Odyssey Marine Exploration Reports Win in NAFTA Arbitration Case

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Odyssey Marine Exploration (NASDAQ: OMEX) has won an arbitration case against Mexico under NAFTA Chapter Eleven. The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) has ordered Mexico to pay $37.1 million plus interest for breaching its NAFTA obligations. This award stems from Mexico's environmental agency SEMARNAT's wrongful denial of an environmental permit for Odyssey's subsidiary, Exploraciones Oceánicas.

The ruling validates Odyssey's position that SEMARNAT's denial was unjustified, as the project had received extensive input from experts and was deemed economically feasible and environmentally responsible. CEO Mark Gordon emphasized the project's strategic significance and commercial viability. Odyssey expects to use most or all of the proceeds to satisfy its litigation financing obligations.

Odyssey Marine Exploration (NASDAQ: OMEX) ha vinto un caso di arbitrato contro il Messico ai sensi del Capitolo Undici del NAFTA. Il Centro Internazionale per la Risoluzione delle Controversie sugli Investimenti (ICSID) ha ordinato al Messico di pagare 37,1 milioni di dollari più interessi per aver violato i suoi obblighi secondo il NAFTA. Questo premio deriva dal diniego ingiustificato dell'agenzia ambientale messicana SEMARNAT riguardo a un permesso ambientale per la controllata di Odyssey, Exploraciones Oceánicas.

La sentenza convalida la posizione di Odyssey secondo cui il diniego di SEMARNAT era ingiustificato, poiché il progetto aveva ricevuto ampio input da esperti ed era considerato economicamente fattibile e responsabile dal punto di vista ambientale. Il CEO Mark Gordon ha sottolineato l'importanza strategica del progetto e la sua commerciabilità. Odyssey si aspetta di utilizzare la maggior parte o tutta la somma ricavata per soddisfare i suoi obblighi di finanziamento per contenziosi.

Odyssey Marine Exploration (NASDAQ: OMEX) ha ganado un caso de arbitraje contra México bajo el Capítulo Once del NAFTA. El Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias Relativas a Inversiones (ICSID) ha ordenado a México pagar 37,1 millones de dólares más intereses por incumplir sus obligaciones bajo el NAFTA. Este laudo se deriva de la negativa indebida de la agencia ambiental mexicana SEMARNAT a otorgar un permiso ambiental a la subsidiaria de Odyssey, Exploraciones Oceánicas.

La decisión valida la posición de Odyssey de que la negativa de SEMARNAT fue injustificada, dado que el proyecto había recibido una amplia consulta de expertos y fue considerado económicamente viable y responsable desde el punto de vista ambiental. El CEO Mark Gordon enfatizó la importancia estratégica del proyecto y su viabilidad comercial. Odyssey espera utilizar la mayor parte o la totalidad de los ingresos para satisfacer sus obligaciones de financiamiento de litigios.

오디세이 마린 탐험(Odyssey Marine Exploration, NASDAQ: OMEX)이 NAFTA 11장에 따라 멕시코를 상대로 한 중재 사건에서 승소했습니다. 국제 투자 분쟁 해결 센터(ICSID)는 멕시코가 NAFTA 의무를 위반한 대가로 3,710만 달러와 이자를 지불하도록 명령했습니다. 이 판결은 오디세이의 자회사인 Exploraciones Oceánicas에 대한 환경 허가를 멕시코 환경 기관인 SEMARNAT가 부당하게 거부한 데서 비롯됩니다.

이번 판결은 SEMARNAT의 거부가 정당하지 않았음을 오디세이가 입증한 것으로, 프로젝트는 전문가들로부터 광범위한 의견을 받았으며 경제적으로 실행 가능하고 환경적으로 책임이 있는 것으로 평가되었습니다. CEO 마크 고든은 프로젝트의 전략적 중요성과 상업적 가능성을 강조했습니다. 오디세이는 수익 대부분 또는 전부를 소송 자금 조달 의무를 충족하는 데 사용할 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.

Odyssey Marine Exploration (NASDAQ: OMEX) a remporté une affaire d'arbitrage contre le Mexique dans le cadre du Chapitre Onze de l'ALENA. Le Centre international pour le règlement des différends liés aux investissements (CIRDI) a ordonné au Mexique de payer 37,1 millions de dollars plus des intérêts pour violation de ses obligations en vertu de l'ALENA. Cette décision découle du refus injustifié de l'agence environnementale mexicaine SEMARNAT de délivrer un permis environnemental à la filiale d'Odyssey, Exploraciones Oceánicas.

