Omeros Announces Update on Statistical Analysis of Narsoplimab Pivotal Trial Primary Endpoint
Omeros (NASDAQ: OMER) announced positive statistical sensitivity analysis results for narsoplimab in treating transplant-associated thrombotic microangiopathy (TA-TMA). The analyses validate previously reported primary endpoint results showing 2-fold to 4-fold reduction in mortality risk (hazard ratios 0.24-0.42) with p-values ranging from 0.0124 to <0.00001.
The primary endpoint analysis demonstrated an over 3-fold reduction in mortality risk (hazard ratio = 0.32) in narsoplimab-treated patients compared to external control. The company plans to resubmit its Biologics License Application (BLA) to FDA this quarter and targets Marketing Authorization Application (MAA) submission to European regulators by mid-year. Narsoplimab aims to become the first approved treatment for TA-TMA, a life-threatening complication in stem cell transplantation.
Omeros (NASDAQ: OMER) ha annunciato risultati positivi dell'analisi di sensibilità statistica per il narsoplimab nel trattamento della microangiopatia trombotica associata al trapianto (TA-TMA). Le analisi convalidano i risultati precedentemente riportati del risultato primario che mostrano una riduzione del rischio di mortalità da 2 a 4 volte (rapporti di hazard 0.24-0.42) con valori p che variano da 0.0124 a <0.00001.
L'analisi del risultato primario ha dimostrato una riduzione di oltre 3 volte del rischio di mortalità (rapporto di hazard = 0.32) nei pazienti trattati con narsoplimab rispetto al controllo esterno. L'azienda prevede di reinviare la sua richiesta di licenza biologica (BLA) alla FDA entro questo trimestre e punta a presentare la domanda di autorizzazione al mercato (MAA) agli enti regolatori europei entro la metà dell'anno. Il narsoplimab mira a diventare il primo trattamento approvato per la TA-TMA, una complicazione potenzialmente fatale nel trapianto di cellule staminali.
Omeros (NASDAQ: OMER) anunció resultados positivos del análisis de sensibilidad estadística para el narsoplimab en el tratamiento de la microangiopatía trombótica asociada al trasplante (TA-TMA). Los análisis validan los resultados previamente informados del punto final primario que muestran una reducción del riesgo de mortalidad de 2 a 4 veces (ratios de riesgo 0.24-0.42) con valores p que varían de 0.0124 a <0.00001.
El análisis del punto final primario demostró una reducción de más de 3 veces en el riesgo de mortalidad (ratio de riesgo = 0.32) en pacientes tratados con narsoplimab en comparación con el control externo. La empresa planea volver a presentar su Solicitud de Licencia Biológica (BLA) a la FDA este trimestre y tiene como objetivo presentar la Solicitud de Autorización de Mercado (MAA) a los reguladores europeos a mediados de año. Narsoplimab aspira a convertirse en el primer tratamiento aprobado para la TA-TMA, una complicación potencialmente mortal en el trasplante de células madre.
오메로스 (NASDAQ: OMER)는 이식 관련 혈전 미세혈관병증(TA-TMA) 치료를 위한 나르소플리맙의 긍정적인 통계적 민감도 분석 결과를 발표했습니다. 이 분석은 사망 위험의 2배에서 4배 감소를 보여주는 이전에 보고된 주요 평가 결과를 확인합니다(위험비 0.24-0.42) 및 p-값은 0.0124에서 <0.00001까지 다양합니다.
주요 평가 분석은 외부 대조군에 비해 나르소플리맙 치료를 받은 환자에서 3배 이상의 사망 위험 감소 (위험 비율 = 0.32)를 보여주었습니다. 회사는 이번 분기 내에 FDA에 생물 의약품 허가 신청(BLA)을 재제출할 계획이며, 연중반까지 유럽 규제 당국에 마케팅 승인 신청(MAA)을 제출할 목표를 세우고 있습니다. 나르소플리맙은 줄기세포 이식에서 생명을 위협하는 합병증인 TA-TMA에 대해 승인된 최초의 치료제가 되는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
Omeros (NASDAQ: OMER) a annoncé des résultats positifs d'analyse de sensibilité statistique pour le narsoplimab dans le traitement de la microangiopathie thrombotique associée à la transplantation (TA-TMA). Les analyses valident les résultats du critère principal rapportés précédemment montrant une réduction du risque de mortalité de 2 à 4 fois (ratios de risques 0,24-0,42) avec des valeurs p allant de 0,0124 à <0,00001.
