Goldman Small Cap Research Publishes New Research Report on OKYO Pharma Limited
Goldman Small Cap Research has published a new research report on OKYO Pharma (NASDAQ:OKYO), highlighting its potential in the ophthalmic drugs segment. OKYO's lead drug candidate OK-101 has completed a 240-patient Phase 2 trial in Dry Eye Disease (DED) and is currently being evaluated in a 48-patient Phase 2 trial for Neuropathic Corneal Pain (NCP).
The company is notable for being the first to receive FDA approval for NCP clinical trials and launch a specific NCP patient trial. Goldman estimates the potential NCP market size at $6.4 billion, based on 160,000 US potential patients, contingent on receiving Orphan Drug designation. The report suggests OKYO could attract potential joint venture partners or acquirers in 2026/2027, with several milestones expected in 2025.
Goldman Small Cap Research ha pubblicato un nuovo rapporto di ricerca su OKYO Pharma (NASDAQ:OKYO), evidenziando il suo potenziale nel segmento dei farmaci oftalmici. Il principale candidato farmaco di OKYO, OK-101, ha completato uno studio di Fase 2 con 240 pazienti sulla Malattia dell'Occhio Secco (DED) ed è attualmente in fase di valutazione in uno studio di Fase 2 per il Dolore Corneale Neuropatico (NCP) con 48 pazienti.
La società è nota per essere la prima a ricevere l'approvazione della FDA per le sperimentazioni cliniche sul NCP e avviare uno studio specifico per i pazienti affetti. Goldman stima la dimensione potenziale del mercato NCP in $6,4 miliardi, basata su 160.000 potenziali pazienti negli Stati Uniti, a condizione di ricevere la designazione di Farmaco Orfano. Il rapporto suggerisce che OKYO potrebbe attrarre potenziali partner per joint venture o acquirenti nel 2026/2027, con diversi traguardi attesi nel 2025.
Goldman Small Cap Research ha publicado un nuevo informe de investigación sobre OKYO Pharma (NASDAQ:OKYO), destacando su potencial en el segmento de medicamentos oftálmicos. El principal candidato a fármaco de OKYO, OK-101, ha completado un ensayo de Fase 2 con 240 pacientes para la Enfermedad del Ojo Seco (DED) y actualmente se está evaluando en un ensayo de Fase 2 con 48 pacientes para el Dolor Corneal Neuropático (NCP).
La compañía es notable por ser la primera en recibir la aprobación de la FDA para ensayos clínicos de NCP y lanzar un ensayo específico para pacientes con NCP. Goldman estima el tamaño potencial del mercado NCP en $6.4 mil millones, basado en 160,000 pacientes potenciales en EE.UU., condicionado a recibir la designación de Medicamento Huérfano. El informe sugiere que OKYO podría atraer a posibles socios para joint venture o adquisiciones en 2026/2027, con varios hitos esperados para 2025.
골드만 스몰캡 리서치는 OKYO 파마 (NASDAQ:OKYO)에 대한 새로운 연구 보고서를 발표하며, 안과 약물 분야에서의 잠재력을 강조했습니다. OKYO의 주요 약물 후보인 OK-101은 안구 건조증 (DED)에 대한 240명의 환자를 포함한 2상 시험을 완료하였으며, 현재 신경병성 각막 통증 (NCP)을 위한 48명의 환자를 대상으로 한 2상 시험에서 평가되고 있습니다.
이 회사는 NCP 임상 시험에 대한 FDA 승인을 최초로 받은 기관으로, 특정 NCP 환자를 위한 시험을 시작한 점에서 주목할 만합니다. 골드만은 가능한 NCP 시장 규모를 $64억으로 추정하고 있으며, 이는 16만 명의 미국 내 잠재 환자를 기준으로 하며, 고아약 지정을 받을 경우에 해당합니다. 보고서는 OKYO가 2026/2027년에는 잠재적인 합작 투자 파트너나 인수자를 유치할 수 있을 것으로 보이며, 2025년에 여러 주요 이정표가 예상됩니다.
Goldman Small Cap Research a publié un nouveau rapport de recherche sur OKYO Pharma (NASDAQ:OKYO), mettant en avant son potentiel dans le domaine des médicaments ophtalmiques. Le principal candidat médicament d'OKYO, OK-101, a terminé un essai de Phase 2 avec 240 patients souffrant de la maladie de l'œil sec (DED) et est actuellement évalué dans un essai de Phase 2 avec 48 patients pour la douleur cornéenne neuropathique (NCP).
L'entreprise se distingue par le fait qu'elle a été la première à recevoir l'approbation de la FDA pour réaliser des essais cliniques sur la NCP et à lancer un essai spécifique pour les patients NCP. Goldman estime la taille potentielle du marché de la NCP à 6,4 milliards de dollars, basé sur 160 000 patients potentiels aux États-Unis, sous réserve de recevoir la désignation de médicament orphelin. Le rapport suggère qu'OKYO pourrait attirer de potentiels partenaires de coentreprise ou acquéreurs en 2026/2027, avec plusieurs étapes importantes attendues en 2025.
Goldman Small Cap Research hat einen neuen Forschungsbericht über OKYO Pharma (NASDAQ:OKYO) veröffentlicht, der das Potenzial im Bereich der augenärztlichen Medikamente hervorhebt. Der Hauptkandidaten von OKYO, OK-101, hat eine Phase-2-Studie mit 240 Patienten zur Trockenaugenkrankheit (DED) abgeschlossen und wird derzeit in einer Phase-2-Studie mit 48 Patienten zur neuropathischen Hornhautschmerz (NCP) evaluiert.
