RUA GOLD Intersects Visible Gold and Antimony and Confirms Continuity of High-Grade Gold Mineralization at Murray Creek
RUA GOLD (NZAUF) reports significant drilling results from its Reefton Project in New Zealand. At Murray Creek, all three holes intercepted visible gold in the Victoria lode extensions, showing vertical continuity over 100 meters. Gold assays ranged from 11.1 to 34.1g/t, with vein widths varying from 0.2 to 1.2m. Notable was a 1.35% antimony content in one drill hole.
The company has begun using Devico Navi-drilling for resource definition, with two parent holes established and six more directional holes planned for Q1 2025. The historical Victoria Mine lode previously produced 33,877oz at 19.9g/t Au.
At Capleston, four out of six drill holes showed gold results, with the northern-most intercept averaging 4.8g/t Au over 3.3m. The drilling program has now shifted focus to the Cumberland target.
RUA GOLD (NZAUF) riporta risultati significativi dalle perforazioni nel suo progetto Reefton in Nuova Zelanda. Presso Murray Creek, tutte e tre le perforazioni hanno intercettato oro visibile nelle estensioni della vena Victoria, mostrando continuità verticale per oltre 100 metri. I campioni d'oro variavano da 11,1 a 34,1 g/t, con larghezze delle vene comprese tra 0,2 e 1,2 m. Degna di nota è stata la presenza di un contenuto di antimonio del 1,35% in un foro di perforazione.
L'azienda ha iniziato a utilizzare la perforazione Devico Navi per la definizione delle risorse, con due fori principali stabiliti e altri sei fori direzionali pianificati per il primo trimestre del 2025. La storica vena della miniera Victoria ha precedentemente prodotto 33.877 once a 19,9 g/t Au.
Presso Capleston, quattro dei sei fori di perforazione hanno mostrato risultati d'oro, con l'intercettazione più a nord che media 4,8 g/t Au su 3,3 m. Il programma di perforazione ha ora spostato l'attenzione sull'obiettivo Cumberland.
RUA GOLD (NZAUF) informa sobre resultados de perforación significativos de su Proyecto Reefton en Nueva Zelanda. En Murray Creek, los tres agujeros interceptaron oro visible en las extensiones de la vena Victoria, mostrando continuidad vertical de más de 100 metros. Los análisis de oro variaron de 11.1 a 34.1 g/t, con anchos de vena que variaron de 0.2 a 1.2 m. Notable fue un contenido de antimonio del 1.35% en un agujero de perforación.
La empresa ha comenzado a utilizar perforaciones Devico Navi para la definición de recursos, con dos agujeros parentales establecidos y seis agujeros direccionales planeados para el primer trimestre de 2025. La histórica vena de la mina Victoria produjo anteriormente 33,877 onzas a 19.9 g/t Au.
En Capleston, cuatro de seis agujeros de perforación mostraron resultados de oro, con la interceptación más al norte promediando 4.8 g/t Au sobre 3.3 m. El programa de perforación ha cambiado ahora el enfoque hacia el objetivo Cumberland.
RUA GOLD (NZAUF)는 뉴질랜드의 Reefton 프로젝트에서 중요한 시추 결과를 보고했습니다. Murray Creek에서는 세 개의 구멍 모두 빅토리아 광맥의 연장선에서 눈에 보이는 금을 발견했으며, 100미터 이상의 수직 연속성을 보여주었습니다. 금 분석 결과는 11.1에서 34.1g/t 사이였으며, 광맥의 너비는 0.2에서 1.2미터까지 다양했습니다. 한 개의 시추 구멍에서 1.35%의 안티몬 함량이 눈에 띄었습니다.
회사는 자원 정의를 위해 Devico Navi-드릴링을 사용하기 시작했으며, 두 개의 기본 구멍을 설정하고 2025년 1분기를 위해 여섯 개의 방향성 구멍을 계획하고 있습니다. 역사적으로 빅토리아 광산의 광맥은 19.9g/t Au로 33,877 온스를 생산했습니다.
Capleston에서 여섯 개의 시추 구멍 중 네 개가 금 결과를 보였으며, 가장 북쪽의 인터셉트는 3.3미터에서 평균 4.8g/t Au였습니다. 시추 프로그램은 이제 컴버랜드 타겟으로 초점을 전환했습니다.
RUA GOLD (NZAUF) rapporte des résultats de forage significatifs de son projet Reefton en Nouvelle-Zélande. À Murray Creek, les trois trous ont intercepté de l'or visible dans les extensions de la veine Victoria, montrant une continuité verticale de plus de 100 mètres. Les analyses d'or variaient de 11,1 à 34,1 g/t, avec des largeurs de veinage variant de 0,2 à 1,2 m. Notable, un contenu en antimoine de 1,35 % a été mesuré dans un trou de forage.
