Old National Bank Recognized as 2024 Leading Disability Employer

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Old National Bank has been recognized as one of 59 Leading Disability Employers for 2024 by the National Organization on Disability (NOD). This accolade, announced during National Disability Employment Awareness Month in October, acknowledges companies with outstanding disability inclusion practices and policies. The recognition is based on data from the NOD Employment Tracker™, a free assessment tool that correlates employment practices with improved talent outcomes for people with disabilities.

Beth Sirull, President and CEO of NOD, emphasized that diversity fuels innovation and growth, while inclusive workplaces reduce employee turnover. Corliss Garner, Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer at Old National Bank, stated that inviting diversity and activating inclusion are critical to their success and serve as a differentiator for team members, clients, and communities.

Old National Bancorp (NASDAQ: ONB), the holding company of Old National Bank, is the sixth largest commercial bank headquartered in the Midwest, with approximately $53 billion of assets and $30 billion of assets under management. The bank focuses on building long-term partnerships with clients and supporting communities.

Old National Bank è stata riconosciuta come uno dei 59 principali datori di lavoro per disabilità per il 2024 dalla National Organization on Disability (NOD). Questo riconoscimento, annunciato durante il Mese della Consapevolezza sull'Occupazione delle Persone con Disabilità in ottobre, valorizza le aziende con pratiche e politiche eccezionali di inclusione per le persone con disabilità. Il riconoscimento si basa su dati dell'NOD Employment Tracker™, uno strumento di valutazione gratuito che mette in correlazione le pratiche di assunzione con migliori risultati per i talenti delle persone con disabilità.

Beth Sirull, Presidente e CEO della NOD, ha sottolineato che la diversità stimola l'innovazione e la crescita, mentre i luoghi di lavoro inclusivi riducono il turnover dei dipendenti. Corliss Garner, Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer di Old National Bank, ha affermato che accogliere la diversità e attivare l'inclusione sono fondamentali per il loro successo e rappresentano un differenziale per i membri del team, i clienti e le comunità.

Old National Bancorp (NASDAQ: ONB), la holding di Old National Bank, è la sesta banca commerciale più grande con sede nel Midwest, con circa 53 miliardi di dollari di attivi e 30 miliardi di dollari di attivi in gestione. La banca si concentra sulla costruzione di partnership a lungo termine con i clienti e sul supporto delle comunità.

Old National Bank ha sido reconocida como uno de los 59 principales empleadores de discapacidad para 2024 por la National Organization on Disability (NOD). Este reconocimiento, anunciado durante el Mes de Concienciación sobre el Empleo de Personas con Discapacidad en octubre, destaca a las empresas con prácticas y políticas de inclusión de discapacidad sobresalientes. El reconocimiento se basa en datos del NOD Employment Tracker™, una herramienta de evaluación gratuita que correlaciona las prácticas de empleo con mejores resultados para talentos con discapacidades.

Beth Sirull, Presidenta y CEO de la NOD, enfatizó que la diversidad impulsa la innovación y el crecimiento, mientras que los lugares de trabajo inclusivos reducen la rotación de empleados. Corliss Garner, Directora de Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión de Old National Bank, declaró que invitar a la diversidad y activar la inclusión son críticos para su éxito y sirven como un diferenciador para los miembros del equipo, los clientes y las comunidades.

Old National Bancorp (NASDAQ: ONB), la compañía matriz de Old National Bank, es el sexto banco comercial más grande con sede en el Medio Oeste, con aproximadamente 53 mil millones de dólares en activos y 30 mil millones de dólares en activos bajo gestión. El banco se enfoca en construir asociaciones a largo plazo con los clientes y apoyar a las comunidades.