Le jugement valide la position d'Odyssey selon laquelle le refus de SEMARNAT était injustifié, le projet ayant reçu une large contribution d'experts et étant jugé économiquement viable et respectueux de l'environnement. Le PDG Mark Gordon a souligné l'importance stratégique du projet et sa viabilité commerciale. Odyssey s'attend à utiliser la majorité ou la totalité des bénéfices pour satisfaire ses obligations de financement de contentieux.

Odyssey Marine Exploration (NASDAQ: OMEX) hat in einem Schiedsverfahren gegen Mexiko gemäß Kapitel Elf des NAFTA gewonnen. Das Internationale Zentrum für die Beilegung von Investitionsstreitigkeiten (ICSID) hat Mexiko angewiesen, 37,1 Millionen Dollar zuzüglich Zinsen wegen einer Verletzung seiner NAFTA-Verpflichtungen zu zahlen. Diese Auszeichnung ergibt sich aus der unrechtmäßigen Ablehnung einer Umweltgenehmigung durch die mexikanische Umweltbehörde SEMARNAT für die Tochtergesellschaft von Odyssey, Exploraciones Oceánicas.

Das Urteil bestätigt die Position von Odyssey, dass die Ablehnung von SEMARNAT ungerechtfertigt war, da das Projekt umfangreiche Rückmeldungen von Experten erhalten hatte und als wirtschaftlich machbar und umweltverträglich angesehen wurde. CEO Mark Gordon betonte die strategische Bedeutung und die kommerzielle Tragfähigkeit des Projekts. Odyssey erwartet, den Großteil oder alle Erlöse zur Deckung seiner Finanzierungspflichten aus Rechtsstreitigkeiten zu verwenden.

  • Arbitration award of $37.1 million plus interest in favor of Odyssey Marine Exploration
  • Validation of Odyssey's position regarding the wrongful denial of environmental permit
  • Project remains strategically significant and commercially viable
  • Potential for future collaboration with nations on underwater mineral resources exploration
  • Most or all of the arbitration award proceeds expected to be used for satisfying litigation financing obligations
  • Ongoing legal challenges with Mexico's environmental agency SEMARNAT

The $37.1 million award from the NAFTA arbitration case represents a significant financial win for Odyssey Marine Exploration (OMEX). This ruling not only provides a substantial cash inflow but also validates the company's position against Mexico's environmental agency SEMARNAT. However, investors should note that most or all of the proceeds are expected to be used to satisfy litigation financing obligations, potentially limiting the direct financial benefit to the company. The additional interest awarded, calculated at Mexico's one-year Treasury bond rate compounded annually since October 2018, will further increase the total payout. This outcome may improve OMEX's financial position and potentially boost investor confidence in the company's ability to navigate regulatory challenges in international waters.

The NAFTA arbitration award in favor of Odyssey Marine Exploration is a significant legal victory. The ruling that Mexico breached its NAFTA obligations sets a precedent for protecting foreign investments in the region. The tribunal's decision to order Mexico to pay damages, plus interest and costs, without allowing taxation on the award, demonstrates a comprehensive approach to compensation. This outcome may have broader implications for other companies operating in Mexico, particularly in environmentally sensitive sectors. The ongoing challenge before the Tribunal Federal de Justicia Administrativa (TFJA) suggests that Odyssey is pursuing a multi-pronged legal strategy to secure its rights. This legal win could strengthen the company's position in future negotiations with Mexican authorities and other countries where it operates.

The arbitration outcome highlights the tension between economic development and environmental protection in the marine exploration sector. While Odyssey claims its project is "environmentally responsible," the initial permit denial by SEMARNAT raises questions about the potential environmental impacts of deep-sea mineral extraction. The arbitration award doesn't necessarily validate the project's environmental merits but rather focuses on the procedural aspects of the permit denial. This case underscores the need for clear, science-based environmental regulations in emerging industries like deep-sea mining. The outcome may encourage other companies to challenge environmental decisions through international arbitration, potentially affecting how countries balance economic interests with environmental protection. Investors should closely monitor how this decision impacts future environmental permitting processes for similar projects globally.

