Ondas Holdings' American Robotics Secures Key Contract with United States Coast Guard for Maritime Emissions Monitoring to Support EPA Clean Ports Initiatives

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Ondas Holdings' American Robotics has secured a significant contract with the United States Coast Guard (USCG) for maritime emissions monitoring, supporting EPA Clean Ports Initiatives. This marks American Robotics' first U.S. federal contract as a prime contractor, positioning the company for potential expansion into Program of Record contracts with long-term funding.

The contract involves deploying drones with a 'sniffer' payload to monitor vessel emissions, including sulphur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and carbon dioxide (CO2), in compliance with MARPOL Annex 6 regulations. This innovative approach aims to enhance safety, efficiency, and regulatory compliance in maritime emissions monitoring.

The successful implementation of this contract could lead to broader autonomous monitoring across major U.S. ports, representing a significant growth opportunity for American Robotics in the ports, terminal operators, and homeland security sectors.

American Robotics di Ondas Holdings ha ottenuto un contratto significativo con la United States Coast Guard (USCG) per il monitoraggio delle emissioni marittime, supportando le iniziative EPA Clean Ports. Questo rappresenta il primo contratto federale degli Stati Uniti per American Robotics come appaltatore principale, posizionando l'azienda per una possibile espansione nei contratti Program of Record con finanziamenti a lungo termine.

Il contratto prevede l'impiego di droni con un carico utile 'sniffer' per monitorare le emissioni delle navi, incluse ossidi di zolfo (SOx), ossidi di azoto (NOx) e anidride carbonica (CO2), in conformità con le normative MARPOL Allegato 6. Questo approccio innovativo mira a migliorare la sicurezza, l'efficienza e la conformità normativa nel monitoraggio delle emissioni marittime.

La riuscita implementazione di questo contratto potrebbe portare a un monitoraggio autonomo più ampio nei principali porti statunitensi, rappresentando un'opportunità di crescita significativa per American Robotics nei settori dei porti, degli operatori terminal e della sicurezza interna.

American Robotics de Ondas Holdings ha asegurado un contrato significativo con la Guardia Costera de los Estados Unidos (USCG) para el monitoreo de emisiones marítimas, apoyando las Iniciativas de Puertos Limpios de la EPA. Este es el primer contrato federal en EE. UU. para American Robotics como contratista principal, posicionando a la empresa para una posible expansión hacia contratos del Programa de Registro con financiamiento a largo plazo.

El contrato implica el despliegue de drones con una carga útil 'sniffer' para monitorear las emisiones de los buques, incluyendo óxidos de azufre (SOx), óxidos de nitrógeno (NOx) y dióxido de carbono (CO2), cumpliendo con las regulaciones del Anexo 6 de MARPOL. Este enfoque innovador tiene como objetivo mejorar la seguridad, la eficiencia y el cumplimiento regulatorio en el monitoreo de emisiones marítimas.

La implementación exitosa de este contrato podría abrir la puerta a un monitoreo autónomo más amplío en los principales puertos de EE. UU., representando una oportunidad de crecimiento significativa para American Robotics en los sectores de puertos, operadores terminales y seguridad nacional.

온다스 홀딩스의 아메리칸 로보틱스미국 해안 경비대 (USCG)와 해양 배출 모니터링을 위한 중요한 계약을 체결하였습니다. 이는 EPA 청정 항구 이니셔티브를 지원하며, 아메리칸 로보틱스가 주요 계약자로서 체결한 첫 번째 미국 연방 계약으로, 장기 자금 지원을 위한 기록 프로그램 계약으로의 확장 가능성을 염두에 두고 있습니다.

해당 계약은 드론을 배치하여 '스니퍼' 장비를 사용해 선박의 배출가스, 즉 황산화물 (SOx), 질소산화물 (NOx), 이산화탄소 (CO2)를 모니터링하는 내용을 포함하며, 이는 MARPOL 부속서 6 규정을 준수합니다. 이 혁신적인 접근법은 해양 배출 모니터링의 안전성, 효율성 및 규제 준수를 향상시키는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

이 계약의 성공적인 이행은 주요 미국 항구 전역에서 보다 광범위한 자율 모니터링으로 이어질 수 있으며, 항구, 터미널 운영자 및 국가안보 부문에서 아메리칸 로보틱스의 중요한 성장 기회를 나타냅니다.