Old National Bank는 2024년을 위한 59개 주요 장애인 고용주 중 하나로 National Organization on Disability(NOD)에서 인정받았습니다. 이 성과는 10월 장애인 고용 인식의 달에 발표되었으며, 장애 포용 관행과 정책이 뛰어난 기업을 acknowledges 합니다. 이 인식은 장애인을 위한 고용 관행과 개선된 인재 결과를 연관짓는 무료 평가 도구인 NOD Employment Tracker™의 데이터를 기반으로 합니다.

NOD의 회장 겸 CEO인 Beth Sirull은 다양성이 혁신과 성장을 촉진하며, 포용적인 직장이 직원 이탈률을 줄인다고 강조했습니다. Old National Bank의 Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer인 Corliss Garner는 다양성을 수용하고 포용을 활성화하는 것이 그들의 성공에 매우 중요하며 팀원, 고객 및 지역 사회에 대한 차별화 요소라고 언급했습니다.

Old National Bancorp (NASDAQ: ONB)는 Old National Bank의 모회사로, 중서부에 본사를 둔 여섯 번째로 큰 상업은행으로 약 530억 달러의 자산과 300억 달러의 운용 자산을 보유하고 있습니다. 이 은행은 고객과의 장기 파트너십 구축과 지역 사회 지원에 중점을 두고 있습니다.

Old National Bank a été reconnue comme l'un des 59 principaux employeurs en matière de handicap pour 2024 par la National Organization on Disability (NOD). Cette distinction, annoncée lors du Mois de la sensibilisation à l'emploi des personnes en situation de handicap en octobre, valorise les entreprises ayant d'excellentes pratiques et politiques d'inclusion des personnes en situation de handicap. La reconnaissance repose sur des données du NOD Employment Tracker™, un outil d'évaluation gratuit qui établit un lien entre les pratiques d'emploi et les résultats améliorés en matière de talents pour les personnes en situation de handicap.

Beth Sirull, Présidente et CEO de la NOD, a souligné que la diversité stimule l'innovation et la croissance, tandis que les lieux de travail inclusifs réduisent le turnover des employés. Corliss Garner, directrice de la diversité, de l'équité et de l'inclusion à Old National Bank, a déclaré qu'accueillir la diversité et activer l'inclusion sont essentiels à leur succès et constituent un facteur distinctif pour les membres de l'équipe, les clients et les communautés.

Old National Bancorp (NASDAQ: ONB), la société mère de Old National Bank, est la sixième plus grande banque commerciale ayant son siège dans le Midwest, avec environ 53 milliards de dollars d'actifs et 30 milliards de dollars d'actifs sous gestion. La banque se concentre sur la construction de partenariats à long terme avec ses clients et le soutien des communautés.

Die Old National Bank wurde von der National Organization on Disability (NOD) als einer der 59 führenden Arbeitgeber für Menschen mit Behinderungen für 2024 anerkannt. Diese Auszeichnung, die während des National Disability Employment Awareness Month im Oktober bekannt gegeben wurde, würdigt Unternehmen mit hervorragenden Praktiken und Richtlinien zur Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen. Die Anerkennung basiert auf Daten des NOD Employment Tracker™, einem kostenlosen Bewertungsinstrument, das die Beschäftigungspraktiken mit verbesserten Talentergebnissen für Menschen mit Behinderungen in Beziehung setzt.

Beth Sirull, Präsidentin und CEO der NOD, betonte, dass Vielfalt Innovation und Wachstum fördert, während inklusive Arbeitsplätze die Mitarbeiterfluktuation verringern. Corliss Garner, Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer der Old National Bank, erklärte, dass die Einladung zur Vielfalt und die Aktivierung der Inklusion entscheidend für ihren Erfolg sind und als Differenzierungsmerkmal für Teammitglieder, Kunden und Gemeinschaften dienen.

Old National Bancorp (NASDAQ: ONB), die Holdinggesellschaft der Old National Bank, ist die sechstgrößte Geschäftsbank mit Sitz im Mittleren Westen, mit etwa 53 Milliarden Dollar an Vermögenswerten und 30 Milliarden Dollar an verwalteten Vermögen. Die Bank konzentriert sich darauf, langfristige Partnerschaften mit Kunden aufzubauen und Gemeinschaften zu unterstützen.

