Oliveda International, Inc. (OLVI) Announces 2,500% Growth of Olive Tree People Subsidiary

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Oliveda International, Inc. (OTC Pink: OLVI) has reported exceptional growth for its Olive Tree People Inc. subsidiary in the United States. The third quarter of 2024 saw a remarkable 2,500% growth compared to Q3 2023, along with a 47% increase from Q2 2024 and over 580% growth from Q1 2024. The company's new U.S. shipping center, opened in August 2024, has already processed more than 240,000 orders.

Looking ahead, Olive Tree People anticipates further significant growth in Q4 2024, projecting total orders to exceed 400,000. This growth is expected to be driven by the launch of their new brand, Olive Rose, which is based on hydroxytyrosol. The company also aims to have over 50,000 Waterless Beauty consultants by the end of 2024.

Oliveda International has announced plans for global expansion, including entry into Canada, the United Kingdom, and an additional continent, starting in 2025. This expansion will involve large-scale waterless beauty campaigns to further promote their products and philosophy.

Oliveda International, Inc. (OTC Pink: OLVI) ha riportato una crescita eccezionale per la sua filiale Olive Tree People Inc. negli Stati Uniti. Il terzo trimestre del 2024 ha visto una straordinaria crescita del 2.500% rispetto al Q3 2023, insieme a un aumento del 47% rispetto al Q2 2024 e a oltre il 580% di crescita rispetto al Q1 2024. Il nuovo centro di spedizione negli Stati Uniti, aperto ad agosto 2024, ha già elaborato più di 240.000 ordini.

Guardando avanti, Olive Tree People prevede ulteriore crescita significativa nel Q4 2024, con proiezioni che superano i 400.000 ordini. Questa crescita è prevista grazie al lancio del loro nuovo marchio, Olive Rose, basato su idrossitirosolo. L'azienda punta anche ad avere oltre 50.000 consulenti di Bellezza Senza Acqua entro la fine del 2024.

Oliveda International ha annunciato piani per un'espansione globale, compresa l'entrata in Canada, Regno Unito e un ulteriore continente, a partire dal 2025. Questa espansione comporterà campagne di bellezza senza acqua su larga scala per promuovere ulteriormente i loro prodotti e la loro filosofia.

Oliveda International, Inc. (OTC Pink: OLVI) ha informado un crecimiento excepcional para su subsidiaria Olive Tree People Inc. en Estados Unidos. El tercer trimestre de 2024 vio un notable crecimiento del 2,500% en comparación con el Q3 2023, junto con un aumento del 47% desde el Q2 2024 y más del 580% de crecimiento desde el Q1 2024. El nuevo centro de envío de la compañía en EE. UU., inaugurado en agosto de 2024, ya ha procesado más de 240,000 pedidos.

Mirando hacia el futuro, Olive Tree People anticipa un crecimiento significativo en el Q4 2024, proyectando que el total de pedidos supere los 400,000. Se espera que este crecimiento sea impulsado por el lanzamiento de su nueva marca, Olive Rose, basada en hidroxitirosol. La compañía también aspira a contar con más de 50,000 consultores de Belleza Sin Agua para finales de 2024.

Oliveda International ha anunciado planes para una expansión global, que incluye la entrada en Canadá, el Reino Unido y otro continente, comenzando en 2025. Esta expansión involucrará campañas de belleza sin agua a gran escala para promover aún más sus productos y filosofía.

Oliveda International, Inc. (OTC Pink: OLVI)는 미국에서 자회사 Olive Tree People Inc.의 뛰어난 성장을 보고했습니다. 2024년 3분기에는 2023년 3분기와 비교해 놀라운 2,500%의 성장을 보였습니다. 2024년 2분기보다 47% 증가했고, 2024년 1분기보다 580% 이상 성장했습니다. 2024년 8월에 오픈한 회사의 새로운 미국 배송 센터는 이미 240,000건 이상의 주문을 처리했습니다.

