Oncocyte’s DetermaIO Immuno-Oncology Assay Predicts Response to Atezolizumab in Phase 2 Clinical Trial

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Oncocyte Corp. (Nasdaq: OCX) has announced positive data for its DetermaIO™ gene expression test in a peer-reviewed publication. The NeoTRIP Phase 2 clinical trial assessed DetermaIO's ability to predict which triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) patients would benefit from adding atezolizumab (immunotherapy) to chemotherapy.

Key findings include:

  • DetermaIO-positive patients showed a significantly higher pathologic complete response (pCR) rate with atezolizumab plus chemotherapy (69.8%) compared to chemotherapy alone (46.9%).
  • DetermaIO was the only biomarker among those tested that significantly predicted pCR benefit from adding atezolizumab.
  • Results were further validated using data from the I-SPY2 Trial with pembrolizumab.

Oncocyte aims to commercialize DetermaIO within 18 months, targeting a multi-billion-dollar oncology diagnostics market.

Oncocyte Corp. (Nasdaq: OCX) ha annunciato dati positivi per il suo test di espressione genica DetermaIO™ in una pubblicazione sottoposta a revisione paritaria. Il trial clinico di fase 2 NeoTRIP ha valutato la capacità di DetermaIO di prevedere quali pazienti con cancro al seno triplo negativo (TNBC) avrebbero tratto beneficio dall'aggiunta di atezolizumab (immunoterapia) alla chemioterapia.

I risultati chiave includono:

  • I pazienti positivi a DetermaIO hanno mostrato una percentuale significativamente più alta di risposta completa patologica (pCR) con atezolizumab più chemioterapia (69,8%) rispetto alla chemioterapia da sola (46,9%).
  • DetermaIO è stato l'unico biomarker tra quelli testati che ha previsto significativamente il beneficio di pCR dall'aggiunta di atezolizumab.
  • I risultati sono stati ulteriormente convalidati utilizzando i dati dal Trial I-SPY2 con pembrolizumab.

Oncocyte mira a commercializzare DetermaIO entro 18 mesi, mirando a un mercato della diagnostica oncologica da miliardi di dollari.

Oncocyte Corp. (Nasdaq: OCX) ha anunciado datos positivos para su prueba de expresión génica DetermaIO™ en una publicación revisada por pares. El ensayo clínico de fase 2 NeoTRIP evaluó la capacidad de DetermaIO para predecir qué pacientes con cáncer de mama triple negativo (TNBC) se beneficiarían de añadir atezolizumab (inmunoterapia) a la quimioterapia.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • Los pacientes positivos a DetermaIO mostraron una tasa de respuesta completa patológica (pCR) significativamente más alta con atezolizumab más quimioterapia (69,8%) en comparación con solo quimioterapia (46,9%).
  • DetermaIO fue el único biomarcador entre los testados que predijo significativamente el beneficio de pCR al añadir atezolizumab.
  • Los resultados fueron validados adicionalmente utilizando datos del ensayo I-SPY2 con pembrolizumab.

Oncocyte tiene como objetivo comercializar DetermaIO en un plazo de 18 meses, apuntando a un mercado de diagnóstico oncológico de varios miles de millones de dólares.

온코사이트 주식회사(Nasdaq: OCX)는 동료 검토된 출판물에서 DetermaIO™ 유전자 발현 테스트에 대한 긍정적인 데이터를 발표했습니다. NeoTRIP 2상 임상 시험은 DetermaIO의 능력을 평가하여 삼중 음성 유방암(TNBC) 환자 중 어떤 이들이 항암제에 아테졸리주맙 (면역 요법)를 추가하는 것의 혜택을 볼 수 있는지를 예측했습니다.

주요 발견은 다음과 같습니다:

  • DetermaIO 양성 환자들은 항암제와 아테졸리주맙을 함께 사용했을 때 병리학적 완전 반응(pCR) 비율이 69.8%로, 항암제 단독 치료의 46.9%에 비해 유의미하게 높았습니다.
  • DetermaIO는 아테졸리주맙 추가에 따른 pCR 혜택을 유의미하게 예측한 유일한 바이오마커였습니다.
  • 결과는 pembrolizumab이 포함된 I-SPY2 시험의 데이터를 사용하여 추가적으로 검증되었습니다.

온코사이트는 DetermaIO를 18개월 이내에 상용화하는 것을 목표로 하며, 수십억 달러 규모의 종양학 진단 시장을 겨냥하고 있습니다.

