Ondas' Airobotics Launches Global Demonstration Tour to Showcase Iron Drone Raider System Revolutionizing Counter-Drone Defense with AI-Enabled Interception

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Ondas Holdings' (NASDAQ:ONDS) subsidiary Airobotics has launched a global demonstration tour for its Iron Drone Raider counter-drone system. The tour will showcase the system's capabilities in intercepting and neutralizing hostile drones across North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, targeting defense, homeland security, and critical infrastructure sectors.

The initiative follows successful deployments and expanded purchase orders from a major military customer. The Iron Drone Raider is a fully autonomous system that detects, tracks, and neutralizes hostile drones without requiring GPS or RF jamming, using AI and sensor fusion technology. The system features automated docking stations for rapid deployment of multiple interceptors.

The counter-drone market, valued at $1.6 billion in 2023, is projected to grow at a 27.8% CAGR, reaching $14.9 billion by 2032. The company has established a specialized demonstration team of drone operators, engineers, and security specialists to conduct live demonstrations in realistic operational environments.

La sussidiaria di Ondas Holdings (NASDAQ:ONDS), Airobotics, ha avviato un tour dimostrativo globale per il suo sistema anti-drone Iron Drone Raider. Il tour metterà in mostra le capacità del sistema nell'intercettare e neutralizzare droni ostili in Nord America, Europa, Medio Oriente e Asia, rivolgendo particolare attenzione ai settori della difesa, della sicurezza interna e delle infrastrutture critiche.

Questa iniziativa segue il successo di schieramenti precedenti e l'ampliamento degli ordini da un importante cliente militare. L'Iron Drone Raider è un sistema completamente autonomo che rileva, traccia e neutralizza droni ostili senza necessità di GPS o jamming RF, utilizzando tecnologia di intelligenza artificiale e fusione di sensori. Il sistema è dotato di stazioni di docking automatizzate per un rapido dispiegamento di più intercettori.

Il mercato dei contro-droni, valutato 1,6 miliardi di dollari nel 2023, è previsto crescere con un CAGR del 27,8%, raggiungendo 14,9 miliardi di dollari entro il 2032. L'azienda ha creato un team di dimostrazione specializzato composto da operatori di droni, ingegneri e specialisti della sicurezza per condurre dimostrazioni dal vivo in ambienti operativi realistici.

La subsidiaria de Ondas Holdings (NASDAQ:ONDS), Airobotics, ha lanzado una gira de demostración global para su sistema anti-drones Iron Drone Raider. La gira mostrará las capacidades del sistema para interceptar y neutralizar drones hostiles en América del Norte, Europa, Medio Oriente y Asia, enfocándose en los sectores de defensa, seguridad nacional e infraestructura crítica.

Esta iniciativa sigue a despliegues exitosos y órdenes de compra ampliadas de un importante cliente militar. El Iron Drone Raider es un sistema completamente autónomo que detecta, rastrea y neutraliza drones hostiles sin necesidad de GPS o interferencias de RF, utilizando tecnología de inteligencia artificial y fusión de sensores. El sistema cuenta con estaciones de acoplamiento automatizadas para un despliegue rápido de múltiples interceptores.

El mercado de contra-drones, valorado en 1,6 mil millones de dólares en 2023, se proyecta que crecerá a una tasa de crecimiento anual compuesta (CAGR) del 27,8%, alcanzando 14,9 mil millones de dólares para 2032. La empresa ha establecido un equipo de demostración especializado compuesto por operadores de drones, ingenieros y especialistas en seguridad para realizar demostraciones en vivo en entornos operativos realistas.

온다스 홀딩스(NASDAQ:ONDS)의 자회사인 아이로봇릭스(Airobotics)가 자사의 아이언 드론 레이더(Iron Drone Raider) 대 드론 시스템에 대한 글로벌 시연 투어를 시작했습니다. 이 투어는 북미, 유럽, 중동 및 아시아에서 적대적인 드론을 탐지하고 무력화하는 시스템의 기능을 선보일 예정이며, 방위, 국내 보안 및 중요한 인프라 분야를 목표로 하고 있습니다.