앞으로 Olive Tree People은 2024년 4분기에 더욱 큰 성장을 예상하며, 총 주문이 400,000건을 초과할 것으로 전망하고 있습니다. 이러한 성장은 하이드록시티로솔을 기반으로 한 새로운 브랜드 Olive Rose의 출시에 의해 촉진될 것으로 기대됩니다. 회사는 또한 2024년 말까지 50,000명 이상의 무수 미용 컨설턴트를 두는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Oliveda International은 2025년부터 캐나다, 영국 및 추가 대륙으로의 진출을 포함한 글로벌 확장 계획을 발표했습니다. 이 확장은 제품과 철학을 추가로 홍보하기 위한 대규모 무수 미용 캠페인을 포함할 것입니다.

Oliveda International, Inc. (OTC Pink: OLVI) a rapporté une croissance exceptionnelle pour sa filiale Olive Tree People Inc. aux États-Unis. Le troisième trimestre de 2024 a connu une croissance remarquée de 2 500% par rapport au T3 2023, avec une augmentation de 47% par rapport au T2 2024 et plus de 580% de croissance par rapport au T1 2024. Le nouveau centre d'expédition de l'entreprise, ouvert en août 2024, a déjà traité plus de 240 000 commandes.

En regardant vers l'avenir, Olive Tree People s'attend à une croissance supplémentaire significative au T4 2024, prévoyant que le nombre total de commandes dépassera 400 000. Cette croissance devrait être alimentée par le lancement de leur nouvelle marque, Olive Rose, qui est basée sur l'hydroxytyrosol. L'entreprise vise également à avoir plus de 50 000 consultants en beauté sans eau d'ici la fin de 2024.

Oliveda International a annoncé des plans d'expansion mondiale, y compris une entrée au Canada, au Royaume-Uni et sur un autre continent, à partir de 2025. Cette expansion impliquera des campagnes de beauté sans eau à grande échelle pour promouvoir davantage leurs produits et leur philosophie.

Oliveda International, Inc. (OTC Pink: OLVI) hat ein außergewöhnliches Wachstum seiner Tochtergesellschaft Olive Tree People Inc. in den Vereinigten Staaten gemeldet. Im dritten Quartal 2024 verzeichnete das Unternehmen ein bemerkenswertes Wachstum von 2.500% im Vergleich zum Q3 2023, zusammen mit einem Anstieg von 47% gegenüber dem Q2 2024 und über 580% Wachstum im Vergleich zum Q1 2024. Das neue Versandzentrum des Unternehmens in den USA, das im August 2024 eröffnet wurde, hat bereits mehr als 240.000 Bestellungen bearbeitet.

Für die Zukunft erwartet Olive Tree People ein weiteres signifikantes Wachstum im Q4 2024 und prognostiziert, dass die Gesamtbestellungen 400.000 übersteigen werden. Dieses Wachstum wird voraussichtlich durch die Einführung ihrer neuen Marke, Olive Rose, die auf Hydroxytyrosol basiert, unterstützt. Das Unternehmen hat sich außerdem das Ziel gesetzt, bis Ende 2024 über 50.000 Berater für Wasserlose Schönheit zu haben.

Oliveda International hat Pläne für eine globale Expansion angekündigt, einschließlich des Eintritts in Kanada, das Vereinigte Königreich und einen zusätzlichen Kontinent, beginnend im Jahr 2025. Diese Expansion wird großangelegte Kampagnen für wasserlose Schönheit umfassen, um ihre Produkte und Philosophie weiter zu fördern.

  • 2,500% growth in Q3 2024 compared to Q3 2023
  • 47% growth in Q3 2024 compared to Q2 2024
  • 580% growth in Q3 2024 compared to Q1 2024
  • Over 240,000 orders shipped from new U.S. shipping center
  • Projected 400,000+ orders for Q4 2024
  • Anticipated 50,000+ Waterless Beauty consultants by end of 2024
  • Planned expansion to Canada, UK, and an additional continent
  • None.

Third quarter 2024 growth was 2,500% compared to Q3 2023, 47% compared to Q2 2024, and more than 580% compared to Q1 2024

SANTA MONICA, CA, Oct. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Oliveda International, Inc. (OTC Pink: OLVI) today announced that the strong growth of its Olive Tree People Inc. subsidiary in the United States continues unabated with 3rd quarter 2024 growth of more than 2,500% as compared to the same period in 2023. The growth of Olive Tree People has also increased by over 47% compared to the 2nd quarter of 2024 and by over 580% compared to the 1st quarter of 2024.

