NexPoint Highlights How United Development Funding IV (UDF IV) Financial Statements Reveal Questionable Conduct and Value Erosion Under Board of Trustees

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NexPoint Real Estate Opportunities has sent a letter to United Development Funding IV (UDF IV) shareholders, urging them to vote for board change at the upcoming Annual Meeting. The letter highlights questionable conduct by UDF IV's Board of Trustees, leading to significant value erosion. Key issues include skyrocketing impaired loans, questionable loan extensions, unhealthy loan concentration, and asset erosion from G&A expenses.

NexPoint proposes four nominees for the board: Paul S. Broaddus, Edward N. Constantino, John A. Good, and Julie Silcock. Shareholders are encouraged to use NexPoint's GREEN proxy materials to vote for change. The Annual Meeting must be held by December 31, 2024. NexPoint has set up a website,, for shareholders to receive updates about the company and the upcoming meeting.

NexPoint Real Estate Opportunities ha inviato una lettera agli azionisti di United Development Funding IV (UDF IV), esortandoli a votare per un cambiamento nel consiglio durante l'imminente Assemblea Annuale. La lettera evidenzia comportamenti preoccupanti da parte del Consiglio di Amministrazione di UDF IV, che hanno portato a un significativo erosione del valore. Tra i principali problemi ci sono prestiti in sofferenza in aumento, estensioni di prestiti dubbie, concentrazione malsana dei prestiti e erosione degli attivi a causa delle spese generali.

NexPoint propone quattro candidati per il consiglio: Paul S. Broaddus, Edward N. Constantino, John A. Good e Julie Silcock. Si incoraggiano gli azionisti a utilizzare i materiali di voto GREEN di NexPoint per sostenere il cambiamento. L'Assemblea Annuale deve tenersi entro il 31 dicembre 2024. NexPoint ha creato un sito web,, per permettere agli azionisti di ricevere aggiornamenti sulla società e sull'imminente riunione.

NexPoint Real Estate Opportunities ha enviado una carta a los accionistas de United Development Funding IV (UDF IV), instándolos a votar por un cambio en la junta durante la próxima Asamblea Anual. La carta destaca la conducta cuestionable de la Junta de Fideicomisarios de UDF IV, que ha llevado a una erosión significativa del valor. Los problemas clave incluyen el aumento de préstamos deteriorados, extensiones de préstamos dudosas, concentración de préstamos poco saludable, y erosión de activos por gastos generales.

NexPoint propone cuatro candidatos para la junta: Paul S. Broaddus, Edward N. Constantino, John A. Good y Julie Silcock. Se anima a los accionistas a utilizar los materiales de votación VERDES de NexPoint para votar por el cambio. La Asamblea Anual debe celebrarse antes del 31 de diciembre de 2024. NexPoint ha creado un sitio web,, para que los accionistas reciban actualizaciones sobre la compañía y la próxima reunión.

NexPoint 부동산 기회는 United Development Funding IV (UDF IV) 주주에게 서한을 보내어 예정된 연례 회의에서 이사회 변화에 투표할 것을 촉구했습니다. 서한에서는 UDF IV의 이사회에 의한 의문스러운 행위를 강조하며, 이는 상당한 가치 감소로 이어졌습니다. 주요 문제로는 급증하는 부실 대출, 의문스러운 대출 연장, 불건전한 대출 집중도일반 관리 비용으로 인한 자산 감소가 포함됩니다.

NexPoint는 이사회에 지원할 네 명의 후보자를 제안합니다: Paul S. Broaddus, Edward N. Constantino, John A. Good 및 Julie Silcock. 주주들은 NexPoint의 GREEN 위임장을 사용하여 변화를 위해 투표할 것을 권장합니다. 연례 회의는 2024년 12월 31일 이전에 개최해야 합니다. NexPoint는 주주들이 회사와 임박한 회의에 대한 업데이트를 받을 수 있도록 웹사이트를 마련했습니다.

NexPoint Real Estate Opportunities a envoyé une lettre aux actionnaires de United Development Funding IV (UDF IV), les encourageant à voter pour un changement au conseil lors de la prochaine Assemblée Annuelle. La lettre souligne des comportements douteux de la part du Conseil d'Administration de UDF IV, entraînant une érosion significative de la valeur. Les problèmes clés incluent l'augmentation des prêts dépréciés, des prolongations de prêts douteuses, une concentration de prêts malsaine et l'érosion des actifs due aux frais généraux.

