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Theralink Technologies has received approval for a name and ticker symbol change from 'OBMP' to 'THER,' effective February 25, 2022, as announced by FINRA. The company can now resume issuing shares of its common stock, which had been temporarily suspended. President & CEO Mick Ruxin expressed excitement about future business initiatives aimed at reducing cancer patient morbidity and mortality. Theralink Technologies specializes in precision medicine and proteomics, focusing on molecular profiling to support drug development and improve cancer outcomes.
Theralink Technologies (OTC: OBMP) announced a significant update regarding its securities on October 22, 2021. The company is currently unable to issue new shares of its common stock, pending approval from FINRA for a name change to 'Theralink Technologies, Inc.' and a new ticker symbol 'THER'. This change is essential for the issuance of new common stock under a new CUSIP. Theralink specializes in precision medicine and molecular profiling, particularly in oncology, with a focus on improving cancer outcomes through its patented biomarker platform.
Theralink Technologies, Inc. (OTC: OBMP) has received a Clinical and Public Health License from the State of California for its Golden, Colorado laboratory, effective March 11, 2021. This licensure allows Theralink to perform testing on human specimens from California, adhering to the highest industry standards. CEO Mick Ruxin highlighted this achievement as a crucial step in their growth strategy aimed at enhancing breast cancer treatment. The company expects to start testing and billing for breast cancer tumor specimens in California in Q2 2021.
Theralink Technologies (OTC: OBMP) has been named the commercial provider of its patented Reverse Phase Protein Array (RPPA) technology for breast cancer patients, contingent on a positive outcome from upcoming studies. The collaboration with Rutgers Cancer Institute and George Mason University aims for clinical validation of the assay, which could change the standard of care for approximately 70,000 HER2+ breast cancer patients annually. Theralink's technology measures tumor activation states, potentially informing treatment decisions more effectively.
On September 24, 2020, Theralink Technologies (OTC: OBMP), formerly known as OncBioMune Pharmaceuticals, completed a corporate name change to better reflect its focus on precision medicine in oncology. This change follows Theralink's acquisition of Avant and aims to enhance its offerings in biomarker assay services. The company also increased its authorized shares to approximately 12 billion common shares, facilitating the conversion of preferred stock into common stock, amounting to about 5.1 billion shares. Theralink is committed to improving cancer treatment insights for oncologists.
OncBioMune d/b/a Theralink Technologies (OTC PINK:OBMP) announced that its CEO, Mick Ruxin, M.D., will present at the LD 500 Virtual Conference on September 1, 2020, at 10:40 a.m. ET. The conference, running from September 1-4, 2020, will feature public companies and influential business leaders discussing the small-cap sector. Theralink is known for its patented biomarker assay services in oncology, aiming to improve cancer treatment outcomes through precision data. For participation, registration is required via a provided link.