OceanaGold Submits WNP Application for Fast-track Approval and Reports Additional High-Grade Mineralization at Wharekirauponga
OceanaGold (OCANF) has submitted a Fast-track approval application for the Waihi North Project and reported new drilling results at Wharekirauponga, New Zealand. The company expects full permitting by end of 2025.
Recent high-grade drill intercepts include: 6.3m @ 8.7 g/t Au, 1.7m @ 24.6 g/t Au, 3.5m @ 14.0 g/t Au, and 5.7m @ 5.3 g/t Au, demonstrating continuity beyond the 1.2 Moz of Reserves declared in December 2024.
Five drill holes have been completed, with four showing significant mineralization in the high-grade southern shoot of the East Graben vein zone. The 2025 exploration program will target resource growth with 8,600 metres planned, focusing on the EG vein zone for resource conversion and growth.
OceanaGold (OCANF) ha presentato una domanda di approvazione accelerata per il Progetto Waihi North e ha riportato nuovi risultati di perforazione a Wharekirauponga, Nuova Zelanda. L'azienda prevede di ottenere tutte le autorizzazioni entro la fine del 2025.
I recenti intercettamenti di perforazione ad alta legge includono: 6,3 m @ 8,7 g/t Au, 1,7 m @ 24,6 g/t Au, 3,5 m @ 14,0 g/t Au e 5,7 m @ 5,3 g/t Au, dimostrando continuità oltre le 1,2 Moz di riserve dichiarate a dicembre 2024.
Sono stati completati cinque fori di perforazione, di cui quattro mostrano una significativa mineralizzazione nel colpo meridionale ad alta legge della zona della vena East Graben. Il programma di esplorazione del 2025 mirerà alla crescita delle risorse con 8.600 metri pianificati, concentrandosi sulla zona della vena EG per la conversione e la crescita delle risorse.
OceanaGold (OCANF) ha presentado una solicitud de aprobación acelerada para el Proyecto Waihi North y ha informado nuevos resultados de perforación en Wharekirauponga, Nueva Zelanda. La compañía espera obtener todos los permisos para finales de 2025.
Los recientes interceptos de perforación de alta ley incluyen: 6.3 m @ 8.7 g/t Au, 1.7 m @ 24.6 g/t Au, 3.5 m @ 14.0 g/t Au y 5.7 m @ 5.3 g/t Au, demostrando continuidad más allá de las 1.2 Moz de reservas declaradas en diciembre de 2024.
Se han completado cinco perforaciones, de las cuales cuatro muestran una mineralización significativa en el disparo de alta ley del sur de la zona de la vena East Graben. El programa de exploración de 2025 se centrará en el crecimiento de recursos con 8,600 metros planificados, enfocándose en la zona de la vena EG para la conversión y el crecimiento de recursos.
OceanaGold (OCANF)는 Waihi North 프로젝트에 대한 신속 승인 신청서를 제출하고 뉴질랜드 Wharekirauponga에서 새로운 시추 결과를 보고했습니다. 회사는 2025년 말까지 모든 허가를 받을 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.
최근의 고품위 시추 인터셉트는 다음과 같습니다: 6.3m @ 8.7 g/t Au, 1.7m @ 24.6 g/t Au, 3.5m @ 14.0 g/t Au, 5.7m @ 5.3 g/t Au로, 2024년 12월에 선언된 1.2 Moz의 매장량을 초과하는 연속성을 보여줍니다.
다섯 개의 시추 구멍이 완료되었으며, 그 중 네 개는 East Graben 광맥 지역의 고품위 남부 구역에서 중요한 광물화를 보여주고 있습니다. 2025년 탐사 프로그램은 8,600미터를 계획하여 자원 성장에 초점을 맞추고 있으며, EG 광맥 지역에서 자원 전환 및 성장을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
OceanaGold (OCANF) a soumis une demande d'approbation accélérée pour le projet Waihi North et a rapporté de nouveaux résultats de forage à Wharekirauponga, Nouvelle-Zélande. La société s'attend à obtenir tous les permis d'ici fin 2025.
Les récents intercepts de forage de haute qualité incluent : 6,3 m @ 8,7 g/t Au, 1,7 m @ 24,6 g/t Au, 3,5 m @ 14,0 g/t Au et 5,7 m @ 5,3 g/t Au, montrant une continuité au-delà des 1,2 Moz de réserves déclarées en décembre 2024.
Cinq trous de forage ont été complétés, dont quatre montrent une minéralisation significative dans le coup sud de haute qualité de la zone de veine East Graben. Le programme d'exploration 2025 visera la croissance des ressources avec 8 600 mètres prévus, en se concentrant sur la zone de veine EG pour la conversion et la croissance des ressources.