American Robotics d'Ondas Holdings a obtenu un contrat significatif avec la Garde côtière des États-Unis (USCG) pour le suivi des émissions maritimes, soutenant les initiatives Clean Ports de l'EPA. Cela marque le premier contrat fédéral américain d'American Robotics en tant que contractant principal, positionnant l'entreprise pour une expansion potentielle dans les contrats du Programme de Référence avec un financement à long terme.

Le contrat implique le déploiement de drones avec une charge utile 'sniffer' pour surveiller les émissions des navires, y compris oxydes de soufre (SOx), oxydes d'azote (NOx) et dioxyde de carbone (CO2), conformément aux règlements MARPOL Annexe 6. Cette approche innovante vise à améliorer la sécurité, l'efficacité et la conformité réglementaire dans le suivi des émissions maritimes.

La mise en œuvre réussie de ce contrat pourrait conduire à un monitoring autonome plus large dans les principaux ports américains, représentant une opportunité de croissance significative pour American Robotics dans les secteurs des ports, des opérateurs de terminaux et de la sécurité intérieure.

American Robotics von Ondas Holdings hat einen bedeutenden Vertrag mit der United States Coast Guard (USCG) zum Monitoring von maritimen Emissionen gesichert, um die EPA Clean Ports-Initiativen zu unterstützen. Dies markiert den ersten US-Bundesvertrag von American Robotics als Hauptauftragnehmer und positioniert das Unternehmen für eine mögliche Expansion in Program of Record Verträge mit langfristigen Finanzierungen.

Der Vertrag umfasst den Einsatz von Drohnen mit einer 'Sniffer'-Nutzlast, um die Emissionen von Schiffen, einschließlich Schwefeloxiden (SOx), Stickstoffoxiden (NOx) und Kohlendioxid (CO2), gemäß den MARPOL-Anhang 6-Vorschriften zu überwachen. Dieser innovative Ansatz zielt darauf ab, die Sicherheit, Effizienz und die Einhaltung von Vorschriften im maritimen Emissionsmonitoring zu verbessern.

Die erfolgreiche Umsetzung dieses Vertrags könnte zu einem breiteren autonomen Monitoring in den großen US-Häfen führen und stellt eine bedeutende Wachstumschance für American Robotics im Hafen-, Terminalbetreiber- und Heimatschutzsektor dar.

  • Secured first U.S. federal contract as prime contractor with USCG
  • Potential for expansion into Program of Record contracts with long-term funding
  • Opportunity to support USCG, EPA, and DOJ in maritime emissions monitoring
  • Possible expansion of autonomous monitoring across major U.S. ports
  • Broadens portfolio in security and inspection solutions for ports and homeland security sectors
  • None.


The contract awarded to American Robotics by the U.S. Coast Guard represents a significant development in maritime emissions monitoring. This initiative aligns with the EPA's Clean Ports program and international MARPOL Annex 6 regulations, addressing a critical environmental concern.

The deployment of drone technology for emissions monitoring could be a game-changer in environmental compliance. Traditional methods of emissions monitoring are often labor-intensive and intermittent. Drone-based systems offer the potential for more frequent, consistent and cost-effective monitoring, which could lead to improved enforcement of emissions standards.

However, it's important to note potential challenges:

  • Regulatory hurdles for widespread drone deployment in port areas
  • Accuracy and reliability of drone-based emissions measurements
  • Data security and privacy concerns

If successful, this program could set a new standard for emissions monitoring in ports worldwide, potentially leading to stricter enforcement of environmental regulations and accelerating the shipping industry's transition to cleaner technologies.

American Robotics' contract with the USCG marks a significant milestone in the application of drone technology for environmental monitoring. The use of a "sniffer" payload for real-time monitoring of vessel emissions demonstrates the versatility and growing sophistication of drone systems.

Key technological implications include:

  • Integration of specialized sensors for detecting multiple pollutants (SOx, NOx, CO2)
  • Development of real-time data processing and transmission capabilities
  • Potential for AI and machine learning applications in emissions pattern recognition

This contract could serve as a catalyst for further innovation in the drone industry, particularly in environmental and regulatory applications. It also positions American Robotics as a pioneer in this niche market, potentially leading to further contracts and partnerships.