L'analyse du critère principal a démontré une réduction de plus de 3 fois du risque de mortalité (ratio de risque = 0,32) chez les patients traités par narsoplimab par rapport au contrôle externe. L'entreprise prévoit de soumettre à nouveau sa demande de licence biologique (BLA) à la FDA ce trimestre et vise à soumettre la demande d'autorisation de mise sur le marché (MAA) aux autorités européennes d'ici la mi-année. Le narsoplimab aspire à devenir le premier traitement approuvé pour la TA-TMA, une complication potentiellement mortelle dans la transplantation de cellules souches.
Omeros (NASDAQ: OMER) hat positive Ergebnisse der statistischen Sensitivitätsanalyse für Narsoplimab zur Behandlung der transplantationsassoziierten thrombotischen Mikroangiopathie (TA-TMA) bekannt gegeben. Die Analysen validieren zuvor berichtete Ergebnisse des primären Endpunkts, die eine 2- bis 4-fache Reduktion des Sterberisikos zeigen (Hazard-Ratios 0,24-0,42) mit p-Werten, die von 0,0124 bis <0,00001 reichen.
Die Analyse des primären Endpunkts zeigte eine über 3-fache Reduktion des Sterberisikos (Hazard-Ratio = 0,32) bei mit Narsoplimab behandelten Patienten im Vergleich zur externen Kontrolle. Das Unternehmen plant, in diesem Quartal den Antrag auf biologische Lizenz (BLA) bei der FDA erneut einzureichen, und strebt an, bis zur Jahresmitte den Antrag auf Marktzulassung (MAA) bei den europäischen Aufsichtsbehörden einzureichen. Narsoplimab hat zum Ziel, die erste genehmigte Behandlung für TA-TMA zu werden, eine lebensbedrohliche Komplikation bei der Stammzelltransplantation.
- Strong statistical evidence showing 2-4 fold reduction in mortality risk
- Consistent positive results across multiple sensitivity analyses
- Clear path to regulatory submissions with BLA resubmission this quarter
- Potential to be first approved treatment for TA-TMA
- No safety concerns reported across clinical trials
- Still pending final analyses from expanded access program
- Regulatory approval not yet secured
The newly reported sensitivity analyses for narsoplimab in TA-TMA treatment demonstrate remarkably robust statistical significance across multiple analytical approaches. The hazard ratios ranging from 0.24 to 0.42 consistently show a 2.4 to 4.2-fold reduction in mortality risk, with highly significant p-values (<0.00001 to 0.0124). Particularly compelling is the consistency across different statistical methodologies, including IPTW and propensity score matching, which helps address potential biases inherent in external control studies.
The survival benefit appears durable, with hazard ratios improving over longer follow-up periods (from 0.37 at 100 days to 0.29 at 2 years). This suggests not just immediate survival benefits but sustained therapeutic effects. The robust statistical significance across multiple sensitivity analyses substantially strengthens the primary endpoint findings and provides strong support for the upcoming BLA resubmission.
The comprehensive statistical package, developed with FDA input on the analysis plan, positions Omeros strongly for their upcoming BLA resubmission. The multiple sensitivity analyses address potential regulatory concerns about using external controls, with the consistent results across different analytical approaches providing robust evidence of efficacy. The planned dual submission strategy - BLA resubmission this quarter and European MAA by mid-year - suggests confidence in the data package.
The involvement of international transplant experts in manuscript preparation and the alignment with consensus criteria from major transplantation societies adds credibility to the clinical program. For a rare condition like TA-TMA with no approved treatments, this level of statistical rigor in demonstrating survival benefit could support an expedited review path.
These robust clinical results could significantly impact Omeros' market position as narsoplimab moves toward potentially becoming the first approved therapy for TA-TMA. The strong survival benefit demonstrated could support premium pricing in this orphan indication. With current market cap around
The expansion into European markets, targeted through the planned MAA submission, would provide additional revenue opportunities. The comprehensive data package, including planned peer-reviewed publications, should support market adoption and potential inclusion in treatment guidelines. For investors, the next major catalyst will be the expanded access program analysis results, followed by regulatory submissions and decisions.