이 이니셔티브는 주요 군사 고객으로부터의 성공적인 배치와 구매 주문 확대에 이어 진행됩니다. 아이언 드론 레이더는 GPS나 RF 재밍 없이 적대적인 드론을 탐지, 추적 및 무력화하는 완전 자율 시스템으로, AI 및 센서 융합 기술을 사용합니다. 이 시스템은 여러 개의 인터셉터를 신속하게 배치할 수 있는 자동 도킹 스테이션을 갖추고 있습니다.

2023년 16억 달러로 평가된 대 드론 시장은 27.8%의 연평균 성장률(CAGR)로 성장할 것으로 예상되며, 2032년에는 149억 달러에 이를 것으로 보입니다. 회사는 실제 운영 환경에서 라이브 데모를 수행하기 위해 드론 운영자, 엔지니어 및 보안 전문가로 구성된 전문 시연 팀을 구성했습니다.

La filiale d'Ondas Holdings (NASDAQ:ONDS), Airobotics, a lancé une tournée de démonstration mondiale pour son système anti-drones Iron Drone Raider. La tournée mettra en avant les capacités du système à intercepter et neutraliser des drones hostiles en Amérique du Nord, en Europe, au Moyen-Orient et en Asie, en ciblant les secteurs de la défense, de la sécurité intérieure et des infrastructures critiques.

Cette initiative fait suite à des déploiements réussis et à des commandes élargies d'un client militaire majeur. L'Iron Drone Raider est un système entièrement autonome qui détecte, suit et neutralise des drones hostiles sans avoir besoin de GPS ou de brouillage RF, utilisant des technologies d'intelligence artificielle et de fusion de capteurs. Le système comprend des stations de docking automatisées pour un déploiement rapide de plusieurs intercepteurs.

Le marché des contre-drones, évalué à 1,6 milliard de dollars en 2023, devrait croître à un taux de croissance annuel composé (CAGR) de 27,8 %, atteignant 14,9 milliards de dollars d'ici 2032. L'entreprise a constitué une équipe de démonstration spécialisée composée d'opérateurs de drones, d'ingénieurs et de spécialistes de la sécurité pour réaliser des démonstrations en direct dans des environnements opérationnels réalistes.

Die Tochtergesellschaft von Ondas Holdings (NASDAQ:ONDS), Airobotics, hat eine globale Vorführungstour für ihr Anti-Drohnen-System Iron Drone Raider gestartet. Die Tour wird die Fähigkeiten des Systems demonstrieren, feindliche Drohnen in Nordamerika, Europa, dem Nahen Osten und Asien abzufangen und zu neutralisieren, wobei der Fokus auf den Bereichen Verteidigung, Innere Sicherheit und kritische Infrastruktur liegt.

Diese Initiative folgt auf erfolgreiche Einsätze und erweiterte Bestellungen eines wichtigen Militärkunden. Der Iron Drone Raider ist ein vollständig autonomes System, das feindliche Drohnen erkennt, verfolgt und neutralisiert, ohne GPS oder RF-Jamming zu benötigen, und dabei KI- und Sensortechnologie nutzt. Das System verfügt über automatisierte Dockingstationen für den schnellen Einsatz mehrerer Interzeptoren.

Der Markt für Anti-Drohnen, der 2023 auf 1,6 Milliarden US-Dollar geschätzt wird, wird voraussichtlich mit einer jährlichen Wachstumsrate (CAGR) von 27,8 % wachsen und bis 2032 14,9 Milliarden US-Dollar erreichen. Das Unternehmen hat ein spezialisiertes Demoteam aus Drohnenbetreibern, Ingenieuren und Sicherheitsspezialisten eingerichtet, um Live-Demonstrationen in realistischen Betriebsumgebungen durchzuführen.

  • Successful deployment and expansion of initial purchase orders from major military customer
  • Operating in a rapidly growing market projected to reach $14.9B by 2032 (27.8% CAGR)
  • System offers unique capabilities with minimal collateral damage and reusability after interception
  • None.


The global demonstration tour of the Iron Drone Raider represents a strategic pivot in Ondas' market penetration strategy, particularly significant given the counter-drone market's projected $14.9 billion valuation by 2032. The timing is especially crucial, as the company leverages existing military success to expand its footprint across multiple regions.

