Old National Team Members Volunteer a Record 7,600 Hours to 196 Organizations

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Old National Bancorp (NASDAQ: ONB) achieved record-breaking participation in its 3rd annual Better Together Days, a two-day volunteer initiative held on Sept. 18-19, 2024. The event saw 2,433 team members contribute 7,600 hours to 196 organizations across nine states. This volunteer blitz, which included virtual opportunities, allowed employees to serve communities in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.

Kathy Schoettlin, Chief Brand & Culture Officer, emphasized the importance of this initiative in maintaining the bank's community-focused mission. Old National, the sixth largest commercial bank in the Midwest with $53 billion in assets and $30 billion in assets under management, ranks among the top 30 banking companies in the United States. The company was also recognized as one of 'The Civic 50' by Points of Light in 2024 for its community engagement.

Old National Bancorp (NASDAQ: ONB) ha raggiunto un'interazione record nella sua 3ª edizione annuale dei Better Together Days, un'iniziativa di volontariato di due giorni tenutasi dal 18 al 19 settembre 2024. L'evento ha visto 2.433 membri del team contribuire con 7.600 ore a 196 organizzazioni in nove stati. Questo blitz di volontariato, che ha incluso opportunità virtuali, ha permesso ai dipendenti di servire le comunità in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Carolina del Nord, Tennessee e Wisconsin.

Kathy Schoettlin, Chief Brand & Culture Officer, ha enfatizzato l'importanza di questa iniziativa per mantenere la missione focalizzata sulla comunità della banca. Old National, la sesta banca commerciale più grande nel Midwest con 53 miliardi di dollari in attivi e 30 miliardi di dollari in attivi sotto gestione, si colloca tra le prime 30 aziende bancarie negli Stati Uniti. L'azienda è stata inoltre riconosciuta come una delle 'The Civic 50' da Points of Light nel 2024 per il suo impegno nella comunità.

Old National Bancorp (NASDAQ: ONB) logró una participación récord en su 3er evento anual Better Together Days, una iniciativa de voluntariado de dos días celebrada el 18 y 19 de septiembre de 2024. El evento vio 2,433 miembros del equipo contribuir con 7,600 horas a 196 organizaciones en nueve estados. Este ataque de voluntariado, que incluyó oportunidades virtuales, permitió a los empleados servir a las comunidades en Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Carolina del Norte, Tennessee y Wisconsin.

Kathy Schoettlin, Directora de Marca y Cultura, enfatizó la importancia de esta iniciativa para mantener la misión centrada en la comunidad del banco. Old National, el sexto banco comercial más grande del Medio Oeste con 53 mil millones de dólares en activos y 30 mil millones de dólares en activos bajo gestión, se encuentra entre las 30 principales empresas bancarias de Estados Unidos. La compañía también fue reconocida como una de 'The Civic 50' por Points of Light en 2024 por su compromiso con la comunidad.

올드 내셔널 뱅코프(NASDAQ: ONB)는 2024년 9월 18일부터 19일까지 이틀 동안 진행된 제3회 연례 베터 투게더 데이즈에서 역대 최고의 참여를 달성했습니다. 이 행사에서는 2,433명의 팀원이 7,600시간을 기여했으며, 아홉 개 주의 196개 기관에 도움을 주었습니다. 이 자원봉사 캠페인에는 가상 기회도 포함되어 있어 직원들이 일리노이, 인디애나, 아이오와, 켄터키, 미시간, 미니애폴리스, 노스캐롤라이나, 테네시, 위스콘신의 지역 사회에 봉사할 수 있었습니다.

캐시 쇼렛린 브랜드 및 문화 책임자는 이 이니셔티브가 은행의 지역 사회 중심 사명을 유지하는 데 얼마나 중요한지를 강조했습니다. 올드 내셔널은 미드웨스트에서 여섯 번째로 큰 상업은행이며, 530억 달러의 자산300억 달러의 관리 자산을 보유하고 있어 미국에서 30대 은행 회사 중 하나로 평가받고 있습니다. 또한 이 회사는 2024년 Points of Light의 '더 시빅 50' 중 하나로 지역 사회 참여가 인정받았습니다.

Old National Bancorp (NASDAQ: ONB) a atteint un niveau de participation record lors de sa 3e édition annuelle des Better Together Days, une initiative de bénévolat de deux jours qui s'est tenue les 18 et 19 septembre 2024. L'événement a vu 2 433 membres de l'équipe contribuer 7 600 heures à 196 organisations dans neuf États. Ce blitz de bénévolat, qui a inclus des opportunités virtuelles, a permis aux employés de servir des communautés dans l'Illinois, l'Indiana, l'Iowa, le Kentucky, le Michigan, le Minnesota, la Caroline du Nord, le Tennessee et le Wisconsin.