NexPoint propose quatre candidats pour le conseil : Paul S. Broaddus, Edward N. Constantino, John A. Good et Julie Silcock. Les actionnaires sont encouragés à utiliser les matériaux de procuration VERT de NexPoint pour voter pour le changement. L'Assemblée Annuelle doit se tenir d'ici le 31 décembre 2024. NexPoint a mis en place un site web,, pour permettre aux actionnaires de recevoir des mises à jour concernant l'entreprise et la prochaine réunion.

NexPoint Real Estate Opportunities hat einen Brief an die Aktionäre von United Development Funding IV (UDF IV) gesendet und sie aufgefordert, bei der bevorstehenden Hauptversammlung für eine Veränderung im Vorstand zu stimmen. Der Brief hebt bedenkliche Verhaltensweisen des Vorstands von UDF IV hervor, die zu einer signifikanten Wertminderung geführt haben. Zu den wichtigsten Problemen gehören steigende notleidende Kredite, fragwürdige Kreditverlängerungen, ungesunde Kreditkonzentration und Vermögensminderung durch allgemeine Verwaltungsaufwendungen.

NexPoint schlägt vier Kandidaten für den Vorstand vor: Paul S. Broaddus, Edward N. Constantino, John A. Good und Julie Silcock. Die Aktionäre werden ermutigt, die GRÜNEN Vollmachtsunterlagen von NexPoint zu verwenden, um für Veränderungen zu stimmen. Die Hauptversammlung muss bis zum 31. Dezember 2024 abgehalten werden. NexPoint hat eine Website,, eingerichtet, damit die Aktionäre Informationen über das Unternehmen und die bevorstehende Sitzung erhalten können.

  • None.
  • UDF IV's financial statements reveal questionable conduct by the Board of Trustees
  • Significant value erosion for shareholders
  • Skyrocketing impaired loans
  • Questionable loan extensions
  • Unhealthy loan concentration to one borrower
  • Asset erosion from G&A expenses
  • Misleading statements by the company

UDF IV's financial statements reveal significant red flags that should concern investors. The skyrocketing impaired loans suggest deteriorating asset quality, while questionable loan extensions may be masking deeper financial issues. The unhealthy loan concentration to a single borrower exposes the REIT to heightened risk. Moreover, the asset erosion from G&A expenses indicates inefficient management of shareholder resources.

These factors collectively point to poor governance and potential mismanagement by the current Board of Trustees. The proposed board change by NexPoint could bring fresh oversight and potentially stem the value erosion. However, investors should carefully consider the motivations behind NexPoint's push for change and assess whether their nominees can effectively address these complex issues.

The allegations raised by NexPoint highlight serious governance concerns at UDF IV. The Board's apparent failure to address impaired loans, questionable loan practices and excessive G&A expenses suggests a potential breach of fiduciary duty. The concentration of loans to a single borrower raises questions about risk management and oversight.

Shareholders should be particularly concerned about misleading statements, which, if proven, could indicate a lack of transparency and accountability. The proposed board change offers an opportunity for improved governance and enhanced shareholder value. However, shareholders must scrutinize the qualifications and independence of NexPoint's nominees to ensure they can effectively address these issues and act in the best interests of all stakeholders.

The financial issues highlighted by NexPoint are atypical for a well-managed REIT. The high level of impaired loans and questionable loan extensions suggest potential problems with UDF IV's underwriting standards and risk management practices. The concentration of loans to a single borrower is particularly concerning, as it deviates from industry best practices for diversification.

The erosion of assets due to G&A expenses indicates inefficient operations, which is important for REITs that should prioritize maximizing shareholder returns. These issues collectively point to a need for strategic overhaul and improved management. While board changes can be disruptive, in this case, they may be necessary to realign the REIT with shareholder interests and industry standards. Shareholders should carefully evaluate the proposed nominees' experience in REIT management and turnaround strategies.

