Oklo Establishes Preferred Supplier Agreement for Steam Turbine Generator Products and Services

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Oklo Inc. (NYSE: OKLO), a fast fission clean power technology and nuclear fuel recycling company, has signed a Preferred Supplier Agreement with Siemens Energy for the power conversion system of its Aurora powerhouse. This binding agreement, following a previous Memorandum of Understanding, aims to enhance production scalability, cost efficiency, and rapid deployment to meet growing customer demand.

Siemens Energy will supply power conversion and supporting systems, fostering efficiencies through economies of scale. Standardizing equipment across Oklo's powerhouses is expected to result in cost savings in manufacturing, construction, operations, and maintenance. Oklo's fast fission technology uses liquid metal as a coolant, allowing for high-temperature operation without pressurization and enabling the use of commonly available alloys from existing supply chains.

Oklo Inc. (NYSE: OKLO), un'azienda che si occupa di tecnologia di energia pulita a fissione rapida e riciclo di combustibile nucleare, ha firmato un Accordo di Fornitura Preferenziale con Siemens Energy per il sistema di conversione dell'energia della sua centrale Aurora. Questo accordo vincolante, che segue un precedente Memorandum d'Intesa, mira a migliorare la scalabilità della produzione, l'efficienza dei costi e la rapida attuazione per soddisfare la crescente domanda dei clienti.

Siemens Energy fornirà sistemi di conversione dell'energia e sistemi di supporto, favorendo l'efficienza attraverso economie di scala. La standardizzazione dell'attrezzatura nelle centrali di Oklo dovrebbe comportare risparmi sui costi in termini di produzione, costruzione, operazioni e manutenzione. La tecnologia a fissione rapida di Oklo utilizza metallo liquido come refrigerante, consentendo operazioni ad alte temperature senza pressurizzazione e permettendo l'uso di leghe comunemente disponibili nelle catene di approvvigionamento esistenti.

Oklo Inc. (NYSE: OKLO), una empresa de tecnología de energía limpia de fisión rápida y reciclaje de combustible nuclear, ha firmado un Acuerdo de Proveedor Preferente con Siemens Energy para el sistema de conversión de energía de su central Aurora. Este acuerdo vinculante, que sigue a un Memorando de Entendimiento anterior, tiene como objetivo mejorar la escalabilidad de la producción, la eficiencia de costos y el despliegue rápido para satisfacer la creciente demanda de los clientes.

Siemens Energy proporcionará sistemas de conversión de energía y sistemas de apoyo, promoviendo eficiencias a través de economías de escala. La estandarización del equipo en las centrales de Oklo se espera que resultará en ahorros de costos en fabricación, construcción, operaciones y mantenimiento. La tecnología de fisión rápida de Oklo utiliza metal líquido como refrigerante, permitiendo un funcionamiento a altas temperaturas sin presurización y habilitando el uso de aleaciones comúnmente disponibles de las cadenas de suministro existentes.

Oklo Inc. (NYSE: OKLO)는 빠른 핵분열 청정 전력 기술 및 핵연료 재활용 회사로, 그들의 Aurora 발전소를 위한 전력 변환 시스템에 대해 Siemens Energy와 우선 공급 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 구속력이 있는 계약은 이전의 양해각서에 이어 이루어진 것으로, 생산 확장성, 비용 효율성 및 신속한 배치를 향상시키고 고객의 증가하는 수요를 충족시키는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Siemens Energy는 전력 변환 및 지원 시스템을 제공하며, 규모의 경제를 통한 효율성을 촉진합니다. Oklo의 발전소 간 장비 표준화는 제조, 건설, 운영 및 유지관리에서의 비용 절감을 가져올 것으로 예상됩니다. Oklo의 빠른 핵분열 기술은 액체 금속을 냉각제로 사용하여 압력 없이 고온 작동을 가능하게 하며, 기존 공급망에서 일반적으로 제공되는 합금의 사용을 가능하게 합니다.

Oklo Inc. (NYSE: OKLO), une entreprise de technologie de puissance propre par fission rapide et de recyclage de combustible nucléaire, a signé un Contrat de Fournisseur Préférentiel avec Siemens Energy pour le système de conversion d'énergie de sa centrale Aurora. Cet accord contraignant, faisant suite à un précédent Mémorandum d'Entente, vise à améliorer la scalabilité de la production, l'efficacité des coûts et le déploiement rapide pour répondre à la demande croissante des clients.