TAMPA, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc. (NASDAQ: OMEX), an ocean exploration pioneer engaged in the discovery, development and extraction of critical minerals that provide solutions to global challenges, announces an award in its arbitration with the United Mexican States under Chapter Eleven of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Odyssey Marine Exploration (Odyssey) has received notification from the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) of the arbitral award on the claims involving Odyssey and its subsidiary, Exploraciones Oceánicas S. de R.L. de C.V. (ExO), against Mexico. The award orders Mexico to pay US$37.1 million for breaching its obligations under NAFTA, plus interest at the one-year Mexico Treasury bond rate, compounded annually, from October 12, 2018, until the award is paid in full, plus the arbitrators’ fees and ICSID administrative costs. The amounts awarded are net of Mexican taxes and Mexico may not tax the award. Odyssey expects that most or all of the proceeds of the award will be used to satisfy its litigation financing obligations.

“The ruling today validates our position that Mexico’s environmental agency SEMARNAT wrongfully denied our environmental permit, which received extensive input from external advisors and industry experts to determine an economically feasible and environmentally responsible development plan. The project remains strategically significant and commercially viable,” said Mark Gordon, Odyssey Marine Exploration’s Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Directors. "We are poised to continue advancing our projects globally, while also collaborating with nations interested in exploring their underwater mineral resources to meet the escalating demand for critical minerals. Our focus remains on minerals that offer solutions to pressing global challenges, such as mitigating carbon emissions through renewable energy adoption and enhancing fertilizer accessibility to support an ever-growing global population."

ICSID will publish the decision on its website at when it is available.

NAFTA Case Background

Odyssey initiated the NAFTA arbitration after the manifestly arbitrary and discriminatory denial by SEMARNAT of an environmental permit for ExO based not on Mexico’s regulations or on scientific support, but on a politician’s directive. Mexico's highest federal administrative court, the Tribunal Federal de Justicia Administrativa (TFJA), unanimously ruled in favor of ExO in 2018 that SEMARNAT had unlawfully rejected the environmental permit in 2016. When SEMARNAT once again denied the permit in contravention of Mexican and public international laws, Odyssey determined it needed to commence the arbitration in order to protect its shareholders’ investment. Today's ruling reflects the tribunal's examination of SEMARNAT's unlawful handling of the permit. ExO is also once again challenging the unlawful decision of SEMARNAT before the TFJA.

About Odyssey Marine Exploration

Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc. (NASDAQ: OMEX) is a global leader in ocean exploration with over 30 years of experience. The company is committed to the sustainable and responsible discovery, validation, and advancement of seafloor critical mineral projects, including polymetallic nodules for battery metals and subsea phosphate deposits for fertilizers. Offering comprehensive research, marine operations, and regulatory compliance support, Odyssey works with governments and seafloor rights holders worldwide. Odyssey develops its projects in collaboration with a global network of partners, academics, and industry professionals who share its commitment to environmentally sound solutions to obtain minerals that will address present and future global challenges. Learn more at

Forward-Looking Information

Odyssey Marine Exploration believes the information set forth in this Press Release may include "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Act of 1934. Certain factors that could cause results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements are set forth in "Risk Factors" in Part I, Item 1A of the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, which was filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on May 17, 2024. The financial and operating projections as well as estimates of mining assets are based solely on the assumptions developed by Odyssey that it believes are reasonable based upon information available to Odyssey as of the date of this release. All projections and estimates are subject to material uncertainties and should not be viewed as a prediction or an assurance of actual future performance. The validity and accuracy of Odyssey's projections will depend upon unpredictable future events, many of which are beyond Odyssey's control and, accordingly, no assurance can be given that Odyssey's assumptions will prove true or that its projected results will be achieved.

Liz Shows

Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc.

(813) 876-1776

Source: Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc.


What was the outcome of Odyssey Marine Exploration's NAFTA arbitration case against Mexico?

Odyssey Marine Exploration (OMEX) won the arbitration case, with Mexico ordered to pay $37.1 million plus interest for breaching its NAFTA obligations.

Why did Odyssey Marine Exploration initiate the NAFTA arbitration against Mexico?

Odyssey initiated the arbitration after Mexico's environmental agency SEMARNAT arbitrarily and discriminatorily denied an environmental permit for Odyssey's subsidiary, Exploraciones Oceánicas.

How will Odyssey Marine Exploration (OMEX) use the proceeds from the arbitration award?

Odyssey expects that most or all of the proceeds from the $37.1 million award will be used to satisfy its litigation financing obligations.

What is the significance of the NAFTA arbitration ruling for Odyssey Marine Exploration's project in Mexico?

The ruling validates Odyssey's position that their project is economically feasible and environmentally responsible, and remains strategically significant and commercially viable despite SEMARNAT's permit denial.

Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc


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