New Gold-Silver Discovery Announced on Orogen's Ermitaño Royalty Area of Interest

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Orogen Royalties Inc. (TSXV:OGN)(OTCQX:OGNRF) has announced a significant gold-silver discovery called the Navidad vein system on the Ermitaño Mine concessions in Sonora, Mexico. The discovery, made by mine operator First Majestic Silver Corp., is located 500 metres southwest and 750 metres below the producing Ermitaño Mine, within Orogen's 2% net smelter return royalty area of interest.

Highlight drill holes include intercepts grading up to 54.93 g/t gold and 399 g/t silver over 1.82 metres. The Navidad vein system shows an apparent strike continuity of 750 metres and dip continuity of 250 metres, with vein thickness ranging from 1.5 to 6.0 metres. The zone remains open in all directions, with four drill rigs currently assigned to exploration.

This discovery has strong implications for extending the life of the Ermitaño Mine and Orogen's royalty. The company's total area of interest in the region includes 167 square kilometres at Ermitaño and 223 square kilometres at Cumobabi.

Orogen Royalties Inc. (TSXV:OGN)(OTCQX:OGNRF) ha annunciato una scoperta significativa di oro e argento chiamata il sistema minerario Navidad nelle concessioni della miniera Ermitaño in Sonora, Messico. La scoperta, effettuata dall'operatore minerario First Majestic Silver Corp., si trova a 500 metri a sud-ovest e 750 metri sotto la miniera Ermitaño in produzione, all'interno dell'area di interesse per la royalty del 2% sul ritorno dalla fusione di Orogen.

I fori di perforazione evidenziati includono intersezioni con un grado di 54.93 g/t di oro e 399 g/t di argento su 1.82 metri. Il sistema minerario Navidad mostra una apparente continuità di strike di 750 metri e una continuità di dip di 250 metri, con uno spessore della vena che varia da 1.5 a 6.0 metri. La zona rimane aperta in tutte le direzioni, con quattro torri di perforazione attualmente assegnate all'esplorazione.

Questa scoperta ha forti implicazioni per l'estensione della vita della miniera Ermitaño e della royalty di Orogen. L'area totale di interesse della compagnia nella regione include 167 chilometri quadrati a Ermitaño e 223 chilometri quadrati a Cumobabi.

Orogen Royalties Inc. (TSXV:OGN)(OTCQX:OGNRF) ha anunciado un importante descubrimiento de oro y plata llamado el sistema de venas Navidad en las concesiones de la Mina Ermitaño en Sonora, México. El descubrimiento, realizado por el operador minero First Majestic Silver Corp., se encuentra a 500 metros al suroeste y 750 metros debajo de la mina Ermitaño en producción, dentro del área de interés de regalías del 2% de Orogen.

Los agujeros de perforación destacados incluyen intercepciones con ley de hasta 54.93 g/t de oro y 399 g/t de plata sobre 1.82 metros. El sistema de venas Navidad muestra una aparente continuidad de strike de 750 metros y una continuidad de dip de 250 metros, con un grosor de vena que varía de 1.5 a 6.0 metros. La zona permanece abierta en todas las direcciones, con cuatro plataformas de perforación asignadas actualmente a la exploración.

Este descubrimiento tiene fuertes implicaciones para extender la vida de la mina Ermitaño y la regalía de Orogen. El área total de interés de la compañía en la región incluye 167 kilómetros cuadrados en Ermitaño y 223 kilómetros cuadrados en Cumobabi.

Orogen Royalties Inc. (TSXV:OGN)(OTCQX:OGNRF)는 멕시코 소노라에 있는 에르미타냐 광산 허가구에서 '나비닷 vein 시스템'이라고 불리는 중요한 금-은 발견을 발표했습니다. 이 발견은 광산 운영자인 First Majestic Silver Corp.에 의해 이루어졌으며, 생산 중인 에르미타냐 광산에서 남서쪽으로 500미터, 아래로 750미터 떨어진 곳에 위치하고 있으며, Orogen의 2% 순 제련 반환 로열티 관심 지역 내에 있습니다.

