May Health has appointed Colby Holtshouse as President and CEO to lead the company's development of its novel Ovarian Rebalancing™ technology. The technology is a one-time transvaginal ablation procedure designed to restore ovulation in women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), affecting 10% of women.
The company is currently conducting the REBALANCE study, an IDE clinical trial to support FDA marketing authorization. The procedure uses radio frequency energy to ablate excess androgen-producing ovarian tissue, aiming to establish regular ovulatory menstrual cycles. This in-office treatment is designed for same-day recovery with minimal discomfort.
Holtshouse brings executive experience from Organon, Alydia Health, and Pelvalon. May Health has completed clinical feasibility studies in Europe and the U.S. and is actively enrolling patients for its IDE clinical study in the United States.
May Health ha nominato Colby Holtshouse come Presidente e CEO per guidare lo sviluppo della nuova tecnologia Ovarian Rebalancing™ dell'azienda. Questa tecnologia consiste in una procedura di ablazione transvaginale una tantum progettata per ripristinare l'ovulazione nelle donne con Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), che colpisce il 10% delle donne.
L'azienda sta attualmente conducendo lo studio REBALANCE, un trial clinico IDE per supportare l'autorizzazione al marketing da parte della FDA. La procedura utilizza energia a radiofrequenza per ablare il tessuto ovarico che produce androgeni in eccesso, con l'obiettivo di stabilire cicli mestruali ovulatori regolari. Questo trattamento in ambulatorio è progettato per una ripresa il giorno stesso con un minimo disagio.
Holtshouse porta con sé un'esperienza dirigenziale da Organon, Alydia Health e Pelvalon. May Health ha completato studi di fattibilità clinica in Europa e negli Stati Uniti ed è attivamente in fase di reclutamento di pazienti per il suo studio clinico IDE negli Stati Uniti.
May Health ha nombrado a Colby Holtshouse como Presidente y CEO para liderar el desarrollo de su nueva tecnología Ovarian Rebalancing™. Esta tecnología es un procedimiento de ablación transvaginal único diseñado para restaurar la ovulación en mujeres con Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), que afecta al 10% de las mujeres.
La empresa está llevando a cabo actualmente el estudio REBALANCE, un ensayo clínico IDE para apoyar la autorización de marketing de la FDA. El procedimiento utiliza energía de radiofrecuencia para ablar el tejido ovárico productor de andrógenos en exceso, con el objetivo de establecer ciclos menstruales ovulatorios regulares. Este tratamiento en consultorio está diseñado para una recuperación el mismo día con un mínimo de molestias.
Holtshouse aporta experiencia ejecutiva de Organon, Alydia Health y Pelvalon. May Health ha completado estudios de viabilidad clínica en Europa y EE. UU. y está reclutando activamente pacientes para su estudio clínico IDE en Estados Unidos.
메이 헬스는 콜비 홀츠하우스를 사장 겸 CEO로 임명하여 회사의 새로운 기술인 Ovarian Rebalancing™ 개발을 이끌게 하였습니다. 이 기술은 다낭성 난소 증후군(PCOS)이 있는 여성의 배란을 회복하기 위해 설계된 일회성 질 내 절제 절차입니다. 이 증후군은 여성의 10%에 영향을 미칩니다.
회사는 현재 FDA 마케팅 승인을 지원하기 위해 REBALANCE 연구라는 IDE 임상 시험을 진행하고 있습니다. 이 절차는 과도한 안드로겐을 생성하는 난소 조직을 절제하기 위해 라디오 주파수 에너지를 사용하여 정기적인 배란 주기를 설정하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이 진료실 치료는 최소한의 불편함으로 당일 회복을 위해 설계되었습니다.
홀츠하우스는 Organon, Alydia Health 및 Pelvalon에서의 경영 경험을 가지고 있습니다. 메이 헬스는 유럽과 미국에서 임상 타당성 연구를 완료했으며, 미국에서 IDE 임상 연구를 위한 환자 모집을 적극적으로 진행하고 있습니다.
May Health a nommé Colby Holtshouse au poste de Président et CEO pour diriger le développement de sa nouvelle technologie Ovarian Rebalancing™. Cette technologie est une procédure d'ablation transvaginale unique conçue pour restaurer l'ovulation chez les femmes atteintes du Syndrome des Ovaires Polykystiques (SOPK), qui touche 10 % des femmes.