– Newly Completed Sensitivity Analyses Demonstrate Robustness of Previously Announced Survival Superiority Over External Control in Patients with TA-TMA –
Sensitivity analyses support the results of the primary endpoint analysis, with representative sensitivity analyses demonstrating:
Narsoplimab-treated patients had an over 2-fold reduction (hazard ratio = 0.42 [
95% confidence interval: 0.21, 0.83]) to an over 4-fold reduction (hazard ratio = 0.24 [95% confidence interval: 0.13, 0.47] in risk of mortality - P-values ranging from 0.0124 to < 0.00001
Narsoplimab-treated patients had an over 2-fold reduction (hazard ratio = 0.42 [
The primary endpoint analysis, previously reported on December 19, 2024, showed an over 3-fold reduction in risk of mortality (hazard ratio = 0.32 [
95% confidence interval: 0.23, 0.44]; p < 0.00001) in TA-TMA patients treated with narsoplimab compared to the external control registry TA-TMA patients not treated with narsoplimab - Omeros plans to resubmit to FDA later this quarter the BLA for narsoplimab to become the first approved therapeutic for TA-TMA, a life-threatening complication of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation; MAA submission to European regulators targeted by mid-year
The following are representative sensitivity analyses conducted by the independent statistical group:
1. |
Overall survival with only treatment as a factor using Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting (IPTW): | ||
Hazard ratio = 0.40 (95 percent confidence interval: 0.29, 0.54) | |||
P-value < 0.00001 | |||
2. |
Testing proportional hazards assumptions in a sequence of four models in which patient follow-up is truncated at 100 days, 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years using IPTW: | ||
100 days: |
Hazard ratio = 0.37 (95 percent confidence interval: 0.25, 0.54) |
P-value < 0.00001 |
6 months: | Hazard ratio = 0.32 (95 percent confidence interval: 0.22, 0.45) |
P-value < 0.00001 |
1 year: |
Hazard ratio = 0.30 (95 percent confidence interval: 0.22, 0.42) |
P-value < 0.00001 |
2 years: |
Hazard ratio = 0.29 (95 percent confidence interval: 0.21, 0.41) |
P-value < 0.00001 |
3. |
Overall survival with day zero for the external control registry patients set at the median time between the date of TA-TMA diagnosis and the date of narsoplimab treatment initiation for the patients in the OMS721-TMA-001 pivotal trial using IPTW: | ||
Hazard ratio = 0.32 (95 percent confidence interval: 0.23, 0.44) | |||
P-value < 0.00001 | |||
4. |
Overall survival with and without all specified risk factors (RFs) using 1:1 and 1:2 patient propensity score matching (OMS721-TMA-001 trial patients versus external control registry patients): | ||
1:1 with RFs: |
Hazard ratio = 0.29 (95 percent confidence interval: 0.14, 0.61) |
P-value = 0.0012 |
1:1 w/out RFs: |
Hazard ratio = 0.42 (95 percent confidence interval: 0.21, 0.83) |
P-value = 0.0124 |
1:2 with RFs: |
Hazard ratio = 0.24 (95 percent confidence interval: 0.13, 0.47) |
P-value < 0.0001 |
1:2 w/out RFs: |
Hazard ratio = 0.40 (95 percent confidence interval: 0.22, 0.72) |
P-value = 0.0024 |
As reported on December 19, 2024, narsoplimab met its primary endpoint, with TA-TMA patients in its OMS721-TMA-001 pivotal trial demonstrating clinically meaningful and statistically significant superiority in overall survival – a hazard ratio of 0.32 (95 percent confidence interval: 0.23 to 0.44) with p-value less than 0.00001 – compared to the TA-TMA registry patients. The hazard ratio of 0.32 indicates that the narsoplimab-treated TA-TMA patients had an over 3-fold reduction in risk of mortality. Across all its clinical trials in various indications to date, narsoplimab has been well tolerated and has shown no safety signal of concern.
“While we have long been confident in the benefits of narsoplimab in TA-TMA patients, it is gratifying to see the consistency and strength of the sensitivity analyses, which collectively demonstrate the robustness of our previously reported primary analysis results,” said Gregory A. Demopulos, M.D., Omeros’ Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “We now await the final set of analyses comparing survival of high-risk TA-TMA patients in our narsoplimab global expanded access program – and, importantly, combined with the 28 high-risk TA-TMA patients in OMS721-TMA-001 – to survival of similarly at-risk control TA-TMA registry patients. We expect those soon from the independent statistical group and, again, analyses will be shared publicly when available. Given the strength of the data already in hand, we are moving ahead with narsoplimab as quickly as possible, targeting BLA resubmission for later this quarter and European MAA submission before mid-year.”