Oncocyte Corp. (Nasdaq: OCX) a annoncé des données positives pour son test d'expression génique DetermaIO™ dans une publication révisée par des pairs. L'essai clinique de phase 2 NeoTRIP a évalué la capacité de DetermaIO à prédire quels patients atteints de cancer du sein triple négatif (TNBC) bénéficieraient de l'ajout de atezolizumab (immunothérapie) à la chimiothérapie.

Les résultats clés comprennent :

  • Les patients positifs pour DetermaIO ont montré un taux de réponse complète pathologique (pCR) significativement plus élevé avec atezolizumab plus chimiothérapie (69,8 %) par rapport à la chimiothérapie seule (46,9 %).
  • DetermaIO était le seul biomarqueur parmi ceux testés qui a prédit de manière significative le bénéfice de pCR résultant de l'ajout d'atezolizumab.
  • Les résultats ont été validés en outre à l'aide de données de l'essai I-SPY2 avec pembrolizumab.

Oncocyte vise à commercialiser DetermaIO dans les 18 mois, ciblant un marché de diagnostics oncologiques de plusieurs milliards de dollars.

Oncocyte Corp. (Nasdaq: OCX) hat positive Daten zu seinem DetermaIO™ Genexpressions-Test in einer von Fachkollegen begutachteten Publikation bekannt gegeben. Die NeoTRIP Phase-2-Studie überprüfte die Fähigkeit von DetermaIO, vorherzusagen, welche dreifach negativen Brustkrebs (TNBC)-Patienten von der zusätzlichen Verabreichung von atezolizumab (Immuntherapie) zur Chemotherapie profitieren würden.

Wichtige Ergebnisse sind:

  • DetermaIO-positive Patienten zeigten eine signifikant höhere pathologische Komplettreaktionsrate (pCR) mit Atezolizumab plus Chemotherapie (69,8%) im Vergleich zur Chemotherapie allein (46,9%).
  • DetermaIO war der einzige Biomarker unter den getesteten, der signifikant den pCR-Vorteil der Hinzufügung von Atezolizumab vorhersagte.
  • Die Ergebnisse wurden zusätzlich durch Daten aus der I-SPY2-Studie mit Pembrolizumab validiert.

Oncocyte zielt darauf ab, DetermaIO innerhalb von 18 Monaten zu kommerzialisieren und fokussiert sich auf einen Milliardenmarkt für Onkologie-Diagnostik.

  • DetermaIO successfully predicted patient response to immunotherapy in TNBC
  • 69.8% response rate for DetermaIO-positive patients with atezolizumab plus chemotherapy
  • DetermaIO outperformed other biomarkers in predicting immunotherapy benefit
  • Results validated in a separate study (I-SPY2 Trial) with a different immunotherapy drug
  • Publication in peer-reviewed journal Clinical Cancer Research
  • Potential multi-billion-dollar addressable market for DetermaIO in oncology diagnostics
  • Plans to commercialize DetermaIO within 18 months
  • DetermaIO not yet approved for commercial use
  • Ongoing need for CMS reimbursement coverage for broader test access


This publication in Clinical Cancer Research validates DetermaIO's effectiveness in predicting immunotherapy response for triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) patients. Key findings include:

  • DetermaIO-positive patients showed a 69.8% pathologic complete response (pCR) rate with atezolizumab plus chemotherapy, compared to 46.9% with chemotherapy alone.
  • DetermaIO was the only biomarker among those tested to show statistical significance in predicting immunotherapy benefit.
  • Results were further validated using data from the I-SPY2 Trial, showing consistency across different immunotherapies.

These results position DetermaIO as a potentially valuable tool for personalizing TNBC treatment, addressing a significant unmet need in oncology. The multi-billion-dollar addressable market and ongoing partnering discussions suggest substantial commercial potential. However, CMS reimbursement approval remains a critical next step for broader adoption.

This news is highly positive for Oncocyte (OCX). Key financial implications include:

  • Market Opportunity: DetermaIO targets a multi-billion-dollar oncology diagnostics market, potentially driving significant revenue growth.
  • Product Pipeline: Successful validation supports Oncocyte's R&D strategy and could accelerate commercialization timelines for the oncology product line.
  • Partnerships: Positive results may strengthen ongoing partnering discussions, potentially leading to lucrative collaborations or licensing deals.
  • Reimbursement: Data will support CMS submission, which if approved, could dramatically increase test adoption and revenue potential.

While promising, investors should note that OCX is still pre-revenue for DetermaIO, with a relatively small $40 million market cap. Successful commercialization and reimbursement approval will be critical for realizing the full value of these positive clinical results.

