RUA GOLD Targets Significant Epithermal Gold System in the Hauraki Goldfield, New Zealand

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RUA GOLD Inc. (TSXV: RUA) (OTCQB: NZAUF) has provided an exploration update for its Glamorgan Project in the Hauraki Goldfield, New Zealand. The project, located 2.8km north of OceanaGold's Wharekirauponga Project (WKP), shows preliminary evidence of a significant epithermal gold system. Key progress includes:

1. Collection of 2,000 out of 3,000 planned soil samples
2. Completion of the first phase of UAV drone magnetic geophysical surveying
3. Commencement of ground geological mapping

Preliminary pXRF soil results show strong arsenic anomalism, complementing previous data. Geological mapping has highlighted outcropping quartz veins, breccias, and silicified alteration. Magnetic surveying has revealed strong northeast structural faulting and circular features. The company plans to design a drill program and apply for a full Access Agreement by year-end.

RUA GOLD Inc. (TSXV: RUA) (OTCQB: NZAUF) ha fornito un aggiornamento sull'esplorazione per il suo Glamorgan Project nel Goldfield Hauraki, in Nuova Zelanda. Il progetto, situato a 2,8 km a nord del Progetto Wharekirauponga di OceanaGold (WKP), mostra prove preliminari di un significativo sistema aurifero epithermale. I progressi chiave includono:

1. Raccolta di 2.000 campioni di suolo su 3.000 pianificati
2. Completamento della prima fase del rilevamento geofisico magnetico con droni UAV
3. Inizio della mappatura geologica del terreno

I risultati preliminari pXRF dei campioni di suolo mostrano un forte anomalia di arsenico, integrando i dati precedenti. La mappatura geologica ha evidenziato vene di quarzo affioranti, brecce e alterazioni silicificate. Il rilievo magnetico ha rivelato forti faglie strutturali a nord-est e caratteristiche circolari. L'azienda prevede di progettare un programma di perforazione e richiedere un accordo di accesso completo entro la fine dell'anno.

RUA GOLD Inc. (TSXV: RUA) (OTCQB: NZAUF) ha proporcionado una actualización de exploración para su Glamorgan Project en el Goldfield Hauraki, Nueva Zelanda. El proyecto, ubicado a 2,8 km al norte del Proyecto Wharekirauponga de OceanaGold (WKP), muestra evidencia preliminar de un sistema epithermal de oro significativo. Los avances clave incluyen:

1. Recolección de 2.000 de 3.000 muestras de suelo planificadas
2. Finalización de la primera fase de levantamiento geofísico magnético con drones UAV
3. Inicio de la cartografía geológica de superficie

Los resultados preliminares del suelo de pXRF muestran un fuerte anomalia de arsénico, complementando datos anteriores. La cartografía geológica ha resaltado venas de cuarzo aflorantes, brechas y alteración silicificada. El levantamiento magnético ha revelado fuertes fallas estructurales al noreste y características circulares. La empresa planea diseñar un programa de perforación y solicitar un Acuerdo de Acceso completo para fin de año.

RUA GOLD Inc. (TSXV: RUA) (OTCQB: NZAUF)는 뉴질랜드 하우라키 골드필드에 있는 Glamorgan Project의 탐사 업데이트를 제공했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 OceanaGold의 Wharekirauponga Project (WKP)에서 북쪽으로 2.8km 떨어진 곳에 위치하며, 중요한 천부 금 시스템에 대한 초기 증거를 보여줍니다. 주요 진행 상황은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 계획된 3,000개의 토양 샘플 중 2,000개의 샘플 수집
2. UAV 드론으로 먼저 지자기 지형조사를 완료
3. 지표 지질도 작성을 시작했습니다

초기 pXRF 토양 결과는 강한 비소 불균일성을 보여주며, 이전 데이터와 보완됩니다. 지질도 작성을 통해 드러난 쿼츠 정맥, 쇄석 및 실리카화 변화를 강조했습니다. 자력 조사는 강한 북동쪽 구조적 단층과 원형의 특징을 드러냈습니다. 이 회사는 드릴 프로그램을 설계하고 연말까지 전체 접근 계약을 요청할 계획입니다.

