Oculis and EURETINA Announce the Winner of the Inaugural Ramin Tadayoni Award

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Oculis Holding AG (Nasdaq: OCS) and EURETINA have announced Dr. Andrea Govetto as the winner of the inaugural Ramin Tadayoni Award. This award, established in memory of Oculis' late Chief Scientific Officer, aims to support outstanding retina research. Dr. Govetto's winning project focuses on developing a computational model of fluid flow and retinal tissue deformation in macular edema.

The award, presented at the EURETINA congress in Barcelona, includes €30,000 for research support and an additional €5,000 for the awardee. It recognizes promising ophthalmologists in retina research, honoring Prof. Tadayoni's legacy. Dr. Govetto, a vitreoretinal surgeon at Oftalmico-Fatebenefratelli Hospital in Milan, was selected from over 50 competitive submissions.

Oculis CEO, Dr. Riad Sherif, expressed pride in supporting the award and advancing retinal disease research. EURETINA President, Dr. Anat Loewenstein, congratulated Dr. Govetto and highlighted the award's significance in furthering Prof. Tadayoni's contributions to the field.

Oculis Holding AG (Nasdaq: OCS) e EURETINA hanno annunciato il Dr. Andrea Govetto come vincitore del primo Ramin Tadayoni Award. Questo premio, istituito in memoria del compianto Chief Scientific Officer di Oculis, ha lo scopo di sostenere la ricerca retinica di eccellenza. Il progetto vincente del Dr. Govetto si concentra sullo sviluppo di un modello computazionale del flusso di fluidi e della deformazione del tessuto retinico nell'edema maculare.

Il premio, consegnato durante il congresso EURETINA a Barcellona, prevede €30.000 per il supporto alla ricerca e un ulteriore €5.000 per il vincitore. Riconosce gli oftalmologi promettenti nella ricerca retinica, onorando l'eredità del Prof. Tadayoni. Il Dr. Govetto, chirurgo vitreoretinico presso l'Ospedale Oftalmico Fatebenefratelli di Milano, è stato selezionato tra oltre 50 candidature competitive.

Il CEO di Oculis, Dr. Riad Sherif, ha espresso orgoglio nel sostenere il premio e nel promuovere la ricerca sulle malattie retiniche. Il presidente di EURETINA, Dr. Anat Loewenstein, ha congratulato il Dr. Govetto e ha sottolineato l'importanza del premio nel rafforzare i contributi del Prof. Tadayoni nel settore.

Oculis Holding AG (Nasdaq: OCS) y EURETINA han anunciado al Dr. Andrea Govetto como el ganador del inaugural Ramin Tadayoni Award. Este premio, establecido en memoria del fallecido Director Científico de Oculis, tiene como objetivo apoyar la investigación excepcional en retina. El proyecto ganador del Dr. Govetto se centra en el desarrollo de un modelo computacional para el flujo de fluidos y la deformación del tejido retiniano en el edema macular.

El premio, presentado en el congreso de EURETINA en Barcelona, incluye €30,000 para el soporte de investigación y un adicional de €5,000 para el premiado. Reconoce a oftalmólogos prometedores en investigación retiniana, honrando el legado del Prof. Tadayoni. El Dr. Govetto, cirujano vitreorretiniano en el Hospital Oftalmico Fatebenefratelli de Milán, fue seleccionado entre más de 50 postulaciones competitivas.

El CEO de Oculis, Dr. Riad Sherif, expresó su orgullo por apoyar el premio y avanzar en la investigación de enfermedades retinianas. La presidenta de EURETINA, Dra. Anat Loewenstein, felicitó al Dr. Govetto y destacó la importancia del premio para continuar las contribuciones del Prof. Tadayoni en el campo.

Oculis Holding AG (Nasdaq: OCS)와 EURETINA는 Andrea Govetto 박사가 첫 번째 Ramin Tadayoni Award의 수상자로 선정되었다고 발표했습니다. 이 상은 Oculis의 고인이 된 최고 과학 책임자를 기리기 위해 설립되었으며, 뛰어난 망막 연구를 지원하는 것을 목표로 합니다. Govetto 박사의 수상 프로젝트는 황반부 부종에서의 유체 흐름과 망막 조직 변형에 대한 컴퓨터 모델 개발에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.

