New S32J Family of Safe and Secure Ethernet Switches Enables Scalable Vehicle Networks, Extending NXP CoreRide Platform

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NXP Semiconductors has unveiled the S32J family of high-performance Ethernet switches and network controllers, designed to address the complex networking challenges of software-defined vehicles (SDVs). These devices, part of the NXP CoreRide platform, share a common switch core (NETC) with NXP's S32 microcontrollers and processors, enabling seamless integration and software reuse.

Key features of the S32J family include:

  • 80Gbps bandwidth with ports ranging from 10Mb to 10Gb
  • Dual Arm® Cortex®-R52 cores
  • Time-sensitive networking (TSN) compliance
  • ASIL-D safety and hardware security engine (HSE)
  • MACsec ports for mixed-critical data traffic

The S32J family, combined with the CoreRide platform, offers production-grade networking solutions with pre-integrated software and tooling. A virtual development kit will be available by the end of 2024, with the solution becoming available to OEMs and Tier-1 suppliers in 2025.

NXP Semiconductors ha presentato la famiglia S32J di switch Ethernet ad alte prestazioni e controller di rete, progettati per affrontare le complesse sfide di rete dei veicoli a guida software (SDV). Questi dispositivi, parte della piattaforma NXP CoreRide, condividono un core di switch comune (NETC) con i microcontrollori e i processori S32 di NXP, consentendo un'integrazione senza soluzione di continuità e il riutilizzo del software.

Le caratteristiche principali della famiglia S32J includono:

  • 80 Gbps di larghezza di banda con porte che vanno da 10Mb a 10Gb
  • Nuclei Dual Arm® Cortex®-R52
  • Conformità al networking sensibile al tempo (TSN)
  • Sicurezza ASIL-D e motore di sicurezza hardware (HSE)
  • Porte MACsec per traffico dati di misure critiche

La famiglia S32J, combinata con la piattaforma CoreRide, offre soluzioni di rete pronte per la produzione con software e strumenti pre-integrati. Un kit di sviluppo virtuale sarà disponibile entro la fine del 2024, con la soluzione che diventerà disponibile per gli OEM e i fornitori di Tier-1 nel 2025.

NXP Semiconductors ha presentado la familia S32J de interruptores Ethernet de alto rendimiento y controladores de red, diseñados para abordar los complejos desafíos de red de los vehículos definidos por software (SDV). Estos dispositivos, que forman parte de la plataforma NXP CoreRide, comparten un núcleo de interruptor común (NETC) con los microcontroladores y procesadores S32 de NXP, lo que permite una integración fluida y la reutilización del software.

Las características clave de la familia S32J incluyen:

  • Ancho de banda de 80 Gbps con puertos que van desde 10Mb hasta 10Gb
  • Núcleos Dual Arm® Cortex®-R52
  • Cumplimiento de la red sensible al tiempo (TSN)
  • Seguridad ASIL-D y motor de seguridad de hardware (HSE)
  • Puertos MACsec para tráfico de datos de diferentes niveles críticos

La familia S32J, combinada con la plataforma CoreRide, ofrece soluciones de red listas para la producción con software y herramientas preintegradas. Un kit de desarrollo virtual estará disponible a finales de 2024, y la solución estará disponible para OEMs y proveedores de Tier-1 en 2025.

NXP 반도체는 S32J 패밀리의 고성능 이더넷 스위치 및 네트워크 컨트롤러를 공개했습니다. 이 제품은 소프트웨어 정의 차량 (SDVs)의 복잡한 네트워킹 문제를 해결하도록 설계되었습니다. 이 장치는 NXP CoreRide 플랫폼의 일부로, NXP의 S32 마이크로컨트롤러 및 프로세서와 공통 스위치 코어(NETC)를 공유하여 원활한 통합과 소프트웨어 재사용을 가능하게 합니다.

S32J 패밀리의 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 80Gbps 대역폭, 10Mb에서 10Gb까지의 포트 제공
  • 듀얼 Arm® Cortex®-R52 코어
  • 시간에 민감한 네트워킹(TSN) 준수
  • ASIL-D 안전 및 하드웨어 보안 엔진(HSE)
  • 혼합 중요 데이터 트래픽을 위한 MACsec 포트

S32J 패밀리는 CoreRide 플랫폼과 결합되어 사전 통합된 소프트웨어 및 툴링을 갖춘 생산 등급의 네트워킹 솔루션을 제공합니다. 가상 개발 키트는 2024년 말에 제공될 예정이며, 이 솔루션은 2025년에 OEM 및 Tier-1 공급업체에게 제공될 것입니다.

