Oliveda International, Inc. (OLVI) Announces 1,650% Fourth Quarter Growth for Olive Tree People Inc. Subsidiary
Oliveda International (OLVI) reported exceptional growth for its Olive Tree People subsidiary, achieving a 1,650% increase in Q4 2024. The company specializes in waterless beauty products, replacing traditional water content (up to 70%) with olive leaf cell elixir. CEO Thomas Lommel emphasized their commitment to sustainable beauty and water conservation, highlighting their initiative to build wells in Africa with the water saved from production.
The company plans ambitious marketing campaigns in 2025 targeting 168.6 million U.S. women through major media outlets including New York Times, Vogue, Forbes, and Harper's Bazaar. Their products feature a 365-day satisfaction guarantee and are composed of 95% different ingredients compared to conventional beauty products.
Oliveda International (OLVI) ha riportato una crescita eccezionale per la sua filiale Olive Tree People, raggiungendo un aumento del 1.650% nel quarto trimestre del 2024. L'azienda è specializzata in prodotti di bellezza senza acqua, sostituendo il contenuto tradizionale di acqua (fino al 70%) con l'elisir cellulare delle foglie di olivo. Il CEO Thomas Lommel ha sottolineato il loro impegno per la bellezza sostenibile e la conservazione dell'acqua, evidenziando la loro iniziativa di costruire pozzi in Africa con l'acqua risparmiata dalla produzione.
L'azienda prevede ambiziose campagne di marketing nel 2025, mirando a 168,6 milioni di donne statunitensi tramite importanti mezzi di comunicazione come il New York Times, Vogue, Forbes e Harper's Bazaar. I loro prodotti offrono una garanzia di soddisfazione di 365 giorni e sono composti al 95% da ingredienti diversi rispetto ai prodotti di bellezza convenzionali.
Oliveda International (OLVI) reportó un crecimiento excepcional para su subsidiaria Olive Tree People, logrando un incremento del 1.650% en el cuarto trimestre de 2024. La empresa se especializa en productos de belleza sin agua, reemplazando el contenido de agua tradicional (hasta un 70%) con el elixir celular de hojas de olivo. El CEO Thomas Lommel enfatizó su compromiso con la belleza sostenible y la conservación del agua, destacando su iniciativa para construir pozos en África con el agua ahorrada de la producción.
La empresa planea ambiciosas campañas de marketing en 2025, apuntando a 168,6 millones de mujeres estadounidenses a través de importantes medios de comunicación como el New York Times, Vogue, Forbes y Harper's Bazaar. Sus productos cuentan con una garantía de satisfacción de 365 días y están compuestos en un 95% por diferentes ingredientes en comparación con los productos de belleza convencionales.
올리베다 인터내셔널 (OLVI)는 그들의 자회사인 올리브 트리 피플이 2024년 4분기에 1,650% 성장률을 기록했다고 보고했습니다. 이 회사는 전통적인 수분 함량(최대 70%)을 올리브 잎 세포 엘릭서로 대체하는 물 없는 뷰티 제품을 전문으로 하고 있습니다. CEO 토마스 롬멜은 지속 가능한 뷰티와 물 절약에 대한 그들의 헌신을 강조하며, 생산 과정에서 절약된 물로 아프리카에 우물을 만드는 이니셔티브를 강조했습니다.
회사는 2025년에 1억 6천 8백 60만 미국 여성을 대상으로 뉴욕 타임스, 보그, 포브스, 하퍼스 바자르 등 주요 미디어를 통해 야심찬 마케팅 캠페인을 계획하고 있습니다. 그들의 제품은 365일 만족 보장을 제공하며, 기존의 뷰티 제품과 비교하여 95%의 다른 성분으로 구성되어 있습니다.
Oliveda International (OLVI) a annoncé une croissance exceptionnelle pour sa filiale Olive Tree People, enregistrant une augmentation de 1.650% au quatrième trimestre de 2024. L'entreprise se spécialise dans les produits de beauté sans eau, remplaçant le contenu traditionnel en eau (jusqu'à 70%) par de l'élixir de cellules de feuilles d'olivier. Le PDG Thomas Lommel a souligné leur engagement envers la beauté durable et la conservation de l'eau, mettant en avant leur initiative de construire des puits en Afrique avec l'eau économisée lors de la production.
L'entreprise prévoit des campagnes de marketing ambitieuses en 2025, visant 168,6 millions de femmes américaines à travers des médias majeurs tels que le New York Times, Vogue, Forbes et Harper's Bazaar. Leurs produits présentent une garantie de satisfaction de 365 jours et sont composés à 95% d'ingrédients différents par rapport aux produits de beauté conventionnels.
