GRUBBRR Partners with Olo to Enhance Onsite Dining Experience

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GRUBBRR, a leading self-ordering technology provider, has partnered with Olo (NYSE: OLO), a restaurant technology company, to enhance the onsite dining experience. This collaboration integrates GRUBBRR's self-ordering kiosks and digital menu boards with Olo's ordering and payment processing capabilities.

The partnership aims to streamline restaurant operations, combat labor costs and shortages, and provide a seamless omnichannel dining experience. Key benefits include:

  • Increased average sales tickets by 12-22% through kiosk orders
  • Improved operational efficiency with centralized menu management
  • Enhanced guest data consolidation for better insights and decision-making
  • Seamless integration of Olo Order and Pay into GRUBBRR's kiosks

This collaboration marks a significant step in the restaurant industry's digital transformation, offering innovative solutions to improve efficiency, accuracy, and guest satisfaction.

GRUBBRR, un fornitore leader di tecnologia per l'auto-ordinazione, ha stretto una partnership con Olo (NYSE: OLO), un'azienda tecnologica per ristoranti, per migliorare l'esperienza di ristorazione in loco. Questa collaborazione integra i chioschi di auto-ordinazione e le bacheche digitali di GRUBBRR con le capacità di ordinazione e elaborazione dei pagamenti di Olo.

La partnership mira a semplificare le operazioni dei ristoranti, affrontare i costi e le carenze di manodopera e fornire un'esperienza di ristorazione omnicanale senza interruzioni. I principali vantaggi includono:

  • Aumento dei ticket medi di vendita dal 12 al 22% attraverso gli ordini dai chioschi
  • Miglioramento dell'efficienza operativa con la gestione centralizzata del menu
  • Consolidamento avanzato dei dati degli ospiti per migliori intuizioni e decisioni
  • Integrazione senza soluzione di continuità di Olo Order e Pay nei chioschi di GRUBBRR

Questa collaborazione rappresenta un passo significativo nella trasformazione digitale dell'industria della ristorazione, offrendo soluzioni innovative per migliorare l'efficienza, la precisione e la soddisfazione degli ospiti.

GRUBBRR, un proveedor líder de tecnología de auto-pedido, se ha asociado con Olo (NYSE: OLO), una empresa de tecnología para restaurantes, para mejorar la experiencia de comedor en el lugar. Esta colaboración integra los quioscos de auto-pedido y tableros de menú digitales de GRUBBRR con las capacidades de pedido y procesamiento de pagos de Olo.

La asociación tiene como objetivo optimizar las operaciones de los restaurantes, hacer frente a los costos y escasez de mano de obra, y proporcionar una experiencia de comedor omnicanal fluida. Los principales beneficios incluyen:

  • Aumento de los tickets promedio de ventas entre el 12 y el 22% a través de pedidos en quioscos
  • Mejora de la eficiencia operativa con gestión centralizada del menú
  • Consolidación mejorada de datos de clientes para obtener mejores perspectivas y toma de decisiones
  • Integración sin problemas de Olo Order y Pay en los quioscos de GRUBBRR

Esta colaboración marca un paso significativo en la transformación digital de la industria de restaurantes, ofreciendo soluciones innovadoras para mejorar la eficiencia, la precisión y la satisfacción del cliente.

GRUBBRR는 선도적인 셀프 주문 기술 공급업체로, 레스토랑 기술公司인 Olo(NYSE: OLO)와 파트너십을 맺고 현장 식사 경험을 향상시키기 위해 협력하고 있습니다. 이 협력은 GRUBBRR의 셀프 주문 키오스크 및 디지털 메뉴 보드Olo의 주문 및 결제 처리 기능과 통합합니다.

파트너십의 목표는 레스토랑 운영을 간소화하고 노동 비용 및 인력 부족에 대응하며 원활한 옴니채널 식사 경험을 제공하는 것입니다. 주요 혜택은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 키오스크 주문을 통해 평균 판매 금액을 12-22% 증가
  • 중앙 집중식 메뉴 관리를 통한 운영 효율성 향상
  • 더 나은 통찰력과 의사 결정을 위한 게스트 데이터 통합 향상
  • GRUBBRR의 키오스크에 Olo Order 및 Pay의 원활한 통합

이 협력은 레스토랑 산업의 디지털 전환에서 중요한 단계를 의미하며, 효율성, 정확성 및 고객 만족도를 개선하기 위한 혁신적인 솔루션을 제공합니다.

GRUBBRR, un fournisseur leader de technologie de commande autonome, s'est associé à Olo (NYSE: OLO), une entreprise de technologie pour restaurants, afin d'améliorer l'expérience de restauration sur place. Cette collaboration intègre les kiosques de commande autonome et les tableaux de menus numériques de GRUBBRR avec les capacités de commande et de traitement des paiements d'Olo.