Urges Shareholders to Vote for Board Change by Supporting NexPoint Nominees

DALLAS, Sept. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- NexPoint Real Estate Opportunities, LLC (together with its affiliates "NexPoint") announced today that it has sent a letter to fellow shareholders of United Development Funding IV ("UDF IV" or the "Company"), a real estate investment trust, ahead of the Company's upcoming Annual Meeting of Shareholders, which must be held on or before December 31, 2024.

NexPoint's letter details how UDF IV's financial statements reveal questionable conduct by the Board of Trustees, leading to significant value erosion. The letter highlights UDF IV's skyrocketing impaired loans, questionable loan extensions, unhealthy loan concentration to one borrower, asset erosion from G&A expenses, and misleading statements. NexPoint urges shareholders to vote for change by supporting NexPoint nominees Paul S. Broaddus, Edward N. Constantino, John A. Good, and Julie Silcock.

Shareholders can read the full letter here.

While UDF IV has not announced its Annual Meeting date, shareholders can vote TODAY using NexPoint's GREEN proxy materials to enact long overdue change and elect Trustees who will work for all shareholders to maximize value at UDF IV.

NexPoint encourages shareholders to visit and complete the contact form to receive ongoing updates about the Company and the upcoming Annual Meeting.

Shareholders can also contact NexPoint via email at

About NexPoint

NexPoint Real Estate Opportunities, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of NexPoint Diversified Real Estate Trust, Inc. (NYSE: NXDT), an affiliate of NexPoint Advisors, L.P. 

NexPoint Advisors, L.P. is an SEC-registered adviser on the NexPoint alternative investment platform. It serves as the adviser to a suite of funds and investment vehicles, including a closed-end fund, interval fund, business development company, and various real estate vehicles. For more information visit


NexPoint Real Estate Opportunities, LLC ("NexPoint") intends to deliver a proxy statement with respect to its solicitation of proxies for nominees to be elected to the United Development Funding IV ("UDF IV") Board of Trustees at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of UDF IV. The date for the Annual Meeting has not yet been set and NexPoint is not soliciting proxies at this time.  INVESTORS AND SECURITY HOLDERS ARE URGED TO READ THE NEXPOINT PROXY STATEMENT (INCLUDING ANY AMENDMENTS OR SUPPLEMENTS THERETO) WHEN AVAILABLE IN ITS ENTIRETY BECAUSE IT WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT ANY SOLICITATION. Copies of the documents will be made available free of charge from NexPoint by accessing the website

NexPoint, its affiliates, their directors and executive officers and other members of management and employees may be participants (collectively "Participants") in the solicitation of proxies by NexPoint. Information about NexPoint's nominees to the UDF IV Board of Trustees and information regarding the direct or indirect interests in UDF IV, by security holdings or otherwise, of NexPoint, the other Participants and NexPoint's nominees will be available in the proxy statement.  NexPoint's disclosure of any security holdings will be based on information made available to NexPoint by such Participants and nominees. UDF IV is no longer subject to the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Consequently, NexPoint's knowledge of significant security holders of UDF IV and as to UDF IV itself is limited.


UDF IV Investor Contacts
Chuck Garske / Jeremy Provost / Theo Caminiti (Okapi Partners):
Phone: (212) 297-0720

For Additional Information/Updates on UDF IV

Media Contacts
Lucy Bannon (NexPoint):
Paul Caminiti/Pamela Greene (Reevemark):

NexPoint Investor Relations 
Kristen Thomas:

Cision View original content:

SOURCE NexPoint Advisors, L.P.


When is UDF IV's Annual Meeting of Shareholders scheduled?

UDF IV's Annual Meeting of Shareholders must be held on or before December 31, 2024, but the exact date has not been announced yet.

Who are NexPoint's nominees for UDF IV's Board of Trustees?

NexPoint's nominees for UDF IV's Board of Trustees are Paul S. Broaddus, Edward N. Constantino, John A. Good, and Julie Silcock.

What issues has NexPoint identified in UDF IV's financial statements?

NexPoint has identified several issues in UDF IV's financial statements, including skyrocketing impaired loans, questionable loan extensions, unhealthy loan concentration to one borrower, asset erosion from G&A expenses, and misleading statements.

How can shareholders vote for NexPoint's proposed changes at UDF IV?

Shareholders can vote for NexPoint's proposed changes using the GREEN proxy materials provided by NexPoint.

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REIT - Diversified
Real Estate Investment Trusts
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