주요 드릴 홀에는 1.82미터에 걸쳐 54.93 g/t 금과 399 g/t 은의 성분이 포함되어 있습니다. 나비닷 vein 시스템은 750미터의 겉모습 연속성 및 250미터의 경사 연속성을 보여주며, vein 두께는 1.5미터에서 6.0미터 사이입니다. 이 구역은 모든 방향으로 열려 있습니다 현재 네 대의 드릴링 장비가 탐사를 위해 할당되어 있습니다.

이 발견은 에르미타냐 광산의 수명을 연장하고 Orogen의 로열티에 강력한 시사점을 가지고 있습니다. 회사의 총 관심 지역은 에르미타냐에서 167 평방킬로미터, 쿠모바비에서 223 평방킬로미터를 포함합니다.

Orogen Royalties Inc. (TSXV:OGN)(OTCQX:OGNRF) a annoncé une découverte significative d'or et d'argent appelée le système de veines Navidad sur les concessions de la mine Ermitaño à Sonora, au Mexique. La découverte, faite par l'opérateur minier First Majestic Silver Corp., est située à 500 mètres au sud-ouest et 750 mètres en dessous de la mine Ermitaño en production, dans la zone d'intérêt de la redevance de 2% de Orogen.

Les forets de forage mis en avant incluent des intersections ayant des teneurs allant jusqu'à 54,93 g/t d'or et 399 g/t d'argent sur 1,82 mètres. Le système de veines Navidad présente une continuité apparente de strike de 750 mètres et une continuité de pente de 250 mètres, avec une épaisseur de veine variant de 1,5 à 6,0 mètres. La zone reste ouverte dans toutes les directions, avec quatre appareils de forage actuellement affectés à l'exploration.

Cette découverte a de fortes implications pour l'extension de la durée de vie de la mine Ermitaño et pour la redevance d'Orogen. La superficie totale d'intérêt de l'entreprise dans la région comprend 167 kilomètres carrés à Ermitaño et 223 kilomètres carrés à Cumobabi.

Orogen Royalties Inc. (TSXV:OGN)(OTCQX:OGNRF) hat eine bedeutende Gold-Silber-Entdeckung genannt das Navidad-Veinsystem auf den Konzessionen der Ermitaño Mine in Sonora, Mexiko, angekündigt. Die Entdeckung, die von dem Bergbauunternehmen First Majestic Silver Corp. gemacht wurde, befindet sich 500 Meter südwestlich und 750 Meter unterhalb der produzierenden Ermitaño Mine, innerhalb des Interessengebiets von Orogens 2% Nettogewinn-Urheberrechts.

Hervorzuhebende Bohrlöcher beinhalten Abfangungen mit Gehalten von bis zu 54.93 g/t Gold und 399 g/t Silber über 1.82 Meter. Das Navidad-Veinsystem zeigt eine offensichtliche Strike-Kontinuität von 750 Metern und eine Neigungskontinuität von 250 Metern, wobei die Venedicke von 1,5 bis 6,0 Metern variiert. Der Bereich bleibt in alle Richtungen offen; derzeit sind vier Bohrgeräte der Exploration zugewiesen.

Diese Entdeckung hat starke Auswirkungen auf die Verlängerung der Lebensdauer der Ermitaño Mine und Orogens Royalty. Das gesamte Interessengebiet des Unternehmens in der Region umfasst 167 Quadratkilometer in Ermitaño und 223 Quadratkilometer in Cumobabi.

  • New high-grade gold-silver discovery (Navidad vein system) within Orogen's 2% NSR royalty area
  • Significant drill intercepts including 54.93 g/t gold and 399 g/t silver over 1.82 metres
  • Navidad vein system shows 750 metres strike continuity and 250 metres dip continuity
  • Discovery potentially extends life of Ermitaño Mine and Orogen's royalty
  • Four drill rigs assigned to explore the Navidad vein system
  • Early stage of drilling, full extent and geometry of Navidad vein system not yet known

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / July 31, 2024 / (TSXV:OGN)(OTCQX:OGNRF) Orogen Royalties Inc. ("Orogen" or the "Company") is pleased to announce a new significant gold-silver discovery, called the Navidad vein system, on the Ermitaño Mine concessions in Sonora, Mexico where the Company holds a 2% net smelter return ("NSR") royalty.


