headquartered in West Palm Beach, Florida, with offices and operations in the United States, the U.S. Virgin Islands, India and the Philippines, and have been serving our customers since 1988. For additional information, please visit

Forward Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, including, but not limited to, statements relating to (i) the anticipated timing of, and estimated cash proceeds to be received from, the MAV sale, (ii) anticipated amendments to the Onity Notes and the Warrants, (iii) the possibility of a future Debt Financing, (iv) the possibility of refinancing the PMC Notes and a portion of the Onity Notes, (v) the anticipated consummation and timing of the MAM asset acquisition, and (vi) timing for the receipt of cash proceeds from an MSR sale expected to close September 30, 2024. None of these transactions have occurred, they are all subject to a number of conditions that must be satisfied before they can occur, and as a result, there can be no assurance that any or all of these transactions will occur. Forward-looking statements involve a number of assumptions, risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including the risks and uncertainties detailed in our reports and filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and current reports and quarterly reports filed with the SEC since such date. Anyone wishing to understand Onity’s business should review our SEC filings.

For Further Information Contact:

Dico Akseraylian, SVP, Corporate Communications
(856) 917-0066


What is the expected cash proceeds from Onity's sale of its 15% interest in MAV to Oaktree?

Onity expects to receive approximately $49 million in cash proceeds from the sale of its 15% interest in MAV to Oaktree.

How much of Onity Notes (ONIT) does the company plan to redeem in Q4 2024?

Onity plans to redeem at least $150 million of Onity Notes during the fourth quarter of 2024.

What is the estimated net asset value of the assets Onity is acquiring from Mortgage Assets Management (MAM)?

The assets Onity is acquiring from MAM have an estimated aggregate net asset value of approximately $55 million.

How much liquidity did Onity's securitization transaction generate?

The securitization transaction resulted in $46.1 million of liquidity for Onity's subsidiary, PMC.

What are the financial impacts of Onity's recent MSR portfolio sale?

The MSR portfolio sale is expected to result in a $73.4 million reduction of Onity's MSR debt and generate cash proceeds of approximately $26.5 million.

Onity Group Inc.


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