Groundbreaking Ceremony for State-of-the-Art 6.8mm Ammunition Facility at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant
Olin (NYSE: OLN) announced that its Winchester division, in partnership with U.S. Army organizations, broke ground on a new 6.8mm Ammunition Facility at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant (LCAAP). The 450,000-square-foot facility, part of the Next Generation Squad Weapons Program, will manufacture all components of 6.8mm ammunition and finished rounds for the U.S. military.
The groundbreaking ceremony was attended by over 100 special guests, including military officials and government representatives. The project will involve 90% of work supported by Kansas City region industries and nearly 50 local businesses in the construction phase, contributing to local economic growth and job creation.
The facility represents a significant advancement in the Army's modernization efforts and continues LCAAP's legacy in ammunition production, which dates back to 1941.
Olin (NYSE: OLN) ha annunciato che la sua divisione Winchester, in collaborazione con organizzazioni dell'esercito statunitense, ha dato il via ai lavori per una nuova Fabbrica di Munizioni da 6.8mm presso il Lake City Army Ammunition Plant (LCAAP). La struttura di 450.000 piedi quadrati, parte del Programma di Armi per le Squadriglie di Nuova Generazione, produrrà tutti i componenti delle munizioni da 6.8mm e i proiettili finiti per l'esercito degli Stati Uniti.
Alla cerimonia di inaugurazione hanno partecipato oltre 100 ospiti speciali, tra cui funzionari militari e rappresentanti del governo. Il progetto coinvolgerà il 90% dei lavori supportati dalle industrie della regione di Kansas City e quasi 50 aziende locali nella fase di costruzione, contribuendo così alla crescita economica locale e alla creazione di posti di lavoro.
La struttura rappresenta un significativo progresso negli sforzi di modernizzazione dell'esercito e continua l'eredità del LCAAP nella produzione di munizioni, che risale al 1941.
Olin (NYSE: OLN) anunció que su división Winchester, en colaboración con organizaciones del Ejército de EE. UU., ha comenzado la construcción de una nueva Instalación de Municiones de 6.8mm en el Lake City Army Ammunition Plant (LCAAP). La instalación de 450,000 pies cuadrados, parte del Programa de Armas para las Nuevas Generaciones, fabricará todos los componentes de la munición de 6.8mm y los proyectiles terminados para el ejército de EE. UU.
La ceremonia de inauguración contó con la presencia de más de 100 invitados especiales, incluidos funcionarios militares y representantes del gobierno. El proyecto involucrará al 90% de los trabajos apoyados por las industrias de la región de Kansas City y casi 50 empresas locales en la fase de construcción, contribuyendo al crecimiento económico local y a la creación de empleo.
La instalación representa un avance significativo en los esfuerzos de modernización del ejército y continúa el legado del LCAAP en la producción de municiones, que se remonta a 1941.
Olin (NYSE: OLN)은 미국 육군 단체와 협력하여 Lake City Army Ammunition Plant (LCAAP)에서 새로운 6.8mm 탄약 시설의 기공식을 개최했다고 발표했습니다. 450,000 평방 피트 규모의 이 시설은 차세대 분대 무기 프로그램의 일환으로, 미군을 위한 6.8mm 탄약의 모든 구성 요소와 완제품을 제조할 것입니다.
기공식에는 군 관계자 및 정부 대표를 포함하여 100명이 넘는 특별 게스트가 참석했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 캔자스 시티 지역 산업의 90%와 건설 단계에서 거의 50개의 지역 비즈니스가 지원될 예정이며, 지역 경제 성장과 일자리 창출에 기여할 것입니다.
해당 시설은 군의 현대화 노력에 있어 중요한 발전을 의미하며, 1941년으로 거슬러 올라가는 LCAAP의 탄약 생산 역사에 계속 기여합니다.
Olin (NYSE: OLN) a annoncé que sa division Winchester, en partenariat avec des organisations de l'armée américaine, a posé la première pierre d'une nouvelle Usine de Munitions de 6.8mm au Lake City Army Ammunition Plant (LCAAP). Cette installation de 450 000 pieds carrés, faisant partie du Programme des Armes de la Nouvelle Génération, fabriquera tous les composants des munitions de 6.8mm et les cartouches finies pour l'armée américaine.
La cérémonie d'inauguration a rassemblé plus de 100 invités spéciaux, y compris des responsables militaires et des représentants du gouvernement. Le projet impliquera 90 % des travaux soutenus par des industries de la région de Kansas City et près de 50 entreprises locales lors de la phase de construction, contribuant ainsi à la croissance économique locale et à la création d'emplois.
Cette installation représente un progrès significatif dans les efforts de modernisation de l'armée et continue l'héritage du LCAAP en matière de production de munitions, qui remonte à 1941.