L'entreprise a commencé à utiliser le forage Devico Navi pour la définition des ressources, avec deux trous parents établis et six autres trous directionnels prévus pour le premier trimestre 2025. L'ancienne veine de la mine Victoria a produit précédemment 33 877 oz à 19,9 g/t Au.
À Capleston, quatre des six trous de forage ont montré des résultats en or, l'interception la plus au nord ayant une moyenne de 4,8 g/t Au sur 3,3 m. Le programme de forage a maintenant déplacé son attention vers la cible Cumberland.
RUA GOLD (NZAUF) berichtet über signifikante Bohrergebnisse aus seinem Reefton-Projekt in Neuseeland. In Murray Creek haben alle drei Löcher sichtbares Gold in den Verlängerungen der Victoria-Lode entdeckt und zeigen eine vertikale Kontinuität von über 100 Metern. Die Goldgehalte variierten von 11,1 bis 34,1 g/t, während die Gangbreiten von 0,2 bis 1,2 m schwankten. Auffällig war der Gehalt von 1,35% Antimon in einem Bohrloch.
Das Unternehmen hat begonnen, Devico Navi-Bohrtechnik zur Ressourcenbestimmung zu nutzen, mit zwei Hauptlöchern und weiteren sechs geplanten orientierten Löchern für das erste Quartal 2025. Die historische Victoria-Mine hat zuvor 33.877 Unzen bei 19,9 g/t Au produziert.
In Capleston zeigten vier von sechs Bohrlöchern Goldresultate, wobei die nördlichste Interception durchschnittlich 4,8 g/t Au über 3,3 m betrug. Das Bohrprogramm hat nun den Fokus auf das Cumberland-Ziel verschoben.
- All three Murray Creek holes intercepted visible gold with high-grade assays (11.1-34.1g/t)
- Discovery of 1.35% antimony content adds potential value stream
- Vertical continuity confirmed over 100 meters in Victoria lode
- Strong results at Capleston with 4.8g/t Au over 3.3m in northernmost intercept
- vein widths (0.2-1.2m) at Murray Creek
- Two drill holes at Capleston showed no significant results
Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 20, 2025) - Rua Gold Inc. (TSXV: RUA) (OTCQB: NZAUF) (WKN: A40QYC) ("RUA GOLD" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update from the drilling campaign underway at the Reefton Project on the South Island of New Zealand.
All three holes in Murray Creek have intercepted visible gold in down-dip extensions of the historical Victoria lode, demonstrating vertical continuity over 100 meters and still open.
Murry Creek assays ranging from 11.1 – 34.1g/t gold, intercept widths indicate a pinch and swell of the vein from 0.2 – 1.2m.
1.35% Sb (stibnite) in DD_VIC_42A demonstrates the antimony potential in this region.Introduction of Devico Navi-drilling provides benefits of accuracy and economy in the resource definition stage.
Gold results in 4 of the 6 drill holes at Capleston, with the northern-most intercept averaging 4.8g/t Au over 3.3m.
Robert Eckford, CEO of RUA GOLD commented: "it is very encouraging to be intercepting gold on the majority of our targets in the Reefton Goldfield. Murray Creek has delivered vertical continuity and visible gold on every hole and even more exciting as we start seeing visible antimony on this target. The drill program is progressing nicely and with the navi-drilling team in place and two main holes complete, we can start building structure with our 20m spaced drill program. The near surface gold results at Capleston also indicate there is potential for early development opportunities."
Figure 1: Quartz vein from VIC042A, 0.3m @ 27.18 g/t Au.
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Murray Creek
The Company has advanced the testing of the down-dip extension of the Victoria lode, DD_VIC_042B. This intersected the targeted gold vein at 390m down hole with a 1m quartz vein followed by a 0.2m mineralized fault, including fine visible gold throughout the vein and antimony infilling fractures. This intercept is 80m below the historical Victoria mine, and 20m northeast of the DD_VIC_042A intercept.
The third drill hole (DD_VIC_042A) intercepted a 0.3m quartz vein with visible gold in a 0.6m mineralized fault. The quartz vein assayed 0.3m at 27.2/t Au with
Table 1: Assay results Murray Creek Drilling Program
Drill hole | From | To | Interval | Au (g/t) | Sb (%) |
VIC_042 | 388.65 | 388.85 | 0.2m | 34.1 | Not tested |
VIC_042A | 388.6 | 388.9 | 0.3m | 27.2 | |
VIC_042B | 390.0 | 391.2 | 1.2m | 11.1 | Pending |
RUA GOLD have commenced a series of directional drill holes with IMDEX Devico Navi-drilling to progress the delineation of the unmined reef down dip and along strike.
Two parent holes have been established (DD_VIC_042 and 046) and there are 6 more directionally drilled holes planned in the first quarter 2025. This program will test ~200m down strike of the historical Victoria Mine lode which produced 33,877oz at 19.9g/t Au (Barry, 1993).