The mention of potential integration with Ondas' Optimus System, Iron Drone Raider and Kestrel C-UAS solutions suggests a broader strategic vision for comprehensive port security and monitoring systems. This could open up significant new market opportunities beyond emissions monitoring.

This contract represents a significant business opportunity for Ondas Holdings and its subsidiary American Robotics. As their first U.S. federal contract as a prime contractor, it opens doors to a potentially lucrative market segment.

Key financial implications:

  • Diversification of revenue streams into government contracts
  • Potential for long-term, stable income if the program becomes a Program of Record
  • Opportunity for expansion into other major U.S. ports, significantly increasing the contract's value

While the specific contract value isn't disclosed, federal contracts often involve substantial sums. More importantly, success in this project could lead to additional contracts with other federal agencies, providing a strong growth trajectory.

Investors should note that this development could positively impact Ondas' future revenue projections and market valuation. However, it's important to monitor the contract's execution and any announcements regarding its potential expansion into a Program of Record.

The stock market may react favorably to this news, potentially leading to an increase in Ondas' stock price (NASDAQ:ONDS). However, as with any new venture, investors should be aware of execution risks and the potential for delays in realizing significant revenue from this contract.

Data Collection and Analysis of Emissions Including Sulphur Oxides, Nitrogen Oxides, and Carbon Dioxide to Support Compliance with MARPOL Annex 6 Regulations

Contract Expands American Robotics' Reach into Strategically Important Ports and Logistics Markets

Positions American Robotics for Significant Market Expansion and Future Growth Opportunities Potentially with U.S. Federal Program of Record Contracts That are Typically Approved for Long Term Funding

BALTIMORE, MD / ACCESSWIRE / July 31, 2024 / Ondas Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:ONDS) ("Ondas" or the "Company"), a leading provider of private industrial wireless networks and commercial drone and automated data solutions, announced today that its wholly owned subsidiary American Robotics Inc. ("American Robotics") was awarded a firm, fixed-price contract by the United States Coast Guard (USCG). This contract marks the first U.S. federal contract for American Robotics as a prime contractor, showcasing the breadth of its innovative autonomous, end-to-end data solutions portfolio.

Timothy "T3" Tenne, CEO of American Robotics, stated, "This contract is a significant achievement for American Robotics. It not only validates our reputation as a leading critical operations and service provider, but also opens the door to future opportunities with federal agencies. Deploying drones for data collection and analysis to support compliance with environmental standards enables a seismic shift in how these types of monitoring operations are currently being performed today. We expect to demonstrate increased safety and efficiency, and most importantly, provide regulatory compliant data that will aid in reducing toxic pollutants from the air."

American Robotics, through this contract, has a significant opportunity to support the USCG, along with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Department of Justice (DOJ) for maritime emissions monitoring in the United States. The implementation of this contract will involve a "sniffer" payload that provides real-time monitoring of vessel emissions, including sulphur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and carbon dioxide (CO2), supporting compliance with the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) Annex 6 regulations.

American Robotics believes it is possible that a successful operation could lead to the establishment of a Program of Record. This would broaden the scope of autonomous monitoring of emissions across major U.S. ports on a regular basis representing a significant opportunity for American Robotics. Emissions monitoring applications further expand American Robotics' portfolio of capabilities around delivering security and inspection solutions to ports, terminal operators and homeland security sectors and is expected to offer opportunities for expanded integration of Ondas' Optimus System, Iron Drone Raider, and Kestrel C-UAS solutions in the future.

Large shipping vessels, primarily powered by fossil fuels, are major contributors to various polluting emissions, notably SOx, NOx, and CO2. These emissions pose risks to both human health and the environment, with short-term exposure to SOx causing respiratory issues and breathing difficulties. SOx also contributes to the formation of particulate aerosols, which have negative impacts on human health. Areas with high maritime traffic face considerable ship-generated emissions, especially impacting residents of port cities and coastal communities.

MARPOL Annex 6 regulations address air pollution from ocean-going ships. The international air pollution requirements of Annex 6 establish limits on NOx emissions and require the use of fuel with lower sulfur content, protecting people's health and the environment by reducing ozone-producing pollution, which can cause smog and aggravate asthma. The requirements apply to vessels operating in U.S. waters as well as ships operating within 200 nautical miles of the coast of North America, also known as the North American Emission Control Area (ECA).

