Information on the total number of voting rights and shares

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Nyxoah SA (Euronext Brussels and Nasdaq: NYXH) has released an update on its total number of voting rights and shares as of October 9, 2024. This disclosure is in compliance with article 15 of the Law of 2 May 2007 on the disclosure of large shareholdings. The key details are:

Share capital: EUR 6,423,111.21
Total securities with voting rights: 37,389,015 (all ordinary shares)
Total voting rights (denominator): 37,389,015
Unissued securities with voting rights: 2,039,481 granted subscription rights (excluding 643,394 issued but not granted)

Nyxoah SA (Euronext Bruxelles e Nasdaq: NYXH) ha pubblicato un aggiornamento sul numero totale di diritti di voto e azioni al 9 ottobre 2024. Questa comunicazione è in conformità con l'articolo 15 della Legge del 2 maggio 2007 sulla divulgazione delle partecipazioni significative. I dettagli principali sono:

Capitale sociale: EUR 6.423.111,21
Titoli totali con diritti di voto: 37.389.015 (tutte azioni ordinarie)
Diritti di voto totali (denominatore): 37.389.015
Titoli non emessi con diritti di voto: 2.039.481 diritti di sottoscrizione concessi (esclusi 643.394 emessi ma non concessi)

Nyxoah SA (Euronext Bruselas y Nasdaq: NYXH) ha publicado una actualización sobre el número total de derechos de voto y acciones a 9 de octubre de 2024. Esta revelación cumple con el artículo 15 de la Ley del 2 de mayo de 2007 sobre la divulgación de participaciones significativas. Los detalles clave son:

Capital social: EUR 6.423.111,21
Títulos totales con derechos de voto: 37.389.015 (todas acciones ordinarias)
Derechos de voto totales (denominador): 37.389.015
Títulos no emitidos con derechos de voto: 2.039.481 derechos de suscripción concedidos (excluyendo 643.394 emitidos pero no otorgados)

Nyxoah SA (유로넥스트 브뤼셀 및 나스닥: NYXH)는 2024년 10월 9일 현재의 총 의결권 및 주식 수에 대한 업데이트를 발표했습니다. 이 공시는 2007년 5월 2일 법률 제15조에 따라 주요 주식 보유 지분의 공개에 관한 규정을 준수합니다. 주요 세부사항은 다음과 같습니다:

자본금: EUR 6,423,111.21
유권이 있는 총 증권: 37,389,015 (전체 보통주)
총 의결권 (분모): 37,389,015
발행되지 않은 유권이 있는 증권: 2,039,481개의 구독권 (발행되었지만 부여되지 않은 643,394 제외)

Nyxoah SA (Euronext Bruxelles et Nasdaq : NYXH) a publié une mise à jour sur le nombre total de droits de vote et d'actions au 9 octobre 2024. Cette divulgation est conforme à l'article 15 de la loi du 2 mai 2007 concernant l'information sur les participations significatives. Les principaux détails sont :

Capital social : EUR 6.423.111,21
Titres totaux avec droits de vote : 37.389.015 (toutes actions ordinaires)
Droits de vote totaux (dénominateur) : 37.389.015
Titres non émis avec droits de vote : 2.039.481 droits de souscription accordés (hors 643.394 émis mais non accordés)

Nyxoah SA (Euronext Brüssel und Nasdaq: NYXH) hat ein Update zu seiner Gesamtzahl der Stimmrechte und Aktien zum 9. Oktober 2024 veröffentlicht. Diese Offenlegung erfolgt gemäß Artikel 15 des Gesetzes vom 2. Mai 2007 über die Offenlegung wesentlicher Beteiligungen. Die wichtigsten Details sind:

Gesellschaftskapital: EUR 6.423.111,21
Gesamtwertpapiere mit Stimmrechten: 37.389.015 (alle Stammaktien)
Gesamtstimmrechte (Nenner): 37.389.015
Nicht ausgegebene Wertpapiere mit Stimmrechten: 2.039.481 gewährte Bezugsrechte (ohne 643.394 ausgegebene, aber nicht gewährte)

  • Increased share capital to EUR 6,423,111.21
  • Large number of total securities with voting rights at 37,389,015
  • Significant number of subscription rights (2,039,481) not yet issued
  • None.


Information on the total number of voting rights and shares

Mont-Saint-Guibert (Belgium), October 9, 2024, 10:35 pm CET / 4:35 pm ET – In accordance with article  15 of the Law of 2 May 2007 on the disclosure of large shareholdings, Nyxoah SA (Euronext Brussels and Nasdaq: NYXH) publishes the below information following the issue of new shares.

  • Share capital: EUR 6,423,111.21
  • Total number of securities carrying voting rights: 37,389,015 (all ordinary shares)
  • Total number of voting rights (= denominator): 37,389,015 (all relating to ordinary shares)
  • Number of rights to subscribe to securities carrying voting rights not yet issued: 2,039,481 (all granted subscription rights; this number excludes 643,394 subscription rights that were issued but not yet granted)


* *

Loic Moreau, CFO



What is Nyxoah's current share capital as of October 9, 2024?

Nyxoah's share capital as of October 9, 2024, is EUR 6,423,111.21.

How many total securities carrying voting rights does Nyxoah (NYXH) have?

Nyxoah (NYXH) has 37,389,015 total securities carrying voting rights, all of which are ordinary shares.

What is the total number of voting rights for Nyxoah (NYXH) as of the latest disclosure?

The total number of voting rights (denominator) for Nyxoah (NYXH) is 37,389,015, all relating to ordinary shares.

How many subscription rights to securities carrying voting rights are not yet issued for Nyxoah (NYXH)?

Nyxoah (NYXH) has 2,039,481 subscription rights to securities carrying voting rights that are not yet issued.

Nyxoah SA Ordinary Shares


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