Figure 2: Cross section through the Victoria lode, Murray Creek.
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
The Company is targeting an undeveloped and near-surface vein at the southern end of the two kilometer long historic Capleston project. Near surface targets lend themselves to early development and are the closest to transportation and infrastructure, providing low-cost operational advantages.
The program consists of 6 drill holes, with the northern-most intercept averaging 4.8g/t Au over 3.3m.
Table 2: Assay results Capleston Drilling Program
Drill hole | From | To | Interval | Au (g/t) |
REF_043 | 32 | 33 | 1m | 3.2 |
REF_044 | 31 | 32 | 1m | 2.9 |
REF_044T | 29 | 31 | 2m | 5.3 |
REF_047 | 29.7 | 33 | 3.3m | 4.8 |
No significant results in DD_REF_045, 048.
The drill rig at Capleston has been demobilized as the exploration team shift its focus onto the Cumberland targeted as highlighted in the news release dated January 13, 2024. Results from the drill program will be collated into the model and assessed for the next phase of drilling.
Figure 3: Intercepts of REF047 and REF048, inspecting core at Reform.
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Figure 4: Location of Reefton Projects
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QAQC Drilling
The majority of drillholes were sampled in full, typically following 1-m sample intervals unless geological contacts (i.e. dolerite intrusions) dictated otherwise. NQ core was analyzed as whole core; therefore, only requiring cutting along sample intervals. PQ and HQ core were sampled as half core.
Coarse gold intersections (Victoria lode visible nuggety gold intervals) are sampled in full, dried and dispatched to ALS Perth, Australia for PhotonAssay analysis using method PA01 with a detection limit of 0.03ppm Au. 500gm samples were submitted with Certified Reference Material (CRM) following coarse crushing. This method is non-destructive allowing the preservation of the entire whole-core, and unlimited repeat testing.
Standard drill core samples were sent to SGS Westport for sample preparation. Core was crushed to
The QP has verified the data disclosed including sampling, assay procedure and analytical information contained in the written disclosure.
RUA GOLD is an exploration company, strategically focused on New Zealand. With decades of expertise, our team has successfully taken major discoveries into producing world-class mines across multiple continents. The team is now focused on maximizing the asset potential of RUA GOLD's two highly prospective high-grade gold projects.
The Company controls the Reefton Gold District as the dominant landholder in the Reefton Goldfield on New Zealand's South Island with over 120,000 hectares of tenements, in a district that historically produced over 2 million ounces of gold grading between 9 and 50 grams per tonne.
The Company's Glamorgan Project solidifies RUA GOLD's position as a leading high-grade gold explorer on New Zealand's North Island. This highly prospective project is located within the North Islands' Hauraki district, a region that has produced an impressive 15 million ounces of gold and 60 million ounces of silver. Glamorgan is adjacent to OceanaGold Corporation's biggest gold mining project, WKP.
For further information, please refer to the Company's disclosure record on SEDAR+ at
Technical Information
Simon Henderson CP, AUSIMM, a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed and approved the technical disclosure contained herein.
RUA GOLD Contact
Robert Eckford
Chief Executive Officer
Tel: +1 604 655 7354
This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this new release, other than statements of historical facts, that address events or developments that the Company expects to occur, are forward-looking statements. Forward-Looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur and specifically include statements regarding: the Company's strategies, expectations, planned operations or future actions, including but not limited to exploration programs at its Reefton project and the results thereof. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements.
Investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. A variety of inherent risks, uncertainties and factors, many of which are beyond the Company's control, affect the operations, performance and results of the Company and its business, and could cause actual events or results to differ materially from estimated or anticipated events or results expressed or implied by forward looking statements. Some of these risks, uncertainties and factors include: general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties; risks related to the effects of the Russia-Ukraine war; risks related to climate change; operational risks in exploration, delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration projects or capital expenditures; the actual results of current exploration activities; conclusions of economic evaluations; changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined; changes in labour costs and other costs and expenses or equipment or processes to operate as anticipated, accidents, labour disputes and other risks of the mining industry, including but not limited to environmental hazards, flooding or unfavorable operating conditions and losses, insurrection or war, delays in obtaining governmental approvals or financing, and commodity prices. This list is not exhaustive of the factors that may affect any of the Company's forward-looking statements and reference should also be made to the Company's CSE Form 2A - Listing Statement filed under its SEDAR+ profile at for a description of additional risk factors.
Forward-Looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by applicable securities laws, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.
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What are the latest gold assay results from RUA GOLD's (NZAUF) Murray Creek drilling?
How much antimony was discovered in RUA GOLD's (NZAUF) Victoria lode drilling?
What are the historical production figures for the Victoria Mine lode at Murray Creek?
What were the drilling results from RUA GOLD's (NZAUF) Capleston project?