RUA GOLD Inc. (TSXV: RUA) (OTCQB: NZAUF) a fourni une mise à jour d'exploration pour son Glamorgan Project dans le champ aurifère de Hauraki, en Nouvelle-Zélande. Le projet, situé à 2,8 km au nord du projet Wharekirauponga d'OceanaGold (WKP), montre des preuves préliminaires d'un système aurifère épithermal significatif. Les progrès clés incluent :

1. Collecte de 2 000 échantillons de sol sur 3 000 prévus
2. Achèvement de la première phase de relevé géophysique magnétique par drone UAV
3. Début de la cartographie géologique de terrain

Les résultats préliminaires des sols pXRF montrent une forte anomalie d'arsenic, complétant les données précédentes. La cartographie géologique a mis en évidence des veines de quartz affleurantes, des brèches et des altérations silicifiées. Le relevé magnétique a révélé de fortes failles structurelles au nord-est et des caractéristiques circulaires. L'entreprise prévoit de concevoir un programme de forage et de demander un accord d'accès complet d'ici la fin de l'année.

RUA GOLD Inc. (TSXV: RUA) (OTCQB: NZAUF) hat ein Explorationsupdate für sein Glamorgan Project im Hauraki Goldfeld, Neuseeland, bereitgestellt. Das Projekt, das 2,8 km nördlich des Wharekirauponga-Projekts (WKP) von OceanaGold liegt, zeigt erste Hinweise auf ein bedeutendes epithermales Goldsystem. Wichtige Fortschritte sind:

1. Sammlung von 2.000 der geplanten 3.000 Bodenproben
2. Abschluss der ersten Phase der magnetischen geophysikalischen Untersuchung mit UAV-Drohnen
3. Beginn der geologischen Kartierung vor Ort

Die vorläufigen pXRF-Bodenresultate zeigen starke Arsen-Anomalien, die frühere Daten ergänzen. Die geologische Kartierung hat auf auftretende Quarzadern, Brekzien und silicifizierte Veränderungen hingewiesen. Die magnetischen Untersuchungen haben starke nordöstliche Strukturverschiebungen und kreisförmige Merkmale offenbart. Das Unternehmen plant, ein Bohrprogramm zu entwerfen und bis Ende des Jahres einen vollständigen Zugangsvertrag zu beantragen.

  • Preliminary evidence suggests Glamorgan Project has hallmarks of a significant epithermal gold system
  • Strong arsenic anomalism (max 981ppm As) detected in soil samples, a reliable pathfinder for gold deposits
  • Detailed geological mapping revealed outcropping quartz veins, breccias, and silicified alteration
  • Ultra-detailed magnetic surveying identified strong northeast structural faulting and potential rhyolitic domes
  • Further exploration work required to confirm the existence of a significant epithermal gold system
  • Drill program not yet designed or approved, pending full Access Agreement application

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 3, 2024) - RUA GOLD Inc. (TSXV: RUA) (OTCQB: NZAUF) (WKN: A4010V) ("RUA GOLD" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an exploration update for its Glamorgan Project in the Hauraki Goldfield, on the North Island of New Zealand and situated 2.8km north of OceanaGold Corporation's ("OceanaGold's") Wharekirauponga Project ("WKP") which has indicated resources of 1.01 Moz at 15.9 g/t1.

The Company was granted a Minimum Impact Access Agreement ("MIA") from the Department of Conservation ("DoC") for its Glamorgan Project in August 2024. Following this, the exploration team was mobilized and has made excellent progress, including:

  • collecting 2,000 of the planned 3,000 soil sample program;

  • completing the first full phase of UAV drone magnetic geophysical surveying; and

  • commencing ground geological mapping.

Based on initial surface soil geochemistry, interpreted geophysical structures, and geological mapping, there is preliminary evidence that the Glamorgan Project has the hallmarks of a significant epithermal gold system, with surface features similar to the adjacent WKP gold deposit. Further exploration work is required to confirm whether a significant epithermal gold system exists.