Le partenariat vise à rationaliser les opérations des restaurants, à lutter contre les coûts et les pénuries de main-d'œuvre, et à offrir une expérience de restauration omnicanale sans faille. Les principaux avantages incluent :

  • Augmentation des tickets de vente moyens de 12 à 22 % grâce aux commandes par kiosque
  • Amélioration de l'efficacité opérationnelle grâce à la gestion centralisée des menus
  • Consolidation des données clients améliorée pour de meilleures informations et décisions
  • Intégration fluide de Olo Order et Pay dans les kiosques de GRUBBRR

Cette collaboration marque un pas significatif dans la transformation numérique de l'industrie de la restauration, offrant des solutions innovantes pour améliorer l'efficacité, la précision et la satisfaction des clients.

GRUBBRR, ein führender Anbieter von Selbstbestelltechnologie, hat sich mit Olo (NYSE: OLO), einem Technologieunternehmen für Restaurants, zusammengeschlossen, um das Erlebnis vor Ort zu verbessern. Diese Zusammenarbeit integriert die Selbstbestellkioske und digitalen Menütafeln von GRUBBRR mit den Bestell- und Zahlungsabwicklungsfunktionen von Olo.

Das Ziel der Partnerschaft ist es, die Betriebsabläufe in Restaurants zu optimieren, die Arbeitskosten und -engpässe zu bekämpfen und ein nahtloses Omnichannel-Dining-Erlebnis zu bieten. Zu den wichtigsten Vorteilen gehören:

  • Erhöhung des durchschnittlichen Verkaufs von 12-22% durch Bestellungen am Kiosk
  • Verbesserte betriebliche Effizienz durch zentralisierte Menüverwaltung
  • Erweiterte Konsolidierung von Gästedaten für bessere Einblicke und Entscheidungen
  • Nahtlose Integration von Olo Order und Pay in die Kioske von GRUBBRR

Diese Zusammenarbeit stellt einen bedeutenden Schritt in der digitalen Transformation der Gastronomie dar und bietet innovative Lösungen zur Verbesserung der Effizienz, Genauigkeit und Kundenzufriedenheit.

  • Partnership aims to streamline restaurant operations and combat labor costs
  • Integration expected to increase average sales tickets by 12-22% through kiosk orders
  • Collaboration enhances operational efficiency with centralized menu management
  • Partnership provides improved guest data consolidation for better insights
  • None.

This partnership between GRUBBRR and Olo represents a significant development in the restaurant technology sector, potentially impacting both companies and the broader industry. Here's a breakdown of the key implications:

  • Market Opportunity: The collaboration taps into the growing demand for self-service solutions in restaurants, addressing labor shortages and operational inefficiencies. With consumers spending 12-22% more on kiosk orders, this partnership could drive substantial revenue growth for adopting restaurants.
  • Competitive Advantage: By integrating GRUBBRR's self-ordering kiosks with Olo's ordering and payment processing, the partnership creates a comprehensive solution that could give both companies an edge in the competitive restaurant tech market.
  • Data Integration: The consolidation of in-store and online guest data into a single profile is a significant value proposition. This unified approach to data management could become a key differentiator, enabling restaurants to make more informed decisions and personalize customer experiences.
  • Industry Impact: If successful, this partnership could accelerate the adoption of self-service technologies in the restaurant industry, potentially reshaping customer expectations and operational norms.

While the partnership shows promise, its success will depend on factors such as ease of implementation, cost-effectiveness for restaurants and customer adoption rates. Investors should monitor the rollout and early adoption metrics to gauge the potential long-term impact on both companies' market positions and financials.

The GRUBBRR-Olo partnership presents intriguing financial implications for both companies and their stakeholders:

  • Revenue Growth Potential: For Olo (NYSE: OLO), this partnership could expand its reach in the onsite dining segment, potentially driving revenue growth. The integration with GRUBBRR's kiosks opens up new channels for Olo's payment processing services.
  • Operational Efficiencies: Restaurants adopting this integrated solution may see improved operational efficiency, potentially leading to cost savings. This could make the joint offering more attractive, driving adoption and, consequently, revenues for both GRUBBRR and Olo.
  • Increased Transaction Volume: With kiosk orders reportedly increasing average ticket sizes by 12-22%, Olo could see a boost in transaction volumes and associated processing fees.
  • Market Expansion: For GRUBBRR, partnering with a public company like Olo could enhance its market credibility and potentially accelerate its growth trajectory.
  • Competitive Positioning: This partnership could strengthen both companies' positions against competitors in the restaurant technology space, potentially leading to increased market share and improved financial performance.

However, investors should consider potential risks, such as integration challenges, the pace of restaurant adoption and the overall economic environment affecting the restaurant industry. It's also worth noting that while this partnership shows promise, its financial impact may take time to materialize in Olo's financial statements.