Das Unternehmen ist bemerkenswert, da es das erste ist, das die Zulassung der FDA für klinische NCP-Studien erhalten hat und eine spezifische NCP-Patientenstudie gestartet hat. Goldman schätzt die potenzielle NCP-Markgröße auf 6,4 Milliarden US-Dollar, basierend auf 160.000 potenziellen Patienten in den USA, vorausgesetzt, die Orphan-Drug-Bezeichnung wird erhalten. Der Bericht deutet darauf hin, dass OKYO möglicherweise potenzielle Joint-Venture-Partner oder Käufer in den Jahren 2026/2027 anziehen könnte, wobei 2025 mehrere Meilensteine erwartet werden.
- Successfully completed Phase 2 trial for OK-101 in DED patients
- First company to receive FDA IND approval for NCP clinical trials
- Potential $6.4 billion market opportunity in NCP treatment
- Demonstrated statistical significance in ocular pain secondary endpoint in DED trial
- Results from current Phase 2 NCP trial not expected until end of 2025
- Market opportunity dependent on receiving Orphan Drug designation
BALTIMORE, MD / ACCESS Newswire / January 30, 2025 / Goldman Small Cap Research, a stock market research firm specializing in the small cap and microcap sectors, announced today that it has published a new research report on OKYO Pharma Limited (NASDAQ:OKYO), an emerging player in the fast-growing ophthalmic drugs segment. The Goldman report carries a price target. To view the new research report, along with disclosures and disclaimers, or to download the report in its entirety, please visit:
Tracing its roots to 2018, OKYO is focused on the discovery and development of novel molecules to treat neuropathic corneal pain (NCP) and inflammatory dry eye disease (DED). Its lead drug candidate OK-101 successfully completed a 240-patient Phase 2 trial in DED patients and is also currently being evaluated in a 48-patient, randomized, placebo-controlled Phase 2 trial in NCP patients that seeks to demonstrate OK-101's ability to reduce neuropathic corneal pain. If an award of orphan drug designation to NCP, should happen, it could lead to a multi-billion dollar market opportunity for OKYO.
In the Opportunity Research report, analyst Rob Goldman reviews clinical and preclinical data on OKYO's lead candidate, the Company's inherent first-mover opportunities in the industry, upcoming milestones and how these milestones and the flurry of M&A in the segment can favorably impact OKYO's near term and long term valuations.
Innovative BioPharma Set to Leverage Unique Product Positioning
Goldman commented, "In our view, OKYO is uniquely positioned to emerge as a key player in the ocular treatment arena. OKYO Pharma is focused on developing OK-101 to treat NCP which presently has no FDA approved drug to treat this debilitating ocular disease. OKYO Pharma commenced its Phase 2 trial of OK-101 in October 2024 and results are expected by year-end 2025."
A Series of Firsts
"OKYO is the first company to be granted an investigational new drug (IND) application for NCP by the FDA for clinical trials in NCP patients, and the first company to launch a clinical trial in NCP patients specifically diagnosed with NCP. This trial is on the heels of a favorable DED Phase 2 trial of OK-101 which notably demonstrated statistical significance in an ocular pain secondary endpoint," noted Goldman.
Substantial Potential Opportunity
"Based on our estimates, the potential size of the NCP market assuming NCP receives Orphan Drug designation, is
Upcoming Milestones, 12-Month Price Target, Future Valuations
"We believe that given its positioning, and assuming data are favorable, OKYO could attract a potential joint venture development partner or a future acquirer in 2026/2027. We believe that a series of milestones in 2025 followed by results from this trial serve as major catalysts for a re-valuation of these shares. Our 12-month piece target is based on the prospective value of OK-101, projected sales multiples, and the median valuation of ocular biopharma M&A transactions," concluded Goldman.
About Goldman Small Cap Research: Founded in 2009 by former Piper Jaffray analyst and mutual fund manager Rob Goldman, Goldman Small Cap Research produces sponsored and non-sponsored small cap and microcap stock research reports, articles, stock market blogs, and popular investment newsletters.
Goldman Small Cap Research is not in any way affiliated with Goldman Sachs & Co.
This press release contains excerpts of our most recently published company report on OKYO Pharma Limited ("The Company"). The information used and statements of fact made have been obtained from sources considered reliable but we neither guarantee nor represent the completeness or accuracy. Goldman Small Cap Research relied solely upon information derived from OKYO Pharma Limited. The information includes authorized press releases or legal disclosures made in their filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Separate from the factual content of our update about the Company, we may from time to time include our own opinions about the Company, its business, markets, and opportunities. Any opinions we may offer about the Company are solely our own, and are made in reliance upon our rights under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and are provided solely for the general opinionated discussion of our readers. Our opinions should not be considered to be complete, precise, accurate, or current investment advice. Statements herein may contain forward-looking statements and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties affecting results.
A Goldman Small Cap Research report, update, newsletter, article, trading alert, corporate profile, sector or industry snapshot, podcast interview, or press release is not intended as an offering, recommendation, or a solicitation of an offer to buy or sell the securities mentioned or discussed and is to be used for informational purposes only. Please read all associated full disclosures, disclaimers, and analyst background on our website before investing. Neither Goldman Small Cap Research nor its parent is a registered investment adviser or broker-dealer with FINRA or any other regulatory agency. To download this research report visit Goldman Small Cap Research was compensated by the Company in the amount of
Goldman Small Cap Research
Rob Goldman, Analyst
SOURCE: Goldman Small Cap Research
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