Siemens Energy fournira des systèmes de conversion d'énergie et des systèmes de soutien, favorisant l'efficacité par des économies d'échelle. La standardisation de l'équipement dans les centrales d'Oklo devrait entraîner des économies de coûts en fabrication, construction, opérations et maintenance. La technologie de fission rapide d'Oklo utilise du métal liquide comme réfrigérant, permettant un fonctionnement à haute température sans pressurisation et facilitant l'utilisation d'alliages couramment disponibles dans les chaînes d'approvisionnement existantes.

Oklo Inc. (NYSE: OKLO), ein Unternehmen für saubere Energie durch schnelle Kernspaltung und Recycling von Kernbrennstoff, hat einen Bevorzugten Lieferantenvertrag mit Siemens Energy für das Energiewandlersystem seines Aurora-Kraftwerks unterzeichnet. Dieser verbindliche Vertrag, der auf einem früheren Memorandum of Understanding basiert, zielt darauf ab, die Produktionsskalierbarkeit, Kosteneffizienz und schnelle Implementierung zu verbessern, um der wachsenden Kundennachfrage gerecht zu werden.

Siemens Energy wird das Energiewandlersystem und unterstützende Systeme bereitstellen, um Effizienzen durch Skaleneffekte zu fördern. Die Standardisierung von Geräten in den Kraftwerken von Oklo wird voraussichtlich Kosteneinsparungen bei der Herstellung, dem Bau, dem Betrieb und der Wartung zur Folge haben. Die schnelle Kernspaltungstechnologie von Oklo verwendet flüssiges Metall als Kühlmittel, was einen hochtemperaturfähigen Betrieb ohne Druckerhöhung ermöglicht und die Verwendung von allgemein verfügbaren Legierungen aus bestehenden Lieferketten unterstützt.

  • Signed Preferred Supplier Agreement with Siemens Energy for power conversion system
  • Expected cost savings in manufacturing, construction, operations, and maintenance
  • Utilization of existing supply chains for components, reducing costs and complexity
  • Robust customer engagement exceeding 1,300 megawatts in non-binding letters of intent
  • None.

Oklo's strategic agreement with Siemens Energy for steam turbine generators is a significant step towards commercializing their advanced fission technology. The focus on standardization and cost efficiency is important in the nuclear energy sector. By leveraging Siemens Energy's expertise, Oklo aims to achieve economies of scale and reduce maintenance downtime, which could potentially lower the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) for their Aurora powerhouse.

The use of liquid metal coolant in Oklo's fast fission technology is a key differentiator. Operating at high temperatures without pressurization allows for the use of common alloys and existing supply chains, potentially reducing manufacturing costs and simplifying the overall design. This approach could give Oklo a competitive edge in the small modular reactor (SMR) market, where cost-effectiveness is paramount for widespread adoption.

Oklo's partnership with Siemens Energy signals a strong move towards market readiness. The 1,300 megawatts in non-binding letters of intent demonstrates significant market interest in Oklo's technology. This level of potential demand is encouraging for a new entrant in the nuclear energy sector, suggesting that Oklo's value proposition resonates with potential customers.

The focus on pre-fabrication and standardization aligns with the industry trend towards modular nuclear reactors, which promise faster deployment and lower costs. If Oklo can deliver on its cost-efficiency goals, it could position itself as a competitive player in both traditional and emerging energy markets, particularly in regions seeking to decarbonize their power generation while maintaining grid stability.

SANTA CLARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Oklo Inc. (NYSE: OKLO) (“Oklo”), a fast fission clean power technology and nuclear fuel recycling company, today announced a key strategic development in its supply chain management by signing a Preferred Supplier Agreement with Siemens Energy for the power conversion system of the Aurora powerhouse. This agreement underscores Oklo’s ambitions to bring cost-efficient advanced fission technology to market. Building on a previously signed Memorandum of Understanding, this binding agreement marks a crucial step in Oklo's vision to enhance production scalability, cost efficiency, and rapid deployment to meet growing customer demand.

The Oklo team in discussion with Siemens Energy on the industrial steam turbine at Siemens Energy's Houston office (Image: Oklo)

The Oklo team in discussion with Siemens Energy on the industrial steam turbine at Siemens Energy's Houston office (Image: Oklo)

Siemens Energy is a supplier of steam turbine and generator technology - rotating equipment that is part of the conventional island in small and large nuclear generation plants. Siemens Energy will supply the power conversion and supporting systems, fostering efficiencies through economies of scale. Standardizing equipment across Oklo’s powerhouses is expected to result in cost savings in manufacturing, construction, operations, and maintenance. Utilizing shared spare parts across deployment is expected to reduce maintenance downtime, enhance reliability, and improve overall performance.