바르셀로나에서 열린 EURETINA 의정보에서 수여된 이 상은 연구 지원을 위해 €30,000과 수상자를 위한 추가 €5,000을 포함합니다. 이 상은 망막 연구에서 유망한 안과 의사들을 인정하고 Prof. Tadayoni의 유산을 기립니다. 밀라노의 Oftalmico-Fatebenefratelli 병원에서 유리망막 외과 의사로 활동하는 Govetto 박사는 50개 이상의 경쟁적인 제출물 중에서 선정되었습니다.

Oculis의 CEO인 Riad Sherif 박사는 이 상을 지원하고 망막 질환 연구를 촉진할 수 있다는 것에 자부심을 표명했습니다. EURETINA의 회장인 Anat Loewenstein 박사는 Govetto 박사를 축하하고 Prof. Tadayoni가 이 분야에 기여한 중요성을 강조했습니다.

Oculis Holding AG (Nasdaq: OCS) et EURETINA ont annoncé le Dr Andrea Govetto comme le lauréat du premier Ramin Tadayoni Award. Ce prix, établi en mémoire de l'ancien directeur scientifique d'Oculis, a pour but de soutenir la recherche exceptionnelle sur la rétine. Le projet gagnant du Dr Govetto se concentre sur le développement d'un modèle computationnel du flux de fluides et de la déformation des tissus rétiniens dans l'œdème maculaire.

Le prix, remis lors du congrès d'EURETINA à Barcelone, comprend 30 000 € pour le soutien à la recherche et 5 000 € supplémentaires pour le récipiendaire. Il reconnaît les ophtalmologistes prometteurs dans la recherche rétinienne, rendant hommage à l'héritage du Prof. Tadayoni. Le Dr Govetto, chirurgien vitréo-rétinien à l'Hôpital Oftalmico Fatebenefratelli de Milan, a été sélectionné parmi plus de 50 soumissions compétitives.

Le PDG d'Oculis, Dr Riad Sherif, a exprimé sa fierté de soutenir le prix et de faire avancer la recherche sur les maladies rétiniennes. Le président d'EURETINA, Dr Anat Loewenstein, a félicité le Dr Govetto et a souligné l'importance du prix pour poursuivre les contributions du Prof. Tadayoni dans le domaine.

Oculis Holding AG (Nasdaq: OCS) und EURETINA haben Dr. Andrea Govetto als Gewinner des ersten Ramin Tadayoni Award bekannt gegeben. Dieser Preis, der zum Gedenken an den verstorbenen Chief Scientific Officer von Oculis ins Leben gerufen wurde, zielt darauf ab, herausragende Retina-Forschung zu unterstützen. Das ausgezeichnete Projekt von Dr. Govetto konzentriert sich auf die Entwicklung eines computergestützten Modells für den Flüssigkeitsfluss und die Deformation von Netzhautgewebe bei makulärem Ödem.

Der Preis, der auf dem EURETINA-Kongress in Barcelona verliehen wurde, umfasst €30.000 für Forschungsunterstützung und zusätzlich €5.000 für den Preisträger. Er würdigt vielversprechende Augenärzte in der Retina-Forschung und ehrt das Erbe von Prof. Tadayoni. Dr. Govetto, ein vitreoretinaler Chirurg am Oftalmico-Fatebenefratelli Krankenhaus in Mailand, wurde aus über 50 Wettbewerbsbeiträgen ausgewählt.

Der CEO von Oculis, Dr. Riad Sherif, drückte seinen Stolz aus, den Preis zu unterstützen und die Forschung zu Netzhauterkrankungen voranzubringen. Der Präsident von EURETINA, Dr. Anat Loewenstein, gratulierte Dr. Govetto und hob die Bedeutung des Preises zur Förderung der Beiträge von Prof. Tadayoni in diesem Bereich hervor.

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ZUG, Switzerland, Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Oculis Holding AG (Nasdaq: OCS) (“Oculis”), a global biopharmaceutical company purposefully driven to save sight and improve eye care, in collaboration with EURETINA, today announced the winner of the Inaugural Ramin Tadayoni Award.