Kathy Schoettlin, Directrice de la marque et de la culture, a souligné l'importance de cette initiative pour maintenir la mission axée sur la communauté de la banque. Old National, la sixième plus grande banque commerciale du Midwest avec 53 milliards de dollars d'actifs et 30 milliards de dollars d'actifs sous gestion, se classe parmi les 30 principales entreprises bancaires aux États-Unis. L'entreprise a également été reconnue comme l'une des 'The Civic 50' par Points of Light en 2024 pour son engagement communautaire.

Old National Bancorp (NASDAQ: ONB) erzielte eine rekordverdächtige Teilnahme an den 3. jährlichen Better Together Days, einer zweitägigen Freiwilligeninitiative, die am 18. und 19. September 2024 stattfand. Die Veranstaltung sah 2.433 Teammitglieder, die 7.600 Stunden für 196 Organisationen in neun Bundesstaaten beitrugen. Dieser Freiwilligen-Angriff, der auch virtuelle Möglichkeiten beinhaltete, ermöglichte es den Mitarbeitern, den Gemeinschaften in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Tennessee und Wisconsin zu dienen.

Kathy Schoettlin, Chief Brand & Culture Officer, betonte die Bedeutung dieser Initiative zur Wahrung der gemeinwohlorientierten Mission der Bank. Old National, die sechstgrößte Geschäftsbank im Mittleren Westen mit 53 Milliarden Dollar an Vermögenswerten und 30 Milliarden Dollar an verwalteten Vermögenswerten, gehört zu den Top 30 der Bankenunternehmen in den Vereinigten Staaten. Das Unternehmen wurde 2024 auch von Points of Light als eines der 'The Civic 50' für sein Engagement in der Gemeinschaft anerkannt.

  • Record-breaking volunteer participation with 2,433 team members contributing 7,600 hours
  • Served 196 organizations across nine states, demonstrating wide community impact
  • Recognition as one of 'The Civic 50' most community-minded companies in the US
  • $53 billion in assets and $30 billion in assets under management
  • Ranks among the top 30 banking companies in the United States
  • None.

Two-day ‘Better Together Days’ volunteer blitz gives to communities

EVANSVILLE, Ind., Sept. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Old National Bancorp (“Old National”) set records for team member volunteer participation, hours, and organizations served during its 3rd annual Better Together Days, a two-day volunteer blitz held on Sept. 18-19, 2024, across nine states served by Old National banking centers.

The two days, where Old National team members signed-up for four-hour volunteer shifts, provided team members across Old National’s Midwest and Southeast footprint with a chance to give back to the communities where they live and work. Virtual volunteer opportunities were also made available. Volunteers served almost 200 nonprofit and other organizations in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.

In every market that Old National serves, team members were encouraged to sign up for a volunteer shift during the two-day blitz. There were also virtual volunteer opportunities.

Better Together Days 2024 by the numbers:

  • 2,433 Old National team members participating
  • 7,600 hours volunteering
  • 196 organizations served
  • 9 states hosting volunteer opportunities

“As a community bank, our annual Better Together Days really keeps us grounded in terms of our mission,” said Kathy Schoettlin, Chief Brand & Culture Officer. “We’re also proud of our team members for making service a vital part of our organizational culture and serving almost 200 nonprofits and organizations throughout the Midwest and Southeast.”

For high-resolution photos or video inquiries please email

Old National Bancorp (NASDAQ: ONB) is the holding company of Old National Bank. As the sixth largest commercial bank headquartered in the Midwest, Old National proudly serves clients primarily in the Midwest and Southeast. With approximately $53 billion of assets and $30 billion of assets under management, Old National ranks among the top 30 banking companies headquartered in the United States. Tracing our roots to 1834, Old National focuses on building long-term, highly valued partnerships with clients while also strengthening and supporting the communities we serve. In addition to providing extensive services in consumer and commercial banking, Old National offers comprehensive wealth management and capital markets services. For more information and financial data, please visit Investor Relations at In 2024, Points of Light named Old National one of "The Civic 50" -- an honor reserved for the 50 most community-minded companies in the United States.

Investor Relations:
Lynell Durchholz
(812) 464-1366

Media Relations:
Rick Vach
(904) 535-9489

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


How many volunteer hours did Old National Bancorp (ONB) employees contribute during Better Together Days 2024?

Old National Bancorp employees contributed a record 7,600 volunteer hours during the Better Together Days event in 2024.

How many organizations did Old National Bancorp (ONB) serve during their Better Together Days 2024?

Old National Bancorp served 196 organizations across nine states during their Better Together Days event in 2024.

When did Old National Bancorp (ONB) hold its Better Together Days volunteer event in 2024?

Old National Bancorp held its Better Together Days volunteer event on September 18-19, 2024.

What recognition did Old National Bancorp (ONB) receive from Points of Light in 2024?

In 2024, Points of Light named Old National Bancorp one of 'The Civic 50,' an honor reserved for the 50 most community-minded companies in the United States.

Old National Bancorp


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Banks - Regional
National Commercial Banks
United States of America