Where's the Best Deal on the Block?® Launches Dynamic Map Layers to Help Homebuyers Find It and So Much More

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Tags® has launched dynamic map layers, a new set of map-based search features that allow homebuyers to visualize hyperlocal insights and broader neighborhood trends. These layers provide real-time visualizations of property data and neighborhood insights, helping users answer questions like 'Is this house the best deal on the street?' and 'Where can I find the newest homes in a neighborhood?'

The new feature offers a unique zoom and pan experience, with color shading representing aggregated data that adjusts dynamically as users zoom in or out. Users can apply different map layers to access unique® econometric data, including market hotness, home estimates, lot size, year built, and more.

According to a recent survey, 71% of real estate website/app users believe more visual or map-based features could help them learn more about properties and compare homes more easily. The dynamic map layers aim to revolutionize how people search for homes online, providing an interactive and easy-to-understand way to make informed decisions.® ha lanciato strati mappa dinamici, una nuova serie di funzionalità di ricerca basate su mappe che consentono agli acquirenti di visualizzare approfondimenti iperlocali e tendenze più ampie del quartiere. Questi strati offrono visualizzazioni in tempo reale dei dati immobiliari e delle informazioni sul quartiere, aiutando gli utenti a rispondere a domande come 'Questa casa è il miglior affare sulla strada?' e 'Dove posso trovare le case più nuove in un quartiere?'

La nuova funzionalità offre un'esperienza unica di zoom e panoramica, con sfumature di colore che rappresentano dati aggregati che si adattano dinamicamente mentre gli utenti eseguono lo zoom in o out. Gli utenti possono applicare diversi strati mappa per accedere a dati econometrici unici di®, inclusi calore di mercato, stime delle case, dimensioni dei lotti, anno di costruzione e altro.

Secondo un recente sondaggio, il 71% degli utenti di siti/app immobiliari crede che caratteristiche più visive o basate su mappe potrebbero aiutarli a conoscere meglio le proprietà e a confrontare più facilmente le case. Gli strati mappa dinamici mirano a rivoluzionare il modo in cui le persone cercano case online, offrendo un modo interattivo e facile da comprendere per prendere decisioni informate.® ha lanzado capas de mapa dinámicas, un nuevo conjunto de funciones de búsqueda basadas en mapas que permiten a los compradores de vivienda visualizar datos locales y tendencias más amplias del vecindario. Estas capas proporcionan visualizaciones en tiempo real de datos inmobiliarios e información del vecindario, ayudando a los usuarios a responder preguntas como '¿Es esta casa la mejor oferta en la calle?' y '¿Dónde puedo encontrar las casas más nuevas en un vecindario?'

La nueva función ofrece una experiencia única de desplazamiento y zoom, con sombreado de colores que representa datos agregados que se ajustan dinámicamente a medida que los usuarios hacen zoom. Los usuarios pueden aplicar diferentes capas de mapa para acceder a datos econométricos exclusivos de®, incluidos la temperatura del mercado, estimaciones de casas, tamaño de lotes, año de construcción y más.

Según una encuesta reciente, el 71% de los usuarios de sitios/apps inmobiliarios creen que características más visuales o basadas en mapas podrían ayudarles a aprender más sobre propiedades y comparar casas más fácilmente. Las capas de mapa dinámicas tienen como objetivo revolucionar la forma en que las personas buscan casas en línea, proporcionando una forma interactiva y fácil de entender para tomar decisiones informadas.®는 동적 맵 레이어를 출시했습니다. 이는 주택 구매자들이 지역 통찰력과 더 넓은 이웃 트렌드를 시각화할 수 있는 새로운 맵 기반 검색 기능입니다. 이러한 레이어는 부동산 데이터와 이웃 정보의 실시간 시각화를 제공하여 사용자가 '이 집이 이 거리에서 최적의 거래인가?' 및 '이웃에서 가장 최신 주택을 어디서 찾을 수 있나요?'와 같은 질문에 답하는 데 도움을 줍니다.

새로운 기능은 고유한 확대 및 이동 경험을 제공하며, 색상 음영이 집계된 데이터를 나타내고 사용자가 확대하거나 축소할 때 동적으로 조정됩니다. 사용자는 다양한 맵 레이어를 적용하여®의 독특한 경제학적 데이터에 접근할 수 있습니다. 여기에는 시장 활동도, 주택 추정치, 대지 크기, 건축 연도 등이 포함됩니다.

