Employee Q&A: Water Use and Treasure Hunts at Amarillo

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Josh Casemier, a utilities maintenance supervisor at Owens Corning's (OC) Composites plant in Amarillo, Texas, shares insights on water conservation efforts. He participated in a Treasure Hunt in Kansas City, collaborating with the U.S. Department of Energy to find cost-effective improvement opportunities. Josh emphasizes the importance of intentional water management, especially in water-stressed areas like Amarillo.

Key initiatives include:

  • Implementing a water recycling system for air scrubbers, saving millions of gallons annually
  • Focusing on fixing small leaks to prevent significant water waste
  • Setting ambitious water consumption reduction goals for 2030

The company's efforts align with its 2023 Sustainability Report, showcasing OC's commitment to responsible resource management and environmental stewardship.

Josh Casemier, supervisore della manutenzione degli impianti presso lo stabilimento Composites di Owens Corning (OC) ad Amarillo, Texas, condivide alcune intuizioni sugli sforzi per la conservazione dell'acqua. Ha partecipato a una Treasure Hunt a Kansas City, collaborando con il Dipartimento dell'Energia degli Stati Uniti per individuare opportunità di miglioramento economico. Josh sottolinea l'importanza di una gestione intenzionale dell'acqua, specialmente in aree con stress idrico come Amarillo.

Le iniziative chiave includono:

  • Implementazione di un sistema di riciclo dell'acqua per i sistemi di depurazione dell'aria, risparmiando milioni di galloni all'anno
  • Concentrazione sulla riparazione di piccole perdite per prevenire un significativo spreco d'acqua
  • Impostazione di obiettivi ambiziosi per la riduzione del consumo d'acqua entro il 2030

Gli sforzi dell'azienda sono in linea con il suo Rapporto di Sostenibilità 2023, che evidenzia l'impegno di OC nella gestione responsabile delle risorse e nella tutela ambientale.

Josh Casemier, supervisor de mantenimiento de utilidades en la planta de Composites de Owens Corning (OC) en Amarillo, Texas, comparte sus ideas sobre los esfuerzos de conservación del agua. Participó en una “Caza del Tesoro” en Kansas City, colaborando con el Departamento de Energía de EE. UU. para encontrar oportunidades de mejora rentables. Josh enfatiza la importancia de una gestión intencionada del agua, especialmente en áreas con escasez hídrica como Amarillo.

Las iniciativas clave incluyen:

  • Implementación de un sistema de reciclaje de agua para los limpiadores de aire, ahorrando millones de galones anualmente
  • Enfoque en reparar pequeñas fugas para evitar un desperdicio significativo de agua
  • Establecimiento de objetivos ambiciosos de reducción del consumo de agua para 2030

Los esfuerzos de la empresa se alinean con su Informe de Sostenibilidad 2023, que muestra el compromiso de OC con la gestión responsable de recursos y la conservación del medio ambiente.

조쉬 카세미어(Josh Casemier)는 텍사스 아마릴로에 있는 오웬스 코닝(OC) 복합재 공장에서 유틸리티 유지 보수 감독을 맡고 있으며, 물 절약 노력에 대한 통찰을 공유합니다. 그는 캔자스 시에서 열린 보물찾기 행사에 참여했으며, 미국 에너지부와 협력하여 비용 효율적인 개선 기회를 찾았습니다.조쉬는 특히 아마릴로와 같은 물이 부족한 지역에서 의도적인 물 관리의 중요성을 강조합니다.

주요 이니셔티브는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 공기 정화기에 대한 물 재활용 시스템 구현, 매년 수백만 갤런 절약
  • 중요한 물 낭비를 예방하기 위한 소규모 누수 수리 집중
  • 2030년까지 물 소비 감소에 대한 야심찬 목표 설정

회사의 노력은 2023년 지속 가능성 보고서와 일치하며, OC의 책임 있는 자원 관리 및 환경 보호에 대한 헌신을 보여줍니다.

Josh Casemier, superviseur de la maintenance des utilités à l'usine Composites d'Owens Corning (OC) à Amarillo, Texas, partage ses réflexions sur les efforts de conservation de l'eau. Il a participé à une "Chasse au Trésor" à Kansas City, en collaboration avec le ministère américain de l'Énergie pour trouver des opportunités d'amélioration rentables. Josh souligne l'importance d'une gestion intentionnelle de l'eau, en particulier dans des zones soumises à des stress hydriques comme Amarillo.

Les initiatives clés comprennent :

  • Mise en œuvre d'un système de recyclage de l'eau pour les purificateurs d'air, permettant d'économiser des millions de gallons chaque année
  • Concentration sur la réparation de petites fuites pour éviter un gaspillage d'eau significatif
  • Fixation d'objectifs ambitieux de réduction de la consommation d'eau d'ici 2030

Les efforts de l'entreprise sont en adéquation avec son rapport sur la durabilité 2023, montrant l'engagement d'OC en faveur d'une gestion responsable des ressources et d'une protection de l'environnement.