Results published in peer-reviewed journal, Clinical Cancer Research

Study validates DetermaIO’s utility in identifying breast cancer patients most likely to benefit from atezolizumab

DetermaIO targets a multi-billion-dollar addressable market in oncology diagnostics

IRVINE, Calif., Oct. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Oncocyte Corp. (Nasdaq: OCX), a diagnostics technology company, announced the peer-reviewed publication of positive data related to its proprietary gene expression test, DetermaIO™.

The NeoTRIP Phase 2 clinical trial (NCT002620280) randomized patients with triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) to receive neoadjuvant carboplatin and nab-paclitaxel (chemotherapies to shrink tumors), with or without the immunotherapy, atezolizumab. As a secondary point of interest in the study, Oncocyte’s DetermaIO test was among several established biomarkers and gene signatures assessed for its ability to predict which patients with early stage TNBC are most likely to benefit from the immunotherapy. The study was performed in collaboration with the Michelangelo Foundation for Cancer Research, a well-regarded independent scientific organization based in Milan.

There is an unmet need in TNBC for biomarkers that are predictive of the selective benefit of immune checkpoint inhibitors, which DetermaIO aims to address. Only DetermaIO was both statistically significant and predictive of a pathologic complete response (pCR) among the various biomarkers assessed. In the NeoTRIP clinical trial, patients who tested positive by the DetermaIO assay (IO+) had a significantly higher pathologic complete response (pCR) rate when treated with atezolizumab plus chemotherapy (69.8%) compared to chemotherapy alone (46.9%). In contrast, patients who tested negative by the DetermaIO assay (IO-) did not show a significant improvement in pCR rates with atezolizumab plus chemotherapy (44.6%) compared with chemotherapy alone (49.2%), highlighting DetermaIO’s predictive power for the selective benefit of immune checkpoint inhibitors, or ICIs.

“We are thankful for the support from Dr. Matteo Dugo and his team, and are thrilled that the data in this clinical trial and this publication clearly demonstrate that DetermaIO can identify patients who are more likely to benefit from immunotherapy,” Oncocyte CEO Josh Riggs said. “DetermaIO continues to outperform standard of care biomarkers and assays. A 69.8% response rate in the treatment arm for IO+ patients is fantastic and consistent with previous studies. We will add this study to our submission to CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) and continue our push for CMS reimbursement coverage so that we can broaden access to this valuable test. I also expect this result and the forthcoming data from a separate 800+ patient study exploring additional indications in TNBC to support our ongoing DetermaIO partnering conversations.”

The data from the NeoTRIP clinical trial related to DetermaIO is published in the scientific journal, Clinical Cancer Research, and validates the direction of Oncocyte’s research and development pipeline, which is designed to drive sustained rapid growth over the next decade. Oncocyte’s mission is to democratize access to molecular diagnostic testing to improve patient outcomes. The company is investing in developing products to serve the separate verticals of organ transplant testing and oncology. Oncocyte is presently commercializing its transplant product line, which includes the VitaGraft™ and GraftAssure™ tests. Specifically, GraftAssure is being launched globally with the support of Bio-Rad Laboratories, a leading diagnostics equipment company. Oncocyte also expects to begin commercializing its oncology product line, which includes DetermaIO, over the next 18 months.

The published study further demonstrates DetermaIO's effectiveness in predicting which patients may selectively benefit from immune checkpoint inhibitors

TNBC is an aggressive form of breast cancer that does not respond to typical hormonal or targeted therapies and is often treated with systemic therapy, such as chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Oncocyte’s DetermaIO test is a novel gene expression assay that measures the expression levels of 27-genes to assess various components of the tumor immune microenvironment.

The NeoTRIP study demonstrated DetermaIO's ability to predict which patients will most likely benefit from adding an immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) to their therapy regimen.

Highlights of the publication include:

  • Among PD-L1 IHC, sTILs and 11 immune signatures analyzed, only DetermaIO was significant for interaction, meaning it could predict which patients were most likely to achieve pathologic complete response (pCR), specifically by adding atezolizumab to chemotherapy.

  • As noted above, patients receiving a DetermaIO-positive (IO+) result had a significantly higher pathologic complete response (pCR) rate when treated with atezolizumab plus chemotherapy (69.8%) compared to chemotherapy alone (46.9%). DetermaIO-negative (IO-) result patients did not show improved pCR rates with the addition of atezolizumab compared to chemotherapy alone (44.6% vs 49.2%). The interaction test between DetermaIO and the treatment arm was statistically significant (P-value = 0.043).

  • In an unselected patient population, the addition of atezolizumab achieved a numerically higher pCR rate (48.6%) but did not show a significant improvement over the chemotherapy-only arm (44.4%) in patients with TNBC.