OceanaGold (OCANF) hat einen Antrag auf beschleunigte Genehmigung für das Waihi North Projekt eingereicht und neue Bohrergebnisse aus Wharekirauponga, Neuseeland, gemeldet. Das Unternehmen erwartet, bis Ende 2025 alle Genehmigungen zu erhalten.
Die aktuellen hochgradigen Bohrabschnitte umfassen: 6,3 m @ 8,7 g/t Au, 1,7 m @ 24,6 g/t Au, 3,5 m @ 14,0 g/t Au und 5,7 m @ 5,3 g/t Au, was eine Kontinuität über die im Dezember 2024 erklärte Reserve von 1,2 Moz hinaus zeigt.
Fünf Bohrlöcher wurden abgeschlossen, wobei vier eine signifikante Mineralisierung im hochgradigen südlichen Bereich der East Graben Venenzone zeigen. Das Explorationsprogramm 2025 wird auf das Wachstum der Ressourcen abzielen, mit 8.600 Metern, die geplant sind, und sich auf die EG Venenzone zur Ressourcenumwandlung und -wachstum konzentrieren.
- High-grade gold intercepts up to 24.6 g/t Au
- 1.2 Moz of Reserves already declared
- Significant mineralization discovered in 4 of 5 drill holes
- Additional 600 metres of strike available for testing
- Project still pending regulatory approval
- One drill hole showed only low-grade mineralization (1.9m @ 2.0 g/t Au)
The Company is also pleased to announce that on March 4, 2025, it lodged its application for the grant of Fast-track approvals for the Waihi North Project ("WNP"), which includes Wharekirauponga Underground ("WUG"), under
Highlight drill intercepts include (estimated true width):
- 6.3 m @ 8.7 g/t Au from 450.0 m, EG Vein (WKP135)
- 1.7 m @ 24.6 g/t Au from 373.3 m, EG HWS Vein (WKP135)
- 3.5 m @ 14.0 g/t Au from 457.0 m, EG Vein (WKP132A)
- 5.7 m @ 5.3 g/t Au from 516.6 m, EG Vein (WKP136A)
- 3.8 m @ 4.0 g/t Au from 567.8 m, EG Vein (WKP136)
Gerard Bond, President & CEO of OceanaGold, said "Today's results continue to demonstrate the continuity and upside potential at Wharekirauponga beyond the 1.2 Moz of Reserves we declared with the PFS in December 2024. Continued growth of Wharekirauponga through drilling and exploring for further discoveries in the district in 2025 is one of the best investments we can make and we look forward to the potential to continue to grow the resource.
Additionally, the submission of our application for the Waihi North Project under the Fast-track Approvals Act is a significant milestone for us and is a testament to the years of hard work, preparation and studies that have gone into this submission. We are excited to now be one step closer to advancing this great project and look forward to unlocking the value of Wharekirauponga for all of our stakeholders."
Drill Results Overview
Since the Company's exploration news release dated November 14, 2024, a total of five drill holes have been completed which include four extensional drill holes, two from drill site 9 and two from site 8, each of which has intersected significant mineralization in the high-grade southern shoot of the East Graben (EG) vein zone (Table 1, Figures 1-3). Results demonstrate continuation of high-grade mineralization within the EG vein and numerous hanging wall (HW) veins to the south. In addition, a single hole was completed in the lower level of the northern shoot as part of geohydrological studies (Table 1, Figures 1-3) intersecting the EG vein and low-grade mineralization in WKPB01 (1.9 m @ 2.0 g/t Au).
Drilling continues to step out to the south and grow the high-grade southern shoot of the EG vein zone and highlights ongoing potential with a further 600 metres of strike available to be tested from drill site 9. Holes WKP132A (3.5 m @ 14.0 g/t Au) and WKP135 (6.3 m @ 8.7 g/t Au) demonstrate excellent grade and width in the unconstrained up-dip and strike dimensions of the southern shoot. Hole WKP135, drilled from drill site 9, is the southernmost hole drilled across the EG vein to date and demonstrates continuity in grade. Hole WKP137, slightly higher in elevation, further supports this result intersecting 4.1 metres (true width) on the EG vein with analyses pending (Figure 2).
Hole WKP135 also showed a high-grade intersection of 24.6 g/t over 1.7 metres (true width) across the EG HWS (Hanging-Wall Splay), similarly extending mineralization in the hanging wall. A neighbouring hole drilled in late 2024, WKP134A, also intersected high-grade mineralization on this structure with 16.0 g/t over 2.3 metres (true width). Opportunity remains for up-plunge, down-plunge, and along-strike extensions on this and other attendant hanging and footwall veins.