The system's technological differentiation is noteworthy in three key aspects:

  • Independence from GPS/RF jamming, important for reliability in contested environments
  • Physical interception capability with minimal collateral damage, essential for urban deployments
  • Reusable interceptors, significantly reducing the total cost of ownership compared to single-use solutions

The establishment of a dedicated demonstration team signals a shift from theoretical sales to practical, hands-on validation - a critical step in the defense sector where real-world performance verification is paramount. This approach could accelerate the sales cycle by allowing immediate stakeholder evaluation of the system's capabilities in their specific operational environments.

The strategic focus on multiple regions simultaneously indicates confidence in the system's market readiness and scalability. However, success will depend on navigating complex regional defense procurement processes and varying regulatory frameworks for drone operations. The emphasis on both military and critical infrastructure applications suggests a dual-market strategy that could help maintain steady growth even during defense budget fluctuations.

Dedicated demonstration team to provide live, real-world presentations to defense and security organizations across North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, targeting defense, homeland security, and critical infrastructure sectors

Iron Drone Raider offers autonomous detection, tracking, and neutralization of hostile drones with AI-powered capabilities

Counter-drone market is projected to grow to $14.9 billion by 2032, reinforcing demand for innovative security solutions

BOSTON, MA / ACCESS Newswire / February 18, 2025 / Ondas Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:ONDS) ("Ondas" or the "Company"), a leading provider of private industrial wireless networks and commercial drone and automated data solutions, announced today that its subsidiary Airobotics launched a global demonstration team for the Iron Drone Raider counter-drone system. This initiative will allow customers worldwide to witness firsthand the system's advanced capabilities in intercepting and neutralizing hostile drones in real-time scenarios.

Following the successful deployment and expansion of initial purchase orders by a major military customer, the demand for the Iron Drone Raider continues to grow. With ongoing conflicts highlighting the increasing threat posed by small, hostile drones, military and homeland security agencies are actively seeking cost-effective, AI-driven solutions to counter these threats. The global demonstration tour aims to provide defense and security organizations with a live experience of the Raider's autonomous interception technology in action, highlighting its intelligent navigation and sophisticated mitigation capabilities. These demonstrations are timely considering the urgent need to create layered defenses against the threats from hostile drones.

"We believe the Iron Drone Raider represents the most advanced counter-drone technology available today, which we are now demonstrating with a growing set of target customers and partners globally," stated Eric Brock, Chairman and CEO of Ondas Holdings. "The system is uniquely built-for-purpose with low collateral impact and reuse after successful interception. The success of our recent military deployments, coupled with increasing demand for cost-effective, automated drone defense solutions, underscores the importance of demonstrating our technology to global customers in real-world conditions. We look forward to expanding our partnerships and ensuring our technology is at the forefront of modern defense and homeland security strategies."

Expanding Global Presence & Strategic Partnerships
The demonstrations are being held in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, targeting key defense, homeland security, and critical infrastructure stakeholders. By showcasing the Raider's unique AI-enabled interception capabilities, Ondas' Airobotics aims to strengthen its position as a leading provider of counter-drone solutions.

The growing threat of hostile drones is creating significant demand for security solutions such as the Iron Drone Raider. While weaponized drones are an obvious threat, other drones used for surveillance and for the smuggling of drugs and weapons are also often considered hostile. According to industry analysts, the counter-drone market, valued at approximately $1.6 billion in 2023, is projected to grow at a 27.8% CAGR to reach $14.9 billion by 2032. Ondas believes that the demand for Counter-UAS solutions is accelerating, driven primarily by defense and homeland security sectors seeking protection for borders, critical infrastructure, and civilian populations.

Dedicated Demonstration Team to Showcase Iron Drone Raider
To ensure the success of the demonstration tour, Ondas' Airobotics has established a specialized demonstration team composed of experienced drone operators, engineers, and security specialists. This team will travel globally to key regions, conducting live demonstrations in realistic operational environments. The team will work closely with military, homeland security, and critical infrastructure stakeholders to demonstrate the Raider's capabilities and provide hands-on insights into its autonomous counter-drone operations.