  • The predictive value of DetermaIO was further validated using gene expression data from the pembrolizumab + chemotherapy and the chemotherapy-alone arms of the I-SPY2 Trial (NCT01042379). DetermaIO-positive patients experienced a significantly higher pCR rate with pembrolizumab (IO+ = 85.7%; IO- = 46.7%, p=0.04). No significant association was found in the chemotherapy alone arm (IO+ and IO- = 16%, p=0.99). The analysis from the I-SPY2 study was reported for the first time in the context of the NeoTRIP study.

About Oncocyte

Oncocyte is a diagnostics technology company. The Company’s tests are designed to help provide clarity and confidence to physicians and their patients. VitaGraft™ is a clinical blood-based solid organ transplantation monitoring test. GraftAssure™ is a research use only (RUO) blood-based solid organ transplantation monitoring test. DetermaIO™ is a gene expression test that assesses the tumor microenvironment to predict response to immunotherapies. DetermaCNI™ is a blood-based monitoring tool for monitoring therapeutic efficacy in cancer patients. For more information about Oncocyte, please visit For more information about our products, please visit the following web pages:

VitaGraft Kidney™ -
VitaGraft Liver™ -
GraftAssure™ -
DetermaIO™ -
DetermaCNI™ -

VitaGraft™, GraftAssure™, DetermaIO™, and DetermaCNI™ are trademarks of Oncocyte Corporation.

Forward-Looking Statements

Any statements that are not historical fact (including, but not limited to statements that contain words such as “will,” “believes,” “plans,” “anticipates,” “expects,” “estimates,” “may,” and similar expressions) are forward-looking statements. These statements include those pertaining to, among other things, the anticipated development and commercialization of Oncocyte’s oncology product line, which includes DetermaIO, over the next 18 months, the company's planned CMS submission for reimbursement coverage for DetermaIO, the ongoing global launch of GraftAssure with the support of Bio-Rad Laboratories, and other statements about the future expectations, beliefs, goals, plans, or prospects expressed by management. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, including, without limitation, risks inherent in the development and/or commercialization of diagnostic tests or products, uncertainty in the results of clinical trials or regulatory approvals, the capacity of Oncocyte’s third-party supplied blood sample analytic system to provide consistent and precise analytic results on a commercial scale, potential interruptions to supply chains, the need and ability to obtain future capital, maintenance of intellectual property rights in all applicable jurisdictions, obligations to third parties with respect to licensed or acquired technology and products, the need to obtain third party reimbursement for patients’ use of any diagnostic tests Oncocyte or its subsidiaries commercialize in applicable jurisdictions, and risks inherent in strategic transactions such as the potential failure to realize anticipated benefits, legal, regulatory or political changes in the applicable jurisdictions, accounting and quality controls, potential greater than estimated allocations of resources to develop and commercialize technologies, or potential failure to maintain any laboratory accreditation or certification. Actual results may differ materially from the results anticipated in these forward-looking statements and accordingly such statements should be evaluated together with the many uncertainties that affect the business of Oncocyte, particularly those mentioned in the “Risk Factors” and other cautionary statements found in Oncocyte’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings, which are available from the SEC’s website. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date on which they were made. Oncocyte undertakes no obligation to update such statements to reflect events that occur or circumstances that exist after the date on which they were made, except as required by law.


Jeff Ramson
PCG Advisory
(646) 863-6893


What is the purpose of Oncocyte's DetermaIO test in the NeoTRIP clinical trial for OCX stock?

DetermaIO was used to predict which triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) patients would benefit from adding atezolizumab (immunotherapy) to chemotherapy, potentially improving treatment outcomes.

How effective was DetermaIO in predicting patient response to immunotherapy for OCX?

DetermaIO-positive patients showed a 69.8% pathologic complete response rate with atezolizumab plus chemotherapy, compared to 46.9% with chemotherapy alone, demonstrating significant predictive power.

What is the potential market impact of DetermaIO for Oncocyte (OCX)?

DetermaIO targets a multi-billion-dollar addressable market in oncology diagnostics, potentially driving significant growth for Oncocyte if successfully commercialized.

When does Oncocyte (OCX) plan to commercialize DetermaIO?

Oncocyte expects to begin commercializing DetermaIO, part of its oncology product line, within the next 18 months.

What are the next steps for DetermaIO following the NeoTRIP trial results for OCX?

Oncocyte plans to add the NeoTRIP study results to their submission to CMS for reimbursement coverage and continue partnering discussions for DetermaIO.

Oncocyte Corporation


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Diagnostics & Research
In Vitro & in Vivo Diagnostic Substances
United States of America