“We prioritize cost in our engineering process to fully leverage the advantages of fast fission technology,” said Jacob DeWitte, Oklo’s co-founder and CEO. “Our technology is based on proven designs, allowing us to utilize small, pre-fabricated, and non-pressurized components made from readily available materials and existing supply chains, further reducing costs and complexity.” Oklo’s fast fission technology utilizes liquid metal as a coolant. Liquid metal’s high boiling point allows the reactor to operate at high temperatures without being pressurized. This design enables the use of commonly available alloys, benefiting from existing large-scale supply chains already producing nearly identical parts.

With robust customer engagement exceeding 1,300 megawatts in non-binding letters of intent, this partnership underscores Oklo’s market traction and strategic focus on commercialization. “We are committed to delivering advanced fission clean energy solutions that are both innovative and economically viable,” said Alex Renner, Chief Product Officer at Oklo.

About Oklo Inc.: Oklo Inc. is developing fast fission power plants to provide clean, reliable, and affordable energy at scale. Oklo received a site use permit from the U.S. Department of Energy, was awarded fuel material from Idaho National Laboratory, submitted the first advanced fission custom combined license application to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and is developing advanced fuel recycling technologies in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. National Laboratories.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release includes statements that express Oklo’s opinions, expectations, objectives, beliefs, plans, intentions, strategies, assumptions, forecasts or projections regarding future events or future results and therefore are, or may be deemed to be, “forward-looking statements.” The words “anticipate,” “believe,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intends,” “may,” “might,” “plan,” “possible,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “should,” “would” or, in each case, their negative or other variations or comparable terminology, and similar expressions may identify forward-looking statements, but the absence of these words does not mean that a statement is not forward-looking. These forward-looking statements include all matters that are not historical facts. They appear in a number of places throughout this press release and include statements regarding our intentions, beliefs or current expectations concerning, among other things, the timing, goals and benefits of the partnership, results of operations, financial condition, liquidity, prospects, growth, strategies and the markets in which Oklo operates. Such forward-looking statements are based on information available as of the date of this press release, and current expectations, forecasts and assumptions, and involve a number of judgments, risks and uncertainties.

As a result of a number of known and unknown risks and uncertainties, the actual results or performance of Oklo may be materially different from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. The following important risk factors could affect Oklo’s future results and cause those results or other outcomes to differ materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements: risks related to the deployment of Oklo’s powerhouses; the risk that Oklo is pursuing an emerging market, with no commercial project operating, regulatory uncertainties; the potential need for financing to construct plants; market, financial, political and legal conditions; the effects of competition; changes in applicable laws or regulations; the risk that the agreement with Siemens Energy fails to produce the expected benefits; and the outcome of any government and regulatory proceedings and investigations and inquiries.

The foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. You should carefully consider the foregoing factors and the other risks and uncertainties of the other documents filed by Oklo from time to time with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release and in any document incorporated by reference are based on current expectations and beliefs concerning future developments and their potential effects on Oklo. There can be no assurance that future developments affecting Oklo will be those that Oklo has anticipated. Oklo undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required under applicable securities laws.

Source: Oklo Inc.

Media and Investor Contact for Oklo:

Bonita Chester, Head of Communications and Media at and

Source: Oklo Inc.


What is the significance of Oklo's Preferred Supplier Agreement with Siemens Energy?

The agreement is important for enhancing Oklo's production scalability, cost efficiency, and rapid deployment capabilities. It allows Oklo to standardize equipment across its powerhouses, potentially resulting in significant cost savings and improved performance.

How does Oklo's fast fission technology differ from traditional nuclear reactors?

Oklo's technology uses liquid metal as a coolant, allowing for high-temperature operation without pressurization. This enables the use of commonly available alloys and existing supply chains, reducing costs and complexity compared to traditional nuclear reactors.

What customer interest has Oklo (OKLO) received for its advanced fission technology?

Oklo has received robust customer engagement, with non-binding letters of intent exceeding 1,300 megawatts, indicating significant market traction for their advanced fission clean energy solutions.

How does Oklo (OKLO) plan to achieve cost efficiency in its nuclear power technology?

Oklo prioritizes cost in its engineering process by using proven designs, small pre-fabricated components, and existing supply chains. The partnership with Siemens Energy and standardization of equipment are expected to further reduce costs in manufacturing, construction, operations, and maintenance.

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