NXP Semiconductors a dévoilé la famille S32J de commutateurs Ethernet haute performance et de contrôleurs de réseau, conçus pour relever les défis complexes de mise en réseau des véhicules définis par logiciel (SDVs). Ces dispositifs, faisant partie de la plateforme NXP CoreRide, partagent un cœur de commutateur commun (NETC) avec les microcontrôleurs et les processeurs S32 de NXP, permettant une intégration fluide et une réutilisation du logiciel.

Les principales caractéristiques de la famille S32J comprennent :

  • Bande passante de 80 Gbps avec des ports allant de 10Mb à 10Gb
  • Noyaux Dual Arm® Cortex®-R52
  • Conformité au réseau sensible au temps (TSN)
  • Sécurité ASIL-D et moteur de sécurité matériel (HSE)
  • Ports MACsec pour un trafic de données à importance mixte

La famille S32J, combinée à la plateforme CoreRide, offre des solutions de mise en réseau prêtes pour la production avec un logiciel et des outils pré-intégrés. Un kit de développement virtuel sera disponible d'ici la fin de 2024, la solution étant accessible aux OEM et aux fournisseurs de niveau 1 en 2025.

NXP Semiconductors hat die S32J-Familie von Hochleistungs-Ethernet-Switches und Netzwerkcontrollern vorgestellt, die entwickelt wurden, um die komplexen Netzwerkherausforderungen von softwaredefinierten Fahrzeugen (SDVs) zu bewältigen. Diese Geräte, die Teil der NXP CoreRide-Plattform sind, teilen sich einen gemeinsamen Switch-Kern (NETC) mit NXP's S32-Mikrocontrollern und Prozessoren, wodurch eine nahtlose Integration und Softwarewiederverwendung ermöglicht wird.

Wichtige Funktionen der S32J-Familie umfassen:

  • 80 Gbps Bandbreite mit Ports von 10Mb bis 10Gb
  • Dual Arm® Cortex®-R52-Kerne
  • Time-sensitive Networking (TSN) Konformität
  • ASIL-D Sicherheit und Hardware-Sicherheitseinheit (HSE)
  • MACsec-Ports für gemischt-kritischen Datenverkehr

Die S32J-Familie bietet in Kombination mit der CoreRide-Plattform Produktionsnetzwerklösungen mit vorintegrierter Software und Werkzeugen. Ein virtuelles Entwicklungskit wird bis Ende 2024 verfügbar sein, während die Lösung 2025 für OEMs und Tier-1-Zulieferer verfügbar wird.

  • Introduction of high-performance S32J Ethernet switches with 80Gbps bandwidth
  • Common switch core (NETC) shared with S32 microcontrollers for easier integration
  • Compliance with automotive TSN standards and ASIL-D safety
  • Pre-integrated software and tooling for production-grade networking solutions
  • Partnerships with leading automotive software providers for the CoreRide platform
  • Virtual development kit not available until end of 2024
  • Solution won't be available to OEMs and Tier-1 suppliers until 2025


The introduction of NXP's S32J family of Ethernet switches represents a significant advancement in automotive networking technology. This new product line offers 80Gbps bandwidth and integrates seamlessly with NXP's CoreRide platform, addressing key challenges in developing software-defined vehicles (SDVs).

The S32J family's shared switch core (NETC) with other S32 devices enables efficient software re-use and simplified network configuration. This commonality is important for reducing development complexity and costs in the automotive industry. The inclusion of dual Arm Cortex-R52 cores provides the necessary processing power for diverse vehicle architecture requirements.

Importantly, the S32J devices meet critical automotive standards, including time-sensitive networking (TSN), ASIL-D safety and hardware security features. These elements are essential for managing the complex, mixed-critical data traffic in modern vehicles. The pre-integrated software and tooling further accelerate development cycles for OEMs and Tier-1 suppliers.

NXP's launch of the S32J family positions the company strongly in the rapidly evolving automotive market. As the industry shifts towards software-defined vehicles, NXP's solution addresses a critical need for scalable and flexible networking architectures.

The CoreRide platform, enhanced by the S32J family, creates a robust ecosystem involving major players like Sonatus and TTTech Auto. This collaborative approach is likely to accelerate adoption and could potentially increase NXP's market share in the automotive semiconductor space.

The timing of this release, with availability to OEMs and Tier-1 suppliers in 2025, aligns well with the industry's transition timeline to SDVs. This strategic move could solidify NXP's position as a leader in automotive processing and networking, potentially driving long-term revenue growth and market valuation.

  • New S32J family of high-performance switches (80Gbps) share a common switch core with NXP S32 processing devices to maximize software re-use and simplify network configuration and integration 
  • Production-grade networking functions with pre-integrated software from NXP and market-leading software partners helps reduce development efforts and optimize system performance
  • NXP CoreRide networking solution, built on the S32J family, will help OEMs and Tier 1s navigate complex network challenges associated with software-defined vehicles (SDVs)

EINDHOVEN, The Netherlands, Oct. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NXP Semiconductors N.V. (NASDAQ: NXPI), the worldwide leader in automotive processing and networking, has introduced the new S32J family of high-performance Ethernet switches and network controllers.

