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Oaktree Capital Management has announced the final close of the Oaktree Opportunities Fund XI, securing total capital commitments of $15.9 billion, surpassing its original target of $15 billion. Approximately 70% of the capital has been allocated to a diverse range of investments across various sectors and geographies. Oaktree's strategy of opportunistic credit has evolved over more than 25 years, emphasizing flexibility and rapid deployment in changing market conditions. The firm manages $158 billion in assets as of September 30, 2021.
Oaktree Capital Management has successfully closed its Real Estate Opportunities Fund VIII with approximately $4.7 billion in total capital commitments, exceeding its original $3.5 billion target. This marks Oaktree's largest real estate fundraise to date. The Fund has invested about $1.7 billion, or 40% of its capital, in distressed real estate-related securities and rescue financings during the Covid-19 pandemic. Oaktree manages over $11 billion in real estate assets, utilizing a diverse investment strategy.
Oaktree Capital Group has appointed Depelsha McGruder to its Board of Directors, effective February 16, 2021. McGruder, currently COO and treasurer of the Ford Foundation, brings extensive experience from her previous roles at New York Public Radio and Viacom. Co-Chairman Howard Marks expressed optimism about her media background and focus on operational and cultural transformation. With $148 billion in assets under management as of December 31, 2020, Oaktree continues to emphasize a value-oriented, risk-controlled approach to alternative investments.