최근 조사에 따르면, 부동산 웹사이트/앱 사용자 중 71%가 더 많은 시각적 또는 맵 기반 기능이 속성을 더 잘 이해하고 주택을 더 쉽게 비교하는 데 도움이 될 수 있다고 믿고 있습니다. 동적 맵 레이어는 사람들이 온라인으로 집을 검색하는 방식을 혁신할 목적으로, 정보에 기반하여 결정할 수 있는 인터랙티브하고 이해하기 쉬운 방법을 제공합니다.® a lancé des couches de carte dynamiques, un nouvel ensemble de fonctionnalités de recherche basées sur des cartes permettant aux acheteurs de visualiser des informations hyperlocales et des tendances de quartier plus larges. Ces couches offrent des visualisations en temps réel des données immobilières et des informations sur le quartier, aidant les utilisateurs à répondre à des questions telles que 'Cette maison est-elle la meilleure affaire de la rue ?' et 'Où puis-je trouver les maisons les plus récentes dans un quartier ?'

La nouvelle fonctionnalité propose une expérience unique de zoom et de panoramique, avec des nuances de couleur représentant des données agrégées qui s'ajustent dynamiquement lorsque les utilisateurs zooment. Les utilisateurs peuvent appliquer différentes couches de cartes pour accéder à des données économétriques uniques de®, y compris la chaleur du marché, les estimations de logement, la taille des parcelles, l'année de construction, et plus encore.

Selon une enquête récente, 71% des utilisateurs de sites/apps immobiliers estiment que des fonctionnalités plus visuelles ou basées sur des cartes pourraient les aider à mieux comprendre les propriétés et à comparer les maisons plus facilement. Les couches de carte dynamiques visent à révolutionner la manière dont les gens recherchent des maisons en ligne, offrant une manière interactive et facile à comprendre pour prendre des décisions éclairées.® hat dynamische Kartenebenen eingeführt, ein neues Set von kartengestützten Suchfunktionen, das es Hauskäufern ermöglicht, hyperlokale Einblicke und breitere Nachbarschaftstrends zu visualisieren. Diese Ebenen bieten Echtzeitvisualisierungen von Immobilien-Daten und Nachbarschaftsinformationen und helfen Nutzern bei Fragen wie 'Ist dieses Haus das beste Angebot in der Straße?' und 'Wo finde ich die neuesten Häuser in einem Viertel?'

Die neue Funktion bietet ein einzigartiges Zoom- und Pan-Erlebnis, wobei Farbschattierungen aggregierte Daten darstellen, die sich dynamisch anpassen, während die Nutzer herein- oder herauszoomen. Nutzer können verschiedene Kartenebenen anwenden, um auf einzigartige econometrische Daten von® zuzugreifen, darunter Marktaktivität, Hauspreise, Grundstücksgröße, Baujahr und mehr.

Laut einer aktuellen Umfrage glauben 71% der Nutzer von Immobilien-Websites/Apps, dass mehr visuelle oder kartengestützte Funktionen ihnen helfen könnten, mehr über Immobilien zu erfahren und Häuser leichter zu vergleichen. Die dynamischen Kartenebenen sollen revolutionieren, wie Menschen online nach Häusern suchen, indem sie eine interaktive und leicht verständliche Möglichkeit bieten, informierte Entscheidungen zu treffen.

  • Launch of innovative dynamic map layers feature to enhance home search experience
  • Provides real-time visualizations of property data and neighborhood insights
  • Offers unique zoom and pan experience with adjustable color shading
  • Includes access to exclusive® econometric data
  • 71% of real estate website/app users believe more visual features could help in home search
  • None.


The launch of dynamic map layers by® represents a significant innovation in the online real estate search experience. This feature addresses a important need in the market, as evidenced by the survey showing 71% of users desire more visual or map-based features. The new functionality allows buyers to visualize complex data easily, potentially increasing user engagement and satisfaction on the platform.

From a business perspective, this enhancement could strengthen®'s competitive position against other real estate platforms. By offering unique insights like "market hotness" and detailed property comparisons, they're differentiating their service in a crowded market. This could lead to increased user retention and potentially higher ad revenue or premium subscriptions.

For News Corp (NWSA), which owns®, this development could positively impact their digital real estate services segment. If successful, it may drive more traffic to the site, potentially increasing the value of their digital real estate assets. However, the actual impact on NWSA's stock will depend on user adoption rates and whether this translates into measurable financial gains in the coming quarters.

The dynamic map layers feature represents a significant technological advancement in real estate search functionality. By leveraging data visualization techniques and real-time data processing,® is pushing the boundaries of what's possible in online property search.

Key technical aspects include:

  • Dynamic data aggregation that adjusts based on zoom levels
  • Integration of multiple data sources (e.g., property data, market trends, econometric data)
  • Real-time visualization of complex datasets
  • Interactive user interface allowing seamless exploration

This level of interactivity and data-rich visualization could set a new standard for real estate platforms. It also demonstrates®'s commitment to leveraging technology to enhance user experience. The challenge will be maintaining system performance and data accuracy at scale, especially during peak usage times.