  • Mine operator, First Majestic Silver Corp. ("First Majestic"), has announced the Navidad gold-silver discovery located 500 metres southwest and 750 metres below the producing Ermitaño Mine and is within Orogen's royalty area of interest ("AOI").

  • Highlight drill holes (reported as true thickness intercepts) include:

    • EW-24-364 grading 8.15 grams per tonne ("g/t") gold and 427 g/t silver over 4.78 metres (Navidad Vein)

    • EW-24-370 grading 10.13 g/t gold and 86 g/t silver over 4.42 metres (Navidad Vein)

    • EW-24-370 grading 5.65 g/t gold and 46 g/t silver over 5.75 metres (HW vein)

    • EW-24-368 grading 54.93 g/t gold and 399 g/t silver over 1.82 metres (Navidad Vein)

  • The Navidad vein system, that includes a hanging wall vein ("HW Vein"), has an apparent strike continuity of 750 metres and dip continuity of 250 metres. Vein thickness for both areas range from 1.5 metres to 6.0 metres. The zone is open in all directions.

  • First Majestic has four drill rigs assigned to the Navidad vein system.

Paddy Nicol, Orogen's CEO, commented, "The discovery of the Navidad vein system has strong implications for significantly extending the life of the Ermitaño Mine and for Orogen's 2% NSR royalty. Only seven holes have been completed in the Navidad vein, but the scale of the discovery is already apparent with high grade gold intercepts that are approximately 750 metres apart. The discovery of Navidad on the western end of the Ermitaño vein parallels the discovery of the Luna zone on the eastern end of the mine and highlights the outstanding growth potential of the area. Orogen's total area of interest in the region includes 167 square kilometres at Ermitaño and 223 square kilometres at Cumobabi, where the Company also holds a 1.5% NSR royalty."

About the Ermitaño and Navidad Veins
The 167 square-kilometre Ermitaño mining concession where Orogen holds a 2% NSR royalty is located in Sonora, Mexico approximately 150 kilometres east of Hermosillo. Ermitaño is contiguous with the Santa Elena mining claims and are both owned and operated by First Majestic. (Figure 1).

The Ermitaño vein was discovered in 2016 and developed into a producing underground mine at the end of 2021. Current reserves and resources are as follow:

Table 1:

Exploration drilling by First Majestic in 2021 identified the fault-offset Luna zone to the east of the Ermitaño mine which has been integrated into the 2023 Inferred resource. Luna remains open to the east2.

Figure 1: Plan map of the Navidad vein system and Ermitaño mine projected to surface adapted from First Majestic3.

The Navidad vein hosted gold-silver mineralized system represents a completely new discovery to the west of the Ermitaño mine3. The system is within Orogen's royalty AOI (Figure 1).

An exploratory seven-hole diamond drill program by First Majestic, testing for the fault-offset and high grade western end of the Ermitaño vein, intersected multiple banded quartz veins with visible silver sulphides at depth (Figure 3 and Table 2). Six drill holes returned significant intersects from the main Navidad vein, its splays, and a separate structure in the Hanging wall ("HW Vein").

The early stage drilling has outlined vein hosted gold and silver mineralization over an apparent strike length of 750 metres and a dip continuity of 225 metres. With the Navidad vein returning thicknesses of 1.8 to 5 metres and the HW vein returning thicknesses of 1.5 to 6 metres (Figure 3).

Due to the early stage of drilling, the full extent and geometry of the Navidad vein system is not yet known and exploration potential remains open in all directions. First Majestic has assigned additional drill rigs to Navidad for the remainder of 2024 with four rigs currently located on the vein system.

Table 2: Summary of significant gold and silver intercepts from the Navidad Vein System from First Majestic3

Figure 2: Vertical section looking southeast (1300 m section influence) at the Navidad and Ermitaño vein systems from First Majestic. Vein intersections as points not to scale3.