Following its surface exploration work, the Company will design a drill program and apply for a full Access Agreement by the end of the year to commence drilling at the Glamorgan Project.

On March 7, 2024, OceanaGold included the accelerated development of WKP in New Zealand's newly introduced Fast Track Approvals Bill, creating a road map for RUA GOLD. This Bill was introduced by the New Zealand Government in March 2024, and aims to provide a streamlined 'one stop shop' decision-making process to facilitate the delivery of infrastructure and development projects, including mining projects with significant regional or national benefits.

Robert Eckford, CEO, commented: "This is pleasing progress on the ground at our Glamorgan Project, and important verification of the historical work of Newmont and OceanaGold. The preliminary evidence of an epithermal system gives strong encouragement to have drill locations selected by the end of the year. The geology in the region is exceptional, as evidenced by the results coming from OceanaGold's nearby WKP project, and we see the exact same surface features at our Glamorgan Project. We have mobilized a highly experienced operating team with decades of region-specific geological knowledge."


Preliminary pXRF soil results of the initial 1083 samples show strong arsenic anomalism (max 981ppm As) in southwest and northeast zones mirroring the historical trends. Arsenic is a reliable pathfinder closely associated in many gold deposits. These results complement the data collected from previous work of Newmont and OceanaGold soil analysis. Observed surface quartz vein outcrop (recognised by the soil teams) lie central to these geochemical anomalies. Initial gold results are anticipated in late October 2024.

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Geological Mapping

Detailed Anaconda style geological mapping has highlighted outcropping quartz veins, breccias and silicified alteration enveloping this veining. Strong banding, quartz-adularia, quartz breccia, and platy quartz after calcite are described in situ. The range of veins, and geographic spread of the vein and alteration observed indicate exposure of a very large fossil epithermal gold system.

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Magnetic (UAV Drone) Surveying

Ultra detailed magnetic surveying over a 3 kilometre by 5 kilometre area has provided a glimpse of very strong northeast structural faulting, along with circular features interpreted to represent rhyolitic domes adjacent to andesite flow units. These observations on the raw total magnetic field are preliminary. As the Company works on filtering the data, they will be looking to identify features of magnetite destruction (alteration) that accompanies and envelopes significant epithermal mineralisation.

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Environmental Studies

Work has commenced to establish baseline environmental requirements on drill sites as we work to submit our Access Agreement to allow for drilling. This work is ongoing and will be submitted before the end of the year.

About Glamorgan

RUA GOLD's Glamorgan Project comprises of over 4,600 hectares in the Hauraki district, on the North Island of New Zealand. The district has produced over 15 million ounces of gold and 60 million ounces of silver, and is home to OceanaGold's most significant pipeline project, WKP, which has indicated resources of 1.01 Moz at 15.9 g/t2.

RUA GOLD's Chief Operating Officer, Simon Henderson had previously joint-ventured both the Glamorgan Project and WKP Project and was a leading member of the exploration team that led to its discovery.

Grant of Deferred Share Units

The Company also announces that it has granted an aggregate of 392,363 deferred share units ("DSUs") to non-executive directors of the Company at a deemed price of $0.169 per DSU. The DSUs were granted in consideration for services provided by the non-executive directors for the period from July 1, 2024 to September 30, 2024. The DSUs were granted under the Company's Deferred Share Unit Plan adopted on April 17, 2024, and are subject to a one-year vesting period. Each DSU entitles the holder to receive one share of the Company at the time the holder ceases to be a director of the Company.


RUA GOLD is an exploration company, strategically focused on two prolific gold districts in New Zealand with proven high-grade gold deposits, with a team that has a track record of success.

The Company controls the Reefton Gold District as the dominant landholder in the Reefton Goldfield on New Zealand's South Island. RUA GOLD will have approximately 120,000 hectares of tenements (upon successful completion of the purchase of Reefton Resources Pty Limited, see announcement on July 15, 2024), in a district that historically produced over 2.0 million ounces of gold grading between 9 and 50 grams per tonne.