Streamlining Restaurant Operations with Integrated Self-Ordering and Payment Solutions

BOCA RATON, Fla., July 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- GRUBBRR, a leading provider of self-ordering technology, today announced its strategic partnership with Olo (NYSE: OLO), a leading restaurant technology provider with ordering, payment, and guest engagement solutions. This collaboration aims to elevate the onsite dining experience by combining GRUBBRR's extensive platform, which includes self-ordering kiosks and dynamic digital menu boards, with Olo's robust ordering and payment processing capabilities.

In today's fast-paced, digital-first world, guests and restaurant operators demand convenience and efficiency, both online and in-store. By integrating Olo's solutions with GRUBBRR's state-of-the-art kiosks, restaurants can now offer a seamless, omnichannel dining experience catering to diverse guest preferences. Since guests can conveniently order and pay directly at a kiosk, this partnership aims to combat ongoing labor costs and shortages while resolving challenges like reconciliation and refunds through Olo Pay's value-added features on top of traditional payment processing. Additionally, the partnership integration creates operational efficiencies by enabling operators to succinctly manage menus across multiple ordering channels such as online ordering, point of sale, kiosks and digital menu boards.

"We are excited to join forces with Olo to bring a new level of convenience and innovation to the restaurant industry," said Sam Zietz, CEO at GRUBBRR. "Our self-ordering kiosks, enhanced by Olo's advanced ordering and payment processing, will empower restaurants to streamline operations, reduce wait times, and ultimately provide an exceptional dining experience."

In addition to improving the guest experience, this collaboration increases average sales tickets as consumers spend an average of 12-22% more when placing orders on kiosks. With Olo Order and Pay seamlessly integrated into GRUBBRR's self-service kiosks for card-present transactions, the restaurant brand receives guest data the same way they do with their other digital orders and payments that run on Olo's platform. By consolidating in-store and online guest ordering and payment data into a single guest data profile, Olo and GRUBBRR provide valuable insight to drive traffic and profitability, while inspiring and informing high-level business decisions.

"We are thrilled to partner with GRUBBRR to enhance the dining experience for both guests and restaurant operators," said Nolan DeCoster, SVP of Partnerships and Business Development at Olo. "By bringing together our guest-centric technologies, we enable restaurants to meet the evolving demands of today's digital-savvy consumers while providing more actionable data, on more guests back to restaurant brands—all in one place, no matter where the order is placed—to better serve guests in the future."

This partnership marks another exciting step in the industry's digital transformation, creating additional value for restaurants without burdening their resources. GRUBBRR and Olo are committed to helping restaurants thrive in an increasingly competitive market by providing innovative solutions that enhance efficiency, accuracy, and guest satisfaction.


Headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida, GRUBBRR is the leader in self-ordering technologies that are revolutionizing the way commerce is transacted. GRUBBRR's award-winning ecosystem, which includes kiosks, kitchen display systems, order progress boards, digital menu signage, mobile ordering, and more, are proven to help businesses maximize revenue, decrease labor costs, and improve the consumer experience. With solutions that are adaptable and beneficial to a multitude of businesses, GRUBBRR powers both enterprise-level and small and medium businesses across verticals such as quick-service restaurants, fast casual restaurants, stadiums, movie theaters, casinos, micro-markets, retail, and more. To learn more about GRUBBRR and its products, visit or connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.

About Olo | Hospitality at Scale™

Olo (NYSE: OLO) is a leading restaurant technology provider with ordering, payment, and guest engagement solutions that help brands increase orders, streamline operations, and improve the guest experience. Each day, Olo processes millions of orders on its open SaaS platform, gathering the right data from each touchpoint into a single source—so restaurants can better understand and better serve every guest on every channel, every time. Over 700 restaurant brands trust Olo and its network of more than 400 integration partners to innovate on behalf of the restaurant community, accelerating technology's positive impact and creating a world where every restaurant guest feels like a regular. Learn more at

Jaclyn Leibrock

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What is the partnership between GRUBBRR and Olo (NYSE: OLO) aiming to achieve?

The partnership aims to enhance the onsite dining experience by integrating GRUBBRR's self-ordering kiosks and digital menu boards with Olo's ordering and payment processing capabilities, streamlining restaurant operations and combating labor costs.

How much can average sales tickets increase with GRUBBRR and Olo's (NYSE: OLO) integrated kiosk ordering system?

According to the announcement, consumers spend an average of 12-22% more when placing orders on kiosks integrated with GRUBBRR and Olo's systems.

What operational benefits does the GRUBBRR and Olo (NYSE: OLO) partnership offer to restaurants?

The partnership offers improved operational efficiency through centralized menu management across multiple ordering channels, enhanced guest data consolidation for better insights, and seamless integration of Olo Order and Pay into GRUBBRR's self-service kiosks.

How does the GRUBBRR and Olo (NYSE: OLO) partnership address labor challenges in the restaurant industry?

The partnership addresses labor challenges by enabling guests to order and pay directly at self-service kiosks, potentially reducing the need for staff at ordering counters and helping to combat ongoing labor costs and shortages.

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