Figure 3: Vertical long section (500 m section influence) of the Navidad vein looking southeast. Vein coloured by modelled thickness. Drill hole metres are true thickness. From First Majestic3

Save the Date - Orogen's Project Generation Showcase

Date & Time: Wednesday September 18, 2024, at 10:00AM PST / 1:00PM EST

Zoom Webinar Registration:

Join Orogen's exploration team to learn more about our portfolio of drill ready precious and base metal projects in western North America that are available for option and sale. The free event is open to anyone including interested companies, geologists and other technical professionals, shareholders and interested investors.

Our inaugural event will be dedicated to "Expanded Silicon Analogues", projects sharing geological similarities to the Expanded Silicon project (Merlin gold deposit: 9.05 million ounces inferred and Silicon gold deposit: 3.4 million ounces indicated, and 800,000 ounces inferred). Don't miss this opportunity to interact with the technical team responsible for the creation of these projects and for the identification of the Expanded Silicon project.

Qualified Person Statement
All new technical data, as disclosed in this press release, has been verified by Laurence Pryer, Ph.D., P.Geo., Vice President of Exploration for Orogen. Dr. Pryer is a qualified person as defined under the terms of National Instrument 43-101.

Certain technical disclosure in this release is a summary of previously released information and the Company is relying on the interpretation provided by the relevant company. Additional information can be found on the links in the footnotes or on SEDAR+ (

About Orogen Royalties Inc.
Orogen Royalties is focused on organic royalty creation and royalty acquisitions on precious and base metal discoveries in western North America. The Company's royalty portfolio includes the Ermitaño gold and silver Mine in Sonora, Mexico (2.0% NSR royalty) operated by First Majestic Silver Corp. and the Expanded Silicon Project (1.0% NSR royalty) in Nevada, U.S.A, being advanced by AngloGold Ashanti NA. The Company is well financed with several projects actively being developed by joint venture partners.

On Behalf of the Board

Paddy Nicol
President & CEO

To find out more about Orogen, please contact Paddy Nicol, President & CEO at 604-248-8648, and Marco LoCascio, Vice President, Corporate Development at 604-248-8648. Visit our website at

Orogen Royalties Inc.
1015 - 789 West Pender Street
Vancouver, BC
Canada V6C 1H2

Forward-Looking Information
This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this presentation, other than statements of historical facts, that address events or developments that Orogen Royalties Inc. (the "Company") expect to occur, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur

Although the Company believe the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those in forward looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration successes, and continued availability of capital and financing, and general economic, market or business conditions.

Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by securities laws, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.




SOURCE: Orogen Royalties Inc

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What is the Navidad vein system discovered by Orogen Royalties (OGNRF)?

The Navidad vein system is a new gold-silver discovery announced by Orogen Royalties (OGNRF) on July 31, 2024. It is located 500 metres southwest and 750 metres below the producing Ermitaño Mine in Sonora, Mexico, within Orogen's 2% NSR royalty area of interest.

What are the highlight drill results from the Navidad vein system for Orogen Royalties (OGNRF)?

Highlight drill results from the Navidad vein system include: EW-24-364 grading 8.15 g/t gold and 427 g/t silver over 4.78 metres, EW-24-370 grading 10.13 g/t gold and 86 g/t silver over 4.42 metres, and EW-24-368 grading 54.93 g/t gold and 399 g/t silver over 1.82 metres.

How might the Navidad discovery impact Orogen Royalties' (OGNRF) Ermitaño Mine royalty?

The Navidad discovery has strong implications for significantly extending the life of the Ermitaño Mine and, consequently, Orogen Royalties' (OGNRF) 2% NSR royalty. The scale and high-grade nature of the discovery suggest potential for increased future royalty revenue for Orogen.

What is the current exploration status of the Navidad vein system for Orogen Royalties (OGNRF)?

As of July 31, 2024, the Navidad vein system is in early-stage exploration. First Majestic has completed seven drill holes and assigned four drill rigs to the system. The zone remains open in all directions, with exploration potential still to be fully determined.

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