The Ramin Tadayoni Award was established in memory of Oculis’ Chief Scientific Officer and a world-renowned retina specialist in order to pay a lasting tribute to Professor Tadayoni’s legacy, who passed away unexpectedly earlier this year. The first recipient of the award is Andrea Govetto, M.D., Ph.D. who is developing a computational model of fluid flow and retinal tissue deformation in macular edema.

Anat Loewenstein, M.D., President of EURETINA, added: “I would like to extend my thanks to all the applicants. We received over 50 robust and highly competitive submissions and on behalf of EURETINA, I would like to congratulate Dr. Govetto as the first recipient of this prestigious award. Dr. Govetto’s innovative research is focused on fluid flow and retinal tissue deformation in macular edema and is therefore a perfect tribute to Prof. Tadayoni’s achievement and contributions.”

Riad Sherif, M.D., Chief Executive Officer of Oculis, commented: “We are honored to be part of the Ramin Tadayoni Award in partnership with EURETINA and wish to congratulate the winner, Dr. Govetto, a rising ophthalmologist dedicated to further advancing research for retinal diseases and improving patient care. We believe that by supporting this award and funding high-quality retina research, we will be able to honor our friend and colleague Prof. Ramin Tadayoni’s legacy.”

Dr. Govetto is a vitreoretinal surgeon at the Oftalmico-Fatebenefratelli Hospital, ASST-Fatebenefratelli-Sacco in Milan, Italy. His research is focused on the pathology of the vitreoretinal interface and retinal detachment, contributing to the understanding of the pathophysiology of lamellar macular hole, epiretinal membrane, and tractional abnormalities of the central fovea, for which he was recognized with numerous awards. Dr. Govetto specialized in ophthalmology in Spain, completed his clinical and research fellowship in vitreoretinal diseases and surgery at the Stein Eye Institute of the University of California Los Angeles, and a surgical fellowship at the Bristol Eye Hospital in Bristol, U.K. He received his M.D. from the University of Udine, Italy and completed his Ph.D. at the University of Alcalà, Madrid, Spain.

The annual award of €30,000 for research support, with an additional €5,000 for the awardee, recognizes the future generation of talented ophthalmologists who have demonstrated outstanding potential in the field of retina research. The award was presented to Dr. Govetto by Anat Loewenstein, M.D., President of EURETINA, at the opening ceremony of the EURETINA congress taking place September 19-22, 2024 in Barcelona, Spain.

About Oculis

Oculis is a global biopharmaceutical company (Nasdaq: OCS; XICE: OCS) purposefully driven to save sight and improve eye care. Oculis’ highly differentiated pipeline comprises multiple innovative product candidates in development. It includes OCS-01, a topical eye drop candidate for diabetic macular edema (DME) and for the treatment of inflammation and pain following cataract surgery; OCS-02 (licaminlimab), a topical biologic anti-TNFα eye drop candidate for dry eye disease (DED) and for non-infectious anterior uveitis; and OCS-05, a neuroprotective candidate for acute optic neuritis (AON). Headquartered in Switzerland and with operations in the U.S. and Iceland, Oculis’ goal is to improve the health and quality of life of patients worldwide. The company is led by an experienced management team with a successful track record and is supported by leading international healthcare investors.

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Who won the inaugural Ramin Tadayoni Award announced by Oculis (OCS) and EURETINA?

Dr. Andrea Govetto, a vitreoretinal surgeon at Oftalmico-Fatebenefratelli Hospital in Milan, Italy, won the inaugural Ramin Tadayoni Award.

What is the research focus of the winning project for the Ramin Tadayoni Award by Oculis (OCS)?

The winning project focuses on developing a computational model of fluid flow and retinal tissue deformation in macular edema.

How much is the Ramin Tadayoni Award worth, as announced by Oculis (OCS) and EURETINA?

The Ramin Tadayoni Award includes €30,000 for research support and an additional €5,000 for the awardee, totaling €35,000.

Where and when was the Ramin Tadayoni Award presented by Oculis (OCS) and EURETINA?

The award was presented at the opening ceremony of the EURETINA congress taking place September 19-22, 2024 in Barcelona, Spain.

Why did Oculis (OCS) establish the Ramin Tadayoni Award?

Oculis established the award to honor the legacy of Professor Ramin Tadayoni, their late Chief Scientific Officer and a renowned retina specialist, and to support outstanding retina research.

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