Employee Q&A: Managing Waste and Caring in Rio Claro

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Rafael Correa, Operations Manager at Owens Corning's Composites plant in Rio Claro, Brazil, has been instrumental in implementing waste reduction initiatives. The plant focuses on internal reuse of pallets, repairing and reusing them instead of discarding. These initiatives, developed using the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) methodology, have significantly reduced waste and contributed to environmental conservation.

Correa emphasizes the importance of caring for the environment and thinking about future generations. He believes that small actions towards sustainability can have a significant impact. Owens Corning supports waste management efforts by being open to new ideas and providing necessary support. The company also encourages collaboration between plants, allowing for the sharing and improvement of ideas, such as exploring ways to reuse waste in melters.

Rafael Correa, responsabile delle operazioni dello stabilimento Composites di Owens Corning a Rio Claro, Brasile, ha avuto un ruolo fondamentale nell'implementazione delle iniziative di riduzione dei rifiuti. Lo stabilimento si concentra sul riutilizzo interno dei pallet, riparandoli e riutilizzandoli anziché smaltirli. Queste iniziative, sviluppate utilizzando la metodologia di Manutenzione Produttiva Totale (TPM), hanno significativamente ridotto i rifiuti e contribuito alla conservazione ambientale.

Correa sottolinea l'importanza di prendersi cura dell'ambiente e di pensare alle generazioni future. Crede che piccole azioni verso la sostenibilità possano avere un impatto significativo. Owens Corning supporta gli sforzi di gestione dei rifiuti essendo aperta a nuove idee e fornendo il supporto necessario. L'azienda incoraggia anche la collaborazione tra gli stabilimenti, permettendo la condivisione e il miglioramento delle idee, come ad esempio esplorare modi per riutilizzare i rifiuti nei fonditori.

Rafael Correa, gerente de operaciones en la planta de Composites de Owens Corning en Rio Claro, Brasil, ha sido fundamental en la implementación de iniciativas de reducción de desechos. La planta se centra en el reuso interno de palets, reparándolos y reutilizándolos en lugar de desecharlos. Estas iniciativas, desarrolladas utilizando la metodología de Mantenimiento Productivo Total (TPM), han reducido significativamente los desechos y contribuido a la conservación del medio ambiente.

Correa enfatiza la importancia de cuidar el medio ambiente y pensar en las futuras generaciones. Cree que pequeñas acciones hacia la sostenibilidad pueden tener un impacto significativo. Owens Corning apoya los esfuerzos de gestión de desechos al estar abierta a nuevas ideas y proporcionar el apoyo necesario. La empresa también fomenta la colaboración entre plantas, permitiendo el intercambio y mejora de ideas, como explorar maneras de reutilizar desechos en los fundidores.

브라질 리우 클라로의 오웬스 코닝 복합재 공장에서 운영 관리자 역할을 하고 있는 라파엘 코레아(Rafael Correa)는 폐기물 감축 이니셔티브를 구현하는 데 중요한 역할을 해왔습니다. 이 공장은 팔레트의 내부 재사용에 중점을 두고 있으며, 이를 폐기하는 대신 수리하고 재사용하고 있습니다. 총체적 생산 유지보수(TPM) 방법론을 통해 개발된 이러한 이니셔티브는 폐기물을 크게 줄이고 환경 보존에 기여했습니다.

코레아는 환경을 돌보는 것과 미래 세대에 대해 생각하는 것이 중요하다고 강조합니다. 그는 지속 가능성을 위한 작은 행동들이 큰 영향을 미칠 수 있다고 믿습니다. 오웬스 코닝은 새로운 아이디어에 개방적이고 필요한 지원을 제공함으로써 폐기물 관리 노력을 지원합니다. 회사는 또한 공장 간 협력을 촉진하여 아이디어를 공유하고 개선할 수 있도록 하며, 예를 들어 용광로에서 폐기물을 재사용하는 방법을 탐색합니다.

Rafael Correa, responsable des opérations à l'usine Composites d'Owens Corning à Rio Claro, au Brésil, a joué un rôle clé dans la mise en œuvre d'initiatives de réduction des déchets. L'usine se concentre sur le réemploi interne des palettes, en les réparant et en les réutilisant plutôt qu'en les jetant. Ces initiatives, développées selon la méthodologie de Maintenance Productive Totale (TPM), ont considérablement réduit les déchets et contribué à la conservation de l'environnement.

Correa souligne l'importance de prendre soin de l'environnement et de penser aux générations futures. Il croit que de petites actions en faveur de la durabilité peuvent avoir un impact significatif. Owens Corning soutient les efforts de gestion des déchets en étant ouvert à de nouvelles idées et en fournissant le soutien nécessaire. L'entreprise encourage également la collaboration entre les usines, permettant le partage et l'amélioration des idées, comme explorer des moyens de réutiliser les déchets dans les fours.