The S32J family shares a common switch core, NXP NETC, with NXP’s latest S32 microcontrollers and processors, allowing them to operate together as one expanded virtual switch. The common networking switch core simplifies integration and software re-use with other solutions within the recently announced NXP CoreRide platform and offers OEMs more efficient and re-configurable networking choices.

The S32J provides 80Gbps bandwidth with ports ranging from 10Mb to 10Gb, and powerful dual Arm® Cortex®-R52 cores to address diverse requirements of new vehicle architectures. The S32J devices meet time-sensitive networking (TSN) automotive standards and provide robust ASIL-D safety, hardware security engine (HSE) and MACsec ports for mixed-critical data traffic.

The combination of the S32J family with the NXP CoreRide platform provides production-grade networking solutions with pre-integrated software and tooling. The solutions include a complete software enablement kit for HSE and MACsec security, TSN stacks and remote configuration and monitoring capabilities. A virtual development kit for the S32J family will be available by the end of 2024. The solution will be available to OEMs and Tier-1 suppliers in 2025.

The building blocks for SDV networks
“The transition to software-defined vehicles requires OEMs to simplify their network architectures and reduce the software and hardware integration complexity,” said Meindert van den Beld, senior vice president and general manager of in-vehicle networking at NXP. "The S32J and NXP CoreRide networking solutions provide production-ready building blocks for these new software-defined network architectures.”

NXP CoreRide Networking ecosystem voices
Dr. John Heinlein, Chief Marketing Officer at Sonatus
“Sonatus is a longstanding partner of NXP, with our combined technologies already in millions of production vehicles. This new NXP CoreRide networking solution deepens our support for vehicle networking and the NETC networking foundation across NXP products, enabling OEMs to accelerate development of more adaptable, upgradable architectures for software-defined vehicles.”

Dr. Stefan Poledna, Chief Technology Officer and Co-founder of TTTech Auto
“At TTTech Auto, we are excited about the advancements in vehicle networking solutions through NXP’s CoreRide networking platform. The integration of scalable and dynamically re-configurable network management capabilities for TSN-based, advanced Ethernet networks is crucial for the development of software-defined vehicles. TTTech's MotionWise platform complements the NXP CoreRide networking solution, delivering safe and flexible communication solutions that help OEMs and Tier-1s accelerate development cycles, enhance system reliability, and enable seamless end-to-end communication across vehicle networks.”

NXP CoreRide platform
The NXP CoreRide platform marks a major step forward in helping automakers overcome software and hardware integration barriers, while scaling development efforts for new architectures in software-defined vehicles. The platform integrates NXP’s S32 compute, networking and system power management with middleware, OSes and other software from the world’s leading automotive software providers, including Accenture ESR Labs, ArcherMind, BlackBerry QNX, Elektrobit, ETAS, Green Hills Software, Sonatus, Synopsys, TTTech Auto, Vector Informatik GmbH, and Wind River, Tier-1 suppliers like Valeo, as well as integration service providers like Foxconn.

About NXP Semiconductors
NXP Semiconductors N.V. (NASDAQ: NXPI) is the trusted partner for innovative solutions in the automotive, industrial & IoT, mobile, and communications infrastructure markets. NXP's "Brighter Together" approach combines leading-edge technology with pioneering people to develop system solutions that make the connected world better, safer, and more secure. The company has operations in more than 30 countries and posted revenue of $13.28 billion in 2023. Find out more at

NXP and the NXP logo are trademarks of NXP B.V. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved. © 2024 NXP B.V

For more information, please contact:

Americas and EuropeGreater China / Asia 
Andrea LempartMing Yue
Tel: +49 175 610 695 1Tel: +86 21 2205 2690
Email: andrea.lempart@nxp.comEmail:

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at



What is the bandwidth of NXP's new S32J family of Ethernet switches?

The S32J family of Ethernet switches provides 80Gbps bandwidth with ports ranging from 10Mb to 10Gb.

When will the S32J family be available to OEMs and Tier-1 suppliers?

The S32J family will be available to OEMs and Tier-1 suppliers in 2025.

What safety and security features does the S32J family offer?

The S32J family offers ASIL-D safety, a hardware security engine (HSE), and MACsec ports for mixed-critical data traffic.

How does the S32J family integrate with NXP's CoreRide platform?

The S32J family shares a common switch core (NETC) with NXP's S32 microcontrollers and processors, allowing seamless integration within the CoreRide platform.

What is the purpose of NXP's CoreRide platform for NXPI stock?

The CoreRide platform aims to help automakers overcome software and hardware integration barriers, potentially driving demand for NXP's automotive solutions and impacting NXPI stock performance.

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