The Company's Glamorgan Project, a highly prospective project located within the North Islands' Hauraki district. It is within 3 kms of OceanaGold's biggest gold mining project, WKP. The Hauraki district has produced an impressive 15 million ounces of gold and 60 million ounces of silver. This project solidifies RUA GOLD's position as a leading high-grade gold explorer in the region.

For further information, please refer to the Company's disclosure record on SEDAR+ at

QAQC Soil Samples

A bulk sample of ~0.5-1 kg was collected in the field at the Company's Waihi base, and couriered to RGL's office for preparation. Samples were dried in a customized incubator, set at 38°C, for a minimum of two days. Once the samples were fully dried, they were sieved to <180 µm in size. A sub-sample of 50-100 g was scooped from the <180 µm size fraction for analysis. The remaining material was retained and stored in Reefton.

A 50-100-g fine-sieved (<180 µm) soil sample was sent to ALS Geochemistry, Brisbane for Au-TL43 analysis. The analysis consisted of 25-g sample digestion by aqua regia, followed by trace Au analysis by ICP-MS. The detection limit for Au by this method is 1 ppb. Approximately 5% of the samples were analyzed for a full multi-element suite using a 4-acid digest and ICP-MS finish.

ALS Brisbane is independent to RUA GOLD.

Technical Information

Simon Henderson CP, AUSIMM, a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed and approved the technical disclosure contained herein.

RUA GOLD Contact

Robert Eckford

Chief Executive Officer

Tel: +1 604 655 7354



This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this new release, other than statements of historical facts, that address events or developments that the Company expects to occur, are forward-looking statements. Forward-Looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur and specifically include statements regarding: the Company's strategies, expectations, planned operations or future actions, including but not limited to exploration and drilling programs at the Glamorgan Project; and regulatory approvals therefor. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements.

Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. A variety of inherent risks, uncertainties and factors, many of which are beyond the Company's control, affect the operations, performance and results of the Company and its business, and could cause actual events or results to differ materially from estimated or anticipated events or results expressed or implied by forward looking statements. Some of these risks, uncertainties and factors include: general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties; risks related to the effects of the Russia-Ukraine war; risks related to climate change; operational risks in exploration, delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration projects or capital expenditures; the actual results of current exploration activities; conclusions of economic evaluations; changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined; changes in labour costs and other costs and expenses or equipment or processes to operate as anticipated, accidents, labour disputes and other risks of the mining industry, including but not limited to environmental hazards, flooding or unfavourable operating conditions and losses, insurrection or war, delays in obtaining governmental approvals or financing, and commodity prices. This list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect any of the Company's forward-looking statements and reference should also be made to the Company's base shelf prospectus dated July 11, 2024 (the "Base Shelf Prospectus"), and prospectus supplement dated July 19, 2024 to the Base Shelf Prospectus, filed under its SEDAR+ profile at for a description of additional risk factors.

Forward-Looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by applicable securities laws, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.

1 Based on OceanaGold's reported Resources and Reserves for the year ended 2023, see Resources and Reserves Annual Statement, February 21, 2024 for more details.

2 Based on OceanaGold's reported Resources and Reserves for the year ended 2023, see Resources and Reserves Annual Statement, February 21, 2024 for more details.

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What is the current status of RUA GOLD's Glamorgan Project exploration?

RUA GOLD has collected 2,000 of 3,000 planned soil samples, completed the first phase of UAV drone magnetic geophysical surveying, and started ground geological mapping at the Glamorgan Project.

What preliminary evidence suggests a significant epithermal gold system at the Glamorgan Project?

Initial surface soil geochemistry, interpreted geophysical structures, and geological mapping indicate hallmarks of a significant epithermal gold system, with surface features similar to the adjacent WKP gold deposit.

When does RUA GOLD (NZAUF) plan to start drilling at the Glamorgan Project?

RUA GOLD plans to design a drill program and apply for a full Access Agreement by the end of 2024 to commence drilling at the Glamorgan Project.

What were the key findings from the preliminary pXRF soil results at the Glamorgan Project?

Preliminary pXRF soil results from 1083 samples showed strong arsenic anomalism (max 981ppm As) in southwest and northeast zones, mirroring historical trends and indicating potential gold deposits.



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