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National Organization on Disability recognizes organizations with commitment to building an inclusive workforce

EVANSVILLE, Ind., Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Honoring National Disability Employment Awareness Month in October, the National Organization on Disability (NOD) named Old National Bank as one of only 59 Leading Disability Employers for 2024. This recognition formally acknowledges companies with the highest performance in disability inclusion practices and policies, benchmarked against more than 200 participating organizations.

In its 10th year, the NOD Leading Disability Employer Seal spotlights the transformative contributions made by business leaders in promoting employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. It also honors those organizations that prioritize diversity, equity and importantly, accessibility -- setting a high standard for others to follow.

“We’re incredibly grateful to this group of exceptional companies for their unwavering commitment to disability inclusion,” said Beth Sirull, President and Chief Executive Officer, National Organization on Disability. “We believe that diversity fuels innovation and growth, and inclusive workplaces reduce costly employee turnover. These employers embody that vision in action. We applaud their efforts and investments to provide pathways to fulfilling careers for Americans with disabilities.”

Leading Disability Employer Seal recipients are determined based on data provided by companies on the NOD Employment Tracker™. The Tracker is the only free assessment tool that helps companies understand which employment practices correlate to improved talent outcomes related to hiring, retention and advancement of people with disabilities.

“Inviting diversity and activating our core value of inclusion are critical to our success. We are thrilled to be recognized for what we believe is a differentiator for our team members, clients and the communities we serve,” says Corliss Garner, Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer, Old National Bank. “Our commitment to uplifting people with apparent and non-apparent disabilities promote an inclusive work environment that attracts talent and makes us stronger as an organization.”

The National Organization on Disability (NOD) is a private, non-profit organization that seeks to increase employment opportunities for the 60% of working-age Americans with disabilities who are not employed. To achieve this goal, NOD offers a suite of employment solutions, tailored to anticipate and meet leading companies’ workforce needs. NOD has helped some of the world’s most recognized brands be more competitive in today’s global economy by building or enriching their disability inclusion programs. For more information about NOD and how its portfolio of professional services, Leadership Council and Employment Tracker™ can help your business, visit

Old National Bancorp (NASDAQ: ONB) is the holding company of Old National Bank. As the sixth largest commercial bank headquartered in the Midwest, Old National proudly serves clients primarily in the Midwest and Southeast. With approximately $53 billion of assets and $30 billion of assets under management, Old National ranks among the top 30 banking companies headquartered in the United States. Tracing our roots to 1834, Old National focuses on building long-term, highly valued partnerships with clients while also strengthening and supporting the communities we serve. In addition to providing extensive services in consumer and commercial banking, Old National offers comprehensive wealth management and capital markets services. For more information and financial data, please visit Investor Relations at In 2024, Points of Light named Old National one of "The Civic 50" -- an honor reserved for the 50 most community-minded companies in the United States.

Investor Relations:
Lynell Durchholz
(812) 464-1366

Media Relations:
Rick Vach
(904) 535-9489


What recognition did Old National Bank receive in 2024?

Old National Bank was recognized as one of 59 Leading Disability Employers for 2024 by the National Organization on Disability (NOD).

How are Leading Disability Employer Seal recipients determined?

Recipients are determined based on data provided by companies on the NOD Employment Tracker™, which assesses employment practices related to hiring, retention, and advancement of people with disabilities.

What is Old National Bank's stock symbol?

Old National Bank's stock symbol is ONB, traded on NASDAQ.

How much in assets does Old National Bank manage?

Old National Bank manages approximately $30 billion in assets under management.

What other recognition did Old National receive in 2024?

In 2024, Points of Light named Old National one of 'The Civic 50,' an honor reserved for the 50 most community-minded companies in the United States.

Old National Bancorp


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Banks - Regional
National Commercial Banks
United States of America