L'entreprise mène actuellement l'étude REBALANCE, un essai clinique IDE pour soutenir l'autorisation de mise sur le marché par la FDA. La procédure utilise l'énergie des radiofréquences pour ablater le tissu ovarien produisant des androgènes en excès, visant à établir des cycles menstruels ovulatoires réguliers. Ce traitement en cabinet est conçu pour une récupération le jour même avec un inconfort minimal.
Holtshouse apporte une expérience exécutive d'Organon, Alydia Health et Pelvalon. May Health a terminé des études de faisabilité clinique en Europe et aux États-Unis et recrute activement des patients pour son étude clinique IDE aux États-Unis.
May Health hat Colby Holtshouse zum Präsidenten und CEO ernannt, um die Entwicklung der neuartigen Technologie Ovarian Rebalancing™ des Unternehmens zu leiten. Diese Technologie ist ein einmaliger transvaginaler Ablationsprozess, der darauf abzielt, die Ovulation bei Frauen mit Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) wiederherzustellen, was 10 % der Frauen betrifft.
Das Unternehmen führt derzeit die REBALANCE-Studie durch, eine IDE-Klinikstudie zur Unterstützung der FDA-Marktzulassung. Das Verfahren nutzt Radiofrequenzenergie, um überschüssiges androgenproduzierendes Ovargewebe zu ablieren, mit dem Ziel, regelmäßige ovulatorische Menstruationszyklen zu etablieren. Diese Behandlung in der Praxis ist für eine Genesung am selben Tag mit minimalen Beschwerden konzipiert.
Holtshouse bringt Führungserfahrung von Organon, Alydia Health und Pelvalon mit. May Health hat klinische Machbarkeitsstudien in Europa und den USA abgeschlossen und rekrutiert aktiv Patienten für ihre IDE-Klinikstudie in den Vereinigten Staaten.
- Company completed clinical feasibility studies in both Europe and U.S.
- Technology addresses large market opportunity (10% of women affected by PCOS)
- Procedure offers same-day recovery with minimal downtime
- New CEO brings relevant industry experience in women's health sector
- Product still requires FDA marketing authorization
- Technology to patients resistant to oral medication
- Currently in clinical trial phase with no guaranteed success
Leadership transition comes as Company focuses on clinical evaluation of its novel Ovarian Rebalancing™ technology, a one-time transvaginal ablation procedure designed to restore ovulation in women with PCOS, a leading cause of infertility
"I am delighted to have Colby join and lead the company as we look to complete the REBALANCE study, a landmark investigational device exemption (IDE) clinical trial which is being conducted to support marketing authorization for our Ovarian Rebalancing procedure so that we can bring it to millions of women who experience PCOS-related infertility," commented Dr. Robert Auerbach, May Health Chairman. "Colby has deep experience bringing groundbreaking technologies to market, making her the ideal fit to spearhead May Health as we continue to validate the technology and drive towards commercialization."
"May Health is pioneering a first-of-its-kind treatment for PCOS, a condition that affects
May Health's proprietary technology, Ovarian Rebalancing, is an investigational treatment designed to restore ovulation in patients with PCOS who are resistant to oral ovulation induction medication. The ultrasound-guided, transvaginal procedure utilizes radio frequency (RF) energy to ablate excess androgen-producing ovarian tissue in order to establish regular ovulatory menstrual cycles. The goal of this one-time, in-office procedure is to allow for same-day recovery and return to normal activities with minimal patient discomfort and downtime. May Health previously completed clinical feasibility studies in
"I am thrilled to join May Health at this important time. Following the strong clinical feasibility results, we are encouraged that the REBALANCE study will provide the evidence necessary for
About Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine condition where the ovaries produce abnormal levels of androgens, which are male sex hormones that are usually present in women in lesser amounts. In many cases, those with PCOS are unable to ovulate and become pregnant. PCOS is one of the most common causes of female infertility, affecting roughly
About May Health
May Health is a
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Media Contact
Charlene Herndon
SPRIG Consulting
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SOURCE May Health
What is May Health's Ovarian Rebalancing technology for PCOS treatment?
What is the current status of May Health's REBALANCE clinical trial?
How does May Health's PCOS treatment differ from traditional treatments?