Rafael Correa, Betriebsleiter des Composites-Werks von Owens Corning in Rio Claro, Brasilien, war maßgeblich an der Umsetzung von Abfallreduzierungsinitiativen beteiligt. Das Werk konzentriert sich auf internes Recycling von Paletten, indem es diese repariert und wiederverwendet, anstatt sie wegzuwerfen. Diese Initiativen, die unter Verwendung der Methodik der Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) entwickelt wurden, haben die Abfälle erheblich reduziert und zur Umweltschonung beigetragen.

Correa betont die Bedeutung von Umweltbewusstsein und das Denken an zukünftige Generationen. Er glaubt, dass kleine Schritte in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit einen bedeutenden Einfluss haben können. Owens Corning unterstützt die Abfallmanagementbemühungen, indem es offen für neue Ideen ist und die notwendigen Ressourcen bereitstellt. Das Unternehmen fördert auch die Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Werken, um den Austausch und die Verbesserung von Ideen zu ermöglichen, wie beispielsweise die Untersuchung neuer Wege zur Wiederverwendung von Abfällen in Schmelzöfen.

  • Implementation of waste reduction initiatives at the Rio Claro plant
  • Use of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) methodology for environmental conservation
  • Company-wide support for waste management efforts
  • Collaboration between plants for sharing and improving sustainability ideas
  • None.

Our people making a difference is a series featured throughout Owens Corning's 2023 Sustainability Report.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 5, 2024 / Owens Corning
Rafael Correa, Operations Manager

As the Operations Manager at our Composites plant in Rio Claro, Brazil, Rafael Correa is able to do a great deal to increase our positive impacts. Although Rafael has been with Owens Corning for just under two years, he has been instrumental in a number of important initiatives to reduce waste. In addition to taking on sustainability responsibilities on the job, Rafael is also an advocate for reducing, reusing, and recycling at home. He is proud of the work Owens Corning is doing to manage waste, and he shares some of his plant's recent accomplishments here

On recent waste management initiatives at Owens Corning

We have implemented numerous initiatives aimed at reducing and reusing waste. One initiative focuses on the internal reuse of pallets; we repair and reuse them when possible instead of discarding them. These initiatives, developed using the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) methodology, have resulted in significant waste reduction and contributed to environmental conservation.

On the importance of caring for our environment

It is important that we are not only thinking about the moment, but that we are also caring about the future, because natural resources are limited. I would like for everyone to have the same resources, the same access to fresh air, water, and all the other things that we have today. When we talk about sustainability, we must be committed in terms of how we care for ourselves now and the next generations. When we do this, both inside the company and outside the company, we can increase the potential benefits of the things we do, and we will have a better planet as a result. I believe that every small action that we all take towards sustainability can have a significant impact, and that is what will truly make a difference in the future of our planet.

On our company's emphasis on collaboration throughout the organization

I think we are very well supported by Owens Corning in our waste management efforts. If we have an idea that will help reduce waste or help improve the environment in other ways, the enterprise is always open to hearing about it. If we can prove it's a good idea, they will provide the support we need.

There's also a lot of collaboration, where we can discuss ideas with people from other plants, improve on those ideas, and then implement them. For example, we have worked with people at other plants who are trying to take waste and reuse it in melters. This opened our minds about how we can use our waste here at our plant. If it weren't for these collaborations, we might never have thought about this. I think that's something that makes Owens Corning different.

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SOURCE: Owens Corning

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What waste reduction initiatives has Owens Corning (OC) implemented at its Rio Claro plant?

Owens Corning has implemented initiatives focused on the internal reuse of pallets, repairing and reusing them instead of discarding. These initiatives, developed using the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) methodology, have resulted in significant waste reduction.

How does Owens Corning (OC) support waste management efforts across its plants?

Owens Corning supports waste management efforts by being open to new ideas from employees, providing necessary support for implementation, and encouraging collaboration between plants to share and improve sustainability initiatives.

What is the Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) methodology used by Owens Corning (OC) for waste reduction?

The Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) methodology is used by Owens Corning to develop waste reduction initiatives. This approach has contributed to significant waste reduction and environmental conservation at the Rio Claro plant.

How does Owens Corning (OC) promote collaboration for sustainability across its plants?

Owens Corning promotes collaboration by facilitating discussions between employees from different plants to share ideas, improve upon them, and implement new sustainability practices. For example, plants have collaborated on exploring ways to reuse waste in melters.

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