Iron Drone Raider: Advanced Capabilities and Unique Features
The Iron Drone Raider is a fully autonomous counter-drone system designed to detect, track, and neutralize hostile drones without requiring GPS or RF jamming. Leveraging cutting-edge AI and sensor fusion technology, the Raider system autonomously launches high-speed interceptor drones to physically disable threats with minimal collateral damage. The system operates efficiently in complex environments, including urban areas and battlefield settings, ensuring seamless defense against both RF-controlled and autonomous enemy drones. Its automated docking station enables rapid deployment of multiple interceptors, allowing for continuous protection against persistent drone threats.

About Ondas Holdings Inc.
Ondas Holdings Inc. ("Ondas") is a leading provider of private wireless data solutions via Ondas Networks Inc. ("Ondas Networks") and commercial drone solutions through Ondas Autonomous Systems Inc. via its wholly owned subsidiaries American Robotics, Inc. ("American Robotics" or "AR") and Airobotics LTD ("Airobotics"), which we operate as a separate business unit called Ondas Autonomous Systems.

Ondas Networks is a developer of proprietary, software-based wireless broadband technology for large established and emerging commercial and government markets. Ondas Networks' standards-based (802.16s), multi-patented, software-defined radio FullMAX platform enables Mission-Critical IoT (MC-IoT) applications by overcoming the bandwidth limitations of today's legacy private licensed wireless networks. Ondas Networks' customer end markets include railroads, utilities, oil and gas, transportation, aviation (including drone operators) and government entities whose demands span a wide range of mission critical applications.

Ondas Autonomous Systems Inc. (OAS) specializes in designing, developing, and marketing autonomous drone solutions via its two advanced drone platforms: the Optimus System, the world's first FAA-certified small UAS (sUAS) for aerial security and data capture, and the Iron Drone Raider, a counter-drone system designed to combat hostile drones. Both platforms are highly automated, AI-powered, and capable of continuous, remote operation for critical defense, infrastructure, industrial, and government applications. American Robotics and Airobotics have achieved industry-leading regulatory milestones, including the first-ever FAA Type Certification for the Optimus System and the first drone system approved by the FAA for automated beyond-visual-line-of-sight (BVLOS) operations without an on-site human operator.

Ondas Networks, American Robotics and Airobotics together provide users in defense, homeland security, public safety and other critical industrial and government security and infrastructure markets with improved connectivity, situational awareness and data collection and information processing capabilities. 

For additional information on Ondas Holdings, visit or follow Ondas Holdings on X formerly known as Twitter and LinkedIn. For additional information on Ondas Networks, visit or follow Ondas Networks on X and LinkedIn. For additional information on American Robotics, visit or follow American Robotics on X and LinkedIn. For additional information on Airobotics, visit or follow Airobotics on X and LinkedIn. For additional information on Ondas Autonomous Systems, follow us on LinkedIn.

Information on our websites and social media platforms is not incorporated by reference in this release or in any of our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Forward-Looking Statements
Statements made in this release that are not statements of historical or current facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. We caution readers that forward-looking statements are predictions based on our current expectations about future events. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Our actual results, performance, or achievements could differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of factors, including the risks discussed under the heading "Risk Factors" discussed under the caption "Item 1A. Risk Factors" in Part I of our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K or any updates discussed under the caption "Item 1A. Risk Factors" in Part II of our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and in our other filings with the SEC. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise that occur after that date, except as required by law.

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Media Contact for Ondas
Escalate PR

Preston Grimes
Marketing Manager, Ondas Holdings Inc.

SOURCE: Ondas Holdings Inc.

View the original press release on ACCESS Newswire


What is the projected market size for counter-drone technology by 2032 according to Ondas (ONDS)?

According to the press release, the counter-drone market is projected to grow to $14.9 billion by 2032, with a CAGR of 27.8% from its 2023 value of $1.6 billion.

Which regions will Ondas (ONDS) showcase the Iron Drone Raider system in 2025?

Ondas will showcase the Iron Drone Raider system across North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, targeting defense, homeland security, and critical infrastructure sectors.

What are the key features of Ondas' (ONDS) Iron Drone Raider system?

The Iron Drone Raider is a fully autonomous counter-drone system that detects, tracks, and neutralizes hostile drones without GPS or RF jamming, using AI and sensor fusion technology. It includes automated docking stations for rapid deployment of multiple interceptors.

How has the Iron Drone Raider performed with military customers?

According to the press release, the Iron Drone Raider has achieved successful deployment and expansion of initial purchase orders from a major military customer.
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