Oliveda International (OLVI) berichtete von einem außergewöhnlichen Wachstum seiner Tochtergesellschaft Olive Tree People, die im 4. Quartal 2024 ein Wachstum von 1.650% verzeichnete. Das Unternehmen ist auf wasserlose Schönheitsprodukte spezialisiert und ersetzt den traditionellen Wassergehalt (bis zu 70%) durch Zellensel aus Olivenblättern. CEO Thomas Lommel betonte ihr Engagement für nachhaltige Schönheit und Wasserschutz und hob ihre Initiative hervor, mit dem aus der Produktion eingesparten Wasser Brunnen in Afrika zu bauen.
Das Unternehmen plant ehrgeizige Marketingkampagnen für 2025 und richtet sich an 168,6 Millionen US-Frauen durch bedeutende Medien wie die New York Times, Vogue, Forbes und Harper's Bazaar. Ihre Produkte bieten eine 365-tägige Zufriedenheitsgarantie und bestehen zu 95% aus anderen Inhaltsstoffen im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Schönheitsprodukten.
- Extraordinary Q4 2024 growth of 1,650% in subsidiary performance
- Unique product differentiation with 95% different composition from conventional beauty products
- Planned expansion through major media campaigns targeting 168.6M U.S. women in 2025
- 365-day satisfaction guarantee offering strong customer assurance
- None.
Olive Tree People Inc. confirms its position as the world’s fastest growing waterless beauty company
SANTA MONICA, CA, Dec. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Oliveda International, Inc. (OTC Pink: OLVI) today announced that with growth of over 1,
Approximately 1.4 billion people have no choice but to drink dirty water every day. Over 1.2 million children die every year from the consequences.
“Clean water is for drinking and not for beauty products,” says company founder and CEO Thomas Lommel.
Mr. Lommel continued: “We are grateful and feel blessed that the passion and dedicated story telling/education of our waterless beauty consultants has enabled sustainable strong growth in the fourth quarter of 2024 of more than
“Skincare products in which water is the first ingredient contain up to
“For over 21 years we have been working to create a natural cycle from tree to beauty that protects and preserves centuries-old olive trees. With love and passion, we create waterless beauty products around our olive trees that are
“Our goal in 2025 is to not only introduce all 168.6 million women in the U.S. to the beauty of waterless beauty and our 365-day satisfaction guarantee through large-scale media campaigns in outlets such as the New York Times, Vogue, Forbes and Harper’s Bazaar, and many more, but to integrate it as an important part of our waterless beauty movements in order to educate more people about what waterless beauty really is and to build together with our waterless beauty movement more than another 1,000 wells in Africa in the coming years. From tree to true beauty.”
About Oliveda International, Inc.
Oliveda International, Inc. and its subsidiary, Olive Tree People Inc., as well as the European companies, Olive Tree People Europe AG and Oliveda Deutschland GmbH, as well as Olive Tree Farmers SL, were founded by the German real estate investor Thomas Lommel and have more than 20 years of experience in management and organic certification growing mountain olive trees, in the extraction of first-class, internationally award-winning extra virgin olive oils, the extraction of hydroxytyrosol, and in the production and distribution of cosmetic and holistic waterless products related to the olive tree. Lommel is the inventor of the Olive Tree Therapy 10 years in 14 days as well as the inventor of olive matcha, which is based on the ground olive leaf. Also unique is the coffee replacement developed by Lommel, which is based on olive leaf and hydroxytyrosol. In addition, Lommel is successfully active in the rapidly growing mindfulness industry with the olive tree sound bath meditation he developed and the frequencies of his olive trees, which he makes available worldwide.
In addition to the registered beauty brands, Oliveda and LA Dope, as well as Re:connected to Nature, The Intuition of Nature, and Olive Mush, to name just a few brands, Lommel is the region's largest conservationist and protector of over 30,000 one-hundred-year-old mountain olive trees, and, with his Thomas Lommel Foundation, he brings the water that he does not use into his waterless beauty products to the people of Africa by building water wells on site.
In addition to online sales and a Europe-wide branch network of thousands of retail stores, Oliveda Deutschland GmbH operates its own flagship stores in Berlin and Düsseldorf.
The brand's treatment concepts are unique worldwide, and their effectiveness has been confirmed by conventional medicine. Read our book The Olive Tree Therapy 10 Years in 14 Days. Waterless beauty has been called “The Next Big Thing” in articles in U.S. Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, InStyle, Elle, Madame, Forbes, and many other industry publications, as well as by Mintel, a world-leading futurology institute. Gigi Hadid and many other celebrities are already Oliveda fans and support its success. Further information on Oliveda International, Inc. and its subsidiaries and associate companies and brands can be found at www.olivetreepeople.com
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