More than 240,000 orders were shipped from the new U.S. shipping center that Olive Tree People opened in August 2024. The company expects a further significant increase in the 4th quarter, particularly with the launch of the new Olive Tree People brand Olive Rose (based on hydroxytyrosol). The company projects total orders to exceed 400,000 in the 4th quarter of 2024.

Olive Tree People also anticipates surpassing 50,000 Waterless Beauty consultants by the end of 2024 with additional expansion planned for new countries and large-scale waterless beauty campaigns beginning in 2025.

On October 1, 2024, Oliveda International, Inc. announced that due to the rapid growth of Olive Tree People Inc. and increasing interest in additional global markets, the company and its waterless movement will go global with planned expansion to Canada, the United Kingdom, and an additional continent.

About Oliveda International, Inc. 
Oliveda International, Inc. and its subsidiary, Olive Tree People Inc., as well as the European companies, Olive Tree People Europe AG and Oliveda Deutschland GmbH, as well as Olive Tree Farmers SL, were founded by the German real estate investor Thomas Lommel and have more than 20 years of experience in management and organic certification growing mountain olive trees, in the extraction of first-class, internationally award-winning extra virgin olive oils, the extraction of hydroxytyrosol, and in the production and distribution of cosmetic and holistic waterless products related to the olive tree. Lommel is the inventor of the Olive Tree Therapy 10 years in 14 days as well as the inventor of olive matcha, which is based on the ground olive leaf. Also unique is the coffee replacement developed by Lommel, which is based on olive leaf and hydroxytyrosol. In addition, Lommel is successfully active in the rapidly growing mindfulness industry with the olive tree sound bath meditation he developed and the frequencies of his olive trees, which he makes available worldwide.

In addition to the registered beauty brands, Oliveda and LA Dope, as well as Re:connected to Nature, The Intuition of Nature, and Olive Mush, to name just a few brands, Lommel is the region's largest conservationist and protector of over 30,000 one-hundred-year-old mountain olive trees, and, with his Thomas Lommel Foundation, he brings the water that he does not use into his waterless beauty products to the people of Africa by building water wells on site.

In addition to online sales and a Europe-wide branch network of thousands of retail stores, Oliveda Deutschland GmbH operates its own flagship stores in Berlin and Düsseldorf.

The brand's treatment concepts are unique worldwide, and their effectiveness has been confirmed by conventional medicine. Read our book The Olive Tree Therapy 10 Years in 14 Days. Waterless beauty has been called “The Next Big Thing” in articles in U.S. Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, InStyle, Elle, Madame, Forbes, and many other industry publications, as well as by Mintel, a world-leading futurology institute. Gigi Hadid and many other celebrities are already Oliveda fans and support its success.   Further information on Oliveda International, Inc. and its subsidiaries and associate companies and brands can be found at

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release may contain statements, estimates or projections that constitute "forward-looking statements" pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the U.S. federal securities laws. Generally, the words "believe," "expect," "intend," "estimate," "anticipate," "project," "will" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements, which generally are not historical in nature. Forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties, which may be found in the Company’s filings with OTC Markets Group Inc., that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's historical experience and present expectations or projections. Investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they are made.  The Company expressly disclaims any obligation or intention to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements unless otherwise required by law.


What was Olive Tree People's growth rate in Q3 2024 compared to Q3 2023?

Olive Tree People, a subsidiary of Oliveda International (OLVI), reported a 2,500% growth rate in Q3 2024 compared to Q3 2023.

How many orders did Olive Tree People ship from its new U.S. shipping center in Q3 2024?

Olive Tree People shipped more than 240,000 orders from its new U.S. shipping center, which opened in August 2024.

What are Olive Tree People's projections for Q4 2024 orders?

Olive Tree People projects total orders to exceed 400,000 in the 4th quarter of 2024.

What new brand is Olive Tree People launching in Q4 2024?

Olive Tree People is launching a new brand called Olive Rose, which is based on hydroxytyrosol, in Q4 2024.

What are Oliveda International's (OLVI) expansion plans for 2025?

Oliveda International plans to expand globally in 2025, including entry into Canada, the United Kingdom, and an additional continent, with large-scale waterless beauty campaigns.



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