Josh Casemier, Wartungsleiter von Versorgungsanlagen im Composites-Werk von Owens Corning (OC) in Amarillo, Texas, teilt Erkenntnisse über Wasserschutzbemühungen. Er nahm an einem "Schatzsuche"-Event in Kansas City teil und arbeitete mit dem US-Energieministerium zusammen, um kostengünstige Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten zu finden. Josh betont die Bedeutung eines gezielten Wassermanagements, insbesondere in wasserbelasteten Gebieten wie Amarillo.

Wichtige Initiativen sind:

  • Implementierung eines Wasserrückgewinnungssystems für Luftwäscher, was jährlich Millionen Gallonen spart
  • Fokus auf die Behebung kleiner Lecks, um erheblichen Wasserverlust zu vermeiden
  • Setzen ambitionierter Ziele zur Reduzierung des Wasserverbrauchs bis 2030

Die Bemühungen des Unternehmens stimmen mit dem Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2023 überein, der das Engagement von OC für verantwortungsvolles Ressourcenmanagement und Umweltschutz zeigt.

  • Implementation of water recycling system in air scrubbers, saving millions of gallons annually
  • Participation in Treasure Hunt program to identify cost-effective improvement opportunities
  • Setting ambitious water consumption reduction goals for 2030
  • Amarillo plant is one of the heaviest water users in the company
  • Plant located in a water-stressed area with low annual rainfall

Our people making a difference is a series featured throughout Owens Corning's 2023 Sustainability Report.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 13, 2024 / Working in our Composites plant in Amarillo, Texas, Josh Casemier oversees utilities maintenance and helps with other capital projects as needed. In his five years with Owens Corning, he has been actively involved in many initiatives that help us make our sustainability aspirations happen throughout our operations. This year, Josh took part in the Treasure Hunt in Kansas City, Kansas, where he collaborated with other Owens Corning employees and the U.S. Department of Energy to discover low-cost/no-cost improvement opportunities. Josh's focus on the day-to-day aspects of managing water use gives him a perspective on responsible consumption.

On the need to be purposeful about water use

If you don't focus on water usage, your usage is always going to kind of go up. It's never going to be flat if you're not focusing on it, so it's really important to be intentional - to stop little leaks before they turn into big leaks. We can also see what low-cost/no-cost solutions are available. For example, our scrubbers clean the air with water. The overspray water was discharged to wastewater. We basically took the overspray and instead of going to wastewater, returned it back to where it would get recycled. So for about 200 feet of PVC pipe, we're going to save millions of gallons a year

On the benefits of participating in our Treasure Hunt

One of the biggest takeaways was how much a small leak adds up in a year. It can be quite significant, depending on your water rate and multiplying that by 60 minutes an hour, 24 hours a day - you end up using quite a bit of water just even on a small leak. It really opened my eyes to have that cultural mindset to fix little things when you see them. And the collaborative aspect really helped us go further than the sum of our parts. People come from all different backgrounds, walk through a plant, and bounce ideas off each other, and something can stick out to somebody that might not have stuck out to you.

On the importance of having ambitious goals for water consumption

Amarillo is located in a water-stressed area. We don't get a ton of rain every year, and Amarillo is also one of the heaviest water users in the company. So we're managing a lot of our water-intensive processes, looking at ways we can recycle and reduce water while still making sure that we're producing quality fiberglass for our customers. I think setting a high standard for what we want to achieve by 2030 is definitely unique - we're really trying to take a big, big swing and knock down some of our usages.

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SOURCE: Owens Corning

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What water conservation measures has Owens Corning (OC) implemented at its Amarillo plant?

Owens Corning has implemented a water recycling system for air scrubbers at its Amarillo plant, which is expected to save millions of gallons of water annually. The company also focuses on fixing small leaks promptly and has set ambitious water consumption reduction goals for 2030.

How is Owens Corning (OC) addressing water usage in water-stressed areas?

Owens Corning is addressing water usage in water-stressed areas like Amarillo by implementing water recycling systems, focusing on fixing leaks promptly, and setting ambitious water consumption reduction goals for 2030. The company is also participating in Treasure Hunt programs to identify cost-effective improvement opportunities.

What was the outcome of Owens Corning's (OC) participation in the Treasure Hunt program?

Owens Corning's participation in the Treasure Hunt program resulted in increased awareness of the significant impact of small water leaks over time. It also fostered collaboration among employees from different backgrounds, leading to the identification of new improvement opportunities and reinforcing a culture of sustainability within the company.

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