Drill holes WKP136 (3.8 m @ 4.0 g/t Au) and WKP136A (5.7 m @ 5.3 g/t Au) have improved the confidence in mineralization at the lower level of the southern high-grade shoot with both holes displaying continuity in geology and mineralization. These holes will also contribute to the growth of the resource in a future model update.
Results can be viewed in 3D using VRIFY at the following link:
VRIFY note: Drill results reflect those set forth in OceanaGold's press release dated March 4, 2025. For further information, please refer to the press release. |
2025 Exploration Program
Exploration drilling for the 2025 drill program will target resource growth from drill sites 1, 8 and 9, testing beyond the current southern extent of drilling, and up-dip of both current and future extension holes in the south. The EG vein zone remains the primary, near-term target for drilling with 8,600 metres planned in 2025, targeting resource conversion and growth.
About Wharekirauponga, the Waihi North Project and the Fast-track Approvals Act
The Wharekirauponga vein system is located approximately 10 kilometres to the north of the Company's Waihi Gold Mine (Figure 4). Resource conversion drilling at Wharekirauponga during 2024 has increased the Indicated Resource to 2.4 million tonnes grading 17.9 g/t Au for 1.4 million ounces of gold and 1.9 million tonnes grading 9.8 g/t Au for 0.6 million ounces of gold in the Inferred Resource category.
Wharekirauponga is part of WNP, which has the potential to create significant socio-economic contributions for the communities in the Coromandel region and for
The lodging of its substantive application for Fast-track approvals is consistent with the Company's targeted timeline for the grant of approvals by December 2025 and the commencement of decline and underground development work for the proposed WUG mine in 2026. In 2025,
Table 1: Wharekirauponga drill intersections subsequent to the November 14, 2024 results update.
Drill Hole ID | From (m) | To (m) | True width (m) | Au (g/t) | Ag (g/t) | Vein |
WKP132A | 457.0 | 461.3 | 3.5 | 14.0 | 8.1 | EG |
WKP135 | 373.3 | 375.4 | 1.7 | 24.6 | 18.9 | EG HWS |
WKP135 | 450.0 | 457.0 | 6.3 | 8.7 | 11.2 | EG |
WKP136 | 567.8 | 573.7 | 3.8 | 4.0 | 9.6 | EG |
WKP136A | 516.6 | 524.0 | 5.7 | 5.3 | 7.0 | EG |
WKPB01 | 328.6 | 333.0 | 1.9 | 2.0 | 14.3 | EG |
For further information relating to drill hole data for Wharekirauponga, please refer to the Company's website at https://investors.oceanagold.com/additional-drillhole-data.
About OceanaGold
OceanaGold is a growing intermediate gold and copper producer committed to safely and responsibly maximizing the generation of Free Cash Flow from our operations and delivering strong returns for our shareholders. We have a portfolio of four operating mines: the Haile Gold Mine in
Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) at Wharekirauponga, Waihi Gold Mine
All exploration samples are assayed for gold by 30g fire assay with AAS finish. Since mid-2022, drill core sample intervals where visible electrum is logged are followed up by a subsequent screen fire assay after the routine 30g fire assay. Holes WKP40-45 had core samples shipped for sample preparation to the independent SGS laboratory in
Quality of exploration assay results has been monitored in the following areas:
- Sample preparation at the SGS Waihi and
Westport labs through sieving of jaw crush and pulp products; - Monitoring of assay precision through routine generation of duplicate samples from a second split of the jaw crush and calculation of the fundamental error; and
- Monitoring of accuracy of the primary SGS assay and ALS results through insertion Certified Reference Materials ("CRMs") and blanks into sample batches.
Blank, duplicate and CRM results are reviewed prior to uploading results in the AcQuire database and again on a weekly basis. The protocol at Waihi requires CRMs to be reported to within 2 standard deviations of the certified value. The criterion for preparation duplicates is that they have a relative difference (R-R1/mean RR1) of no greater than
Qualified Person Statement
The scientific and technical information relating to Waihi exploration results in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Mr. Leroy Crawford-Flett, a Chartered Professional Member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects and an employee of OceanaGold.
Technical Report
For further information, please refer to the technical report entitled "NI 43-101 Technical Report - Waihi District Study Pre-feasibility Study,
Cautionary Statement for Public Release
This press release contains certain "forward-looking statements" and "forward-looking information" (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws which may include, but is not limited to, statements with respect to the expected permitting and construction timeline for WNP, potential Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources growth, the realization of Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource estimates, costs and timing of future exploration and drilling programs and the potential of WNP to create significant socio-economic contributions for the surrounding communities in
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SOURCE OceanaGold Corporation