About Ondas Holdings Inc.

Ondas Holdings Inc. ("Ondas") is a leading provider of private wireless data solutions via Ondas Networks Inc. ("Ondas Networks") and commercial drone solutions through Ondas Autonomous Holdings Inc. via its wholly owned subsidiaries American Robotics, Inc. ("American Robotics" or "AR") and Airobotics LTD ("Airobotics"), which we operate as a separate business unit called Ondas Autonomous Systems.

Ondas Networks is a developer of proprietary, software-based wireless broadband technology for large established and emerging commercial and government markets. Ondas Networks' standards-based (802.16s), multi-patented, software-defined radio FullMAX platform enables Mission-Critical IoT (MC-IoT) applications by overcoming the bandwidth limitations of today's legacy private licensed wireless networks. Ondas Networks' customer end markets include railroads, utilities, oil and gas, transportation, aviation (including drone operators) and government entities whose demands span a wide range of mission critical applications.

Our Ondas Autonomous Systems business unit designs, develops, and markets autonomous drone solutions via the Optimus System™ - the world's first FAA certified small UAS (sUAS) developed for aerial security and data capture and the Iron Drone Raider™, a counter-drone system designed to protect from the growing threat of hostile drones. The Optimus and Iron Drone Raider platforms are highly automated, AI-powered drone systems capable of continuous, remote operation and are marketed as "drone-in-a-box" turnkey security and data solution. They are deployed for critical defense, industrial and government applications where security, data and information collection and processing are required. American Robotics and Airobotics have industry leading regulatory successes which include a first of its kind FAA Type Certification for the Optimus System and having the first drone system approved by the FAA for automated operation beyond-visual-line-of-sight (BVLOS) without a human operator on-site.

Ondas Networks, American Robotics and Airobotics together provide users in defense, homeland security, public safety and other critical industrial and government security and infrastructure markets with improved connectivity, situational awareness and data collection and information processing capabilities.

For additional information on Ondas Holdings, visit or follow Ondas Holdings on X formerly known as Twitter and LinkedIn. For additional information on Ondas Networks, visit or follow Ondas Networks on X and LinkedIn. For additional information on American Robotics, visit or follow American Robotics on X and LinkedIn. For additional information on Airobotics, visit or follow Airobotics on X and LinkedIn.

Information on our websites and social media platforms is not incorporated by reference in this release or in any of our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Forward-Looking Statements

Statements made in this release that are not statements of historical or current facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. We caution readers that forward-looking statements are predictions based on our current expectations about future events. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Our actual results, performance, or achievements could differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of factors, including the risks discussed under the heading "Risk Factors" discussed under the caption "Item 1A. Risk Factors" in Part I of our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K or any updates discussed under the caption "Item 1A. Risk Factors" in Part II of our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and in our other filings with the SEC. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise that occur after that date, except as required by law.


IR Contact for Ondas Holdings Inc.

Media Contact for Ondas
Preston Grimes
Marketing Manager, Ondas Holdings Inc.

SOURCE: Ondas Holdings Inc.

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What is the purpose of American Robotics' contract with the United States Coast Guard?

The contract is for maritime emissions monitoring to support EPA Clean Ports Initiatives, specifically monitoring vessel emissions of sulphur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and carbon dioxide (CO2) to ensure compliance with MARPOL Annex 6 regulations.

How will American Robotics (ONDS) conduct maritime emissions monitoring for the USCG?

American Robotics will deploy drones equipped with a 'sniffer' payload to provide real-time monitoring of vessel emissions, including SOx, NOx, and CO2.

What potential growth opportunities does this contract present for American Robotics (ONDS)?

The contract positions American Robotics for potential expansion into Program of Record contracts with long-term funding, and could lead to broader autonomous monitoring across major U.S. ports, representing significant growth opportunities in the ports, terminal operators, and homeland security sectors.

How does the USCG contract align with American Robotics' (ONDS) business strategy?

The contract expands American Robotics' reach into strategically important ports and logistics markets, broadening its portfolio of capabilities in security and inspection solutions for ports and homeland security sectors.
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