Prior to the independent statistical group conducting any narsoplimab analyses, Omeros had received and incorporated FDA’s recommendations on the statistical analysis plan for the primary analysis and sensitivity analyses comparing overall survival from time of first dosing in the 28 narsoplimab-treated TA-TMA patients in OMS721-TMA-001 to overall survival, adjusted for immortal time bias, of the more than 100 TA-TMA patients in the external control registry, none of whom received narsoplimab. The two cohorts had similar demographics, diagnostic criteria, baseline characteristics, underlying diseases, conditioning regimens, and transplant procedures. All patients in both cohorts met the published criteria for high risk of death as defined by an international expert panel tasked with reaching consensus on diagnostic and prognostic criteria and representing the American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy, the Center for International Bone Marrow Transplant Research, the Asia-Pacific Blood and Marrow Transplantation Group, and the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation.
While awaiting the results from the expanded access program (EAP)-related analyses, international groups of transplant experts have begun preparing two manuscripts – one directed to primary endpoint analyses and the other to EAP-related analyses – for submission to peer-reviewed journals.
About Narsoplimab
Narsoplimab, also known as “OMS721,” is an investigational fully human monoclonal antibody targeting mannan-binding lectin-associated serine protease-2 (MASP-2), a novel pro-inflammatory protein target and the effector enzyme of the lectin pathway of complement. Importantly, inhibition of MASP-2 has been demonstrated to leave intact the antibody-dependent classical complement activation pathway, which is a critical component of the acquired immune response to infection. A biologics license application (BLA) is pending before the FDA for use of narsoplimab in the treatment of hematopoietic stem cell transplant-associated thrombotic microangiopathy (TA-TMA). Omeros will resubmit the BLA for narsoplimab in TA-TMA followed by our planned submission of the corresponding European marketing authorisation application (MAA) in 2025. FDA has granted narsoplimab breakthrough therapy and orphan drug designations for TA-TMA and orphan drug status for the prevention (inhibition) of complement-mediated thrombotic microangiopathies. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has granted orphan drug designation to narsoplimab for treatment in hematopoietic stem-cell transplant.
About Hematopoietic stem cell transplant-associated thrombotic microangiopathy (TA-TMA)
Hematopoietic stem cell transplant-associated thrombotic microangiopathy (TA-TMA) is a significant and often lethal complication of stem cell transplantation. This condition is a systemic, multifactorial disorder caused by endothelial cell damage induced by conditioning regimens, immunosuppressant therapies, infection, graft-versus-host disease, and other factors associated with stem cell transplantation. Endothelial damage, which activates the lectin pathway of complement, plays a central role in the development of TA-TMA. The condition occurs in both autologous and allogeneic transplants but is more common in the allogeneic population. In
About Omeros Corporation
Omeros is an innovative biopharmaceutical company committed to discovering, developing and commercializing first-in-class small-molecule and protein therapeutics for large-market and orphan indications targeting immunologic disorders, including complement-mediated diseases and cancers, as well as addictive and compulsive disorders. Omeros’ lead MASP-2 inhibitor narsoplimab targets the lectin pathway of complement and is the subject of a biologics license application pending before FDA for the treatment of hematopoietic stem cell transplant-associated thrombotic microangiopathy. Omeros’ long-acting MASP-2 inhibitor OMS1029 has successfully completed Phase 1 single- and multiple-ascending dose clinical studies. Zaltenibart, Omeros’ inhibitor of MASP-3, the key activator of the alternative pathway of complement, is advancing toward Phase 3 clinical trials for paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria and complement 3 glomerulopathy. Funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Omeros’ lead phosphodiesterase 7 inhibitor OMS527 is in clinical development for the treatment of cocaine use disorder. Omeros also is advancing a broad portfolio of five novel cellular and molecular immuno-oncology programs. For more information about Omeros and its programs, visit
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which are subject to the “safe harbor” created by those sections for such statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements, which are often indicated by terms such as “aim,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “goal,” “intend,” “likely,” “look forward to,” “may,” “objective,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “should,” “slate,” “target,” “will,” “would” and similar expressions and variations thereof. Forward-looking statements, including statements regarding the anticipated resubmission of the BLA for narsoplimab in
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Jennifer Cook Williams
Cook Williams Communications, Inc.
Investor and Media Relations
Source: Omeros Corporation