Olin (NYSE: OLN) gab bekannt, dass seine Winchester-Division in Zusammenarbeit mit den US-Armee-Organisationen mit dem Bau einer neuen 6.8mm Munitionsfabrik im Lake City Army Ammunition Plant (LCAAP) begonnen hat. Die 450.000 Quadratfuß große Anlage, die Teil des Next Generation Squad Weapons-Programms ist, wird alle Komponenten der 6.8mm Munition und fertige Geschosse für das US-Militär herstellen.
Bei der Grundsteinlegung waren über 100 Ehrengäste anwesend, darunter Militärbeamte und Regierungsvertreter. Das Projekt wird 90% der Arbeiten von Industrien in der Region Kansas City und fast 50 lokalen Unternehmen in der Bauphase unterstützen und trägt somit zum lokalen Wirtschaftswachstum und zur Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen bei.
Die Anlage stellt einen bedeutenden Fortschritt in den Modernisierungsbemühungen der Armee dar und setzt das Erbe des LCAAP in der Munitionsproduktion fort, das bis ins Jahr 1941 zurückreicht.
- Construction of new 450,000 sq ft advanced ammunition production facility
- 90% of work supported by Kansas City region industries
- Involvement of 50 local businesses in construction
- Expansion of manufacturing capabilities for military contracts
- None.
The groundbreaking of Winchester's new 450,000 square foot ammunition facility marks a pivotal strategic expansion that significantly strengthens Olin's competitive moat in the defense sector. This facility's focus on 6.8mm ammunition production for the Next Generation Squad Weapons Program represents a important competitive advantage, as Winchester becomes deeply embedded in the U.S. military's modernization efforts.
The project's scope reveals three key value drivers: First, the vertical integration capability to manufacture all components in-house provides substantial cost efficiencies and supply chain control. Second, the local economic impact, engaging 50 local businesses and supporting 90% of work through Kansas City region industries, demonstrates strong government relationship management and community support - critical factors for maintaining long-term military contracts. Third, the facility's specialized focus on next-generation ammunition positions Olin at the forefront of military technology advancement, likely leading to additional contract opportunities.
From an investor perspective, this development represents a significant long-term value creation opportunity. Military contracts typically offer stable, multi-year revenue streams with built-in price adjustments for inflation. The facility's construction also signals the Department of Defense's commitment to domestic ammunition manufacturing capacity, providing Olin with enhanced pricing power and market position in the defense industrial base.
Ken Lane, Olin President & CEO, noted during his remarks at the event, "Olin Winchester has a rich history in ammunition manufacturing excellence and support of the
The ceremony featured remarks from Ken Lane, Maj. Gen. John T. Reim, Joint Program Executive Officer for Armaments and Ammunition, and Brett Flaugher, President of Winchester. Liz Miranda,
"This facility will represent a significant step forward in equipping our Soldiers with the advanced munitions they need to maintain overmatch on the battlefield," noted Maj. Gen. John T. Reim. "With
The 450,000 square foot advanced ammunition production facility will be capable of manufacturing all components of 6.8mm ammunition as well as finished rounds for the
Olin Corporation is a leading vertically integrated global manufacturer and distributor of chemical products and a leading
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The risks, uncertainties and assumptions involved in our forward-looking statements, many of which are discussed in more detail in our filings with the SEC, including without limitation the "Risk Factors" section of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and other reports furnished or filed with the SEC, include, but are not limited to, the following:
Business, Industry and Operational Risks
- sensitivity to economic, business and market conditions in
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- failure to identify, attract, develop, retain and motivate qualified employees throughout the organization and ability to manage executive officer and other key senior management transitions;
- failure to control costs and inflation impacts or failure to achieve targeted cost reductions;
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- the failure or an interruption, including cyber-attacks, of our information technology systems;
- our inability to complete future acquisitions or joint venture transactions or successfully integrate them into our business;
- risks associated with our international sales and operations, including economic, political or regulatory changes;
- our indebtedness and debt service obligations;
- weak industry conditions affecting our ability to comply with the financial maintenance covenants in our senior credit facility;
- adverse conditions in the credit and capital markets, limiting or preventing our ability to borrow or raise capital;
- the effects of any declines in global equity markets on asset values and any declines in interest rates or other significant assumptions used to value the liabilities in, and funding of, our pension plans;
- our long-range plan assumptions not being realized, causing a non-cash impairment charge of long-lived assets;
Legal, Environmental and Regulatory Risks
- changes in, or failure to comply with, legislation or government regulations or policies, including changes regarding our ability to manufacture or use certain products and changes within the international markets in which we operate;
- new regulations or public policy changes regarding the transportation of hazardous chemicals and the security of chemical manufacturing facilities;
- unexpected outcomes from legal or regulatory claims and proceedings;
- costs and other expenditures in excess of those projected for environmental investigation and remediation or other legal proceedings;
- various risks associated with our Lake City U.S. Army Ammunition Plant contract and performance under other governmental contracts; and
- failure to effectively manage environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues and related regulations, including climate change and sustainability.
All of our forward-looking statements should be considered in light of these factors. In addition, other risks and uncertainties not presently known to us or that we consider immaterial could affect the accuracy of our forward-looking statements.
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SOURCE Olin Corporation