If successful, this feature could drive increased user engagement and potentially lead to more accurate property valuations and market insights, benefiting both buyers and sellers.

Homebuyers can now visualize hyperlocal insights and broader neighborhood trends to find their perfect home

SANTA CLARA, Calif., Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today,® announced the launch of dynamic map layers, a set of new map-based search features that allow users to answer classic home-buying questions like "Is this house the best deal on the street?" and "Where can I find the newest homes in a neighborhood?" or "Where are houses selling for a lower price per sqft.?" Now, users can explore multiple ZIP codes and neighborhoods with one quick glance and use this information to find the home they want.

Dynamic map layers deliver a unique zoom and pan experience that shows real-time visualizations of property data and neighborhood insights all in one map. When applied, each layer illustrates search parameters through color shading that represents aggregated data including market trends for a specific area. The shading dynamically adjusts to the property level as the user zooms in, and gets broader as they zoom out, adapting to highlight different data at each zoom level. Users can apply different map layers and access unique® econometric data, like market hotness, to find the best home options based on what they're looking for.

"Do you remember when you bought your first smartphone and how it completely changed how you use a phone? Dynamic map layers are going to change how people search for homes online," said Mausam Bhatt, Chief Product and Technology Officer,®. "They are an entirely new pathway to home discovery that allows buyers to answer their most pressing questions with a look at a map. They present data in an interactive way that is easy to use, easy to understand, and easy to make the most informed decisions with – so users can confidently choose the place they call home."

Seventy-one percent of real estate website/app users think that more visual or map-based features could help them learn more about properties and compare homes more easily, according to a recent survey conducted by®. Ninety percent stated they would value being able to search for "home size" and "home value" via a map on a real estate search sites.

Whether it's someone with a limited budget searching for the best buy in a specific area; a buyer who wants to understand the market competition of a home in order to make the best offer; or, a buyer who is comparing multiple neighborhoods so they can decide where to invest,® users can dive deeper and explore homes with the following layer options:

  • Home Estimate - the home's current estimated value, powered by RealEstimatesm
  • Estimate/ sqft. - the home's current estimate total value divided by its total square footage, powered by RealEstimatesm
  • Lot Size - the property's parcel size as measured in acres
  • Lot Slope - the property parcel's average lot slope
  • Home Size - the size of the home measured in sqft.
  • Year Built - the year the home was built
  • Market Hotness - an index from 1-100 (very cool to very hot) indicating how quickly homes sell and the level of buyer demand
  • Sold Price vs. List Price - the sold price shown as a percentage of the original list price (based on properties sold in the last year)
  • Sold Price/ sqft. - the home's most recent sale price divided by its total square footage
  • Days on Market - the time it takes properties to sell (based on properties sold in the last year)
  • Neighborhood - display neighborhood boundaries and access details on the number of homes on the market, the median number of days homes spend on the market and the median list price within a neighborhood

Dynamic map layers offer unparalleled data visualization with dynamic zoom and pan functionality. By using these layers, users can get an equally holistic and granular view of a home's characteristics and a neighborhood's attributes.

About®® is an open real estate marketplace built for everyone.® pioneered the world of digital real estate more than 25 years ago. Today, through its website and mobile apps,® is a trusted guide for consumers, empowering more people to find their way home by breaking down barriers, helping them make the right connections, and creating confidence through expert insights and guidance. For professionals,® is a trusted partner for business growth, offering consumer connections and branding solutions that help them succeed in today's on-demand world.® is operated by News Corp [Nasdaq: NWS, NWSA] [ASX: NWS, NWSLV] subsidiary Move, Inc. For more information, visit®.

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Asees Singh

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What are the new dynamic map layers introduced by has introduced dynamic map layers, which are map-based search features that provide real-time visualizations of property data and neighborhood insights. These layers help homebuyers answer questions about home values, market trends, and neighborhood characteristics through color-coded maps that adjust dynamically as users zoom in or out.

How do's dynamic map layers benefit homebuyers?

The dynamic map layers benefit homebuyers by allowing them to visualize hyperlocal insights and broader neighborhood trends. Users can explore multiple ZIP codes and neighborhoods at a glance, compare homes more easily, and access unique econometric data like market hotness. This helps buyers make more informed decisions when searching for their perfect home.

What types of data can users access through's dynamic map layers?

Users can access various types of data through's dynamic map layers, including home estimates, price per square foot, lot size, lot slope, home size, year built, market hotness, sold price vs. list price, days on market, and neighborhood boundaries. This data is presented through color-coded visualizations that adjust based on the user's zoom level.

How many real estate website users think visual features could help in home search?

According to a recent survey conducted by, 71% of real estate website/app users believe that more visual or map-based features could help them learn more about properties and compare homes more easily. Additionally, 90% stated they would value being able to search for 'home size' and 'home value' via a map on real estate search sites.

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